Here’s How To Write A News Release That Gets Published

Publicity is a powerful tool for businesses, nonprofits, and political campaigns. It allows you to get your message out to the world with minimal effort on your part. However, unless you’ve done your research and written a newsworthy release, it might not be published by a news outlet and that’s no good for anybody.

So what makes a story worthy of publication? A good starting point is knowing how journalists think about writing stories: Is there conflict? Does it have conflict resolution? Can I write this article in under 500 words? 

Does this story teach me something new about the world around us? We’ll help you answer all these questions so that your press release gets noticed by editors and can do some real work for your company or organization!

Writing in simple language

Craft attention-grabbing headlines and lead with key information.
Emphasize the unique and newsworthy aspects of your announcement.
Keep the writing concise, clear, and free from jargon.
Include quotes, statistics, and supporting details for credibility.
Create a strong opening paragraph that entices readers to continue.
Provide the essential who, what, when, where, why, and how details.
Tailor your press release to your target audience and their interests.
Use a compelling call-to-action to guide readers on the next steps.
Proofread thoroughly to eliminate errors and ensure professionalism.
Distribute through relevant channels, both traditional and digital.
Follow up and build relationships with journalists and media contacts.
Measure the impact of your press release to refine future strategies.
Incorporate feedback and learn from each press release’s performance.
Stay up-to-date with industry trends to adapt your approach accordingly.

Make Sure You Have A Compelling News Hook

A news hook is a reason to write the press release, and it can be anything that makes readers sit up and take notice. 

If you’re launching a new product, it might be your company’s size or profitability; if you’re announcing some kind of new program at an organization, it could be how many people are involved in the project; if you’re doing something charitable or philanthropic, there may be an interesting angle about how much has been raised so far.

The main thing is to think about what would make someone want to read the story and then include that tidbit in your press release so that editors will see its value right away.

Crafting press releases that guarantee an interview is an art that requires finesse. Learn how to write press releases that guarantee an interview and increase your chances of capturing media attention.

Think Like A Journalist, Not An Advertiser

Think like a journalist, not an advertiser. Journalists want to know the who, what, where, and why of any story they’re reporting on. If you can provide those basics in your news release, you’ve got a much better chance of getting your content published.

A good rule of thumb is to only write about what’s new and relevant to the reader or viewer not how awesome your company is or why they should buy something from you. 

It’s tempting as someone who works at an advertising agency that produces these things for clients all day long (including our own), but we always try not to be too promotional when writing a release because it can come across as self-absorbed and off-putting to readers who may have never heard of us before.

In general, try not being too formal or informal; too technical or wordy; too short/long; etc., and most importantly: think about what information would interest people reading it the same way journalists do when deciding which stories deserve coverage in their publications!

Make It Newsworthy

To make sure your news release is newsworthy, you’ll need to keep a few things in mind.

Is the content timely? Does it address something that’s happening right now? If so, great! The best way to keep your audience engaged is by providing them with relevant information they can use right away. Your readers are going to be more likely to pick up on the latest trends if they’re happening right now.

Is it relevant? Will readers care about this information? Make sure you include facts that are important and interesting enough for people who may not have any connection with your business or industry.

Is it interesting? Readers will only be interested in what they find genuinely compelling so make sure every sentence has some sort of value or new information for them. 

This can include statistics (like how many people have downloaded an app), comparisons between different apps (like which one is most popular among teenagers), etcetera! 

You don’t necessarily need a novel-length pitch; shorter sentences tend to work better anyway because they’re easier for readers’ brains to process quickly without feeling overwhelmed by too much text at once.”

The science behind creating press releases that get published involves a blend of strategy and creativity. Dive into the details of mastering this science with insights from The Science of Crafting Press Releases That Get Published article.

Make It Short, Simple, And Easy To Read

Remember that the purpose of a press release is to get the attention of journalists and editors, so make it short, simple, and easy to read. Keep paragraphs short (no more than three lines). Write in a simple style with short sentences and words.

When you write your news release, use language that is conversational but professional. Avoid jargon or industry-specific language unless it’s necessary for understanding what you’re saying. If you are writing about science or technology topics, avoid technical terms unless they are essential for understanding your story’s context.

When writing headlines:

Consider Adding Visuals

Adding visuals to your news release can help draw in readers and make the story more compelling. You’ll want to make sure that any images you include are relevant to the story, high quality, appropriately sized, and formatted for digital display. 

This can be as simple as running a Google Image reverse search on any photo so you know where it came from and who owns it. It’s also important to ensure that all photos have proper captions or credits identifying their sources whether those are individuals or organizations (if applicable).

Write Your Headline Before The Rest Of The Release

One of the most important parts of any press release is the headline. It’s what grabs readers’ attention and tells them what your story is about.

A good headline should be short, snappy, and relevant to both you and your target audience. If something can’t be summed up in one sentence, it’s probably too long for a headline. 

If there are too many words that only apply to specific groups of people, it might not appeal to everyone else who reads it later on down the line or online through search engines.

Also, keep in mind that reporters often look at these first so make sure yours gets their attention!

Want your press releases to do more than inform? Discover how to create press releases that generate massive traffic and turn your announcements into valuable traffic-driving tools.

Include Your Contact Details At The End Of The Press Release

This is an essential component of any news release, as it allows you to be contacted by media outlets for further information. If a reporter wants to know more about your story or its implications, they’ll be able to reach out to you directly via email or phone.

