Here’s Why So Many Americans Prefer the Freelance Lifestyle

In a world of increasing remote work and flexible work arrangements, many Americans are choosing to freelance. In fact, according to the Freelancers Union, more than 50 million people in the United States identify as freelancers.

But what makes the freelance lifestyle so appealing? Let’s take a look at some reasons why so many Americans choose to freelance:

Here are some of the reasons why so many Americans prefer the freelance lifestyle:

How Freelancers Find BIG Clients on LinkedIn – YouTube
1. Flexibility in work hours and location
2. Opportunity to choose clients and projects
3. Potential for higher income
4. Ability to create a work-life balance
5. Independence and autonomy in decision-making
6. Ability to pursue passion and personal interests
7. Continuous learning and skill development
8. Increased control over career trajectory
9. Embracing a dynamic and evolving work environment
10. Sense of fulfillment and satisfaction from self-employment

1. Money

The most common reason people choose to go freelance is because of money. Freelancing allows you to get paid more per hour than you would at a regular job. However, if you are not careful, it is easy to fall into financial traps or have difficulty making ends meet. This is especially true if your freelance work is not steady or consistent.

According to a recent study conducted by Payoneer, a freelancer earns an average of $21 an hour. Full-time jobs may pay more on average, but once you take into account office politics, hours spent commuting and other factors, freelancers often end up with more money in their pockets.

Building a successful freelance career is not just about skills, but also understanding the factors behind pricing. Find out why US freelancers charge higher than others and gain insights on setting your rates in our guide on why do US freelancers charge higher than others.

2. Flexibility

Another major advantage of freelancing is that it gives you flexibility in your schedule. You can choose when and where you want to work as long as get your projects done on time. Freelancers typically don’t have set schedules or mandatory meetings which means they can spend their time doing what they love instead of sitting in an office all day long! Working for yourself gives you freedom from the constraints of an employer.

3. Healthier Work-Life Balance

When you’re your own boss, you can take breaks when you need them, make sure to meet family obligations, and focus on your mental health without worrying about taking time off from work. Freelancing isn’t just about work—it’s about being a well-rounded person, which can make for a happier life overall.

4. No Office Politics

Office drama can be stifling. When you’re working on your own, you don’t have to worry about gossiping with coworkers or managers who like to play favorites. You can focus on doing what you do best instead of trying to navigate an increasingly convoluted social landscape.

5. Ability To Travel More Easily With Their Work

Freelancers can move around with their work, taking it to the local coffee shop or even halfway across the world. For those who love to travel, freelancing can be a great career choice.

The freelance landscape is evolving, and it’s changing the types of individuals who are getting hired. Discover how freelancing is reshaping the job market and opening up new opportunities in our article on how freelancing is changing the kinds of people that get hired.

6. Complete Control Over Their Career Direction

Freelancers can choose which projects they’d like to work on and whether they’d like to take on any new projects at all. They also choose their own rates, allowing them to make more money if they’re willing to take on a greater workload.

7. Greater Freedom To Choose Projects They’re Passionate About

Freelancers are able to pick projects that interest them and that fit into their long-term career goals. They don’t have to worry about being assigned an uninspiring project by an employer who doesn’t have their best interests in mind.

8. More Learning Opportunities Than Traditional Jobs

Not only do they get to work with a wider variety of clients and projects, but they also get to learn on the job. This is especially true for those starting out, who are often thrown into situations that require them to figure out new things quickly. It’s an exciting way to grow!

9. A Sense Of Independence And Control Over Their Own Destiny

They don’t have someone telling them what to do—they are their own bosses and set their own schedules. This is especially appealing to those who don’t like being told what to do by others and enjoy making their own decisions.

Are you considering freelancing on platforms like Upwork or Freelancer? Before you take the plunge, it’s important to be aware of the potential challenges. Learn more about the downsides of freelancing on these platforms in our informative post on why freelancing is terrible on Upwork and Freelancer.

10. More Time Off

Many people love having more time off than those in traditional jobs. Freelancing is usually done on your own time, so you can take breaks whenever you want (within reason). There’s no one around to tell you when or how long you need to work each day—it’s all up to you! That said, some people may still feel pressured by deadlines.

11. Build Relationships With People All Around The World

When you work for a company, your relationships are usually limited to the people in your immediate office or company headquarters. When you’re a freelancer, you can build relationships with clients from all over the world. You’ll be collaborating with people from different cultures, backgrounds, and communities—and that can be extremely rewarding.

Freelancing is no longer a niche pursuit; it’s becoming increasingly mainstream. Explore the reasons behind the growing popularity of freelancing and the benefits it offers in our insightful article on why freelancing is becoming more mainstream.

12. You Don’t Have To Commute

If you live in a major city, you probably spend way too much time commuting to the office every day. This wastes your time and energy—not to mention all the gas (or money on public transit) it takes to get to work every day! When you’re a freelancer, you can work right at home—which means you save tons of time and money by being able to work anywhere with an internet connection.

13. Freelancers Can’t Be Fired

So long as they do their jobs! When you freelance, you don’t have to worry about showing up late or getting yelled at by your boss because of a mistake your coworker made on the company’s website.

14. No More Boring Meetings! (Unless You Want Them.)

American workers are finally able to quit their jobs and run their own businesses. For most people, this means leaving behind the boss who demands that you attend pointless, mindless meetings instead of going out on your own and being your own boss.

But while this is definitely a good thing, it means you can spend more time doing what you want to do and less time doing what you don’t want to do.

