We all know that the only way to get the proper research is to ask your customers. We see our clients doing this all over the place, from checking in with their social media followers to seeking feedback on product forums.
In many cases, though, it’s a struggle for companies and marketers to find any information from their audience and customer base.
For that reason, we have decided to share some of our raw data with you today – so you can see what types of conversations are happening when people aren’t being asked for information.
Takeaways |
Effective communication of research findings is crucial. |
Unshared research can lead to missed opportunities. |
Overlooked insights can impact business strategies. |
Collaboration between researchers and decision-makers is vital. |
Lessons on optimizing the dissemination of research results. |
#1 To Get A Good Recommendation, Ask The People Immediately Around You
The best way to get a good recommendation is to ask people who have a vested interest in your success. These are people who know what they’re talking about, and they want the best for you.
They’ll be honest with their feedback because they care about what happens to you and that’s why these must be the people whose opinions matter most when it comes to making decisions about where to work and what career path to pursue.
These trusted advisers might be friends or family members but could also be colleagues or mentors who’ve been around for a while, and know what kind of work environment will suit your personality best.
If this sounds like an overwhelming amount of research, don’t worry: We’ve done some of the legwork for you!
Exploring innovative methods to accelerate your marketing research? Discover the potential of Marketing Research at the Speed of Texting and harness the efficiency of modern communication for data collection.
#2 Always Be Polite When You Ask For Recommendations
It’s important to be respectful when asking for recommendations. You may think that a simple text message is a good way to reach out, but some people might feel uncomfortable sharing their advice with someone who didn’t take the time to write back.
The same can be said for social media: there’s no guarantee that your followers will see your post or comment in time, so you might have to wait hours before getting any feedback on your question. Remember: if someone wants to help you, they’ll do it without being asked!
#3 If Asking Strangers, Be Concise And To The Point
- If you’re interviewing strangers, be polite, friendly, and brief.
- Be specific.
- Be confident in your questions.
- Ask open-ended questions.
- Make sure it’s clear what you want to know and how you will use the data.
- Ask directly if possible rather than making assumptions – this is easier to do over email than in person (and can also help protect researchers from being put on the spot).
#4 Have A Clear Idea Of What You’re Looking For In Your Research
Have a clear idea of what you’re looking for in your research. Don’t just ask for “marketing research,” as if that will get you the answers to all of your questions.
If you are trying to solve a specific problem and want information about customers’ attitudes toward that particular problem, then be more specific than just asking for general marketing research.
Do your research project with someone who knows what they’re doing, and make sure that person has experience with how companies like yours operate. A lot of people think “research = market data” or “research = survey.”
But it’s so much more than that and no single piece of data can tell us everything we need (or want) to know about our company, its products, or its audience.
Curious about unconventional approaches to marketing research? Dive into The Revolutionary Way of Doing Marketing Research to uncover fresh perspectives that challenge traditional norms.
#5 Don’t Try To Access Friends’ Or Family Members’ Social Media Pages Without Their Permission
Don’t try to access friends’ or family members’ social media pages without their permission. If someone asks you not to look at their account, respect that request and do not do it again. This can help keep everyone in your life happy!
If they say yes, be sure to ask if they are comfortable with you sharing the information with others (e.g., someone else in the same household).
#6 Don’t Give Up After One Attempt To Get Information
You should never give up after one attempt to get information. You might be surprised how many times you can ask someone for the same thing before they give in and do it.
If you’re going to ask multiple times, don’t be afraid to make things personal too: “Hey John, I know we talked about this last week but I just figured out that there’s a really good deal on the car I’m thinking about buying!”
#7 If Asking Strangers, Don’t Waste More Than Two Minutes Off Their Time Before Excusing Yourself If They Aren’t Interested
Don’t waste their time. The quickest way to alienate someone is by wasting their time, and you don’t want that person telling others how unpleasant your research was.
So once you’ve asked if they’d be willing to talk, don’t keep them waiting while you look through your notes or consult a manager; get right into the question.
Be nice and polite! This should go without saying but it doesn’t always happen when people are feeling rushed or annoyed with being interrupted at work/home/the grocery store (you name it).
For example, say “thank you” even if no one thanks you back for asking; it’s just polite! And don’t forget about common courtesies like “please” and “may I?” when asking permission from someone who might not be accustomed to being interviewed on-camera…or anywhere else!
Don’t be pushy. We’re not saying that you can only ask one question and then get out of there but if someone says no after hearing all about how interesting this project is and how much time would directly benefit them personally (i.e., pay), then respect their wishes!
It may seem counterintuitive but sometimes people will decline an opportunity because they genuinely don’t have enough free time; so instead of pressuring them into saying yes anyway just because they want something from us (for example data points).
