Freelance Pay Rates: Answers To 49 People Also Ask On The Subject

In this post, I answer 49 questions about freelance pay rates. Or, rather, I answer the questions behind questions that are often asked. If you Google “freelance pay rates,” these are the questions that appear as “People Also Ask.”

So let’s get started…

Table of Contents

How Much Should I Charge For My Freelance Services?

This depends on several factors, including your experience in the field, your expertise, and the kind of project you’re working on.

The best way to think about it is to determine what will be the most valuable use of your time. Are you passionate about the project? Do you need it for your portfolio? Will it bring you exposure or help you get a job? Those all may be worth less money than work that doesn’t have those benefits. You can think about a project’s monetary value as a combination of these factors.

How Much Do Freelancers Earn?

According to The Statista Report, In 2020, there were nearly 60 million people working freelance jobs in the United States—an increase from 53 million people in 2014. The number of freelancers has been increasing since 2014. This means that there are many different ways to earn money through freelance work.

Some freelancers make hundreds of dollars per hour; others might make $10-15 per hour. This is part of what makes freelancing so appealing: there is no one-size-fits-all approach to earning money as an independent contractor.

How Do I Calculate My Freelance Charging Rate?

You can use our simple calculator to calculate your freelance charging rate. It’s really important that you have a good idea of how much it costs to run your business. If you’re just starting out, you’ll need to spend some time thinking about what your costs are and how much money you want to be making.

You can also look at the pricing models of similar freelancers in your industry, or check out websites like Glassdoor or Payscale for information on how much other people with similar skills and experience make. And remember: it’s okay if the rates you come up with seem high or low—setting your price is an iterative process! You’ll probably want to adjust it several times before settling on one that feels right for you.

Why Does Charging By The Word Make Sense?

Since we both have the same amount of time in a day, the only way to make more money is to work more efficiently. That means charging by the word is often the best option for both me and my clients.

By charging per project, I encourage myself to work more slowly, which wastes time and prevents me from earning as much as possible. By charging hourly, I encourage myself to work inefficiently and take longer than necessary on projects—again, wasting time and money.

How Do I Arrive At My Rate?

I arrived at my current rate by first looking at what other writers were charging (you can see some examples here). Then I looked at how many words I could write in an hour while still being able to provide high quality content 100% of the time.

How Should I Raise My Rates?

Keep track of everything that costs you money as a freelancer and make sure you’re charging enough for those costs (like software programs). Then decide if you want to raise your rates based on how much time does it take to complete projects. Make sure to communicate with clients when raising your rates so they’re not caught off guard!

How Do I Find My Rate?

Consider how much you need to earn each month, and how many hours you think it will take to earn that money. (For example, if you would like to earn $4,000 a month, and you want to work for 20 hours a week, your hourly rate would be $20 per hour.) Of course, this isn’t set in stone, because some weeks you may work more or less than 20 hours. But it can give you a rough estimate of what your rate should be.

What If I’m Not Being Paid Enough?

Just starting out, and nervous about negotiating? Don’t be! It’s okay to start lower than your goal rate. But don’t lose hope: as you build your portfolio and hone.

How Do You Charge For Your Services?

Multiple factors contribute to how we charge for our services: the product or service, the target audience, the size of the project, and whether it’s a new client or an existing one.

How Do You Find A Good Freelance Charging Rate?

This depends on how much you’re willing and able to pay, as well as what your budget is. You can find a lot of great rates online, but be prepared to negotiate if you want to hire a freelancer. If you don’t have the time or willingness to negotiate, consider using a site that allows you to post your project and receive bids from interested freelancers.

I’m Having A Rough Time Getting Clients To Agree To My Rate. What Am I Doing Wrong?

It could be that your rate is too high for the kind of work you’re targeting? Or it could be that your rate is too high for the kind of clientele you’re targeting? Or it could just be bad timing—maybe they’d love to hire you at your rate, but they don’t actually have any budget right now?

I’m Starting Out In Writing And I Want To Know What’s A Good Charging Rate To Start With?

We recommend setting your rates based on the level of experience you have. If you’re truly a beginner, it’s usually important to make that clear to clients—you can do that by offering low introductory rates.

But as you gain more experience and know-how, you should increase your rates. It’s also important to consider how long you’ve been freelancing—maybe you only have three months under your belt, but two of those months were spent doing a full-time writing internship for a (reputable) online publication. If that’s the case, you should price yourself accordingly.

How Do I Negotiate My Freelancing Rate?

When negotiating your freelance rate, be confident in the value of your skills and services. Make sure that the client fully understands what they’re getting for their money.

Let them know about all the benefits of hiring you, and any success stories or testimonials you have that demonstrate why clients should pay for your services.

How Do I Raise My Freelance Rate As A Beginner?

Be patient with yourself when raising your freelance rates. It takes time to gain new skills and become an expert in a field. Try starting small by increasing your rates incrementally over time (so if you’re at $10 an hour, try increasing as you gain knowledge.

