How Do Freelancers Feel About Their Work? 

If you’ve ever dreamed of becoming a freelancer, here’s your chance to learn from the experts. In this piece, we outline what it’s like for freelancers to work for themselves in today’s market. 

We asked them about the struggles and successes they’ve encountered along the way, offering a glimpse into life as a freelancer from those who know it best: fellow freelancers.

This is How Pro Freelancers Work! – YouTube
1. Freelancers experience a range of emotions in their work.
2. Positive feelings, such as autonomy and flexibility, are common among freelancers.
3. Negative feelings, such as isolation and uncertainty, can also arise in freelance work.
4. Building a strong support system can help freelancers navigate emotional challenges.
5. Understanding and managing emotions is crucial for maintaining overall well-being as a freelancer.

Table of Contents

82% Of Freelancers Are Confident In Their Abilities To Succeed As A Freelancer

If you’re a freelancer, it’s likely that one of the things on your mind is how confident you are about your abilities to succeed in this career.

The Freelancers Union just released results from a survey about how freelancers feel about their work. The good news is that 82% of them are confident in their abilities to succeed as a freelancer! This number has risen from 77% last year and 69% two years ago (those numbers are also included below).

Tracking key metrics is essential for freelancers to maintain consistent growth and success in their work. Learn about the 20 crucial metrics every freelancer should monitor in our comprehensive guide on The Consistent Freelancer.

74% Of Freelancers Believe They Made The Right Decision When Leaving Their Traditional Job

When it comes to freelancing, several factors can make or break your experience. First, it’s important to know if freelancing is right for your career stage. If you want something more stable, maybe a full-time job is the way for you. 

A lot of people also think about how much money they would be making as a freelancer. But, really what matters is how much time and energy it takes each week versus being in an office environment.

The pros and cons of freelance life can vary greatly depending on who you ask. Some of the benefits include flexibility with scheduling, and decreased stress levels thanks to fewer office politics, and overbearing bosses (or coworkers). 

And freedom from commuting which saves time otherwise spent driving around town or packing up lunch before heading out at 9 AM every weekday morning like clockwork regardless of whether or not anything needs doing! 

And then there’s no dress code: You could wear pajamas all day long if you wanted!

50% Of Freelancers Have A Side Hustle Outside Their Contracts.

You might be surprised to learn that 50% of freelancers have a side hustle outside their contracts. The most popular side hustles are real estate (18%), eCommerce (16%), and consulting (13%).

As you can see, these are all businesses that take time and require skill sets other than writing or design. They’re also not the only types of business you can start with a small amount of capital there are many more options!

The moral of this story isn’t that everyone should go out and create their own business; rather, it’s that having your self-directed income gives you flexibility in how you choose to spend your time, which means more freedom in life overall.

70% Of Full-Time Freelancers Feel More Fulfilled Working As A Freelancer Than In A Traditional Job

Freelancers are happier than ever. According to a recent report by Upwork, 70% of full-time freelancers feel more fulfilled working as a freelancer than in a traditional job. Compare that to 64% of part-time freelancers and 50% of full-time freelancers in 2017, and it’s clear that the gig economy is bringing us closer to the work we love and the life we enjoy.

So why are so many people becoming independent contractors? For many, it’s because they want more flexibility over their hours, projects, location, or even career path. 

We see this, especially with Gen Z the generation born between 1995 and 2009 who grew up using technology for everything from studying for tests to applying for jobs; now they’re looking for employers who understand that flexible work arrangements are important to them (and will help attract top talent).

Freelancing offers unique insights and lessons that only those in the field can truly understand. Discover the secrets and wisdom gained from firsthand experience as a freelancer in our enlightening article on Secrets I’ve Learned From Being a Freelancer.

66% Of Part-Time Freelancers Feel More Fulfilled Working As A Freelancer Than In A Traditional Job

Freelancer works for themselves, rather than directly for an employer.

A “traditional job” is a position that has an employer-employee relationship and offers benefits like health insurance.

Fulfilled means satisfied with your life, but you can also be fulfilled in other ways besides your career for example if you have a fulfilling personal life or hobbies.

Measuring fulfillment is a tricky business because it’s hard to quantify what makes someone happy. 

If someone asks you how happy they are on a scale of 1 to 10, would 2 mean that they’re happier than 1? What about 3? Are there only certain numbers that indicate happiness? Or could there be any number between 0 and 10 or even beyond it and still be considered happy?

