Generation Z: Why They Make Good Freelance Writers

Generation Z is known as the generation that’s most likely to take risks, feel comfortable with new technology, and be open-minded about changing their career paths. So perhaps it’s no surprise that Gen Zers are embracing freelancing in droves. 

The freelance economy has grown by a staggering 700% over the last decade, and there’s no sign of slowing down. If you’re looking to make some extra money or change up your career path, here are a few reasons why members of Generation Z make great freelance writers:

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Generation Z writers bring unique perspectives and skills to the freelance writing landscape.
Their digital proficiency and adaptability make them well-suited for the evolving freelance industry.
Generation Z writers excel at leveraging social media for self-promotion and networking.
Freelancing offers Generation Z professionals flexibility, independence, and the opportunity to explore diverse projects.
Generation Z freelancers can contribute to various industries, including writing, digital marketing, design, and software development.

They Are Open To Broadening Their Horizons

Generation Z is known for being open to new experiences and ideas. They are eager to learn, so they are likely to be open to learning new skills that will help them in the future.

This trait can also help you as a freelancer writer: while older generations may have been more set in their ways and less willing to change, Gen Zers tend to be more open minded about different kinds of work than previous generations. 

This means that if you offer them flexible freelance writing jobs with interesting opportunities, they’ll be more likely to take them on rather than stick with something traditional or boring. 

For example, some Gen Zers might want to try making money from home by working as writers for hire; 

Others might prefer earning extra cash by promoting products through social media campaigns or becoming virtual assistants who manage other people’s schedules and tasks from a distance (with very little training required).

If you’re passionate about agriculture and have a knack for writing, you can explore the exciting world of freelance writing in the agricultural industry. Learn more about how to become a freelance writer in the agricultural industry and cultivate your skills while contributing to this vital sector.

They Aren’t Afraid To Take A Risk

You’ve probably heard the phrase “You don’t know what you don’t know.” It’s a good reminder that it takes experience to gain knowledge, and sometimes we don’t know how much we need something until we’ve tried it out. 

Generation Z is no different they’re willing to try new things and take chances in their writing because they’re not afraid of failure.

They also like being innovative and unique. They don’t feel like they have to follow all the rules or write in a certain way because there are no set guidelines for being a freelance writer.

They’re Flexible In Their Chosen Career Path

If you’re a freelance writer looking for your next gig, Generation Z may be the perfect fit. They are willing to change careers if it means more money or success. They are willing to change careers if it means more job satisfaction. 

And they are willing to change careers if it means more time with family and friends, which often comes at the expense of their career ambitions and goals.

Generation Z is also known for being socially conscious they want to make sure that the work they do is positive enough that it’s worth doing in the first place! 

As a result, Generation Z cares about issues like sustainability and environmentalism, so if you write about those topics as well (and can prove that there’s an audience interested), then this generation could be very interested in hiring you as their freelance writer!

They Aren’t Content To Settle For “Okay” Jobs

Generation Z is a generation that values doing good work, meaning the type of work they do has to have some kind of positive impact. They don’t want to settle for “okay” jobs; they want to be able to look back on what they’ve done and know that it made an impact.

At its core, this desire stems from Generation Z’s strong sense of personal responsibility they feel like it’s their duty as young adults to make the world better than how their parents left it. 

And if you’re about making a difference in people’s lives with your writing, then this should be music to your ears!

Are you a wordsmith with an interest in the tourism industry? Discover the possibilities of becoming a freelance SEO expert in this thriving field. Our comprehensive guide on how to become a freelance SEO expert in the tourism industry will provide you with valuable insights and strategies to leverage your writing skills for success.

They’re Passionate About Learning New Things And Are Always On The Hunt For New Knowledge

Generation Z is always on the hunt for new knowledge, and they’re always looking for new ways to learn. 

These are the people who want to take classes in everything from creative writing to coding to singing. They want to understand how things work, so they can fix them when they break down.

They also live in an age of constant information overload a world where you can learn just about anything online with just a couple of clicks. 

Generation Z has grown up learning how to navigate these seas as if born with fins on their feet, but now that we’ve all been swimming in this ocean of data for years now.

It’s become harder than ever before for companies like yours (or even big brands) to stand out from the crowd or get noticed by potential customers online…

They’re Trying To Master A New Skill Every Week

Generation Z has a special place in their hearts (and minds) for learning new things. It’s not surprising that they’d want to spend their time honing skills, but it’s not just about the pursuit of knowledge. 

Generation Z wants to be good at what they do and they want others to notice how well they do it. They’re constantly trying to master one skill after another so that they can keep growing as individuals and be recognized by others for their skill set.

This trait has made them excellent writers: They love reading, writing, and researching; so naturally, freelance writing is right up their alley!

Some Of Them Have A Strong Sense Of Self-Identity And Want To Make A Difference In The World Around Them

You are probably wondering: how can I tell who might be a good freelancer? Well, there are plenty of ways to figure out if they’d be a good fit. For example, you should look for people who have a strong sense of self-identity and want to make a difference in the world around them. 

