Freelance In Tourism: 9 Things You Have To Do For The Perfect Suitcase

Whether you’re a freelance writer, designer, photographer, or marketer, working in travel is a great way to make money while traveling the world. 

But if you’re looking to break into tourism freelancing, it can be a pretty competitive field. So how do you stand out and get the gigs that matter? Well here are some of my top tips for getting started in this amazing industry:

This is How Pro Freelancers Work! – YouTube
1. Plan Ahead: As a freelance professional in the tourism industry, plan your suitcase requirements well in advance to ensure you have everything you need for a successful trip.
2. Choose the Right Suitcase: Select a suitcase that suits your travel style and accommodates all your essential items without being too heavy or bulky.
3. Pack Smart: Prioritize the must-have items for your trip, including travel documents, gadgets, clothing, and any necessary work-related materials.
4. Organize Efficiently: Keep your suitcase well-organized with packing cubes or compartments to easily access your belongings during your journey.
5. Consider Work Essentials: For a smooth freelancing experience on the go, remember to pack your laptop, chargers, portable Wi-Fi, and any other necessary work tools.
6. Stay Informed: Research your travel destination to understand any specific requirements or restrictions that may affect your freelance work while traveling.
7. Network and Collaborate: Utilize your travel opportunities to network with potential clients or collaborators in the tourism industry, expanding your freelance connections.
8. Maintain Work-Life Balance: While freelancing in tourism, set boundaries to balance work commitments with leisure activities to make the most of your trip.
9. Reflect and Improve: After each trip, evaluate your freelancing experience and identify areas for improvement to enhance your future travel assignments.

1. You Need To Be Proactive About Growing Your Network

This is not a skill you can learn in college, nor is it something that is taught in any other place of work. The only way you can learn how to network effectively is by doing it and practicing on the job. But I’m sure you know this already because you’re reading this article!

When I started freelancing, my networking skills were pretty poor so I had to get help from people who were more experienced than me (aka everyone). I started by asking for introductions to people through friends and family members who had worked with them before; 

If they didn’t know anyone suitable for me then they would introduce me instead which helped my confidence as well as gave me access to their networks too – win-win! 

Make sure when introducing yourself/your work that there’s value in what you’re offering them (i.e., don’t just send out generic emails saying “Hi! Know any jobs?”).

Time management is crucial for freelancers to stay productive and succeed in their careers. Learn valuable tips and techniques in our guide on Time Management Tips for Freelancers to make the most out of your freelancing journey.

2. Know Exactly What Type Of Work You Want To Do

The best thing you can do for yourself when you’re looking for freelance work is to know exactly what type of work you want to do. 

Do you have a background in marketing? Are you good at writing? Is photography your passion? You should know this because it will help guide your decision-making process later on.

For example, if your strength is writing and marketing but not photography or consulting, then it makes sense that these are the types of jobs that would be best for you as a freelancer. 

On the other hand, if being an expert in everything is important to you (and let’s face it: most people want to be the best at everything), then making sure those skills are all represented in one place might be helpful too!

Knowing what kind of person/company/client would be best for each task beforehand can also help ensure that everything goes smoothly once contracts start getting signed.

3. Have A Go-To Marketing Plan That Works For You

A marketing plan is a tool to help you achieve your goals. It should be a living document that constantly evolves and is reviewed every quarter, if not on an ongoing basis. 

A good marketing plan should be a mix of tactics and strategies, with the latter being more long-term in nature. 

For example, if you want to build a loyal following on Instagram for your travel blog, then having this goal written down in black and white will keep it top of mind when it comes time to take photos or schedule posts.

Are you struggling to get more clients on Upwork? Don’t resort to unethical practices! Our comprehensive guide on How to Get More Clients on Upwork Without Lying, Cheating, or Stealing provides honest strategies to attract clients and build a reputable freelance business.

4. Stay Up To Date On Industry Trends

It’s important to stay up to date on industry trends. This is how you know what’s happening in your field, and it can tell you where your focus should be.

For example, let’s say that one day a new type of hotel opens in the city where you live, called “entrepreneur hotels.” These are meant for those who want to start their businesses rather than work for someone else. 

They offer everything from office space to restaurant kitchens and conference rooms all under one roof. 

You read about this new type of business model online and think it might be interesting; however, even though there aren’t any entrepreneur hotels near you right now, there could be soon!

You certainly don’t want to miss out on something like that because you haven’t been paying attention! So how do we make sure we’re staying up-to-date on industry trends? Here are some tips:

5. Find Your Best Way Of Working

Find a place where you can focus. This might mean working from home or in a coffee shop or it could mean finding somewhere quiet and inspiring, like an art gallery or library.

Find a place where you can be productive. When I’m writing articles, I like to have all my notes and research materials in front of me so that if something comes up during research, I can add it to the article immediately (rather than having to keep track of ideas while they’re still fresh). 

For coding projects or other tasks with longer timelines, however, this method of organizing information isn’t as useful so then I prefer working at my desk with all relevant documents neatly organized around me instead.

Find a place where you can be comfortable. If your chair makes your back hurt after two hours of sitting there every day (which happens), then maybe consider buying another one! 

Some people might love standing desks but find them too hard on their knees after a while; others may prefer ergonomic wrist rests instead of traditional mouse pads for their computers’ mousing experience…the options are endless here! 

