How Freelancing Is Changing The Face Of Remote Work

It’s been a big year for the future of work. The sudden arrival of COVID-19 has forced millions of people to adapt to remote work and learning. 

For many, it’s their first time doing so. But for freelancers, remote working is business as usual.

Freelancers have been working from home for decades, and in recent years. 

There has been a notable increase in the number of freelancers who are taking their careers fully remote by ditching the commute altogether, living abroad full-time, or constantly pursuing travel opportunities around the world.

Freelance Work Adapting to Remote Post-Pandemic World
1. Increased Flexibility: Freelancing allows individuals to work remotely and set their own schedules, providing greater flexibility in managing their work-life balance.
2. Global Workforce: Freelancing has enabled businesses to tap into a global pool of talent, breaking down geographical barriers and facilitating collaboration across borders.
3. Economic Opportunities: Freelancing has created economic opportunities for individuals by offering a platform to monetize their skills and expertise, regardless of their location.
4. Diversification of Income: Freelancers can diversify their income streams by working on multiple projects simultaneously or taking on clients from different industries, reducing reliance on a single employer.
5. Transformation of Traditional Employment: The rise of freelancing has challenged the traditional employment model, prompting companies to reconsider their workforce strategies and adapt to the changing landscape.

Remote Freelancing Is On The Rise

It only makes sense that the number of remote freelancers is rising. After all, more and more people are looking for ways to earn money on their terms. 

And the freelance market has been growing rapidly as a result, with an estimated 20 million Americans working as freelancers in 2017 alone.

This growth isn’t limited to traditional freelancers either; remote workers have seen an even greater increase in numbers over the last few years than those who work from home or office environments (though this may be due in part to changing definitions). 

It’s clear that remote freelancing is becoming an increasingly viable way for people to make money and it seems like this trend will only continue!

The future of work lies in freelancing, where individuals have the flexibility to create their own career paths and achieve financial independence. Learn more about the potential of freelancing in our article on Freelancing: The Future of Work and discover how this rapidly growing trend is reshaping the employment landscape.

Remote Has Become A Way Of Life For Many Freelancers

Freelancing is a part of many people’s lives. It’s not just something you do for fun after work, but it’s a way of life for some people.

What does this mean for the remote work industry? Well, it means that freelancers don’t have to be in an office to be productive! 

They can be anywhere and still get their work done. For example, if your boss asks you to take down notes at a meeting with your co-workers. 

Instead of being stuck in one place while they discuss what they need from you as well as other company issues that won’t affect your ability to complete tasks effectively (because let’s face it: 

Sometimes meetings can drag on forever), why not head over to Starbucks instead? 

You’ll still get all the information necessary about upcoming projects without having distractions around every corner. 

Or feeling obligated by being physically present at all times you’ll be able to focus better on getting things done rather than worrying about how long the meeting is taking place!

The Majority Of Remote Freelancers Are Men

If you’re a woman, you probably know that it’s not easy to find remote work. You can try applying to jobs on remote job boards, but it’s going to take time and persistence.

The majority of remote freelancers are men. In fact, according to Upwork’s latest report on freelancing trends, 72% of all freelancers in the United States are men (and 28% are women). 

This is likely because men have been historically more comfortable with working from home or remotely than their female counterparts.

Remote Freelancers Have A Wide Range Of Backgrounds

The world of remote freelancing is a vast one, and it’s changing the way people think about working. There are many ways to break into the industry and make money. 

As more and more jobs move online, there has been a rise in the number of freelancers who can work from anywhere at any time.

The most common way people get started with freelance work is by starting small; they might do some translation or editing on the side while they build up their client base. 

Once you have a few clients and see how things are going for yourself, it’s easy to encourage others to join in on your adventure!

Are you hesitant to create an Upwork account? Don’t miss out on the countless opportunities this platform offers to freelancers. Check out our insightful post on Why You Shouldn’t Hesitate to Create an Upwork Account Now to uncover the benefits of joining this thriving freelance marketplace and take the first step towards expanding your professional network.

Most Remote Freelancers Have Been Doing It For Less Than 5 Years

The nature of freelancing is such that it can be extremely easy to get started. The barrier to entry is low, and there are many resources available to help you get started. 

