I’ve been asked this question many times, so I thought it was time to write an article on it. Your cover letter is your first chance to impress a recruiter or hiring manager and show them that you’re the right candidate for the job.
So, if you have any doubt about whether or not you need a cover letter with your resume, let me put your mind at ease. The short answer is yes! Send one with every application you make and this guide will help you write one that will get read.
Key Takeaways |
A cover letter can improve your chances of getting hired by helping you stand out from other applicants. |
A well-written cover letter should be no longer than one or two pages. |
Whenever possible, address your cover letter to a specific person rather than using a generic greeting. |
Your cover letter should include an introduction, a brief summary of your qualifications, and a closing statement expressing your interest in the job. |
Including a cover letter with your job application can show your interest in the position and help you stand out to potential employers. |
Should I Include A Cover Letter With My Resume?
Do you think you need a cover letter for your resume? The short answer is no. Many employers are looking for job applicants who don’t include them in the first place.
The reason for this has to do with how different recruiters and HR departments use cover letters. Some of them will look at them as a way to gauge if an applicant can write well and communicate effectively; others won’t even read them at all unless they’re specifically requested by management.
If you’ve never worked in human resources before or have applied for positions that require a cover letter, then it can be hard to tell whether or not you should submit one when applying online through sites like CareerBuilder or Indeed so here’s how I recommend deciding:
If your background aligns with what the company is currently seeking (i.e., if your experience matches up perfectly), then it’s okay not to include one in your application materials!
This usually means that since no mention of an attachment has been made on their site, there was likely no preference given toward having one included either way so simply fill out whatever other fields are required instead of worrying about whether or not anyone
Even cares about reading something else from you besides just some basic information like name/phone number/address etcetera…
Highlighting why you are a good fit for the job in your cover letter can help you stand out from other applicants. Our article on why you are a good fit for a job can provide tips and guidance to help you craft a strong cover letter.
Should I Send A Cover Letter Even If The Job Posting Doesn’t Say To?
You should write a cover letter for every job you apply to, even if they don’t require one. A cover letter allows you to communicate your interests in their company, their industry, and what you can bring to the table.
It gives the hiring manager more information about who you are as an applicant so that they can make a more informed decision about whether or not to bring you in for an interview.
A good rule of thumb is always to send a cover letter unless the job posting explicitly states that it isn’t required. If this is not stated (or if it’s unclear), then assume that it’s expected from each applicant and make sure yours stands out from all others by being tailored specifically for them and their needs!
Is There An Advantage To Submitting A Cover Letter Instead Of Just A Resume?
When you’re applying for a specific job, it can be useful to include a cover letter. A cover letter is an additional document that provides more information about why you are interested in the position and what makes you qualified to do it.
It allows you to introduce yourself while using more casual language than your resume does. Also, if there is any specific information not included on your resume (such as personal interests or hobbies), this would be the place to include it.
A well-written cover letter will demonstrate not only that you have solid communication skills, but also that you understand how to follow instructions and set deadlines. This may help make up for any lack of experience cited on the standard resume format!
How Do I Write An Effective Cover Letter?
Introduce yourself and your skills. The first paragraph should be about you, not the company. Use this to highlight your experience, expertise, and personality that make you right for the job.
Explain how you learned about the position. If possible, quote someone who knows you well like a reference from a previous employer, and use their name so that they get credit for recommending their favorite employee!
State why you’re interested in the position: Is it because of its location? Its reputation? Its salary? Or maybe it’s because there are no other jobs in your field available anywhere else? Whatever your reason(s), make sure to include it here!
Mention how you can benefit the company: Do some research about this industry or business, then list three specific ways in which YOUR presence could improve THEIR bottom line (i.e., “I would increase sales by 10% over my first year thanks largely due to my extensive knowledge of customer service.”)
Explaining how your skills and experience match the requirements of the job can improve your chances of getting hired. Our guide on explaining why you are a good match can help you write a persuasive cover letter.
