Freelancing Through The Generations: From Boomers To Millennials

While “freelancer” and “gig worker” can be synonymous, freelancing has a long history that extends beyond the rise of the internet and Uber. 

Some of our most beloved writers and activists have earned their living freelancing, including Mark Twain, James Baldwin, Maya Angelou, and Susan B. Anthony. 

And while these trailblazers’ main source of income wasn’t dependent on them completing individual projects for clients as is often the case in the modern gig economy these individuals still had to hustle to attract new work. 

They were also part of a groundbreaking trend: each generation during their lifetimes saw more people working independently than those who came before them. 

In light of this trend, we asked some freelancers from different generations how they got started in their careers as independent workers and what advice they would give to others just starting out on their own:

Do Millennials blame Baby Boomers for lack of jobs? – YouTube
– Freelancing has evolved and impacted multiple generations, from baby boomers to millennials.
– Each generation brings unique perspectives and experiences to the freelance industry.
– Gen Z is emerging as a driving force in freelancing, with a focus on empowerment and new opportunities.
– Millennials have embraced freelance work, contributing to the significant growth of the gig economy.
– Gen Xers and baby boomers showcase their expertise and industry experience, excelling in the freelance market.
– Freelancing offers flexibility, independence, and the potential for higher earnings across generations.
– Key skills for success in freelancing include effective communication, self-discipline, and adaptability.
– Freelancing provides individuals from different generations with the ability to tailor their careers to their unique circumstances and goals.
– The freelance industry continues to evolve and reshape the future of work.

Take Advantage Of Your Curiosity

Curiosity is another trait that can help you learn new skills. Sometimes, it’s not just about the work itself that gets us going; it’s our curiosity about what we don’t know yet. 

As I was thinking about this section, I wondered how many freelancers are curious enough to experiment with technologies like VR and AR (virtual and augmented reality). 

There are tons of opportunities for creatives to get involved in these fields and maybe even find a new client or two!

I also wonder how many freelancers are curious enough to explore voice-activated assistants such as Amazon’s Alexa or Google Home. 

This technology has been around for quite some time, but it hasn’t really taken off yet. Maybe now is the time for you or your company to take advantage of this opportunity by offering your services through these platforms?

The future of work is rapidly evolving, and freelancing leads the pack. Discover the potential and opportunities in the freelance industry by exploring our article on The Future of Work Is Here, and Freelancing Leads the Pack.

Be Realistic About Your Finances

So, you’ve decided to freelance. But before you leap into it, there are some things to consider. Here are five tips from financial experts:

Understand your needs and wants. This might sound obvious, but it’s important to know how much money you need to survive each month. 

If there are expenses that are essential (rent and utilities) or non-negotiable (food), make sure they’re covered first before spending on anything else.

Define your expenses: It’s also a good idea for freelancers who want financial security in their retirement years to clearly define all of their expenses; 

The best way is by using categories such as food, clothing, transportation and entertainment so they can see where they’re spending most of their money each month and then adjust accordingly if necessary!

Set a budget: This will help freelancers better manage their finances because knowing exactly how much money comes in from clients every week gives people more control over what goes out each month.

Make A Plan

Let’s take a closer look at what happens when you don’t plan. You’ll find it’s much easier to get distracted by the many shiny things out there, and before you know it, your freelancing dreams have slipped through your fingers like sand.

Planning helps you achieve your goals: It gives shape and meaning to what otherwise might be just a fuzzy notion. It helps keep you on track for meeting deadlines and hitting deliverable dates and thus keeps clients happy. 

Planning also helps keep motivation high when things get tough (and they will). And perhaps most importantly.

Planning helps prevent problems before they start either in terms of getting sidetracked or being overwhelmed by projects that are too big for one person to handle alone (or both!).

When we talk about freelancing success through planning, we’re talking about setting up systems so that everything works together smoothly without any wasted effort or resources needed along the way.

Looking for a way to safeguard yourself from personal recession? Freelancing is the answer. Find out why freelancing is the best way to prevent your own personal recession in our comprehensive guide: Freelancing Is the Best Way to Prevent Your Own Personal Recession.

Don’t Be Afraid To Ask For Help

When you’re first starting out, ask for help from others. Your peers are usually the best resources, but don’t be afraid to ask your friends or family for help if they’re freelancers themselves. 

You can also reach out to online communities and even your clients when you need it. Don’t forget that there’s no shame in asking your boss or manager for help either and if they don’t have any expertise on hand, they might be able to recommend someone who does! 

If you really want a mentor who’s been around the block once or twice (or even three times), take steps toward finding one of these valuable resources early on in your career as well.

Never Stop Learning

You can always learn new skills, or increase your knowledge of existing ones. Learning is fun and you can use it to improve your career prospects, get a job, get promoted or even change jobs.

Making time for learning isn’t always easy but here are some tips to help:

  • Decide what skills you want to learn and then work out how long they may take you to master them (hours per day/week).
  • Set aside time each day/week to work on this skill so that it becomes part of your routine.

Give It Time

There can be a lot of pressure to build your business as quickly as possible, but it’s important to remember that building a successful freelance business takes time. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t see immediate results keep at it! 

There are no shortcuts to success, and comparing yourself to others is unrealistic and stressful. Instead, focus on the quality of your work and don’t be too hard on yourself when things don’t go exactly according to plan; 

If you give up too easily, then even if everything goes right this time around (which isn’t guaranteed), there’s nothing stopping another bump in the road from happening again.