68% Of Full-Time Freelancers Feel Less Stressed Working As A Freelancer Than In A Traditional Job

The ability to choose their hours is the key factor that reduces stress for most full-time freelancers. More than two-thirds (68%) of freelancers feel less stressed working as a freelancer than they did in previous jobs.

When asked what factors contribute to this reduced stress, respondents cited the flexibility to choose which projects they take on (56%), being their boss (53%), and having the ability to take time off when needed (52%). 

One respondent noted that “the stress comes from not knowing how much money will come in each month or what bills need paying.”

64% Of Part-Time Freelancers Feel Less Stressed Working As A Freelancer Than In A Traditional Job

Part-time freelancers are much more likely to feel less stressed than their full-time counterparts. This could be attributed to the fact that part-time freelancers have more control over their time and don’t have to commute. 

As a result, they can spend more time with their families, do things they enjoy, and work on projects that interest them. It’s also possible that working from home and wearing pajamas is more relaxing than commuting every day to an office.

79% Of Full-Time Freelancers Say That Being Happy In Their Personal Life

This is a major reason why people are choosing to become full-time freelancers. Having the ability to have a better personal life is one of the most important factors for succeeding as a full-time freelance worker.

If you’re thinking about working as a freelancer, you must make sure that your work/life balance is good, otherwise, it can be difficult to succeed. You need to have a positive mindset and be happy to live your best life possible!

Remember that happiness isn’t always just about money or material things; it’s more than that! It’s having an open mind and being content with where you’re at in life right now.

Are you making progress in your freelance career? Look out for these 15 positive signs that indicate you’re on the right track towards a successful freelancing journey. Explore our article on 15 Signs You’re on Your Way to a Successful Freelancing Career to assess your freelance growth.

69% Of Part-Time Freelancers Say That Being Happy In Their Personal Life Is The Most Important Factor For Succeeding As A Part-Time Freelance Worker

Our survey asked freelancers to rate the importance of a series of factors that contribute to their overall success as independent workers. The most important factor was happiness in their personal life, with 69% saying it’s very or extremely important. 

Just over half also said that having strong ties with friends and family is crucial for their success as part-time freelancers, while just under half said the same about having a good reputation.

Why is this so important? Because being happy in your personal life will give you more energy for work, which can help you succeed at what you do. If you’re stressed out about something at home but go to work anyway, chances are your productivity will suffer. 

This isn’t just true for freelancers we see this all the time on our platform: people who are stressed out from work have less energy left over to spend on themselves and their families outside of work (which often leads to more stress). 

But if there’s not much going on outside of work either because they don’t have any friends or family nearby or because they’ve been spending all their extra time at home trying to make ends meet financially then guess what happens? You guessed right: even more stress!

67% Of Full-Time Freelancers Identify Themselves As Happier Now That They Are Working Independently

Perhaps the biggest benefit of freelancing is that it can make you happier. According to the Freelancers’ Union, 67% of full-time freelancers identify themselves as happier now that they are working independently. 

So, if you’re looking to improve your life and overall wellbeing, consider becoming a freelancer! Here are some ways that can help:

Focus on yourself – When working for someone else, it’s easy to get caught up in their needs and lose sight of what’s important in your life. As a freelancer, you’re responsible for all aspects of your work (and anything related). 

This means that you have more control over how much or little time you dedicate towards things like exercise or eating healthy food. 

Don’t let anyone tell you how to live your life! Instead, focus on doing things that feel right for YOU – whatever makes YOU happy will be good enough because there will always be something else out there waiting just around the corner anyway 🙂

Transitioning from a corporate job to becoming a consultant can be a game-changer for your career. Learn the essential steps, tips, and considerations involved in making a successful switch by reading our comprehensive guide on How To: Switching From Corporate to Consultant.

60% Of Part-Time Freelancers Identify Themselves As Happier Now That They Are Working Independently

In today’s modern world, it is more important than ever to be happy with your life. You may have heard the expression that “happiness is a journey, not a destination,” and this rings true for freelancers as well. 

60% of part-time freelancers identified themselves as happier now that they are working independently. This may not surprise you if you’ve ever considered becoming a freelance writer or photographer: after all, being able to choose your hours and work from home sounds pretty ideal!

But what does happiness mean for a freelancer? We asked over 100 writers from our community about their experiences to understand how they feel about their work and their personal lives outside of it.