Just make sure whatever change(s) you make help improve the overall quality of your work environment without hurting any part(s) too much 🙂

Find a place where inspiration will strike at random times throughout each day then stick with those changes long enough until productivity starts increasing exponentially!

6. You Need A Strong Portfolio Or Resume

In the world of travel, you need a strong portfolio or resume. Whether you are a creative freelancer or want to work in sales and marketing, it’s important to have the right skills and experience especially when you’re new to this field.

A portfolio is a collection of your best work (usual samples of your writing) that showcases what you can do as an individual.

A resume is an overview of your experience: where you’ve worked, who your supervisors were at each position, and what projects were completed under their watch. 

This document will be used by prospective employers who are interested in hiring someone like yourself for their company. 

The goal here is not necessarily about listing every job title and skillset; rather, it’s about making sure potential employers know that they’re dealing with someone who knows what they’re doing!

Freelance writing jobs may seem lucrative, but they also come with certain vulnerabilities. Discover the challenges and ways to overcome them in our article on Why Freelance Writing Jobs Are Vulnerable, and Here’s Why. Strengthen your freelance writing career with valuable insights.

7. Pick Up Some Basic Skills In Business And Finance

To be a successful freelancer, you’ll need to do a lot of things that don’t come naturally to everyone. 

You’ll have to learn how to create a business plan, manage your finances and make sure you file your taxes on time. If you’re going into tourism work, it’s also a good idea to pick up some basic skills in tourism management.

Here are some courses we recommend:

  • Financial literacy
  • Basic accounting skills
  • Business management (planning/marketing/HR)

Passionate about making a positive impact with your writing skills? Discover how to do freelance writing for non-profit organizations and use your talent to support meaningful causes. Make a difference while pursuing a fulfilling freelance writing career.

8. Be Ready To Sell Yourself And Your Work

You’ll need to be able to sell yourself and your work. You’ll have to explain what you can do, show what you can do, and explain how you can help the company or customer with their problems. 

This is one of the most important things to learn as a freelancer: if your portfolio doesn’t speak for itself (and it should). 

Then you need to develop your verbal skills so that when the opportunity arises for potential clients to get an idea of who you are and why they should hire you instead of someone else, then there will be no doubt about your value as a professional.

9. If You Don’t Want To Look For Jobs, Make Sure They Come Looking For You Instead!

If you want to work in tourism but don’t want to go through the hassle of looking for jobs, make sure they come looking for you instead! Work on growing your network and establishing yourself as an expert in your field. 

Make sure that you have a clear idea of the type of work that you want to do so that when an opportunity arises, there’s no question about whether or not it’s right for you. 

Having a go-to marketing plan is also important you might ask current clients or colleagues what they did when they were first starting and how they got their information out there.

Keep up with industry trends by reading trade publications and attending conferences this will not only help you stay relevant with what’s happening now, but it will also help build confidence as well as develop new skills (e.g., public speaking). 

Think about what kind of working style works best for your personality—are there some particular tools or techniques that benefit from being done alone? Or maybe collaborative efforts are more enjoyable? 

As long as this method allows for flexible hours and productivity within reasonable limits (i.e., deadlines), then it should be fine! 

Also, make sure your portfolio or resume reflects exactly who YOU are; after all, if someone doesn’t know who Jane Doe is then we’re off to a bad start from day one!

Want to turn your freelance writing into a profitable venture? Learn how to effectively monetize your freelance writing business with our expert tips and strategies. Maximize your earnings and thrive as a freelance writer in the competitive market.


It’s ok if you don’t have most of these things down before you start. We all have to learn on the job, and I’m always finding new tips and tricks that help me to become better at what I do. And the best part is, this list will never be complete! 

There is always something more that you can learn about freelancing in tourism or about yourself as a professional. So keep an open mind and keep pushing forward!

Further Reading

Things to Pack in Your Carry-On: A comprehensive guide on essential items to pack in your carry-on bag for a stress-free travel experience.

Choosing the Perfect Suitcase: Tips and insights to help you select the ideal suitcase that suits your travel needs and style.

Travel Content Ideas: Get inspired with a variety of creative content ideas to enhance your travel writing and engage your audience.


Can you provide some packing tips for a carry-on bag?

Sure! When packing your carry-on bag, prioritize essential items like travel documents, medications, a change of clothes, and electronic devices. Keep liquids and valuables in a separate pouch for easy access during security checks.

What features should I consider when choosing a suitcase?

When selecting a suitcase, look for factors like size, weight, durability, and the number of compartments. Consider whether it has wheels, a telescopic handle, and if it meets airline carry-on restrictions.

How can I create engaging travel content for my audience?

To create compelling travel content, tell captivating stories, share personal experiences, use vivid imagery, and offer practical tips and recommendations. Incorporate SEO keywords to reach a broader audience.

What are some offbeat travel destinations worth exploring?

Explore unique destinations like hidden gems, lesser-known islands, or culturally rich villages that offer a different perspective of a country’s culture and natural beauty.

How can I overcome writer’s block while creating travel content?

To overcome writer’s block, take breaks, engage in other creative activities, read travel blogs, and immerse yourself in different cultures. Drawing inspiration from everyday experiences can spark new ideas for your content.

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