As a web designer, marketing is one of your most important jobs. Actually delivering your work on time and under budget is only half the job. Marketing yourself and your business is just as vital.
That’s why we’ve put together 12 tips for effective web design marketing. Keep reading to learn our best strategies for attracting new clients and becoming an expert in the field.
Takeaways |
Freelance web designers can benefit from following these tips to achieve success in their career. |
Building a strong online presence and networking with other professionals can help freelance web designers find clients. |
Differentiating yourself through specialized skills and a strong portfolio can help you stand out as a freelance web developer. |
Effective networking involves attending industry events, leveraging social media, and building relationships with other professionals in your field. |
Managing workload and staying up-to-date with new technologies and trends are key challenges faced by freelance web designers. |
1. Establish Your Own Brand
Branding is one of the most important aspects of marketing, and it can be especially tricky for freelancers. If you’ve been hired by clients in the past and have often changed your style to suit their needs, you may be wondering how to create your own brand as a web designer. If so, narrowing down what makes you different from other designers should help you figure out what makes your brand unique. Remember that:
Your brand is your promise to the customer. It tells them what they can expect from your products or services.
A good brand should be simple, credible, relevant, and engaging.
Whether you’re a seasoned freelancer or just starting out, learning from experts in the field can help you improve your web design freelancing career. Check out our article on 22 expert tips to improve your web design freelancing career for valuable insights and advice from industry professionals.
2. Research Your Target Market
Before you start marketing your freelance business, it’s important to understand who you are marketing to. Luckily, there are some simple steps and tools you can use to finally figure out what your target market is looking for.
Begin by identifying the needs of your target market. Then, identify the challenges and opportunities that relate to those needs. When you know what your target market wants, and why they want it, then it will be easier for you to develop effective content that speaks about their challenges and opens up opportunities for them.
3. Get Your Digital Portfolio Ongoing And Complete
Get a domain name and host it on a web server.
Add new projects to the portfolio as often as possible. Keep your portfolio updated with the latest and greatest pieces you have created, so potential clients will know you are up to date with the newest trends and technologies.
Make sure the website is well designed, functional, and easy to navigate. If you can’t create your own website, then hire someone who can make it look professional. A great way to promote yourself is by having an example of what you can do right on your website!
Include a blog and keep it updated with relevant content. Blogging about current design trends or techniques provides another means for clients to get in touch with you and see what other work you have completed for others as well as your skillset.
4. Tout Your Previous Clients
Testimonials from previous clients are one of the best ways to get the word out about your services. As such, it’s important to ask for client testimonials and to tout them on your website. Testimonials provide social proof that you’re a great web designer who can deliver results. So if a potential client is on the fence, these testimonials may help push them over the line and convince them to hire you.
Examples of what you can include:
Testimonial quotes with headshots or company logos of your clients in a carousel (rotating slideshow) so they loop through constantly on their own. Or use static images that rotate manually at regular intervals when clicked.
Project-specific case studies so clients can see what working with you was like and how you helped them achieve their goals, including screenshots of the work done along with before-and-after photos if available.
Client logos in your portfolio section, showing off past projects and displaying which companies have worked with you in the past. You might want to include something about what type of industry each client serves, as well as something about each project (what was done, when it was completed). This also helps show off how diverse your skills are since most industries will require different types of websites for their business needs (Ecommerce vs Restaurant vs Lawyer etc.)
Starting a freelance web design business can be daunting, but following some basic rules can help you get on the right track. Check out our article on 19 rules for starting freelance web design to learn some essential tips and tricks for launching your career as a freelance web designer.
5. Offer A Freebie To Attract Clients
Offering a freebie is the best way to show your potential clients what you can do for them.
What might that look like? Well, how about a bag of coffee beans from your favorite roasters? If you like your caffeine, be sure to make it clear that these are not just any old beans. These are top-notch, mind-bending delicious coffee beans (for example).
You could also offer a freebie as an incentive to sign up for your newsletter. Have something handy that’s super useful but doesn’t cost much money to create (an ebook or pdf checklist, perhaps?) and offer it up in exchange for people giving you their email address.
It might feel risky at first, after all, isn’t email marketing meant to be expensive? But not only are you building your list this way and increasing hype around what’s coming next you’re showing people who may never have met you before how much value they can get from working with you.
6. Use Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Search engine optimization, or SEO, is one of the most important things you can do to boost your freelance marketing. That’s because SEO is how search engines like Google and Bing will find your content and show it to the right people.
But what exactly does that mean?
While there are many different ways to market yourself as a freelance web designer, there is nothing more valuable than getting discovered in organic search results. This means that people are finding you and your website through search engines (e.g., Google) rather than paid advertisements or other marketing efforts you’ve put in place, such as social media posts.