77% Of Full-Time Freelance Workers Would Encourage Others To Pursue Freelance Work If They Were Considering It

Freelancing may not be for everyone, but it certainly is an option to consider. When asked if they would encourage others to pursue freelance work, 77% of full-time freelancers said yes.

The reason for this is simple: freelancers are happier than their traditional job peers. They have more flexibility in their schedules and can often choose when they work, which is great news if you don’t thrive on structure. 

It also means that you don’t have as much pressure on yourself or as many demands from your boss both things that can contribute to stress levels while working in an office environment.

Maintaining good physical and mental health is vital for freelancers to thrive in their professional endeavors. Get answers to frequently asked health-related questions and discover practical tips to prioritize your well-being in our extensive guide, The Ultimate Guide to Freelancer Health FAQs.


All in all, our research indicates that the freelance lifestyle brings plenty of benefits to people who enjoy it. And in this day and age, more and more people are choosing to work independently. 

We suspect that this trend will continue as the global workforce becomes increasingly mobile and technology makes remote work easier than ever before. As we saw from our survey results, freelancing is an ideal choice for many people, and with so many benefits, how could it not be?

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources to further explore the topic of freelancing:

Freelance Life at Work: Gain insights into the daily life and experiences of freelancers in different industries, and learn about the challenges and rewards they face along the way.

Pros and Cons of Freelancing: Understand the advantages and disadvantages of pursuing a freelance career, including the flexibility, autonomy, and potential drawbacks of freelancing.

Freelancer Tips: How to Succeed in the Gig Economy: Discover practical tips and strategies from successful freelancers to thrive in the gig economy, including advice on finding clients, managing finances, and maintaining work-life balance.


What are the benefits of freelancing?

Freelancing offers various benefits, such as flexibility in choosing projects and work hours, the ability to work from anywhere, and the potential for higher earnings based on skills and demand.

How do freelancers find clients?

Freelancers can find clients through various methods, including networking, referrals, online platforms, social media, and creating a professional website or portfolio to showcase their work.

How can freelancers manage their finances?

To effectively manage finances as a freelancer, it’s essential to track income and expenses, set aside funds for taxes, create a budget, save for emergencies, and consider working with an accountant or financial advisor.

How do freelancers handle work-life balance?

Maintaining work-life balance as a freelancer requires setting boundaries, prioritizing self-care, managing time effectively, and learning to say no to excessive workloads. Creating a schedule and separating work and personal spaces can also help.

What are the challenges of freelancing?

Freelancing comes with challenges such as inconsistent income, finding and retaining clients, self-discipline, isolation, and handling administrative tasks. Overcoming these challenges often requires perseverance, adaptability, and continuous learning.

What Are The Top 5 Benefits Of Working Independently?

Freedom: You can work when you want and where you want (as long as it’s not too noisy), which means that you can take time off easily if you’re feeling under the weather or need to run errands.

Flexibility: You get to choose your hours, so if your schedule doesn’t fit with that of other people, then there’s no problem at all! 

This also means that if life happens and something comes up unexpectedly like a family member needing care then there is always room for change in the schedule.

Work/life balance: If someone else wants to come along on an adventure or activity during their free time, then go for it! There’s no need for bosses to tell everyone else what their plans are since freelancers have complete control over their schedules. 

This gives them more opportunities as individuals outside of just writing articles/tutorials etcetera.

What Is The Best City For Freelancers?

We found that most cities were dominated by individual industries, with one notable exception: Austin, Texas. The city has been called “Silicon Hills” because it’s home to a high concentration of tech companies and software developers but it’s also home to lots of other industries (such as film production), which means that you can find work in almost any industry if you live there. 

But if you’re looking for a place where there are lots of job opportunities for your specific field, we recommend looking into New York City or Chicago (the two cities with the highest concentration of writers).

Are Freelancers Less Stressed Than Traditional Workers?

We found mixed results here: some people said they felt less stressed overall since they could choose their schedule and take breaks when needed; others said that lack of structure made them feel more stressed out than regular jobs did! 

It seems like this may depend on what kind of work you do; if your job requires long hours spent sitting at a desk working alone every day then probably not so much but if it involves constant travel around town meetings, new people, every single day then maybe yes! 

Either way, though remember that stress isn’t necessarily bad either it can give us energy when used properly!

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