Your cover letter is a one-page document that gives the employer an overview of who you are and what you can do. It’s also the first thing they see when they look at your resume, and it’s likely the only text you’ll have a chance to get their attention with before they read more about your work history.
A good cover letter can set you apart from other candidates, but a great one can land an interview or even get you hired on the spot!
Takeaways |
A well-written cover letter can make a difference in your job application. |
A cover letter should be no more than one page long and highlight your most relevant skills and experiences. |
Including a cover letter with your job application can help you stand out from other applicants. |
To tailor your cover letter to the specific job you’re applying for, carefully review the job posting and identify the key skills and experiences required for the role. |
Whenever possible, address your cover letter to a specific person, such as the hiring manager or recruiter. |
Why Does My Cover Letter Get Read?
Your cover letter is the first thing to get read. It’s the first impression, and you want it to stand out. A good cover letter will show that you understand what the employer needs, and that you’re willing to do whatever it takes to be successful in the role.
It’s also a chance for you to answer any questions they might have about your application. Maybe they’re wondering why someone with your background would want this job, or if perhaps you think there’s another position better suited for your skillset elsewhere in their company (if this is indeed true).
By showing how well-researched and thoughtful our responses are, employers will know we’ve done our homework on both their company as well as ourselves!
Crafting a well-written cover letter is a vital step in the job application process. As our guide on how a cover letter can help you get your desired job explains, a cover letter is an opportunity for job seekers to showcase their skills and experiences that make them the best fit for the job.
What Is The Best Way To Present My Cover Letter?
To be sure, you want to make sure that your cover letter looks as professional as possible. To help ensure this, here are some tips for creating the best possible cover letter:
Keep it in a separate file. If you’ve written your letter on a word processor of some kind, save it in its own document that’s separate from your resume and other applications. This will keep everything organized and prevent things from getting lost or accidentally deleted.
Use standard formatting and fonts. Many employers have their own preferred ways of presenting resumes, so if you don’t know what those are for any particular job opening (or if you’re applying for lots of different jobs), then stick with the most common formats the ones used by Microsoft Word or Google Docs tend to work well across platforms. As far as fonts go,
Times New Roman should always be safe; Courier New is another good choice when writing letters like these because they’re easy-to-read sans serif fonts that look good both online and in print materials such as business cards or stationery prints.”
How Do I Introduce Myself In A Cover Letter?
It’s important to remember that your cover letter is not a formal correspondence. You’ll want to keep the tone casual, so don’t use formal greetings (such as “Dear Sir” or “To Whom It May Concern”), closings (“Sincerely,” “Respectfully yours”) or salutations (“Good morning”).
The same goes for your signature: don’t sign off with “Yours truly” or any other formal closing. Instead, try something more casual like “Kind regards” or “Cheers!”
Who Should I Write The Cover Letter To?
You should always use the name of the person who is responsible for hiring, or at least has a say in who gets hired. This can be anyone from the CEO to an HR manager.
Even if you know that an organization is likely going to refer candidates who have been referred by someone else, it’s still important to write a cover letter and follow up with an email or phone call thanking them for their time and interest. You never know when someone will recommend you again!
Job seekers often wonder if a cover letter really matters. Our guide on does a cover letter matter breaks down the importance of a well-crafted cover letter and how it can make a significant impact on a job application.
Should I Mention Anything About The Company In My Cover Letter?
It’s often a good idea to mention the company name and position in your cover letter. If you’re applying for an internship, for example, mention that you are excited about working at X Company because of Y Mission Statement. This can be done in a subtle way and is a great way to stand out from other applicants.
If you do choose to go this route (and we recommend it), make sure that what you’re saying is true! Your resume also needs to reflect these things if they are not already there:
Name and location of employer/company
Industry or business type (e.g., banking)
Size (large enough for growth opportunities versus tiny start-up)
How Do I Mention A Referral In My Cover Letter?
If you have a referral, feel free to mention the name of the person who referred you.
It’s important to note, however, that there are no hard and fast rules as to when it is appropriate to include a referral in your cover letter.
If someone refers you to an employer, but it’s not someone who knows them personally (i.e., if they are just another employee who works at the same company), then it probably isn’t necessary for them to know who referred you.
However, if it is someone who is close friends with your potential boss or has worked with them before on other projects and can vouch for how wonderful of an employee/personality trait being referred by him or her would be for his/her company then definitely include their name!
How Do I Apply For Multiple Jobs At Once?
When you’re applying for multiple jobs at once, it’s important to remember that each cover letter is written for a specific job and should be tailored to that position. If you try to write one generic cover letter and send it off with copies of the same resume, you’ll come across as lazy and employers are looking for people who will put in effort.
A better strategy is to create individual cover letters for each company (or even position), then attach them along with your resume when applying.
If there’s some overlap between positions (for example, if two companies have similar titles), mention this fact in your initial email or phone call; if they want someone with more experience than what’s listed on their website/job posting, then alert them before submitting an application so they don’t waste time reviewing any applications from less-qualified candidates.