Work For Yourself, Not For Someone Else

You are in control of your own destiny. You can choose to work when you want to, and take time off whenever you need it. You don’t have to answer to anyone but yourself.

You will have no boss looking over your shoulder, evaluating your performance every hour of every day. This can be liberating or terrifying: whatever works for you!

Are you torn between freelancing and a traditional job? Discover the pros and cons of each and make an informed decision. Dive into our article on Freelancing vs. Doing a Regular Job: Which Is Better? Why? to weigh your options.

Set Boundaries

Setting clear boundaries is a critical part of being an independent worker. You need to know what you’re willing to do, what you’re not willing to do, and where your limits are.

Set boundaries for yourself. This can be hard, especially because if you start your own business, there may be no one else looking over your shoulder telling you “no” when the job gets tough or overwhelming. 

But it’s important for all kinds of reasons the first being that it helps with self-care and self-respect! It also helps create trust with clients (or potential clients), which means more work in the long run.

Set boundaries for your clients/customers/audience/etc., as well as their expectations from working with you directly or indirectly through other channels like social media platforms like Twitter or Facebook pages where they can interact directly with other professionals too! 

For example: if someone says something rude online about another person’s business practices (like how much money they charge), don’t get upset–that person doesn’t know any better yet.

So keep calm instead! What matters most here is keeping our professional integrity intact while still having fun doing so…which leads us into our next point…

Freelancing is not just the future; it’s the present reality of work. Discover why freelancing is a viable career path and explore its advantages in our article: Freelancing: Not the Future of Work, the Present. Stay informed and adapt to the evolving nature of work.

Balance Work And Life

It’s important to make sure that you have time for friends and family, as well as yourself. To maintain a healthy lifestyle and avoid burnout, you also need to make sure that you’re taking care of your hobbies and health.

Challenge Yourself With Big Projects But Don’t Overextend Yourself

Learn to say no. You can’t take on every project that comes your way, especially at first. Don’t be afraid to say no when you don’t feel comfortable with a client or project. 

As long as you are up front about your limitations and refer them to someone who can provide them with the service they need, it is okay for clients not to hire you.

Don’t bite off more than you can chew: If a client wants one big project done in three months and it’s going to require a lot of work on your part, consider whether or not they’re worth working with at all if they won’t be able to pay for everything up front. 

It’s better for both parties if they look elsewhere than if this becomes an issue later down the line where one party feels cheated by another; 

Even though freelancers don’t have any real power when it comes down too these kinds of situations, making sure everyone gets paid fairly will help keep things running smoothly throughout all aspects of business!

Don’t be afraid asking for help: Sometimes projects come along that require skills outside those which we possess ourselves; 

This happens often enough that most freelancers should have some sort of network set up already within their own industry so as soon as something like this happens again.

Then there should always be someone available who knows what needs done without having any previous knowledge needed beforehand themselves.

These tips from freelancers of all ages can help you succeed in the gig economy.

  • You can make money.
  • You can be your own boss.
  • You can learn new skills.
  • You can work from home and be flexible with your schedule.

Freelancing is reshaping the landscape of work, and its impact is undeniable. Stay ahead of the curve by understanding how freelancing is changing the job market. Learn more in our article: The Job of Tomorrow: How Freelancing Is Changing Work.


Every freelancer, no matter what their experience level, can benefit from hearing these tips straight from the mouths of their fellow freelancers. After all, who knows better than the people out in the field doing it every day? 

But don’t worry if you didn’t hear your generation mentioned here – we all have something to learn, whether that’s being more realistic about finances or setting boundaries with clients. 

As long as you’re willing to take advice when given and continue evolving as a professional, there’s no reason why you can’t succeed in this new world of work.

Further Reading

Here are some additional articles that provide further insights into freelancing and its impact on different generations:

New Study Finds Gen Z Is Empowering Freelancers More Than Any Other Generation: Explore how Gen Z is driving the freelance revolution and empowering freelancers with new opportunities.

Nearly Half of All Gen Z and Millennial Workers Did Freelance Work This Year: Discover the significant presence of freelance work among Gen Z and millennial workers, highlighting the growing trend in this generation.

Why Gen Xers and Baby Boomers Are Beating Millennials at Freelancing: Gain insights into why Gen Xers and baby boomers are excelling in the freelance industry, surpassing their millennial counterparts.


How is freelancing empowering Gen Z?

Freelancing provides Gen Z with flexible work options, allowing them to pursue their passions and gain independence in their careers. It offers them opportunities to showcase their skills, build their personal brand, and have control over their work-life balance.

Why are Gen Z and millennials heavily engaged in freelance work?

Gen Z and millennials are drawn to freelance work due to the desire for autonomy, the flexibility it offers, and the potential to earn income outside of traditional employment. They value the ability to work on diverse projects, collaborate remotely, and have a greater sense of control over their professional lives.

What advantages do Gen Xers and baby boomers have in freelancing?

Gen Xers and baby boomers often possess extensive industry experience, a well-established professional network, and a deeper understanding of business dynamics. They leverage these advantages to secure clients, negotiate higher rates, and provide valuable expertise in their freelance work.

How does freelancing benefit different generations?

Freelancing benefits different generations by providing flexible work arrangements, the potential for higher earning potential, increased control over work-life balance, and the opportunity to pursue personal passions. It allows individuals from various age groups to adapt their careers to their unique circumstances and goals.

What skills are crucial for success in freelancing across generations?

Some key skills for success in freelancing across generations include effective communication, self-discipline, adaptability, networking, time management, and the ability to market oneself. These skills are essential for building a successful freelance career regardless of the generation one belongs to.