How Generation Z Will Change The Freelance Industry

Welcome, Gen Z: the first truly post-millennial generation born between the mid 1990s and the early 2000s. As our youngest millennials head into their late 20s and early 30s, Generation Z is entering the workforce with a bang. 

It’s estimated that by 2020, Gen Z will make up 40 percent of all consumers in America. And just as they’ve changed education (goodbye, traditional classrooms; hello, iPads).

So will they change our workplaces forecasts show that more than half of Gen Z wants to freelance rather than work full-time jobs for companies or corporations. 

This attitude has been shaped by the rise of millennial freelancers: According to Upwork’s 2019 Freelancing in America report, 35% of millennials have already taken a freelance job at some point in their careers. 

Along with their expectations for workplace flexibility and freedom from office life, this generation also brings unique experiences that will alter how we think about hiring freelancers forever. 

Because every generation is unique, it’s important to understand what makes each one different from its predecessors especially when it comes to hiring a freelancer for your company or project. 

We’ll explore seven critical things you should know about Generation Z workers to future-proof your business and help you hire better freelancers who deliver top results now and in the decades ahead.

How Generation Z Will Change The World According To Experts
1. Generation Z is expected to have a significant impact on the freelance industry, shaping its future trends and dynamics.
2. The preferences and values of Generation Z, such as flexibility, purpose-driven work, and work-life balance, will influence how freelancing evolves.
3. Technology will play a crucial role in facilitating the freelance work of Generation Z, enabling remote collaboration, online platforms, and digital marketing.
4. Generation Z’s inclination towards side hustles and diverse income streams will reshape the traditional concept of employment, promoting a gig economy mindset.
5. Companies and freelancers alike need to adapt to the changing expectations and demands of Generation Z, embracing inclusivity, sustainability, and new ways of working.

Gen Z Will Lead The Way In New Industries

Gen Z is the first generation to grow up with the internet and social media. Gen Z is also the first generation that had smartphones from an early age. 

This means Gen Z has been exposed to new ways of doing things since they were young, and they’ve adopted these new ways into their everyday life.

The internet is changing the way we do business in so many ways, that it’s hard to keep track! And if you’re not keeping up with how these changes are affecting your business, then you might be missing out on some great opportunities!

If you’re passionate about writing and interested in the agricultural industry, learn how to become a freelance writer in this field. Our guide on becoming a freelance writer in the agricultural industry provides valuable insights and tips to get started.

Gen Z Seeks Support And Clarity

Gen Z is a generation that craves clarity. They want to know what their goals are, how they can achieve them, and what’s expected of them in the meantime. They want to know what their manager thinks of them and how they can improve in the eyes of their supervisor. 

This need for support and structure may not seem like a big deal at first glance; however, this desire has major ramifications in both traditional workplaces as well as freelancing jobs.

Gen Z is famous for being self-starters who have high levels of self-discipline and motivation which might explain why many Gen Zers are eager to work by themselves on a freelance basis.

Or be independent contractors instead of taking full-time jobs with companies because they don’t want anyone telling them what to do (unless it’s the boss). 

Because of this preference for independence from others’ opinions or suggestions about their work ethic, those in charge must be careful not to infringe upon an employee’s autonomy by giving too much direction.

Or making unnecessary comments on how things should be done instead of allowing them room within which they can flourish while still achieving results that benefit both parties involved.

The Relationship Between Staff And Employer Will Change

Your staff will be more transparent. They’ll expect to know how the company is performing and how their tasks impact the bottom line. This means you’ll need to provide regular updates on projects, budgeting, and other financial matters.

Your staff will want more flexibility in their work schedule (and vacations). Generation Z is used to having everything at their fingertips, from entertainment to education.

So they’re no longer content with a 9-5 schedule or rigid vacation policies that require months of advance notice before taking time off.

And because Generation Z grew up with smartphones and texting as primary forms of communication.

They value being able to communicate on the go which means you may find yourself fielding texts from employees who are out sick or on vacation at any given time of day or night (if you haven’t already).

For employers who embrace these changes instead of resisting them, there are great benefits: better morale among your employees; higher productivity; higher retention rates; greater loyalty among those employees who choose not to leave after finding new jobs elsewhere; 

More creativity when tackling challenges together as teams because they feel valued by management which leads them to feel empowered rather than disempowered which encourages risk-taking behavior…you get the picture 🙂

Gen Z Wants To Be Challenged

A study by the Center for Generational Kinetics found that Gen Z is “more ambitious than previous generations.” They want to learn new things and challenge themselves in their work, which is good news for freelancers who can offer this kind of experience.

