Freelancing is a concept that has attracted considerable interest in recent years. But the question of whether a freelance career is viable for most people remains up in the air for many. In this post, we’ll explore the pros and cons of freelancing, and look at how one might make it their full-time job even if they have no experience or connections.
We’ll also take a close look at some real stories of people who have made it work as freelancers and some who haven’t. Freelancing can be a great way to get started in your career, but there are also plenty of downsides that make it less than ideal for certain people. So let’s begin with those cons:
Takeaways |
Freelancing can indeed be a viable full-time career option. |
Building a strong client base and consistently acquiring new clients is essential for stability. |
Proper financial management is crucial to ensure a steady income as a freelancer. |
Freelancing offers flexibility in work hours and the ability to choose projects. |
However, freelancing also presents challenges such as irregular income and self-motivation. |
Specializing in a specific niche and continuously upgrading skills can contribute to a successful freelance career. |
Building a strong professional network and providing excellent client service are key factors in freelancing success. |
Maintaining a proactive approach to marketing and self-promotion is necessary for securing new opportunities. |
Almost Every Small Business Begins As A Side Hustle
If you are just getting started with freelancing, it may seem like a big step to going full-time. But there’s a good chance that the company you work for will eventually ask if you want to transition into a full-time role.
Almost every small business begins as a side hustle that someone brings in on the side of their 9-5 gig, so it’s not unusual for people who have already been working as freelancers to be asked if they would be interested in going full-time at their company (or being hired by another firm).
Freelancing also provides a great opportunity for testing out ideas before committing yourself 100% as an entrepreneur. You can test out your skills and see if there is demand for them without taking on all the risks involved in starting up your own business right away.
If you’re wondering whether it’s possible to make a full-time income freelancing while working part-time, our article on making a full-time income freelancing part-time provides valuable insights and strategies to help you achieve your financial goals.
You’ll Be Your Boss
You have the ability to decide how much or how little work you want to do, so you can make freelancing a full-time career if you want.
You can also choose which clients you want to work with. There are no quotas or demands on what type of jobs you take because they’re all up to your discretion. You’ll never be told that X number of projects need to be done by Y date.
As a freelancer, you don’t have set hours at an office or commute time each day; instead, when it’s convenient for you (and your clients), get some work done!
This freedom makes it easier for many people who are looking for an alternative lifestyle outside of traditional employment options like working in an office nine-to-five every day or being confined by a company policy about sick days (or vacation).
Also, keep in mind that there may be tax advantages associated with being self-employed rather than employed by someone else (depending on your situation).
You Get To Choose The Clients You Want To Work With
You get to choose the clients that you want to work with. For example, you can choose clients that are related to your expertise, clients that are in your niche, or clients that are in your area.
You can also choose from a variety of projects and their budgets or choose whether you would like to take up a part-time job or go for full-time freelancing if it interests you. So basically, there’s no limit on what kind of clientele you can work with as long as they’re willing to pay your rates!
You Can Charge More As A Freelancer
If you’re considering a freelance career, there are a few things to keep in mind. The first is that you can charge more as a freelancer because you are your boss. You’re not constrained by office politics or the need to dress professionally and get along with everyone else.
When someone hires you, they know exactly what they’re getting and how much it costs no surprises!
The second thing that makes freelancing so attractive is that it allows you to work when and where suits your needs best. Many freelancers choose their hours and locations based on their clients’ needs (or lack thereof).
Curious about whether you can make a full-time living as a freelancer? Our comprehensive guide on making a full-time living as a freelancer explores the advantages and challenges of freelancing as a career choice.
You Get To Set Your Hours and Work From Anywhere
You get to set your hours and work from anywhere.
No more getting up at 5 a.m. for an 8 am meeting? No more staying late after dinner with the family? No more being stuck in traffic for 3 hours a day? That’s right you can work whenever you want, wherever you want!
You can work at night or early in the morning when it’s quiet, or if you’re like me and don’t sleep much anyway, maybe just set aside one or two days per week where you make sure all of your projects are done before noon so that from then on out it’s just sitting down with no distractions and getting things done in comfort (and maybe break time).
Some freelancers even have an office where they go every day as if they were working in an office job but who needs to commute when you’ve got Netflix episodes queued up waiting for your attention? Work anywhere: In bed before bedtime;
On the couch, while someone else watches TV; At home with everyone else watching TV; Sitting outside somewhere nice like a park or beach…
You Have The Freedom To Buy Time In Certain Areas
All of the above factors can be trumped by one major advantage: the freedom to buy time in your life.
You may be able to work remotely and set your schedule, but if you don’t have the money to buy time, then it’s not a viable option. As a freelancer, you have more flexibility than most people in terms of where and when you work.
You could also opt for shorter hours or fewer days per week at your day job so that you can focus on your side hustle on nights and weekends.
You Have More Flexibility Than Office Job Holders
One of the biggest benefits of freelancing is the flexibility it affords you. You can work from anywhere, at any time, and in any attire. Working from home means you don’t have to worry about dress codes or commuting. If there are errands that need running or errands that can be done online, there will never be a reason for you not to do them on a given day.