There are also many ways in which you can find work quickly and easily, from online platforms like Upwork and Freelancer to your portfolio website.

If you’re looking for a niche or community within remote freelancing, then this section has something for everyone!

Freelancing Allows People To Save Money

Here are some of the ways you can save money as a freelancer:

You won’t have to commute. If you spend money on gas or public transportation, this will be a big saving.

You won’t need office space or supplies. If your employer gives you an office, likely, they’ll also pay for its upkeep and equipment, like printers and computers. 

As a freelancer, though, you don’t have this luxury but it doesn’t matter because there are plenty of easy ways to get around it! 

For example, many companies use Google Drive for their file storage needs so why not just work from home and use theirs? 

Or if you need more storage space than what’s offered by Google Drive (about 15GB per user).

Then look into services such as Dropbox which offer competitive plans starting at about $10 per month for 1TB worth of data storage capacity (and no cap on how much data each user can store).

You won’t have any health insurance costs since these benefits are only offered by large employers who hire full-time employees under their company banner rather than contract workers through staffing agencies. 

Which means there’s less overhead involved when paying out those benefits checks each month whereas small businesses usually don’t offer them at all so they’re left out in the cold when trying desperately. 

Avoid being laid off due to budgetary constraints brought on by inflationary pressures caused by rising fuel prices due largely due primarily due largely thanks largely

Freelancers Are Saving Money, Not Just Making More Money

With the rise of freelancing, a new group of workers has emerged: the remote workforce. 

Remote workers are gaining popularity because they can work from anywhere and don’t have to commute to an office every day.

However, being your boss comes with its own set of challenges. 

Freelancers have many expenses that standard employees don’t have from office supplies and equipment to training programs and continuing education courses. 

These costs add up quickly when you consider that freelancers are typically self-employed with no employer benefits or insurance plans (unless they choose to purchase them).

Embarking on a journey to become a successful freelance architect requires a clear path and dedication to honing your skills. Follow our guide on The Path to Becoming a Good Freelance Architect to discover the essential steps, industry insights, and practical tips that will help you thrive in this dynamic field.

For The Majority Of Remote Freelancers, The Flexibility Outweighs The Drawbacks

Freelancing gives you the flexibility to work from home, from anywhere. You can take your laptop (and a cup of coffee) and head out to your favorite café or park bench. 

You could also work in an office on a freelance gig with coworkers who are local or virtual. Whatever best suits your needs!

The real beauty of freelancing is that you get to determine when you want/need to work and for how long each day. 

If there’s a big deadline coming up, you can put aside time early in the morning or late at night when everyone else is asleep so that no one will bother you while working on it or just take off from everything else and focus until it’s done!

No more getting stuck behind traffic leaving after 5 pm? Check! Cleaning up around the house before dinner? Done! Working on projects for clients remotely instead? Yes, please!

Freelance Work Allows People To Follow Their Passions

Freelance work allows people to follow their passions. 

There’s a lot of research out there that shows how important it is to be doing something you’re passionate about to be happy and successful. 

But as a freelancer, you’re able to set up your schedule and use your skills in the most impactful way possible. 

If this means taking on projects that are interesting and fun for you or working with clients who share similar values or goals as yourself, then there’s simply no better option than becoming a freelance worker.

Freelancers Are An Optimistic Bunch!

One of the many benefits of being a freelancer is that you’re more optimistic than your non-freelance counterparts. 

A study conducted on over 2,000 Americans found that freelancers were significantly more likely than those who work for employers to agree with statements like “I am optimistic about my future.” 

This optimism can be seen across all age groups, as well as regardless of educational background or income level.

In addition to having an overall positive outlook on life, freelancers are also able to enjoy the benefits of living in a flexible working environment that allows them freedom from rigid schedules and tasks. 

They have time for themselves after meeting deadlines; they can choose their hours and even days off if they want!

Remote Work Has Allowed Many To Pursue A Personal Passion That Doubled As A Business Idea

I’ve talked to a lot of people who have turned their passions into businesses, and they all seem to agree on one thing: the best way to make money from your passion is by helping others become better at it.

A perfect example is my friend Jen. She loves working out and being healthy, so she created an online course called “The Bodyweight Athlete” where she teaches others how to get in shape using just their body weight. 

