I get messages from people all the time asking me how I became a writer (for Medium, for my own blog, and other outlets), so I figured I’d write about it. As you’ll see, becoming a writer is easy. Getting paid to write things is also easy. Getting paid $100K/year to write things?
That’s harder. While this article will tell you how to become a 6-figure writer in 12 months, it can’t show you that final step that’s up to your employer or your clients, who will have their processes and requirements for paying high rates.
What this article can do is show you how to develop the right skills and experience so that you end up on the path toward higher paychecks!
Takeaways |
1. Explore the path of becoming a successful writer. |
2. Discover strategies to achieve a six-figure income within a year. |
3. Learn about effective writing techniques and tips. |
4. Understand the importance of consistent effort and dedication. |
5. Gain insights into the writing industry and potential opportunities. |
6. Consider ways to stand out and market yourself as a writer. |
7. Embrace continuous learning and improvement in your writing skills. |
8. Recognize the value of setting clear goals and managing your writing career proactively. |
9. Explore various writing niches and their income potential. |
10. Prepare for challenges and be adaptable in your writing journey. |
Write With A Purpose And A Plan
To become a writer and earn six figures, you must first write with a purpose and plan.
Writing with purpose is the most important thing to do before starting your book. As we know, there are two types of writers: those who write for money and those who don’t.
If you want to be one of the few that writes for money, then you must have a purpose in mind when writing your book or articles.
This can be as simple as wanting an extra $50K per year or more like wanting $1 million per year from your writing business so that you can retire early without worrying about working again.
To begin writing with purpose:
- Write down why this particular topic is important to people right now (e.g., how will it help them make more money?).
- Write down how many people are interested in learning more about this topic (e.g., over 20 million adults).
- Write down what type of content would benefit these readers most (e.g., blog posts that teach them how they can start their own business).
Are you intrigued by the idea of making a lucrative income through writing? Discover the secrets of becoming a copywriter and how you can earn six figures within the next twelve months.
Start TODAY – Even If You’re Not Ready
Most people, when they start writing, don’t know what to write about. They often wait until they have a perfect idea in mind before starting.
But the truth is: there is no perfect idea. You can always find an angle to approach an existing topic that improves your chances of success. And if you don’t have a topic, start with the one that you like and research it until you find something interesting or new to say about it!
Start Writing For Free – Print Your Articles And Keep Them
If you’re looking for a place to get your feet wet and get some practice, there are many options. You can write for a local newspaper. You could start a blog or website and publish your articles there as well.
You could offer to write essays or book reviews or product descriptions in exchange for free products or services that relate to the topic of your writing.
There are also many ways to publish your work on the web without actually having an audience:
Publishing articles in newsletters can be helpful because they may not be seen by many people yet still allow you to practice writing content with an audience in mind (and provide another source of passive income).
Writing magazine articles is similar – it allows writers to develop their style while providing them with valuable feedback from editors who have been working with other writers for years (and will know what works).
If you’re looking for something more ambitious, consider publishing books! Many first-time authors make very little money off their books initially but this doesn’t matter if they keep writing until their sales build up over time into six figures per year…
Transitioning into a full-time freelance writing career is an achievable goal. Learn how one writer managed to turn spare time into a successful venture: Becoming a Full-Time Freelance Writer.
Write Daily And Set Writing Goals
You have to write every day. Set a goal for yourself, but do not worry about how much you write or what others think of it.
Writing is like exercise the more you do it the stronger you will become and the better you will do it. It’s important to set deadlines for yourself so that you can finish something before the deadline arrives (like writing a book in 30 days).
When I write my books I usually set myself a goal of 2,000 words per day, but if I’m not feeling motivated.
Then I’ll only write 500 words or so instead of 2,000 words or more as long as I still feel like getting something done by the end of my workday at 9 pm when all my family members are sleeping upstairs from me.
Don’t worry about making mistakes while writing; they are part of learning how to become better at whatever art form we’re trying our hand at mastering!