If you find yourself needing some fresh air and sunlight during your workday, then maybe it’s time for a coffee shop jaunt!
Grabbing your laptop and going somewhere new every once in a while is a great way to boost creativity while also keeping things interesting throughout your day-to-day routine (and yes you should get something delicious from whatever coffee shop you frequent).
And if all else fails? A library is always an option! You can find open tables with outlets for charging devices nearby nearly anywhere these days… just make sure not everyone around knows what exactly it is that makes those little blue lights on their phones glow so brightly when plugged into power sources off-campus…
Are you looking to increase your earning potential as a freelancer? Discover the top freelance skills that can help you charge more in our article on top 10 freelance skills to charge more, and learn how to position yourself for higher-paying opportunities.
You Get To Do What You Love
Another awesome benefit of freelancing is that you get to do what you love. If there is something you are passionate about, then why not work on it? You can choose to work full-time at a job that does not fulfill your needs and only pays the bills or start working for yourself. If a full-time job is too dull for your taste then take some time off and go freelance instead!
If we had all the time in the world, we would probably want to spend it doing whatever we like doing most out of everything possible love it or hate it. But since life doesn’t always allow us this luxury (unemployment crisis), freelancing comes as an obvious solution if someone wants more freedom in choosing what they want their career path to look like.
It’s Kind Of Like Being An Entrepreneur, Without All the Risk
Freelancing is a great way to test the waters of entrepreneurship, without all the risk. You are your boss and get to choose your clients. You set your hours and can work from anywhere with an internet connection.
You get to choose what you do, so if you want to be a web designer but have no formal training in coding or design, that’s okay! You can buy time in certain areas where you need more experience and/or training for less than what it would cost to take courses at college or university (which also doesn’t guarantee employment after graduation).
And because freelancers tend to earn less than professionals who work full-time jobs at companies, they often have more flexibility than office job holders such as having the ability to telecommute part-time or work remotely full-time where their employer has no issue with this arrangement.
Freelancing Can Help Improve Your Employability In The Future
If you are thinking of freelancing, here are some key reasons why it can help improve your employability in the future:
Freelancing allows you to develop skills that are in demand. For example, if a company needs someone with a good understanding of social media marketing and has no budget for full-time employees, they can hire a freelancer who is willing to work at an hourly rate instead.
It gives you more experience in your industry so when it comes time for interviews, there will be less need for explaining what exactly your role is within an organization.
More references! Having worked with various clients helps give potential employers confidence that you’re capable of doing great work on projects outside of their sphere as well as within theirs too (which may also lead them to recommend other opportunities).
This is especially helpful if they’ve worked together with other companies before who would gladly provide feedback on how well things went between them all during working together;
So even though there might be some overlap between those recommendations from different sources from one another because everyone knows each other anyway…if all goes according go smoothly then this could reflect poorly on either party involved (though mostly ourselves).
Ready to take your freelance career to the next level? Our article on proven ways to level up your freelance career offers practical tips, strategies, and resources to help you achieve success and growth in your freelancing journey.
It Makes For A Great Supplement Income
Freelancing can be a great way to earn some extra cash. Depending on how much time you’re willing to put into freelancing, and how many clients you want to take on, it’s possible that freelancing could be your full-time career. However, if you’re looking for a more stable income stream, freelancing is also a great supplement.
It might work like this: You work full-time at an office job but still need an extra source of income to help pay the bills or save up for something special (like a vacation).
You decide that taking on freelance clients would be the best fit for your schedule and lifestyle at this point; perhaps your employer doesn’t offer benefits like flexible hours or telecommuting opportunities or perhaps there simply aren’t enough hours in the day!
Either way, becoming a successful freelancer could give you the financial freedom and flexibility that many traditional jobs don’t provide.
Freelancing Gives You More Security Than Many Traditional Jobs
Freelancing is a great way to work remotely, which means you can live where you want and travel whenever you want. It’s also more flexible than most traditional jobs because freelancers don’t have to clock in or follow a strict schedule.
If your client’s project isn’t due until next week, there’s no reason why they should keep paying your salary while they wait for it. You’ll be free to take on other projects or use the time to focus on something else entirely you won’t have any boss telling you what to do with your day off or wondering why the heck it took so long for those TPS reports (what are those?!)
Freelancing Helps You Develop Broader Skillsets
On top of the ability to work remotely and set your schedule, freelancing also allows you to develop broader skillsets. When you’re working on one project for an employer, it’s easy for that job to feel monotonous and repetitive.
As a freelancer, however, each project is going to be different from the last one that came before it which means there’s ample opportunity for learning new things. This can include learning new software tools; developing expertise in certain areas of technology or language; or even just getting better at your craft by practicing more often and taking on bigger projects.
Freelancing has its challenges (like finding enough clients), but if you think about it correctly and plan accordingly, then this type of career can be very rewarding both professionally and personally too!
