In this day and age, most employers will require a cover letter with your resume. It doesn’t matter if you’re an experienced or newbie job seeker, if you want to land a job, then you need to write both documents.
The cover letter is often the first thing that HR managers see after receiving your application. So it must make an impact on them by highlighting your strengths and making it easy for them to contact you later on if they need more information about you or your work experience.
Takeaways |
A cover letter is a document that accompanies a resume and is used to introduce yourself to a potential employer, highlight your relevant skills and experiences, and express your interest in a particular job or company. |
Whether or not you need to include a cover letter with your job application depends on a variety of factors, including the job you’re applying for, the company you’re applying to, and your personal preferences. |
A well-crafted cover letter can increase your chances of getting hired by helping you stand out from other applicants and demonstrating your enthusiasm and qualifications for the job. |
It’s always a good idea to include a cover letter with your job application, even if it’s not required by the employer. A cover letter can help you showcase your skills and experiences and demonstrate your interest in the position. |
An effective cover letter should be tailored to the specific job and company you’re applying to, and should highlight your relevant skills, experiences, and achievements. It should also be well-written, professional, and free of errors. |
What Are The Primary Objectives Of A Cover Letter?
A cover letter is a formal letter that accompanies your resume when you apply for a job. The cover letter is extremely important because it serves as an introduction to who you are and what you can do. The purpose of the cover letter is threefold:
To introduce yourself: This should be done in a way that indicates why you are writing and what position you want (i.e., “I am applying for the position of Administrative Assistant”).
To express interest in the job: You should demonstrate how interested you are in the job by showing how well qualified you are compared to other applicants. When stating this fact, be sure to explain why they would benefit from hiring someone like yourself (i.e., “I feel that my experience as an administrative assistant will make me ideal for this position”).
To show suitability for certain tasks related to the position: By including information about these skills, abilities, or qualities when describing your abilities as an employee (i.e., “My ability to prioritize tasks will allow me to work effectively within any environment”).
Not sure if you need to include a cover letter with your job application? Our career advice article can help you determine if a cover letter is necessary based on your industry and job level.
What Should Be Included In A Cover Letter?
The cover letter is your opportunity to show the recruiter why you are the right fit for the job. It’s a chance to introduce yourself, explain why you’re interested in working at their company, and show off some of your best qualities. As such, the cover letter must be tailored specifically to this particular job and company.
Here is what should be included in a successful cover letter
What Is The Format Of A Cover Letter?
A cover letter is an important part of the job application process. It is the first impression that you make on your potential employer and it needs to be in a professional format. To help you write an effective cover letter, here are some tips:
The cover letter should be no more than one page long
Use block-style writing and double-spaced lines, with margins at least one inch from each side. Your name should head up the page, followed by your address and phone number in bold type if you do not have any other contact information listed elsewhere in the document (e-mail address)
Spell check! Make sure there are no spelling errors or typos within either document before submitting them for review. The reviewer will notice these things right away because they don’t want to hire someone who cannot even spell their name correctly!
If you’re applying for an internal job, you might be wondering if you need to submit a cover letter. Our career advice guide can help you navigate this situation and ensure that you present yourself in the best possible light.
How Do I Write A Good Cover Letter?
Keep it short and to the point. You should use your cover letter as an introduction, not an autobiography or resume. So don’t go on for too long. Start by introducing yourself and stating what you’re interested in working with this company, but then move right into why you’re qualified for that position.
It should be in the first person. A cover letter is meant to come from you as a person, not from your résumé or LinkedIn profile so write it using “I” statements: “I am applying for this position because” or “In my previous role as” If it helps, imagine that someone has asked you how they can help make your application stronger by telling them about the best way to do so!
Be professional yet friendly and polite at all times when communicating with potential employers via email; phone calls are fine if there’s no other option (and usually aren’t required unless specifically requested), but text messages are always off-limits!
Is It Necessary To Add A Photo To My Cover Letter?
We recommend that you include a photo in your cover letter. Here are some DOs and DON’Ts for including photos:
Do use a recent, professional headshot that is passport size (2 inches by 2 inches) and front-facing.
Don’t use a photo of someone else (i.e., your friend or family member).
The objective of the picture is not just to make you look good, but also to help recruiters connect with you as they read through their stack of resumes on Friday nights when they should be relaxing at home or hanging out with friends!
Should My Cv Be Included In My Email With My Cover Letter?
It depends on the job.
If it’s a job that requires a CV, then yes, include your CV with your cover letter and resume. A CV is like an extended version of your resume that contains more information about your education and professional experience.
If you’re applying for jobs that only require resumes, then no need to include a cover letter or CV unless specified in the ad requirements.