What Should I Include In My Cover Letter?
As you can see, the cover letter is not a formality. It’s an opportunity to show that you can write well and that you’re interested in the job. You do want to include your name and contact information, but don’t forget: it’s also a chance for you to tell the hiring manager about yourself and why you’re a good fit for the position.
So what should be included? A good place to start is with your name (of course) and contact info. If there’s room on top of your resume or in another file, feel free to include some bullet points about yourself – where are you from? What makes this position interesting or exciting for you?
Next up is where I think most people go wrong: writing paragraphs about themselves and then dropping them down into their cover letters as if they were describing someone else entirely!
What Do Employers Look For In A Cover Letter?
If you are applying for a position at the company, mention it. If there is a specific job title or position you are applying for, mention it. If there was an ad that prompted you to apply and that’s what they’re looking for, mention that.
If they have a website or social media page and use one of those as their primary method of hiring, specify where your resume should go there. If not, at least let them know where else they can find you if they need more information about your experience: LinkedIn is always good; relevant industry groups on Facebook or Google+ might be worth mentioning as well!
What Should I Avoid In My Cover Letter?
Don’t give a long list of all your skills. A cover letter is where you can brag about yourself, but the purpose of the resume is to sell yourself as the best candidate for a specific role. Keep it brief and focus on why your experience lines up with what the company needs.
Don’t use a template that you found online. Even if it’s well-written, using other people’s words will make it seem like you didn’t take the time to customize something specifically for this employer and position.
Is There A Standard Format For Cover Letters?
When it comes to the content of your cover letter, there is no standard format. This is because each situation is different and individual. It all depends on what you know about the company or person that you are sending your resume to. However, there are some general guidelines you can follow
Address the cover letter to a specific person (not just “To whom it may concern”)
Address the cover letter using their name (if possible)
Keep it short
Wondering if a cover letter is worth the effort? Research suggests that cover letters can improve your chances of getting hired. Check out our article on how cover letters help to learn more about their importance in the job application process.
What Kind Of Information Do I Need Before Writing A Cover Letter?
The job title and description
The name of the person who will be reading your cover letter
The company name and address
The company’s website (if there is one)
Whether or not you need to submit an online application, and if so, where to do so.
How Long Should My Cover Letter Be?
The length of your cover letter depends on the position you’re applying for and the company’s preferences. A general rule of thumb is that it should be no longer than 1 page, but there are exceptions to this rule.
For example, if you have an extensive work history or additional skills and qualifications (for example, fluency in another language), then a 2-page length might be appropriate.
Some companies prefer shorter cover letters; others prefer longer ones. If you’re not sure how long is too long or too short, I recommend keeping your cover letter between one or two pages at most; however if possible try not to exceed three pages as this may cause hiring managers to overlook your application entirely
Should My Cover Letter Be More Than One Page?
Yes. Whether your cover letter is a page or three, it’s important to follow best practices and keep it short and sweet no more than two or three paragraphs.
Use your cover letter to explain why you’re a good fit for the position and how you can add value to the organization if hired, but don’t rehash everything from your resume.
If there are additional details about your qualifications that aren’t featured on either document, include them in this section of the application package as well.
In addition to highlighting skills that align with the job description, be sure that you highlight any unique experiences related to the industry or position in question.
If applicable (and only if) make sure that these examples demonstrate how they’ve specifically prepared you for this role at [Company Name]! And finally: Do not ever say anything like “I am available at any time,” “I would love an opportunity” or “I could start immediately.” These phrases are as cliche as they sound!
Many job seekers overlook the importance of a cover letter, but a well-written one can make a significant difference in the hiring process. Our article on how cover letters make a difference explains why you should take the time to craft a strong cover letter.
How Do I Make Sure My Cover Letter Isn’t Too Long Or Too Short?
How long should a cover letter be?
This is a tricky question because there’s no one-size-fits-all answer. The length of your cover letter depends on the job description if it asks you to write one page, then that’s what you should do. If it asks for two pages or more, go ahead and send those as well.