Set Yourself Up As An Expert – Give Away Free Info
By giving away free info, you attract readers. You get people to like you. Your list grows. Your credibility is improved, and your reputation becomes stronger as a result of being an expert in whatever it is you are writing about.
You have probably heard of the adage that people will be more likely to buy from someone they know, like, and trust than from someone they don’t know or don’t believe in.
That is why authors need to build their brand by connecting with their audience through blogs.
Social media platforms and other online outlets so that when they release new books or products later down the road–the audience already knows what they stand for and how much credibility they have as writers/speakers/experts.
Create A Publishing Schedule – Don’t Be Late!
To be successful, you need to create a publishing schedule. If you don’t write on time, you could very well find yourself with nothing to publish and no money coming in. This is especially true if you are working on a project that requires multiple books (like a series).
Let’s say that your target audience wants new content once a month. Then they want it again two weeks later, and then two more weeks later on the same day of each month until the book/series is done.
So if you start at the beginning of January 2019 with an idea for writing four books in this series about something specific (let’s call it “space”).
Your goal would be to publish them at least every 2 weeks after their initial release date or have enough material ready beforehand so that people can see them all before hitting the end date at year’s end.
This means if someone reads Book 1 from January through April 27th – which would be 7 days from now – they should see Book 2 published by March 11th; if they read Book 2 from March 12th through May 25th – another 7 days hence.
Then Book 3 should come out April 10th; after reading those two books over another 7 days starting May 26th through July 1st (or thereabouts), then we’d expect our final installment The Last Adventure From Space! To Come Out On June 14th And End Our Series With A Bang!
Ready to take charge of your writing journey? Discover essential steps to start a freelance writing business from scratch and pave your way to success in the world of writing.
Read Books On Writing To Improve Your Style
Reading books on writing is an excellent way to improve your style and skills. As a writer, you should always be learning new techniques and methods that can help you become a better writer. If reading isn’t something you enjoy, it may seem like a daunting task.
But try using audiobooks when driving or working out at the gym; this way, the information will go into your brain without taking up too much of your valuable time!
Take Classes And Attend Seminars To Improve Your Skills
There are many ways to improve your skills, from taking classes and attending seminars to finding mentors. People who are good at something know that they have to constantly train their brains to stay on top of things.
If you want to become a writer, then you need to keep up with the latest trends and methods by learning as much as possible about your craft. This way, you can create better content for your audience and increase your chances of earning six figures in the next 12 months!
Your Goal Is To Use Writing To Leverage Your Time
The goal of writing is to leverage your time. In other words, you want to do something that will create a positive outcome while using as little time as possible.
We can use this concept as a framework for our goals:
Writing for free helps build your reputation. If you’re just starting or looking to break into the industry.
Writing for blogs will help you gain exposure and develop relationships with editors who may hire you later on. It’s also a great way to hone your skills and show off those chops in an interview!
Writing for money allows you to build your bank account (and potentially quit your day job). When I started writing full-time in 2007 at age 24 and moved from New York City, where I’d lived all my life, back home in San Francisco with my parents/roommates.
So I could afford rent on my terms ($700 per month), it felt like an amazing accomplishment even though all my friends were still working their 9-to-$5 grinds at movie studios or tech companies nearby.
At least one person told me during that time that it was impossible “because there’s no money in blogging.”
Nowadays some bloggers make six figures per year based on affiliate sales alone that are not counting ad revenue or book royalties! That person was wrong; there is plenty of money available if someone wants it badly enough… which brings us back around again…
Navigating the world of niche blogging and article writing? Gain valuable insights from the experiences of others with the lessons learned from writing articles for a niche blog.
Learn How To Write Sales Copy And Make Sales Letters
Once you’ve got your book written and edited, it’s time to start marketing it. No matter how amazing your book is, if no one knows about it, no one will buy it. That’s why we’re going to teach you how to make sales letters that convert leads into customers.
Sales letters are a great way for companies and individuals alike to drive traffic back to their websites or social media pages where they can sell products and services directly through email campaigns or content offers like blog posts on their websites (for example).
The most important thing here is that the sales letter should be written in such a way that people want what comes next.