When someone searches on Google for “best web designers”, they’re going to see your website at the top of those results if you have optimized content for SEO and then hopefully click through!
The ultimate goal of SEO is not just ranking highly within a particular search engine but also providing valuable information that will keep visitors coming back again and again, not just once or twice like they might with an ad campaign where they might click away after seeing an ad once or twice.
That’s why every piece of content should be optimized using keywords relevant to its topic so when someone goes searching on google for something related to what you wrote about (e.g., “freelance web designers”) they’ll find it easily without having spent time going through dozens upon dozens pages looking at unrelated topics until finally stumbling upon yours!
And even if those visitors don’t end up buying anything from you immediately after reading this article about freelancing, perhaps down the line when they’re looking into hiring someone else for their project needs then maybe just maybe.
As a freelance web designer, making the most of your work and time is crucial for success. Check out our article on how to get the most out of your freelance web design work for helpful tips on optimizing your workflow and productivity.
7. Update Your Web Design Skills Regularly
You can’t just learn web design once and be done with it. If you want to stay competitive, you need to invest at least a few hours every week in improving your skills. The good news is that the web design community is a lively and generous one, so there are plenty of online forums and tutorials out there you can use to keep your knowledge fresh.
Depending on how much time you have available, go for either a full-blown online course or some more focused tutorials. Even better, why not try both? For example, if most of your projects involve designing websites using WordPress, look for a course that teaches the basics of WordPress site building from scratch.
Then make sure to follow the most popular blogs related to web design so you can read about the latest developments as soon as possible don’t wait for those updates to come knocking at your door!
There’s no arguing with this rule: if you want to excel in web design marketing as a freelancer (and get paid well), keeping yourself updated is crucial. You’ll also give yourself major bonus points if you’re ahead of the curve when it comes to new trends in web design.
So do whatever it takes: learn new languages like Javascript and CSS; practice creating mobile-friendly sites; gain expertise with different website builders such as Shopify – just name it! What else could offer such rich rewards while having fun at work?
8. Stay In Touch With Clients After Project Completion
The goal of all freelancers is to generate more business, and one effective way to increase your sales is to stay in touch with your existing customers regularly. This will help you generate more leads and increase your sales.
It doesn’t matter if you’re a solo freelance web designer or have a team of people working for you; staying in touch with your clients is a good strategy that can help grow your business. It’s also important to remember that clients expect you not only to deliver their project on time but also to take an interest in them after it’s completed.
How often you should contact your clients depends on the type of project: if it was an ongoing project, then monthly updates are enough; otherwise, sending quarterly newsletters once every three months will suffice.
If the client has requested specific information about how his website or other online presence performs during this period (for example, traffic numbers), try sending him an email every week with these data points as well as any other relevant information he might want from time-to-time like new features added since last communication date etcetera.”
Determining the right salary as a freelance web designer can be a challenge. Check out our article on the ultimate guide to freelance web designer salaries and FAQs for guidance on pricing your services, negotiating rates, and understanding the industry standards.
9. Use Social Media To Generate Leads, Engage Customers And Build Trust Among Users
You can use social media to generate leads, engage customers and build trust among users. Social media is a great way to find customers that are relevant to your business. Also, with the advent of social media advertising, you can target specific niches that are likely to purchase your services.
In addition, by using social media for customer engagement and brand building, you’re able to build a community around your business which will help you in the long run. And finally, by providing useful information to potential customers and answering questions they may have about your services, you’re able to build trust among users which will ultimately lead them back to your website when they need web development services.
Another benefit of using social media is that it’s free and easy to use. While there are some costs associated with platforms such as Facebook Ads or Twitter Ads (depending on what type of ad campaign you want), these tend not to be very expensive compared with traditional forms of advertising like TV commercials or print ads in magazines/newspapers.
10. Participate In Forums Related To Your Field Of Expertise
You should also be participating in forums related to your field of expertise. Do not join these forums with the sole purpose of promoting your business. Instead, post meaningful comments and questions that will add value to the community. When you post a comment, always include a link back to your website but do not make it seem like you are just trying to sell something.
You should be generous with your time and expertise by offering advice and assistance to those who need it and ask clients who are happy with your services to provide you with feedback that you can use as recommendations.
11. Write A Blog About Web Design Topics That Interest You
Writing a blog about your passions is a great way to impress potential clients. After all, it’s likely that the topics that interest you will also interest them. As long as your blog content is relevant to your target audience, writing about what interests you will provide an authentic voice that connects with readers.
To make sure your blog content is high quality, be sure to use captivating headlines and include images. You’ll also want to make it easy for people to share your posts on social media.
It’s important to include a call-to-action in each of your posts; this can be in the form of a question or simply asking readers to leave comments.
Hiring a freelance web designer can offer numerous benefits for businesses, from cost-effectiveness to unique creativity. Check out our article on why hiring a freelance web designer may help you for 15 reasons why hiring a freelancer can be the right choice for your website or project.