Gen Z also wants an employer or agency to provide them with a development plan and a salary that matches the value they bring to the table. 

If you’re looking for someone who isn’t afraid to take risks, there’s nothing better than a 20-something who has been given a chance to grow their skillset and make an impact within your company.

Are you skilled in SEO and want to explore freelance opportunities in the tourism industry? Discover how to become a freelance SEO expert in this sector. Our comprehensive guide on becoming a freelance SEO expert in the tourism industry will help you navigate this exciting field.

Gen Z May Not Stay At One Company For An Entire Career

Gen Z indeed has a higher turnover rate than previous generations. This is partly because they are used to working in a digital world where they have more opportunities. 

They also have less loyalty to one company and would rather explore different types of jobs and industries while they are young since they know it will be easier for them to switch later on in life.

Gen Z has also been exposed to technology at an early age, meaning they’re more tech-savvy than older generations which means that Gen Z may be more likely than other generations (including Millennials) to use technology when looking for work or applying for jobs online.

Gen Z Will Change The Way We Think About Hiring Forever

We’re used to thinking of millennials as digital natives, but Gen Z is the first generation to grow up with social media, smartphones, and the internet. 

They’re also the first generation born in a world where gig workers are becoming more common. All of this means that Gen Z will change how we think about hiring forever!

Gen Z Wants To Build A Personal Brand

Gen Z is made up of people born between 1995 and 2010, which means that they’re a little older than millennials. You might have heard of them being called “at-homers” or “screenagers.” This is because they grew up with the internet, and their lives revolve around it they use social media sites like Twitter and Instagram more than any other age group.

Nowadays, Gen Zers want to build a personal brand that includes:

  • their skills and talents (for example, playing guitar)
  • their personality (for example, being funny)
  • their work (for example, designing websites)

It’s Important To Maintain Regular Contact With Generation Z Freelancers

It’s important to maintain regular contact with Generation Z freelancers. They’re not likely to just wait around for updates they want to be aware of their contribution to the project and how their work fits into the bigger picture. 

They also want to know if there are any issues on your end that might cause problems for them or delay their payment or milestone completion.

Additionally, Generation Z freelancers expect ongoing feedback so they know how they’re doing and if there’s something, in particular, you’d like them to focus on next time around. This is especially true if it’s a one-off project where you’ll never use this person again!

Outdated Recruitment Methods Won’t Work With Gen Z Workers

If you want to recruit Gen Z talent, you need to know how their job search tactics differ from those of previous generations.

Gen Zers are more likely to use social media for their job search than any other generation. They’re also more likely to be open about the type of work they want and the terms under which they’ll accept a freelance gig, whether it’s listed on a platform or marketplace. 

And yes, some may even have experience using these platforms as consumers before using them professionally!

In a down economy, freelancing can offer unique opportunities for architects and design consultants. Learn from personal experiences in our article on how I became a freelance architect and design consultant during challenging times. Gain inspiration and valuable insights to thrive in this industry.

Brands Need To Become More Inclusive If They Want To Attract Top Gen Z Talent

The fact is, if you want to attract top Gen Z talent, you need to be more inclusive. This generation wants to feel like they are part of something bigger than themselves. 

They want to make a difference in the world and they want to be included in the decision-making process that affects their career path. Gen Z also strives for new experiences and challenges regularly; something as simple as sitting at a desk all day doesn’t excite them.

If you’re looking for top-tier talent from this demographic but don’t have the time or resources for an internship program, consider bringing them on board full-time with an independent contractor agreement (IC). 

I don’t require benefits or vacation days and enable companies who aren’t ready for full-time employees.

Yet still, need high-quality work done by those who are eager for professional experience outside of school or college programs and can do it from anywhere with internet access!

Companies Need To Listen To Their Youngest Workers

In the world of work, Gen Z is reshaping the way we do business. From a young age, they have grown up with the internet and social media, which makes them more likely to be influenced by online buzz than older generations. 

They also tend to look up to their friends more than people in previous generations have done in the past and older generations are less likely to follow along with that trend. 

Finally, Gen Zers are more likely than other generations before them (including Millennials) to take direction from family members when it comes time for career decisions: they look at where their parents went for careers when deciding what path they’ll take themselves.

If you want your company or organization to thrive in today’s economy and beyond you must listen closely whenever someone from Generation Z speaks up about how their world has changed over time.