This means the copy needs some sort of call-to-action at its end so readers can buy whatever product or service they were introduced to earlier on in the piece itself!
Learn How To Write Short Ebooks That Sell Extremely Well On The Internet
To write short ebooks that sell extremely well, you need to learn the exact formula that I use.
What is an ebook? An ebook is a digital product that you can publish on the Internet and make money from. Ebooks are often written in PDF format and sold online through websites like Gumroad or Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP).
These websites are both free to join, but KDP offers more advantages for your book sales than Gumroad does at this point.
Ebooks are different from print books because they don’t have any physical form; instead of printing pages onto paper, you create and send files when someone purchases your book on one of these platforms.
Get A Mentor Who Can Give You The Best Advice On Working With Editors And Publishers
If you want to be a successful writer, it’s important to find someone who has been in your shoes and succeeded. You want to learn from their mistakes, successes, and experience. A mentor can help you avoid common pitfalls that often occur when working with editors or publishers. They can also give you invaluable advice on how to get the best deal possible on your next book proposal or novel manuscript.
Realize That Everyone Starts At The Same Level, No Matter What Their Background Or Experience Is
You’re not alone. You might have been told that you can only be a writer if you go to college or get an advanced degree in some area of writing, but this simply isn’t true.
The first thing to realize when beginning your writing career is that everyone starts at the same level, no matter what their background or experience is. If you are willing to put in the time and effort necessary, there is nothing stopping anyone from becoming successful as a writer.
Don’t be afraid to ask questions and don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it! It’s okay if someone asks for help with something; in fact, most writers will probably encourage others who are just starting themselves because it makes them feel like they’re making progress too!
Seeking advice to enhance your writing journey and achieve success? Dive into practical wisdom and insights from an experienced writer’s perspective: Advice on Becoming a Successful Writer.
Find Out What Sells And What Doesn’t In Terms Of Books, Articles, Special Reports, And E-Books
If you want to be a writer, the first thing you need to do is find out what sells and what doesn’t. Why? Because this will help you determine the best way for your publishing business to succeed.
One of the best ways to figure out what sells is by reading books on how to write sales copy.
By learning how people make money with their writing, you can learn skills that will help you sell more books yourself or at least make sure that your book has every chance of success in today’s market.
You can also find websites where experts share their expertise on topics like this one: www.thewritersedgegroup.com
Another important thing writers need to consider is how much time they have available for writing new material or updating existing content on their websites or blogs (or other promotional venues).
If someone wants his or her work published quickly but finds himself overwhelmed with other responsibilities.
Such as working full-time while also raising kids full-time then maybe it should wait until after those things get done first before moving forward with any sort of plan involving publishing more works online etcetera. . .
The final takeaway is that you can do this! You can become a full-time writer, or at least earn some extra income doing what you love. It’s hard work, but it is rewarding and profitable.
We hope our tips were helpful to you. Now go write something, anything; just put pen to paper and start creating!
Further Reading
Here are some additional resources that you might find useful for further exploration:
How to Become a Copywriter: Discover expert insights and advice on the path to becoming a successful copywriter.
Make a Six-Figure Income as a Freelance Writer: Learn strategies and tips to achieve a substantial income as a freelance writer.
Become a Freelance Writer: Delve into the world of freelance writing and get guidance on building a successful career.
How can I become a copywriter?
Becoming a copywriter involves developing strong writing skills, understanding marketing principles, and creating persuasive content that drives action.
What are the benefits of making a six-figure income as a freelance writer?
Earning a six-figure income as a freelance writer can provide financial stability, flexibility in work, and the ability to choose projects that align with your interests.
What steps should I take to become a successful freelance writer?
To succeed as a freelance writer, focus on building a strong portfolio, networking with clients and other writers, and continuously improving your writing skills.
What are some key strategies for becoming a freelance writer?
Key strategies include selecting a niche, building a professional online presence, and consistently delivering high-quality work to clients.
How can I transition from a regular job to a freelance writing career?
Transitioning to a freelance writing career requires careful planning, including building a financial cushion, creating a solid business plan, and gradually building your client base.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.