12. Make An Impact On Web Design Events In Your Area And Beyond
In the web design and marketing industry, networking is vital. There are many online communities where you can interact with potential clients and your peers, but there is nothing quite like meeting people in person and making a lasting impression on them.
For this reason, it is important that as a freelancer you attend, participate in, and/or organize local events. These events can be small meet-ups at local bars or cafes or larger conferences held at convention centers.
The more you make an impact within these events, the more likely it will be for others to remember your name when they need help with a web design project or know someone who does. As you progress in your career as a freelance web designer and developer (and marketer), consider branching out beyond local events and speaking at larger conferences to make yourself known on a national level.
Final Thought
Now that you know what it takes to be a successful freelancer, here are a few tips to help you on your journey:
Learning is an ongoing process. The more skills you have and the more knowledge you can impart to your clients, the more valuable you’ll become. In fact, this is one of the main reasons I recommend learning new technologies and reading articles like this one to stay ahead of the curve.
Having an online presence is crucial in this day and age. We are living in digital times; people expect to find information about us or our businesses online. If a prospective client searches for your name on Google (and chances are they will), what do they see? Are there links pointing to a website that represents your business well? Or is there just an empty page with no relevant links?
It’s important to note that many people search using image search engines as well as text-based search engines. Do the images returned by image search show appropriate photos of yourself or not? You want Google (or other search engines) telling people good things about you.
Personal branding pays off big time! Every successful freelancer needs a brand identity that speaks volumes about who they are and what they can offer their clients an identity that differentiates them from their competitors and makes them stand out from everyone else with similar services.
This means creating a personal logo, choosing colors/fonts/textures carefully, having a unique copywriting style, etc. all things which take time but ultimately make all difference when it comes down to getting hired over someone else offering the same thing at a lower price point because “they look professional”.
Further Reading
“12 Tips for Freelance Web Designers That Will Bring You Success” by Robin Singh – This article provides useful tips for freelance web designers on how to find clients, set rates, and manage their workload effectively.
“7 Tips to Stand Out as a Freelance Web Developer” by GeeksforGeeks – This article offers insights on how to differentiate yourself as a freelance web developer, from building a strong portfolio to developing specialized skills.
“Networking Tips for Freelancers” by FlexJobs – This article provides tips and advice on how to network effectively as a freelancer, from attending industry events to leveraging social media.
What are some common challenges faced by freelance web designers?
As a freelance web designer, you may encounter challenges such as finding clients, setting rates, managing your workload, and staying up-to-date with new technologies and trends.
How can I find clients as a freelance web designer?
There are several ways to find clients as a freelance web designer, including building a strong online presence, networking with other professionals in your field, and using freelance job platforms and marketplaces.
How can I set rates for my freelance web design services?
Setting rates as a freelance web designer can depend on several factors, such as your level of experience, the complexity of the project, and the scope of work involved. It’s important to research industry standards and consider factors such as overhead costs and time estimates when determining your rates.
How can I manage my workload as a freelance web designer?
Managing your workload as a freelance web designer can involve setting realistic project timelines, using project management tools and software, and prioritizing your tasks effectively.
How can I stay up-to-date with new technologies and trends as a freelance web designer?
Staying up-to-date with new technologies and trends as a freelance web designer can involve attending industry events and conferences, following relevant blogs and publications, and taking online courses and certifications in web design and development.
What Are The Best Marketing Tips For Web Designers?
Web design marketing is important to help you stand out as a freelancer. The good news is you probably already have everything you need at your disposal to get started! Encourage people to leave reviews on your social media accounts and add them to your website. Ask clients if they’d be willing to give you a testimonial or video review. You can also set up social media accounts if you don’t already have them, and use them regularly!
What Are The Best Marketing Strategies?
There are plenty of different ways that you can market your services as a freelance web designer. Asking for reviews from previous customers is one strategy, but don’t forget there are other ways too!
You could write a blog post about why people should choose their local freelancer over big impersonal companies – or even start guest blogging on other sites where writers might be looking for more contributors. Be sure to consider how much time each strategy takes before deciding which method works best for you.
What Are The Best Ways For Freelancers To Market Themselves?
If you’re wondering what some of the best ways are that freelancers can market themselves, we’ve got some great ideas! One way would be by taking advantage of social media platforms such as Facebook groups where designers and developers often congregate; another could include setting up an online portfolio so potential clients can see examples of work before reaching out directly with questions or comments about availability (don’t forget it’s always nice when someone compliments an image).

I am a content writer, and I love what I do! Writing makes me feel like the words are flowing through my fingers, and then onto the keyboard, like magic. My experience as a writer has taught me that writing makes me feel good, as well as helps others to feel better too!