At the same time, don’t be too short with your cover letter either: if you’re only able to fit all relevant information into one page, this could hurt your chances of getting an interview.
You might think that being concise is always better than being wordy; however, if your resume doesn’t include enough detail on its own then adding some extra details via the cover letter will help balance things out.
All in all though? Make sure neither of these extremes ever occurs: either don’t exceed one page or don’t be too concise either!
How Do I Make Sure My Cover Letter Gets Read?
To make sure your cover letter stands out in a crowded field of applicants, you need to make sure it gets read. Here are some tips on how to do that:
Address the right person. If you’re applying for a job at [company name] and their website doesn’t specify who in particular you should be contacting, then feel free to go ahead and send it off with “Dear Hiring Manager” or something similar (just don’t forget the salutation).
But if there’s an email address or physical address listed for someone who will be reviewing your application materials, then by all means address them directly! It’s much more impressive to get through the first round of hiring thanks in large part because someone took time out of their busy day just for me and that shows I’m worth it.
Tailor each piece of writing specifically for this job posting or company’s needs.
You have no idea how many times I’ve been asked about the best way of doing this and we’ll talk about it more later on but suffice it now that unless there’s something unique about how they want their cover letters were written (and if so, follow those instructions!), then follow these two simple rules: Keep It Short and Use Action Words.”
Do I Need To Send Anything Besides My Cover Letter And Resume As Part Of My Application Package?
Do I need to send anything besides my cover letter and resume as part of my application package?
It’s up to you. There is no standard format for the application – only suggestions. You may find it helpful to include a cover letter with your resume, but this is not required by any school or program. If you do want to include one, make sure that it is tailored specifically for the position at hand.
To Get Your Resume Noticed, Why Not Include A Personalised, Engaging, And Well Written Cover Letter?
The cover letter is your opportunity to sell yourself, so it should be tailored to the job description and show how you can help the company. While a CV lists your qualifications in a less personal manner, a cover letter is an opportunity for you to tell the employer why you are a good fit for the role.
Keep it short – stick to one page if possible. If you have too much information then it will seem overwhelming and could cause the reader not to read on any further. Keep sentences short! For example: “I am writing with regards to your advertisement for”
This makes it clear that this message is about their job advertisement/position instead of simply being general correspondence (which would have no relevance).
The key thing is that every word counts to get noticed by recruiters or hiring managers so make sure everything has been checked through before sending out anything – whether that be via email attachment or hard copy post!
An effective cover letter can greatly impact your chances of getting hired. Our guide on how an effective cover letter affects your job prospects can provide tips and insights to help you create a cover letter that stands out to potential employers.
The world of recruitment is changing and if you want to stand out from the crowd, your cover letter must be well-written and personalized.
Further Reading
Here are some additional resources on cover letters that you may find helpful:
Do I Need a Cover Letter?: This article explains the importance of a cover letter in a job application and provides tips on how to write one.
How to Write a Cover Letter: Guide: This comprehensive guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to write a cover letter that stands out to employers.
Are Cover Letters Necessary?: This article discusses the pros and cons of using a cover letter in a job application and offers advice on when to use one.
Q: Do all job applications require a cover letter?
A: While not all job applications require a cover letter, it is generally a good idea to include one as it can help you stand out from other applicants.
Q: How long should a cover letter be?
A: A cover letter should typically be one page in length, but no more than two pages.
Q: Should I address my cover letter to a specific person?
A: Whenever possible, it is best to address your cover letter to a specific person rather than using a generic greeting such as “To Whom It May Concern.”
Q: What should I include in my cover letter?
A: A cover letter should include an introduction, a brief summary of your qualifications, and a closing statement expressing your interest in the job.
Q: Can a well-written cover letter improve my chances of getting hired?
A: Yes, a well-written cover letter can significantly improve your chances of getting hired by helping you stand out from other applicants and demonstrating your interest in the job.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.