It Is Also Possible To Start A Career As A Freelancer Despite Being Unemployed
You don’t need to be employed to start a career as a freelancer. You can do that even if you have no experience, skills, or money.
Even if you are currently unemployed, you can start as a freelancer today:
If you have no skills or experience in any particular field then try your hand at writing articles or creating content of any other kind on websites like Fiverr and Upwork.
If you already have some writing skills but lack the confidence required in starting anything new then why not create an account on Freelancer or Elance?
If there’s something that interests you then go ahead and learn that skill first by watching tutorials on YouTube and following some course material available online.
Freelancing Provides Consistent Income For Stable Cash Flow
Freelancing provides you with consistent income. You have to have a plan and goals, but freelancing can provide you with a stable cash flow. If you are looking for more money than your current job is providing, freelancing may be the way to go.
Freelancers earn more than employees, self-employed workers, and entrepreneurs on average. According to Upwork’s latest freelancer report, freelancers earned an average of $44 per hour in 2018 a 9% increase from 2017’s $41 hourly wage rate (which was up 7% year-over-year).
In addition, the number of hours worked per week has increased by 6%, resulting in an increase in full-time employment among freelancers — from 22% to 27%.
Working On Different Projects Allows For Networking Opportunities
Working on different projects allows you to meet people from different industries. You will be able to learn from them and they will also be able to teach you something new. When working with other freelancers.
It’s important that everyone is on the same page when it comes to what needs to be done so that there isn’t any confusion or miscommunication later down the line when a project needs to be completed.
So if one person is having difficulties with their work, they can ask another freelancer for help without worrying about being judged or seen as incompetent because in isolation each of these individuals is great at what they do!
You’ll also have access directly to private Slack channels for each client which means that any questions about specific tasks can easily get answered by other experienced professionals who’ve worked on similar projects before (or even better yet more recently than yourself).
This makes everything much less stressful since there’s no need anymore wait around all day hoping someone else might notice first before asking themselves potentially embarrassing questions like: “How do I apply filters?” Or “What does this button do?”
Considering a career as a freelance writer? Explore the pros and cons of becoming a freelance writer in our informative article on the pros and cons of becoming a freelance writer, and gain valuable insights to make an informed decision about pursuing this path.
These Reasons Should Inspire You To Take Freelancing As One Of Your Career Paths
If you are still looking for a full-time job, or if you’re already employed but want to make extra money, freelancing is a perfect option. It can be done from anywhere in the world and at any time of day. You can also choose to work on projects that are related to your regular work. If this is something that interests you, here are some reasons why:
Freelancing is a growing industry: the freelance workforce has grown by almost 20% since 2014 and shows no signs of slowing down. There’s no better time than now for someone who wants to try their hand at working as a freelancer!
Freelancing will help you learn new skills: with so many opportunities available online and offline, there are endless ways for freelancers like yourself to gain additional experience in their field while earning an income through various means (i.e., doing paid projects).
This gives them access not only to advertising themselves as professionals but also being able to build networks within their niche markets as well.*
Now that you know more about the world of freelancing, you’re better equipped to decide whether or not it would be a good fit for your life. Regardless of whether you end up working full-time as a freelancer, we hope that some of the advice in this article helps you move closer to building a thriving freelance career.
Further Reading
Here are some additional resources to explore the topic of freelancing as a full-time career:
Can Freelancing Be a Full-Time Career?: This article discusses the possibilities and challenges of turning freelancing into a full-time career, providing insights and tips for success.
Can Freelancing Be a Full-Time Career?: Explore this Medium post that delves into the factors to consider when deciding whether freelancing can be a viable full-time career option.
How Freelancing Can Be a Full-Time Career: This resource offers valuable insights into how freelancing can provide a fulfilling and sustainable full-time career path, including strategies for maximizing income and finding consistent work.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do You Think Freelancing Can Be A Full-Time Career?
Yes, it can. It all depends on how much you want to work, how much time you are willing to invest in it and what kind of lifestyle you want.
Freelancing can be a full-time career if you have the right attitude towards it. You should know that freelancing is not just about making money but also about gaining experience, learning new things, and meeting new people.
What Is Freelancing?
Freelancing is a form of self-employment. Freelancers are individuals who work on a project-by-project basis and are hired by companies, institutions, or other clients to complete specific tasks. They may work from home or in an office space provided by their employer.
What Are Some Of The Advantages Of Freelancing?
The biggest advantage is the flexibility it offers. You can work from anywhere at any time and set your hours. You’ll get to learn new skills that you may not have been exposed to otherwise, which will help advance your career in the future.
It’s also nice because you don’t have to deal with office politics or having to answer to someone else all day long all you have to do is focus on getting the job done right!
What Are Some Of The Disadvantages Of Freelancing?
The main disadvantage is that there isn’t much stability or security involved with this type of work you never know when your next paycheck might come in or how much it will be worth when it finally arrives! However, if you set goals for yourself (like saving enough money each month so that no matter what happens financially), then this shouldn’t be an issue for too long

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.