What Is The Normal Range For Freelance Rates?

There isn’t a standard rate for freelancers. A lot of factors go into determining your rate, like your industry, experience, and the type of work you do. Some freelancers charge based on project and some charge by the hour (or day/week).

When you’re first starting out, it can be difficult to figure out what’s normal for your area and industry. Feel free to check out this post about how to determine your freelance rate:

How do I know my rate is competitive?

Again, there’s no set standard for freelancer rates. You’ll need to do research to see what other freelancers in your area and industry are charging. Websites like Upwork can help you determine what’s competitive by seeing what other similar freelancers are charging.

Why Do Some Freelancers Charge More Than Others?

Freelance rates vary based on a number of factors including experience, location, industry, and type of work involved in the project.

How Do You Know When To Charge Per Hour Versus Per Word?

When you’re charging per hour, the client is paying for the time you spend on their project. You’ll usually only charge per hour if you’re an experienced freelancer with a solid reputation and a good portfolio of work. When it’s appropriate, though, charging per hour can be highly lucrative because many writers have no idea how long it takes to write something. For example, they might think that a blog post will take an hour or two when it really takes three or four times as long.

How Much Should I Charge For A 400-Word Blog Post?

When you’re determining how much to charge for a piece of writing, it’s important to consider two things: how many words the piece will be, and how long it will take you to write it. Once you’ve figured those things out, you can multiply the number of words by your per-word rate in order to determine what the piece should cost.

Do I Need To Include Taxes In My Quote?

You should always include taxes in your quote unless you’ve been explicitly told not to by the person who hired you. You don’t want this to be a surprise when it comes time for the client to pay you!

How Do I Deal With Clients Who Want Me To Charge Less?

It’s kind of like when someone tries to haggle with you at a garage sale. They will ask you if the price is negotiable, and you can say “No, but I can throw in these two cups for no extra charge.” But in this case, instead of throwing in two cups, offer an additional service (you know what they say: first one’s free)

How Do I Justify Charging More Than People In My Field?

Charge according to the value you provide. If you are better at what you do than other people in your industry, justify your higher rate by pointing out how much more valuable your skills are.

What’s The Best Way To Get Paid As A Freelancer?

The best way to get paid as a freelancer is by charging an hourly rate. This way, you’ll always know exactly what you’re making and can make sure that your time is always valued in a fairway.

Do You Charge For Revisions?

No! Revisions are not included in the hourly rate because they’re part of the natural process of making something great—they’re not an additional service we provide. And remember: The more detailed and thorough a brief you can give me, the fewer revisions will be needed to get an end product that you love!

What Is The Best Method To Calculate My Freelance Charging Rate?

You should take the total amount you want to make per year, and divide it by the number of billable hours that you want to work in a year. For example, if you want to earn $50,000 per year and work 50 weeks per year (2 weeks off), then it would look like this:

(50,000/50/40) = $25.00 per hour

How Much Should I Charge For Freelance Writing?

Freelance writers can earn anywhere between $0.03 to $2 per word, and the final rate depends on a lot of circumstances.

What Is Your Process For Pricing A Project?

A lot of people are nervous about how to charge for their work, which I totally get! But there’s a better way than just guessing what’s fair for your time.

First, decide what you want to charge in terms of an hourly rate. To find this, start with what you need to make in a year. Then subtract all of your expenses: taxes, software, rent, food… all of it! Once you have that number, divide it by the number of hours you plan to work in a year.

Next, decide how many hours it will take you to complete the project. You can use past projects as a guide here. Some things will always be different, but this is still useful information. Now multiply the number of hours it will take by your hourly rate and voila—you have a price!

What’s The Going Rate For Your Specific Skills?

There are so many variables involved in determining the cost of a freelance project that it’s hard to say what the “going rate” is for my services. Some factors include how long it takes me to complete a certain piece, how much research goes into it, and how valuable my expertise is to you and your company at that moment.

How Should You Ask For More Money From Clients?

You want to be straightforward and honest. Tell them that you’re asking for more money because of all the value you bring to their company. You should also be specific about your skills and the benefits they provide the company.

What If Clients Resist My New Rate?

If a client is resistant, it means they don’t think you’re worth it. You have to show them you are, either by negotiating or doing a great job. If you can negotiate, then do so! But if not, make sure to do an amazing job for your client, so that when it comes time for a contract renewal, they’ll see how valuable your skills are and agree to pay your higher rate.

How Do You Know When To Raise Your Freelance Rates?

As soon as you feel confident in yourself and your abilities! I know we all want to wait until we’ve been freelancing for a while before we start charging what we’re really worth. But really, the best time is whenever you feel comfortable with it.

Can I Raise My Rates As A Freelancer?

Yes, of course. You can raise your rates whenever you want to. If you feel like your skills have developed, or that you are spending too much time working on one project, then raise your rates. Just make sure it’s a reasonable increase and that you have a good reason for doing so.