We should let them know that we’d love to talk with them again sometime soon…and maybe even take some notes before our next meeting so as not miss anything important again!”
Is market research always fruitful? Delve into the discussion in Why Market Research Can Be a Waste of Time to understand when and why research efforts might not yield desired outcomes.
#8 If Someone Asks You A Question And Isn’t Looking At Your Face, Just Keep Talking
It’s not a conscious decision on their part to ignore or disrespect you. They’re just in the middle of something else that they find more interesting and/or important than what you are saying.
They’ll wander back over when they’re done with whatever it was that distracted them in the first place. It’s best to just carry on with what you were doing without being offended by their lack of attention (or if this doesn’t sit well with you, take it as an opportunity for some introspection).
#9 If Someone Refuses To Answer Your Questions, Don’t Push Them
You are conducting a survey. You are asking people questions and they are giving you answers. If someone refuses to answer one of those questions, don’t try to make them feel bad about it or start telling them why they should cooperate with your research (unless you work for the CIA).
Don’t even think about it! Just move on and ask another question. The person who won’t answer will probably be fine with it later anyway, so there is no point in worrying about it now.
Embrace the fusion of creativity and methodology in The Art and Science of Marketing Research. Discover how these elements intertwine to drive meaningful insights for successful marketing strategies.
#10 Always Ask Yourself Who Is Speaking When They’ll Say “We” And “US”
When you hear someone say, “We,” or “Us,” who are they talking about? This is a crucial question to ask yourself when you’re deciding whether to trust the data and information that you’re looking at.
It may seem like common sense, but it’s easy for us as humans to get caught up in our own biases or assumptions when it comes to who is speaking here and how much we trust them!
For example: Are there more men than women on the board of directors? If so, then don’t be surprised if they use male pronouns when they talk about their company’s leadership team.
And if an ad agency created a marketing campaign for this company and used pictures instead of words, would those photos show people from diverse backgrounds? In other words, who are these people?
#11 Keep A List Of Everyone You Need To Contact Later On A Piece Of Paper
One of the best things you can do for yourself is to keep a list of everyone you need to contact later on a piece of paper or in your phonebook. That way, when you get an idea for an article, you’ll know exactly who to call and email about it.
Make sure that the people on this list are not just those who have given their consent for being added; everyone on this list should be someone that would be interested in what you’re working on now.
You don’t want to waste time trying to convince someone who doesn’t care about your project at all!
Ever wondered how to engage audiences and gather valuable data? Explore How We Got People to Actually Want to Give Us Their Data to uncover strategies for encouraging data sharing.
So, here’s the deal: It turns out that if you want to get great results from your marketing research, it’s pretty easy! All it takes is spending a little more time on prep work and learning how to ask for recommendations.
The important thing to remember here is that the best way to make decisions about your business or product is by getting information from people who use it themselves.
So, do some digging into their daily lives whether through social media posts or word-of-mouth conversations, and find out what they have been saying recently!
And while we’re at it, let’s not forget another crucial element: being nice when asking questions may yield better results than being pushy or rude.
Further Reading
Without Market Research, You Will Miss Valuable Opportunities Short Description: Explore the critical role of market research in identifying valuable business opportunities and how it can shape your strategic decisions.
Market Research: A Review and Agenda for Future Research Short Description: Dive into a comprehensive review of market research and gain insights into potential avenues for future research in the field.
The Importance of Market Research in Shaping Successful Strategies Short Description: Uncover how market research plays a pivotal role in shaping effective strategies and optimizing business outcomes.
And here’s the “FAQs” section based on the semantic of the titles:
How does market research impact identifying opportunities?
Market research plays a crucial role in identifying opportunities by providing insights into consumer behavior, preferences, and market trends. This information allows businesses to align their offerings with demand and capitalize on emerging opportunities.
What does the review of market research cover?
The review of market research provides an in-depth analysis of the field’s current state, methodologies, and key findings. It also outlines potential areas for future research, shedding light on evolving trends and research gaps.
How can market research contribute to successful strategies?
Market research provides businesses with valuable data that guides decision-making and strategy development. By understanding customer needs and market dynamics, organizations can create strategies that resonate with their target audience and lead to success.
What role does data collection play in effective market research?
Data collection is a fundamental aspect of market research. It involves gathering relevant information through surveys, interviews, observations, and data analysis. Proper data collection ensures that research findings are accurate and actionable.
How does market research adapt to changing market dynamics?
Market research adapts by staying attuned to evolving consumer behavior, technological advancements, and industry trends. It involves continuous monitoring, analysis, and adjustment of research methodologies to provide relevant insights in dynamic markets.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.