What Is The Proper Length For A Cover Letter?
There are no hard and fast rules about how long your cover letter should be. The appropriate length will depend on the type of job you’re applying for and what’s expected in terms of a cover letter.
For example, if you’re applying to a position that requires a cover letter (and most do), then it’s likely that one page will suffice. However, if you’re applying to an entry-level position that doesn’t require one or any other specific document (apart from your resume), then it’s unlikely that anything longer than one page is needed.
One common question job seekers ask is whether a cover letter needs to be one page long. In our guide on does a cover letter have to be one page, we explain the best practices for cover letter length and how to ensure that the letter is concise, yet still highlights important skills and experiences.
How Do I Introduce My Resume In A Cover Letter?
Start with a brief introduction of yourself, your experience, and why you are writing. If there is any specific information that is relevant to the job description, make sure to include it in this section.
Then explain why you are interested in the job and why you are qualified for the job. Finally, explain what makes your interest in working at this company different than others’ interests.
How Can I Best Use Formatting And Bullet Points In My Cover Letter?
The best way to use formatting and bullet points in your cover letter is to make it look professional. Using bolding, italics, or bullets to emphasize important points will help you stand out from other applicants. You can also use formatting techniques when listing accomplishments or skills at the end of your letter.
When Is It Better To Have A Paragraph-Style Rather Than Bulleted List-Style Cover Letter?
If you have a very specific skill or experience that you want to highlight, then the paragraph style is the way to go. For example, if you’re applying for an internship where they are looking for someone with web development skills and experience creating online portfolios, then it would be beneficial to use this method in your cover letter.
The bulleted list will allow them to see all of your skills at once without having to read through paragraphs of other information.
They can just quickly scan down and see what important items are listed on there, so if it’s something specific that they’re searching for, it could definitely help get their attention!
However, if you want more time explaining why your credentials make up an excellent hire (for example: “I’m great at Excel because I always keep up-to-date on new functions”), then using paragraphs may be better suited towards proving this point than using a bullet format would be able to do.
The importance of including a date in a cover letter can often be overlooked. In our guide on does a cover letter need a date, we explain how including a date can show professionalism and organization, and can also help employers keep track of applications.
What’s The Best Way To Start An Email Containing My Resume And Cover Letter (As Attachments)?
The best way to start an email containing your resume and cover letter is with a friendly tone. You should be concise, respectful, professional, clear and honest. You should be polite and friendly while still being human in a way that allows you to show confidence in yourself.
Don’t Worry Too Much About Your Cover Letter
The job market has changed drastically over the last few decades, and it’s unlikely that you need to put a lot of time and effort into your cover letters.
If you haven’t heard from an employer within two weeks of applying, then it may be worth following up with a phone call or email asking how things are going with their search (and be sure not to sound entitled).
In order to get hired at most companies today, you just need an outstanding resume not fancy fonts or formatting, an overly long letter, graphics and bullet points galore, paragraph after paragraph of text that goes on for pages.
An effective cover letter can significantly increase a job seeker’s chances of getting hired. Our guide on how an effective cover letter can affect an applicant’s chances explains the key elements of a successful cover letter and how to tailor it to the specific job being applied for.
The bottom line is that writing a cover letter doesn’t have to be difficult or stressful. It’s just a quick introduction and overview of who you are, what you can do for the company and why they should hire you. The more honest and straightforward your tone is, the better!
Further Reading
Here are some additional resources to help you write a successful cover letter:
Why Cover Letters are Important – This article from Michael Page explains the key elements of a cover letter and why it’s important for job seekers to include one in their job application.
The Importance of a Cover Letter – Indeed’s article highlights the importance of a well-crafted cover letter and provides tips on how to write a compelling one.
When a Strong Cover Letter Can Make All the Difference – This article from Idealist discusses how a strong cover letter can make a significant difference in a job application, and provides examples of successful cover letters.
What should be included in a cover letter?
A cover letter should include a brief introduction about yourself, why you are applying for the job, how your skills and experiences align with the requirements of the job, and a closing statement that expresses your interest in further discussing your qualifications.
How long should a cover letter be?
A cover letter should be no more than one page long. It should be concise and highlight your most relevant skills and experiences.
Is it necessary to include a cover letter with a job application?
While not all employers require a cover letter, it’s always a good idea to include one. A well-crafted cover letter can help job seekers stand out from other applicants and demonstrate their qualifications for the job.
How can I tailor my cover letter to the specific job I’m applying for?
To tailor your cover letter to the specific job you’re applying for, carefully review the job posting and identify the key skills and experiences required for the role. Then, highlight your own relevant skills and experiences in your cover letter, making sure to explain how they align with the job requirements.
Should I address my cover letter to a specific person?
Whenever possible, it’s best to address your cover letter to a specific person, such as the hiring manager or recruiter. If you don’t know the name of the person who will be reviewing your application, you can use a generic greeting such as “Dear Hiring Manager” or “Dear Recruiter.”

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.