Technology Can Help Generation Z Succeed As Freelancers

Technology can help Generation Z succeed as freelancers. They don’t have to be tied down to an office, or a specific time and place. Instead, they can work from anywhere and at any time that works for their schedule. 

This is especially true with the advent of smartphones, which makes it easy for them to get work done on the go.

If you’re looking for a freelance writer or designer who’s not afraid of using technology to their advantage, then look no further than our Gen Z writers and designers! We’ve got plenty in stock right now—just check out our website!

Discover how Generation Z is set to revolutionize the freelance industry. Dive into our insightful article on how Generation Z will change the freelance industry to understand the emerging trends and the impact of this dynamic generation on the freelance workforce.

Quality Of Life Is Important For Generation Z Freelancers

Generation Z is more flexible than previous generations in terms of work-life balance. They may want to work from home, or they may need the option to work from a coffee shop when their kids are sick and they can’t get out of the house. 

Generation Z freelancers want flexibility in their schedule so that they can spend time with family members, go on vacation with friends, or take care of personal errands without having to request time off.

Generation Z Is Highly Driven By Purpose, Not Just Money Or Recognition

When you think about what drives Generation Z, who are the people that come to mind? How about [insert names of Gen Z influencers here]? There’s a good chance those names will be familiar to you. 

But while these people are certainly part of the larger Generation Z population, they’re just a small segment of it. Here’s what else defines this generation:

They want purpose. According to a recent survey by LinkedIn, Gen Z wants companies that “are focused on social responsibility” and “believe in giving back.” 

One-third of all respondents said that they would choose their next job based on how much social good can be done with it and another third said they would consider doing so if it was an option.

Generation Z Wants Flexibility And Freedom In Their Schedules

As they enter the workforce, Gen Z employees will be looking for jobs with flexible schedules and ample opportunities to work remotely. If you’re a freelancer who works from home, this is great news!

While some workplaces frown upon remote work, Gen Z is more likely than previous generations to want the freedom of being able to work when it suits them. 

This can be good or bad: If your job requires you to be in an office by 9 am every day of the week (which many do), your clients might not be as excited about hiring you. 

On the other hand, if your freelance business thrives on flexibility and freedom from traditional working hours (like mine does!), then this generation could prove a boon for your business.

Freelancers are reshaping the way we work and challenging traditional employment models. Learn about the rise of freelancers and the transformative work they’re doing in various industries. Explore our article on the rise of the freelancers and the work they’re changing for valuable insights into the evolving landscape of freelance work.


We’ve learned that Generation Z is a group of people who want to change the world for the better and be paid well for it, too. 

They don’t need to be in an office environment to feel like they’re doing something meaningful with their life, but that doesn’t mean employers can treat them any less seriously than someone who is. 

Companies will have to invest in training these workers so they feel prepared while working remotely or freelance work, as well as ensure they’re still being given opportunities for growth within their career path.

Further Reading

Freelancing: The Newest Trend Among Gen Z: Discover how freelancing has become a popular trend among Generation Z, the reasons behind their inclination towards freelance work, and the opportunities it presents.

4 Ways Gen Z Will Change Company Culture: Learn about the specific ways Generation Z is expected to influence and reshape company culture, including their unique preferences, values, and expectations.

The Rise of the Gen Z Side Hustle: Explore the growing trend of side hustles among Generation Z and how they are leveraging their skills and interests to pursue additional income and gain valuable experiences.


What are the benefits of freelancing for Generation Z?

Freelancing offers various benefits for Generation Z, including flexibility in work schedules, the ability to work on diverse projects, gaining valuable skills and experiences, and the potential for higher income and career advancement.

How does Generation Z contribute to changing company culture?

Generation Z brings unique perspectives and expectations to the workplace, challenging traditional hierarchies and promoting a more inclusive and collaborative company culture. They value diversity, work-life balance, and technological advancements in the workplace.

What are some popular side hustles for Generation Z?

Some popular side hustles among Generation Z include freelance writing, graphic design, social media management, online tutoring, e-commerce ventures, and content creation on platforms like YouTube and TikTok.

How does Generation Z balance freelancing with other commitments?

Generation Z often excels at balancing multiple commitments by leveraging technology, prioritizing time management skills, and using flexible work arrangements. They are adept at integrating freelancing into their academic pursuits, part-time jobs, or other personal and professional responsibilities.

How can Generation Z overcome challenges in the freelance industry?

Generation Z can overcome challenges in the freelance industry by continuously upgrading their skills, building a strong professional network, adapting to changing market demands, seeking mentorship, and leveraging online platforms and tools for project management, marketing, and client acquisition.