What If I’m Asked To Work For Free (Or Reduced Rates)?

You have the right to charge whatever you want for your work, and if someone wants you to work for free or for reduced rates, then it’s up to you whether you agree. If you do agree, just be sure that you’re OK with not being paid in full.

What If A Prospective Client Wants Lower Rates Than What I Quoted?

It depends on how big the difference is. If they want something that is within your normal range, then just accept it and get on with the project. If they want something that is way below what you normally charge, politely decline and go back to looking for other clients.

Should My Rates Vary By The Client?

Yes. The specific rate you charge to a client is based on the total value they receive from your work. So, if they’re a giant company that has more resources than they know what to do with, and you’re providing them with a great deal of value, you can charge more. If they’re a small startup that’s just getting off the ground, and you’re providing them with a great deal of value, you can charge less. The important thing is to tie your rate to the value you provide to your clients.

Should I Charge More As A Freelancer Than I Did At My Job?

Yes. There are many reasons for this: As a freelancer, you are paying for benefits out of pocket that your employer used to cover; you are also paying for your own vacation time, sick days, and other time off; plus, when you work as a freelancer, your work has no ceiling—you can earn more than an employee by taking on additional work or clients.

How Much Money Should I Be Making?

It depends on your industry and where you live. Check out salary sites like Payscale or Glassdoor, or search online for an average rate in your area. This will help give you an idea of what professionals are earning in your field, so you can set a rate that’s competitive but still allows room for growth!

What Is A Reasonable Rate?

That depends—what are you doing, and how much experience do you have? For web design, you can charge $50/hour if you’re a beginner, or up to $250/hour if you’re an expert.

When Should I Increase My Rate?

Increase it when your skills improve or the scope of your project increases. If you work hard on a project and deliver quality results, feel free to negotiate an increase in pay if the client asks again.

Who Determines My Freelance Rate?

You do! You can research what other people charge for similar services, but ultimately it’s up to you to decide what you’re willing and able to accept for your work.

What Does Freelance Charging Rate Mean?

It means the rate that a freelancer charges for his or her work.

How Much Should I Charge For My First Project?

You can start with a low price to gain experience and build up your portfolio. You can then raise your price as you get more experience, work with more clients, and have a bigger portfolio. This way, you will have more to show for yourself when asking for higher rates.

Should I Charge Hourly Or By A Project?

Both methods have their advantages. Charging by the hour is better for freelance work where the scope of the project is not well-defined yet, and it’s often easier to get a new client to agree to an hourly rate than a fixed price.

But charging by the project is usually better for established clients because they’re more likely to pay you what you’re worth if they have to commit to a budget in advance.

When Is It Too Much To Negotiate Over Price?

It’s never too much until it’s too late! I’ve closed at least three sales when my prospect was starting to say no, but I kept talking until they said yes. If you’re asking them for something that will make them make more money, be sure you tell them how it’s going to do that. And remember: be an optimist! Think about how awesome it will be when they say yes, and then just ask for that until they do.

Do I Have To Charge Sales Tax?

It depends on where you live and what your business is like. Some states don’t require that freelance workers charge sales tax, while others do. It depends on things like whether you have employees or if your revenue exceeds certain limits.

Should I Charge A Flat Fee?

It depends on the project, but it’s always good to have a base hourly rate for your work. That way, if you do need to charge a flat fee, you’ll know how many hours it should take you. You can then use that as a starting point for your negotiations.

Which Is Better: Charging By The Hour, Or Charging More For A Flat Fee?

There are pros and cons to both! Charging by the hour may lead to clients wanting extra features, which could cost you in the short run. But charging by the project, with an estimate based on your hourly rate (and then some!), will require more negotiation upfront—and if something goes wrong or takes longer than expected, you could be losing out on pay.

How Do I Determine If I Charge By The Hour Or By The Project?

If you’re uncomfortable with negotiation and don’t want to waste time figuring out how much every client should pay, stick with an hourly rate. If you’re confident in your negotiating skills and are willing to put in a little extra thought and time upfront, go for the per-project rate.

Do I Need To Calculate My Overhead When Determining My Freelance Charging Rate?

No, you don’t. As a freelancer, you have some up-front costs that you need to cover when you first start out. Once you’ve accounted for those, though, the rest of your costs are variable and should be covered by the freelance charging rate that you set.

Why do I charge $X per word?

Your charges are based on your level of experience and the type of writing that you do. Freelancers charge different rates because they have different levels of experience. For example, if you’re brand new to freelance writing, then it’s probably more appropriate for you to charge less than someone who has been doing it for ten years.

Why Do Freelancers Charge Different Rates?

Freelance writers charge different rates because they have different levels of experience. For example, if you’re brand new to freelance writing, then it’s probably more appropriate for you to charge less than someone who has been doing it for ten years.

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