  • Include your company’s address in the first sentence of each paragraph in your news release:

By including this information up front, reporters can identify with whom else they might speak about this topic (for example, other experts) and where else they can go for quotes from other people who were involved with writing this news story (like past authors). 

Reporters will also be able to identify which organization is publishing this content so that they can verify what they’re reading with others within their organizations and if necessary give credit where it’s due!

For Best Results, Distribute Your Press Release Via A Reputable Outlet

Distributing your press release via a reputable outlet is the best way to get your story where it needs to go.

Use a newswire service, such as PRWeb or Business Wire. These services offer inexpensive packages for distribution and also provide comprehensive analytics on how many times the release was picked up by other outlets.

Use a PR firm that has experience in distributing news releases (or hire one for this purpose). Many firms specialize in helping companies distribute their press releases for free or at discounted rates, and they can help ensure that those releases are seen by relevant journalists and bloggers.

Share your story with media outlets who might be interested in covering it, including local newspapers and television stations, trade publications like Adweek or Fast Company, niche blogs focused on topics related to yours (for example “Fashionista”), etc.

Through email pitches written by you or someone else who works at your company; paying journalists who cover similar topics; influencers who have large followings across social media platforms like Instagram and Twitter; etcetera. 

Achieving results with press releases requires knowing the right techniques. A PR expert shares their insights on getting effective outcomes through results-driven press releases.

Use Proper Grammar And Style

You don’t need to be a professional writer or editor to write a news release that gets published. All you have to do is follow the rules of grammar and style, which are well established.

The first rule is that all news releases must be written in standard American English. That means they should be free of errors in spelling and punctuation. 

For example: “There” should not be used where “their” is required; “he/she” should not be used when referring to someone who could either be male or female; and contractions like “don’t” and “won’t” should not appear in formal writing (i.e., use “does not,” rather than “doesn’t”).

The second rule is that all sentences should contain no more than 20 words each, with an average sentence length of 15 words being ideal because it makes your article easier for readers to understand quickly without losing interest before reaching the end of their skim read through your piece.”

Build Credibility With Positive Quotes From Well-Respected Industry Experts That Can Influence Your Targeted Audience To Take Action

I’m sure you’ve heard this one before: “Don’t rely on a single source for your news release.”

While it’s important to get opinions from different people, don’t be afraid to include quotes in your news release if they can add credibility and make the story more interesting for readers. Now, when it comes to getting expert quotes, you need to consider three things:

The expert’s credibility is important because it helps build trust in your business or organization as well as encourages people who are considering buying from you.

It should be someone who influences your target audience. That could mean being an industry leader or having some kind of authority on the topic of your story (e.g., medical research).

The quote should be relevant to the topic at hand since having an unrelated quote will make readers lose interest fast!

Writing press releases that capture the media’s attention can be a strategic endeavor. Explore 15 secrets to crafting press releases that the media can’t resist, and watch your outreach efforts soar.

Create Links From Your Keywords To The Relevant Pages On Your Site

Creating links from your keywords to the relevant pages on your site is a great way to make sure search engines can find those pages. 

You can use anchor text in your news release as well, but it’s important to use keywords appropriately (for example: “Click here for more information about [topic]”). This will help people who are looking for information about your topic find it on your site.

Optimize Seo When Writing Press Releases For Clients By Taking A Keyword

To optimize SEO when writing press releases for clients, take a keyword and use it in the headline, first paragraph, last paragraph, the first sentence of the first paragraph, and/or first sentence of the second paragraph:

  • Headline: “[Keyword] Company Announces New Product”
  • First Paragraph: “[Keyword] [Your company name] announces its new product…”
  • Last Paragraph: “We anticipate that this [keyword] will be a big hit with consumers.”
  • First Sentence Of The First Paragraph: “Just released! A new [keyword]. It’s not just about looks! It’s about performance! Our latest innovation…”


Hopefully, this post has helped you to see how writing a news release is not as scary or difficult as it may seem. Keep in mind that your press release must be short and easy to read, but also make sure that it contains all the necessary information so journalists can find out more about your business easily. 

Also, remember to keep it interesting by including quotes from experts in your industry who can influence others’ opinions about the topic at hand.

Further Reading

Explore more resources to enhance your press release writing skills:

Press Release Template and Guide: HubSpot’s comprehensive guide and template to crafting impactful press releases.

Turning Press Releases into Engaging News Stories: Learn how to transform traditional press releases into compelling news stories that captivate your audience.

Writing an Effective Press Release: JustReachOut’s insights on creating press releases that grab attention and deliver value.


How can I make my press release stand out?

Craft an attention-grabbing headline and lead with the most important information to immediately engage readers. Use concise and compelling language that highlights the unique aspects of your announcement.

What should I include in the body of a press release?

The body should provide additional details about your announcement, including the who, what, when, where, why, and how. Use quotes, statistics, and relevant information to back up your claims and add credibility.

How do I turn a press release into a news story?

To turn a press release into a news story, focus on creating a narrative that resonates with your target audience. Highlight the human angle, showcase the impact, and provide context to make the story more relatable and engaging.

What’s the significance of a well-crafted press release?

A well-crafted press release can serve as a powerful tool for garnering media attention, building brand awareness, and driving traffic to your website. It can also establish your authority in your industry and attract potential customers.

How do I distribute my press release effectively?

Consider using online distribution services, reaching out to journalists directly, and leveraging your network to spread the word about your press release. Tailor your approach to your target audience and the outlets most likely to be interested in your announcement.