Are you struggling with whether or not to include a cover letter with your resume? Our career advice article provides tips and insights to help you decide if a cover letter is the right choice for your job application.
How Long Should A Cover Letter Be?
A one-page cover letter is considered to be the best length.
Two pages are too long and may be overwhelming for the hiring manager to read.
Three pages are acceptable, but it’s better to keep your cover letter at two pages or less.
Four pages are too long and will lose your audience’s interest by becoming repetitive or confusing in some way that you can’t get back from (for instance, by getting off-topic).
How Can One Address A Cover Letter Without Knowing The Name Of The Employer Or Hiring Manager?
If you do not know the name of the hiring manager or HR department, how can one address a cover letter without knowing either?
You can address your cover letter to the human resources department. This is an acceptable way to go when sending out your resume and cover letter. You could also choose to address it to someone in particular, like an assistant or recruiter who has been helping out with this position search.
If there are multiple people involved in the hiring process at your potential employer, it’s best practice to send separate emails that each focus on one person’s role in this process.
Which Are Some Common Mistakes That You Must Avoid When Writing A Cover Letter?
Avoid using too many fonts.
This is a common mistake that many job applicants make when they are writing their cover letter. What they fail to realize is that there are only so many fonts available, and even though you can use different fonts for different words or sentences within your cover letter, it doesn’t mean you should be mixing up all kinds of styles and sizes in one document.
One of the most important things you have to remember when writing a cover letter for a job application is that it has to look professional and neat at all times. This means making sure that each font used in the document has similar characteristics to each other; otherwise, this will give an unpleasant effect on readers who will be reviewing them later on down the line.
Avoid using fancy fonts since they are hard on eyesight!
To avoid making any mistakes while trying out new styles or designs in relation towards writing an effective resume format essay paper then don’t ever forget these things because once again this may result in negative outcomes such as losing interest among teachers/professors who might have been interested enough for hiring someone like yourself
But now lost interest because everyone knows about how uselessly expensive your resume would cost then again we recommend sticking with basic white backgrounds rather than anything else unless specified by the employer’s requirements/terms & conditions etc which shouldn’t take more than 5 minutes per hour.
If done correctly without any mistakes committed by yourself at least once during those 12 hours required from start till finish plus editing needs another 2-3 hours required before the submission deadline expires itself
Do you know if a cover letter is required for the job you’re applying to? Our career advice article can help you determine whether or not you should include a cover letter with your job application.
Yes, You Will Have To Include Both Things In Your Job Application Process
A cover letter is a letter that you write to introduce yourself to a potential employer. It’s an important part of your job application, and it’s often the first thing employers see when looking at your resume.
A cover letter should be written in a formal style, but do not be overly formal since many companies look for employees who can connect with people at all levels of the organization. The best way to show that you’re personable is by being yourself and expressing genuine interest in the company or position for which you are applying.
It’s best if you address your cover letter directly to the hiring manager of the company (or someone who has been designated as such). If there isn’t a specific person listed on their website as having this role, then address it as “Dear Hiring Manager” or “Dear Recruiting Department.”
Are you unsure about whether or not to submit a cover letter with your resume? Our career advice article can provide you with the information you need to make an informed decision about whether or not to include a cover letter with your job application.
You should now have a better understanding of what is a cover letter and how it can help you in your job search. If you still have questions, please feel free to ask them in the comments below or by contacting us directly!
Further Reading
Do I Need a Cover Letter?: A comprehensive guide on whether or not you need a cover letter and when it’s appropriate to include one with your job application.
Should You Include a Cover Letter If It’s Not Required?: A helpful article that provides insights on whether or not you should include a cover letter with your job application, even if it’s not required by the employer.
Are Cover Letters Necessary?: A guide that provides insights and statistics on whether or not cover letters are necessary for job applications.
What is a cover letter?
A cover letter is a document that accompanies a resume and is typically used to introduce yourself to a potential employer, highlight your relevant skills and experiences, and express your interest in a particular job or company.
Do I need a cover letter for every job application?
Not necessarily. Whether or not you need to include a cover letter with your job application depends on a variety of factors, including the job you’re applying for, the company you’re applying to, and your personal preferences.
Can a cover letter increase my chances of getting hired?
Yes, a well-crafted cover letter can increase your chances of getting hired by helping you stand out from other applicants and demonstrating your enthusiasm and qualifications for the job.
Should I include a cover letter if it’s not required?
It’s always a good idea to include a cover letter with your job application, even if it’s not required by the employer. A cover letter can help you showcase your skills and experiences and demonstrate your interest in the position.
How do I write an effective cover letter?
An effective cover letter should be tailored to the specific job and company you’re applying to, and should highlight your relevant skills, experiences, and achievements. It should also be well-written, professional, and free of errors.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.