Do You Need To Give A Cover Letter? (Career Advice)

Do you need a cover letter? What is the difference between a CV and a resume? How do you write an outstanding cover letter that gets you noticed? We’re here to help with these questions and more in this article about what goes into your job application.

How To Write a Cover Letter: Top 3 Tips, Format & Examples
A well-written cover letter can set you apart from other applicants and increase your chances of landing a job.
Cover letters are still an important component of the job application process, despite the rise of online applications and resume screening software.
A strong cover letter should be tailored to the specific job you are applying for and highlight your most relevant qualifications and experience.
Your cover letter should convey your enthusiasm for the position and demonstrate your understanding of the company and its values.
A cover letter should be concise, typically no more than one page long, and include a brief introduction, a summary of relevant skills and experience, and a closing statement.

What Is The Difference Between A Cv And A Resume?

A CV differs from a resume in that it’s much more detailed. A CV is typically used for academic or research applications and provides an overview of your education and work history. 

It includes information about your educational background, all relevant publications, as well as important awards and honors you’ve received during your time at school. The difference between the two documents can be confusing so here’s a rundown on how they differ:

  • CVs are longer than resumes (typically one page versus 2-3 pages)
  • CVs tend to include more information like publications, awards, and honors
  • CVs are used when applying for academic positions; resumes are used when applying for jobs

Highlighting your skills and experience in a cover letter can set you apart from other applicants. Check out our article on why you are a good fit to learn how to showcase your qualifications effectively.

Are Cover Letters Necessary?

A cover letter is a writing sample, to show an employer why you are the best candidate for a job. Some jobs will require cover letters, while others do not. The answer to whether or not a cover letter is necessary depends on the type of job you are applying for, as well as your background and experience.

What Is An Internship, And How To Find One

What is an Internship?

An internship is a temporary job that you’re usually paid for, but the employer doesn’t offer the same benefits as a regular full-time position. If you’re looking for experience in your field, an internship could be perfect for you if it allows you to learn more about what it’s like to work in your industry and whether or not it’s right for you.

How do I find one?

The best places to start looking are online job boards like Indeed or Monster (if they’re available in your area), as well as at local community colleges and universities. 

You can also ask friends who work in fields related to yours if they know of any opportunities; sometimes this works better than searching online because people who would hire interns don’t always advertise them on websites or through job postings.

Should You Bring Your Resume To A Job Interview?

Bring a copy of your resume, not the original. When you’re on your way to an interview, it’s tempting to just throw in a folder with your resume and bring that along. Don’t do this! Bring copies of your resume so that if somebody asks for one, you have one ready to go. 

If you don’t have any extras on hand when they ask for them, there could be some awkwardness involved and then things start going downhill from there.

Bring a portfolio of work samples or projects if applicable. If the job you are applying for involves design work or artistry (like web design), make sure to bring examples of previous work with you so that the interviewer can see what kind of ability level they are dealing with here before meeting their new employee face-to-face. 

This can help ease some tension off both sides because it allows people to get excited about each others’ skill sets before starting a new project together which could lead to better results overall!

Bring references and questions prepared ahead of time: The last thing anyone wants after having gone through all these steps is to feel overwhelmed by nerves during their first day/week/year at their new job site so make sure everything is organized beforehand so nothing slips through the cracks!

Are cover letters still necessary in today’s job market? The answer is yes. Our article on how cover letters help explains why cover letters are still a crucial component of the job application process.

How Do I List Education On My Resume?

When listing your education, you should include the name of the school, city, and dates attended. If you have a degree, list it next to your name with your major and the year you graduated (i.e., Bachelor of Arts in Sociology from State University, 2000). 

If you also have a minor or certificate, list them as well: Bachelor of Arts in Sociology with a Minor in Women’s Studies from State University (2000).

What Is A Resume?

A resume is a document that summarizes your professional experience, education, and skills. It’s usually a one-page document that should be tailored to the job you are applying for.

To make your resume easy to read and organized, it should include a cover letter that outlines why you’re interested in the position and how it relates to your career goals (and passions).

What Kind Of Information Should Be On My Resume?

In addition to all of the information above, you’ll want to include any special skills or certifications that make you especially qualified for the job. If you have a degree in computer programming or some other field relevant to the position, make sure it’s listed. 

If you’re a licensed plumber and want to work as an HVAC technician, include your license number and certification dates.

If there are any hobbies or interests that are relevant and can help explain why they’d be useful at work (for example photography), be sure those are included as well.

Can I Use The Same Resume For All Jobs?

There are times when you may feel like a cover letter is unnecessary. Job postings don’t always require one, and there are plenty of other times when it doesn’t make sense to send a cover letter. These include:

  • An email submission (e.g., applying directly through LinkedIn)
  • On-campus interviews with an institution or organization that you know well

But if you’re still feeling unclear about whether or not you should be sending along a cover letter at all, here’s why I think they’re important

Writing a custom introduction for each job application shows employers how much attention you’ve put into their organization and how seriously interested in the position you are which can help set you apart from other candidates who only submitted their resume and didn’t take any extra effort with the application process.

Wondering if you need to include a cover letter with your job application? The answer is almost always yes. Check out our article on when to include a cover letter to learn why a well-crafted cover letter can make a big difference in your job search.

What Is A Cover Letter, And Why Do I Need One?

A cover letter is a short letter that accompanies your resume when applying for a job. It should be addressed to the hiring manager and briefly introduce you and explain why you are a good fit for the job. A cover letter should not be longer than one page.