Seeking guidance and resources for your freelance career? Look no further than our comprehensive guide, Why I Retired: The Only Freelance Career Guide You’ll Ever Need, where we provide valuable insights, tips, and advice to help you navigate the freelance world and achieve success.

Wrapping Up

We all have different reasons for freelancing; to some, it’s a matter of necessity, while others do it because they enjoy the freedom and flexibility that freelancing provides. By understanding these reasons beyond the basic financial benefits, you will be able to determine whether or not the freelance lifestyle is right for you.

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources and articles related to the freelance lifestyle:

Event Planners Prefer the Freelance Lifestyle: Discover why event planners are increasingly opting for the freelance lifestyle and the benefits it offers in terms of flexibility and creativity.

Why Are More Americans Choosing Freelance and Part-Time Work?: Dive into the reasons behind the growing trend of Americans opting for freelance and part-time work arrangements and the impact on the labor market.

Living the Freelance Lifestyle: Explore the personal experiences and insights of a freelancer as they share their journey and reflections on living the freelance lifestyle.

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Why So Many Americans Prefer The Freelance Lifestyle

Today’s workforce is a new breed, and they’re changing what it means to be an employee. When you think of a “modern worker,” don’t imagine a big office or even a cubicle: the modern worker has no boss, makes their own hours, and sets their own pay rate.

Why Is It So Hard For Freelancers To Find Work?

It’s not hard at all! In fact, a freelance website features hundreds of freelance opportunities every single day.

What Should I Expect When I’m First Starting Out As A Freelancer?

You’ll have a lot of decisions to make—like, who you want to work with, what kind of work you want to do, and how much you want to charge—but that’s part of the fun. You get to choose your own adventure! That’s what makes this such an awesome lifestyle. So sit back and enjoy the ride.

Why Do Freelancers Prefer It?

Freelancing is attractive to many because of its flexibility. When you work for yourself, you have the freedom to set your own hours. You can make as much money as you want. You can choose jobs that interest you and fit your skillset. And you can take time off whenever you need to.

What Are the Challenges?

The challenges are mostly related to getting started. Most of the work isn’t with clients, it’s getting clients in the first place. It’s hard to know where to look and how to get started, how much to charge, and how to protect yourself legally when you’re just starting out.

What Kinds of Jobs Can I Do as a Freelancer?

You can do almost anything! Graphic design, website development, copywriting, editing, translating, ghostwriting, marketing consulting…the list goes on and on. The best way to figure out what kind of freelancer you want to be is to ask yourself what kinds of activities interest you and which ones use your most valuable skillsets.

Is Freelancing Popular?

Short Answer: Yes, it is.

Long Answer: Currently, there are 59 million people in the United States who identify as freelancers. And that number is growing! Over the past few years, the number of people working for themselves has increased by over 300%.

What Are The Biggest Benefits Of Freelancing?

There’s freedom. You can set your own schedule and work when, where, and how you want—from the couch in your pajamas or at a coffee shop while sipping on an iced mocha (it’s still summer, after all). You can also choose who you work with, which means that if there’s somebody who rubs you the wrong way or makes you want to pull your hair out, you don’t ever have to deal with them again.

What Advice Do You Have For Someone Interested In This Field?

Do your homework! Know what kind of work you’re interested in, and then find people who are doing it. See if you can volunteer to help them out—it’s a great way to learn how to do the job yourself, and it can also help you make connections.

Can You Recommend Any Books Or Resources For Those Interested In Similar Careers?

The best resource is just going out and talking to people who are already doing the work, but if that’s not possible, I really love these freelance books. It’s a great resource for learning about the field and thinking about how to get your foot in the door.

What Are Some Of Those Perks?

First, there’s no boss! You can work where you want when you want, and how you want. Second, you get to pursue your passions and make money doing it. Third, there’s no dress code (we’ve heard of one freelancer who works in full clown makeup and costume). And fourth… well, did we mention there is no boss?

Is Freelancing Right For Me?

If you like setting your own schedule, self-motivation, and being in control of every aspect of your career, then yes! If you are the type who needs a boss to assign you tasks, prefer a set schedule and do not mind if someone else decides what projects you will be working on, then probably not.

What Is Freelancing?

Freelancing is a term that refers to working for yourself instead of for an employer. As a freelancer, you can work for multiple clients at once, or even take on employee jobs if you want to. Most people who freelance do so because they want more control over their own schedules and working environments.

Why Is Freelancing So Popular?

We live in a world where technology makes it easier than ever to connect with anyone, anywhere. Freelancing lets you take advantage of this connectivity by giving you the ability to work with companies around the globe, and at any time. You can work on your own schedule, which means you can work when you’re most productive and be available for the other parts of your life when they need you.

What Are Some Of The Challenges Associated With Freelancing?

Freelancing does require some self-discipline. You have to make sure that you’re working enough hours to cover your bills, but also not so much that you burn out and no longer enjoy what you do!

It’s also important to remember that being a freelancer means that you could go several days without getting paid; if you’re living paycheck-to-paycheck or have medical expenses or other needs that require a steady cash flow, this might not be an ideal situation for you right now.

What’s The Best Time To Start My Freelance Career?

As a freelance writer, you can start getting paid right away. You just have to be ready to hustle. After that, it’s all about hustling. It’s not a 9-to-5 job, so you have to be able to wake up whenever you want and work through the night if necessary.

Who Are The People Who Freelance?

People who freelance can be anyone from a writer to a coder, from an accountant to a graphic designer. As long as you can sell your services and have some kind of skill that other people need, you can make money freelancing.

How Can I Make More Money As A Freelancer?

The best way to make more money as a freelancer is to offer your services at higher rates than others in your field—but not too high! 

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