She has a full-time job as well, but she makes even more money from her online courses than from her day job!

Another friend of mine quit his day job after realizing he had a knack for making music videos (something he did in his spare time). 

Now he charges clients thousands of dollars per video and has built up such a reputation that some celebrities are asking him for help with their projects!

The face of remote work is undergoing a dramatic transformation, largely influenced by the rise of freelancing. Explore our in-depth article on How Freelancing Is Changing the Face of Remote Work to gain valuable insights into the evolving landscape of remote employment, the benefits it brings, and the opportunities it presents for professionals worldwide.

Being Your Boss Doesn’t Mean You Always Make All Your Own Decisions

You can make your own decisions, but you don’t always have to make your own rules.

As a freelancer, you have complete control over how much time and energy you put into each project. 

You’re not beholden to the demands of an office environment or corporate hierarchy; that means no more having to go through layers of approval just to get something done. 

You’re also free from having tasks assigned according to someone else’s priorities you decide what gets done today and how much time it deserves.

However, being your boss doesn’t mean that all decisions are up to you (and if they were, well…that could be a problem). 

There are still boundaries set by clients who pay for our services as well as other factors out of our control like legal requirements or industry standards.

People Are Attracted To Remote Freelance Work For Multiple Reasons

You might be thinking, “What if I’m a little self-conscious about working with so many people?”

Don’t worry. You’re not alone. This is one of the biggest reasons why people love remote freelance work: it allows them to work in their underwear or even naked! 

The freedom of working from home and being able to do whatever you want is an incredibly attractive prospect for many professionals today.

To succeed as a freelancer, mastering essential skills is crucial. Whether you’re a writer, designer, or developer, our comprehensive guide on Skills Every Freelancer Should Master will equip you with the knowledge and expertise needed to thrive in the competitive freelance market. Enhance your skill set and elevate your freelancing career with our valuable insights and practical advice.


Freelancers make up a huge chunk of today’s workforce, and that number is only growing. 

There are many advantages to this trend, but there is also a lot to consider for employers who are hiring freelancers or even considering becoming self-employed themselves. 

This article has covered some of the important points when it comes to freelancing as well as how it will impact both businesses and individuals in the future. 

While there may not be one clear answer on whether working remotely is better than traditional employment, we hope that by reading through these pros and cons you will have more information available so can decide what is right for yourself and your company.

Further Reading

The Corner Office: Hayden Brown of Upwork on the Future of Freelancing: Gain insights from an interview with Hayden Brown, CEO of Upwork, as she shares her perspective on the future of freelancing and the evolving landscape of remote work.

How and Why the Freelance Workforce Is Setting New Records: Explore the latest trends and records being set by the freelance workforce, uncovering the reasons behind the rapid growth of this industry and its impact on the future of work.

What Is Remote Work?: Understand the concept and benefits of remote work, learn about different remote work setups, and discover how this flexible work arrangement is transforming the traditional office-based work environment.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why Would I Want To Freelance?

There are many reasons why people choose to work as freelancers. They might be looking for a flexible schedule (or more time at home). 

But they also may want the opportunity to specialize in something that doesn’t fit within the corporate mold. 

Many freelancers find that working with multiple clients allows them to build up specific skills and connections in areas like design, writing, or development.

How Can I Get Started Freelancing?

If you’re ready to start freelancing, there are two main ways: by building your client list or by going through an agency that connects freelancers with companies looking for their expertise. 

You’ll need to set up your website and profile page with information about your experience and skill set so that potential clients can easily find you when they need help with projects that match what you offer.

How Does Freelancing Work?

You will be matched with a client based on your profile and skills. All you have to do is complete the project!

How Did Freelancing Become So Popular?

More and more people are becoming interested in freelancing because it allows them to make money without having to sacrifice their time and energy at the office. 

It gives them the ability to work from home or wherever they want without any restrictions placed upon them by their employer.

How Do I Get Started?

There are a few different ways to get started with freelancing. You can start by writing an article or blog post on the subject you know best. 

Once you have enough experience under your belt, you may find yourself getting paid by companies to write content for them or even helping them with their social media accounts! 

Alternatively, if you have expertise in another field, such as web design or SEO optimization, you can sign up with agencies that specialize in hiring freelancers for certain jobs.

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