How Do I Write A Professional Cover Letter For A Job Application?

  • Introduce yourself:
  • Start with your contact information (name, phone number, and email address).
  • State the position you are applying for and the company you want to work with.
  • State why you are qualified for the job:

Briefly describe your skills, abilities, and qualifications that match what the employer is looking for in a candidate for this position. 

For example, if you want to be an accountant then explain why your accounting experience makes you ideal for this role: “As an experienced accountant with over five years of experience in international accounting standards (ISAC) compliance management services, I am confident that my skills will be a valuable asset to your team.

State why you are interested in the job:

You should also briefly explain why exactly it is that makes this particular job appealing or interesting enough that would motivate someone like yourself to apply for it despite its shortcomings or challenges (if there are any). 

For example, if an opening has arisen within the sales department of a large retail chain where one main task would involve closing sales deals on daily basis using personal charm rather than actual business knowledge then state something like this: “I am very excited about joining a such dynamic environment where every day brings different challenges and opportunities.

How Long Should A Cover Letter Be?

For cover letters, one page is the maximum length you should consider. Anything longer and your letter will likely be passed over by the hiring manager.

A second page is acceptable only if it contains a full list of references, either at the top or bottom of your document (preferably at the bottom). 

Don’t assume that hiring managers will read through to find these details; in fact, many don’t even bother to read past the first few paragraphs of a resume and don’t spend much time reading through long cover letters either! 

In this case, it may be worthwhile for you to provide an easy reference point for them by including this information in its section within your document.

A strong cover letter can be the key to landing your dream job. Our article on how a cover letter can help you get your desired job offers tips and advice for crafting a compelling cover letter that sets you apart from other applicants.

How To Write An Outstanding Cover Letter That Gets You Noticed

To make your cover letter stand out, you need to be specific about what you can do for the company. This means including a personal touch and showing enthusiasm for applying. A good way of doing this is by making the cover letter easy to read because most employers are busy people that don’t have time for long blocks of text. 

You should also include a reference to the job posting and company website or social media page so that they know how much research you’ve done into their company before submitting your application. 

It’s also important that you mention any experience with similar companies or projects in your industry as it shows them that they’re hiring someone who has relevant knowledge of their industry and knows what’s expected from such jobs. 

Lastly, don’t forget about being enthusiastic! If they see this when reading through applications then they’re sure not going anywhere else but yours!

Things Your Cover Letter Must Cover

You should make sure that your cover letter is addressed to a specific person. It’s not enough to write “Dear Sir or Madam.”

The cover letter should reflect the same tone as your resume; don’t use overly formal language or slang, and avoid jargon.

You should include a sentence highlighting any unique experience you have that makes you qualified for this position. For example: “I’m excited to apply my knowledge of [insert relevant skill here] to help your company increase profits.

How Do I Follow Up On My Job Application Without Seeming Desperate Or Annoying?

How long should I wait before following up?

It’s usually not a good idea to follow up too soon. If you do, it may look like you are desperate or annoyed that they didn’t respond right away. Wait at least one week before sending another email or making a phone call.

Should I follow up if I haven’t received an answer yet?

No! If you haven’t heard back, don’t try and contact the employer again until they have had sufficient time to review your application and decide whether or not they want to take it further by asking for an interview. 

You could even consider waiting two weeks before checking in with them again (if this is acceptable) because some employers receive so many applications that yours can easily get lost in the shuffle until then – especially if there is no way for them to know whether or not someone else has already been contacted about filling the role!

An effective cover letter can greatly improve your chances of landing a job. Check out our article on how an effective cover letter can affect your job search to learn how to make your cover letter stand out and increase your chances of getting hired.


It’s important to keep in mind that you shouldn’t write your cover letter as if you were writing a formal letter. This is because the job application process is more informal, and so it’s better to use a casual tone than one that seems too formal or stiff. 

The best thing to do when writing a cover letter for your resume is to go back through your old blog posts or emails where you have written about similar topics before even if they weren’t specifically related to this job! 

Then just copy over some of those sentences into your new document so that it feels familiar enough for you do not even notice how long it takes me

Further Reading

How to Write a Cover Letter: Step-by-Step Guide – Indeed’s comprehensive guide to writing a cover letter that will help you stand out to employers.

Do I Need a Cover Letter? – A blog post by Novoresume that explores the importance of cover letters in the job search process.

Why Cover Letters Are Important – Michael Page’s article on why cover letters are still a critical part of the job application process.


What is a cover letter?

A cover letter is a document that accompanies a job application and provides additional information about the applicant’s qualifications and interest in the position. It is typically one page long and includes a brief introduction, a summary of relevant skills and experience, and a closing statement.

Do I need to include a cover letter with my job application?

In most cases, yes. While some employers may not require a cover letter, including one can demonstrate your interest in the position and provide an opportunity to showcase your qualifications in more detail.

How long should a cover letter be?

A cover letter should typically be no more than one page long. It should be concise and focused on highlighting the most relevant qualifications and experience for the position.

What should I include in a cover letter?

A cover letter should include a brief introduction, a summary of relevant skills and experience, and a closing statement expressing your interest in the position. It should be tailored to the specific job you are applying for and showcase how your skills and experience align with the requirements of the position.

How do I write a compelling cover letter?

To write a compelling cover letter, it’s important to tailor it to the specific job you are applying for and highlight your most relevant qualifications and experience. You should also aim to convey your enthusiasm for the position and demonstrate your understanding of the company and its values.