They may also seem more aware of the current state of the economy than other generations, as well as more informed about their career options. 

This is because many Gen Zers have had to face difficult circumstances from an early age they’ve seen their friends or family members struggle with unemployment or bankruptcy firsthand and realize that traditional careers aren’t always possible anymore.

In the rapidly evolving world of cryptocurrency, skilled writers are in high demand. If you’re intrigued by both writing and the crypto industry, check out our guide on how to become a freelance writer in the crypto currency industry to learn how you can combine your passion for writing with the exciting realm of digital currencies.

They Are Aware That The Current Economy Isn’t Ideal For Traditional Career Paths, But They Aren’t Letting That Stop Them

Generation Z is an ambitious group that knows the current economy isn’t ideal for traditional career paths. They’re aware of the challenges they’ll face, but they aren’t letting that stop them from working hard and trying to make their dreams come true.

They know that getting their foot in the door as a freelance writer is a good way to get started on their career path, no matter what happens with the economy in the future (or even if there’s another recession).

They’re Willing To Work Extremely Hard, Even If It Doesn’t Guarantee Success

One of the things that make Generation Z so attractive to freelance writers is their commitment to hard work. They have a strong work ethic, and they’re willing to put in the hours for projects that are important to them. 

The reason for this is twofold: first, Generation Z has been raised in an era where instant gratification and reward are expected; second, they’re passionate about what they do.

Generation Z wants what anyone else wants to be successful at their chosen profession or hobby. They want to make an impact on the world with their writing talents, too! 

However, because success doesn’t always come quickly or easily (especially if you’re just starting), you may find yourself working long hours on your freelance writing projects without much payback at first.

But that doesn’t mean you should stop trying! Gen Zers understand this frustration all too well and as long as there’s something worthwhile behind what they do (like helping others), they’ll keep going…and going…and going…

Generation Z writers are making a significant impact in the freelance world, and their unique perspectives and skills are highly sought after. Discover why Generation Z makes good freelance writers in our insightful article that explores the qualities and strengths this generation brings to the freelance writing landscape.

The Members Of Generation Z Are Hard-Working And Creative, Which Makes Them Excellent Freelance Writers

You could say that the members of Generation Z are hard-working and creative, which makes them excellent freelance writers.

This generation has been shaped by school shootings, the 2008 recession, and a $1 trillion student debt crisis. Because of this, they’re less likely to pursue traditional careers and more likely to choose jobs that allow flexibility in location and schedule. 

Freelance writing fits this description perfectly: you can work from anywhere in the world as long as you have an Internet connection; while you may have to be available during certain hours (usually around 9 AM and 5 PM), there’s no need for a strict day-to-day routine; 

Because freelance writing is such a flexible career choice, it doesn’t matter where you go or what kind of job security options your employer offers you’ll be able to find work easily if things don’t work out with one client or project.

The freelancer economy is reshaping the future of work, providing new opportunities and challenges. To gain a deeper understanding of this transformative phenomenon, delve into our exploration of what the freelancer economy tells us about the future of work. Discover the trends and insights that are shaping the way we work and thrive in a rapidly changing professional landscape.


We believe that Generation Z will be a great addition to the freelance world, and they will continue to incorporate new ideas into this industry. Freelance writers today need strong skills in communication, organization, and creativity, all of which are strengths for Gen Zers. 

With their drive for innovation and desire for a flexible career path, we are excited about what these young people have to offer!

Further Reading

Gen Z Career Choices: Explore the career choices that Generation Z is gravitating towards and gain insights into their aspirations and preferences in the professional world.

Nearly Half of All Gen Z and Millennial Workers Did Freelance Work This Year: Learn about the growing trend of freelance work among Gen Z and millennial workers, including the reasons behind their participation and the impact on the job market.

Gen Z Employees Want to Go Freelance: Discover why many Gen Z employees aspire to embrace freelancing as a career path and the factors driving their desire for greater flexibility and independence.


What are the key characteristics of Generation Z?

Generation Z refers to individuals born between the late 1990s and early 2010s. They are often characterized as digital natives, highly diverse, socially conscious, and adaptable to technology advancements.

Why do Generation Z writers excel in freelance work?

Generation Z writers excel in freelance work due to their strong digital skills, adaptability to new technologies, creativity, and ability to leverage social media platforms for self-promotion and networking.

How does freelancing benefit Generation Z professionals?

Freelancing offers Generation Z professionals flexibility in terms of work hours, location independence, and the opportunity to explore diverse projects. It allows them to build a versatile portfolio and develop a wide range of skills.

What industries are popular among Generation Z freelancers?

Generation Z freelancers are active in various industries, including writing and content creation, digital marketing, graphic design, software development, and e-commerce. They often gravitate towards industries that align with their interests and offer ample opportunities for remote work.

What challenges do Generation Z freelancers face?

Generation Z freelancers may face challenges such as establishing a client base, navigating the competitive freelance market, ensuring financial stability, and managing their work-life balance. Developing a strong personal brand and networking can help overcome these challenges.