Dear reader, let’s be honest. You’re here because you want to know if you should write a cover letter. And I’m here to help. I’ve spent years in the trenches of the job search, and now I’m an expert on what works and what doesn’t when applying for jobs online.
In this article, we’ll discuss how writing an effective cover letter is essential to your future success as a professional and how you can easily make yours stand out from the rest.
So stop worrying about whether or not your resume will get noticed and start focusing on how well it translates into something that gets read by human beings who make hiring decisions!
Key Takeaways |
A well-written cover letter can help you stand out in the job application process. |
Addressing a cover letter correctly is important, and it’s generally best to find the hiring manager’s name if possible. |
Keep your cover letter concise and focused on why you’re the best candidate for the job. |
While not all job applications require a cover letter, it’s generally a good idea to include one. |
Make sure your cover letter is tailored to the specific job and company you’re applying to. |
Should I Write A Cover Letter?
Why You Should Write a Cover Letter
A cover letter is an introductory letter sent along with your resume to introduce yourself and state the reasons why you are applying for a particular job. It should be brief, and professional, and highlight your skills and accomplishments that are relevant to the job description.
It’s also commonly used by students applying for internships or jobs during summer break, or by professionals who want to change careers or get a new job.
When you can’t find the hiring manager’s name for your cover letter, don’t panic. Instead, use a generic greeting as we explained in our article on how to address a cover letter without a name.
How To Write A Cover Letter
Most companies expect an applicant’s cover letter to be less than one page long (400 words). The most important part of this document is its opening sentence: it should start with “I am delighted/pleased/honored…[insert positive adjective] at your consideration of my application for the position advertised in [name of publication].
After this introduction, you should briefly state how your experience makes you suitable for the job in question before moving on to more specific details about how those experiences have prepared you for it (for example My major at [college] focused on [subject area], which taught me [skillset].
My internship at [company name] reinforced these skillsets through tasks such as [list examples].”) You can use bullet points or numbered lists as long as each item relates to why you’re qualified for this position specifically
Don’t write out paragraphs detailing every single project from work experience unless they highlight an important skill set instead focus on using specific examples from different areas of work experience that best illustrate how well-roundedly equipped
Is A Cover Letter Necessary?
Cover letters are a necessity for today’s job market. They give you the chance to explain why you’re the best candidate for an open role and sell yourself to hiring managers as well as recruiters.
Without a cover letter, you’re relying solely on your resume to make this case, which gives your competition an advantage because it allows them more space in their resumes to explain why they are qualified for the position.
Don’t worry if you don’t have much experience or education listed on your resume; there are ways that hiring managers evaluate candidates apart from grades and accolades (like personality traits).
That’s where cover letters come into play: by offering insight into what makes someone great at their job something beyond simply having good grades or being part of an elite club or organization you can set yourself apart from other applicants who don’t take this step.
At its most basic level, writing a cover letter involves three steps: creating an answerable question (i), identifying how your skills meet those needs (ii), then communicating how this translates into specific value for both parties involved: the company needing services rendered plus yourself getting hired into said position(iii).
Should I Send A Cover Letter In An Email Or in The Body Of The Email?
Whether or not you want to send a cover letter in an email depends on the job posting. If it says that a cover letter is required and there’s no option for attaching it, then it’s best to just copy/paste your cover letter into the body of your email. However, if the job listing explicitly says that you should attach your cover letter, then it’s best to follow those instructions.
Your cover letter is a chance to explain why you’re the perfect fit for a job. If you’re struggling to write this section, check out our advice on explaining why you’re a good match to make your cover letter stand out.
What Is A Cover Letter?
A cover letter is a short letter that accompanies your resume when applying for jobs. It provides information about the job seeker and their experience, as well as why they are applying for that particular position.
A cover letter is an important part of the job application process because it’s a way to introduce yourself to potential employers and show them why you’d be a good fit for their company.
How To Write A Cover Letter
When you interview for a job, you’ll usually be given an application or an online form to fill out. In that application, you’ll find a section where you can write a cover letter.
A cover letter is what’s going to convince your future employer (or potential employer) that they should hire you over the other candidates. Your job is to make sure that your cover letter does its job by getting noticed and read!
What Is It?
A cover letter is meant as an introduction of yourself and what makes you unique – not only as an applicant but also as someone who wants this specific job with their company.
The goal of your cover letter is not only to get them excited about hiring YOU but also to see if they think YOU are right for THEIR company/position/work environment.
This means writing your cover letter so it specifically mentions what makes YOU uniquely qualified AND why YOU would be excited about working at THEIR company instead of just any other place with similar openings in mind.* How Do They Help With Interviews?
After sending out resumes all over town looking for work, now comes the actual interview process where employers decide whether or not they want us working there!
From our perspective as applicants trying to get hired somewhere new: “How do I make myself stand out amongst all these other people applying here too?”
Crafting a cover letter that shows why you’re the ideal candidate can be a challenge. However, with our tips on why you are a good fit, you’ll be able to make a compelling case for why you’re the right person for the job.
What Are The Basics Of A Cover Letter?
- Introduction
- Reason for applying
- Qualifications
- Experience
- Summary (optional)
If you have the time, consider re-reading your cover letter before sending it to ensure that it is free of spelling and grammatical errors.
Make sure that you have addressed all of the employer’s job requirements so that they know why you are a good fit for the job.
Do not include personal information such as your age, gender, or marital status in this section unless it is specifically requested by the company.
What Should I Include In My Cover Letter?
Introduction. Remember the old saying that you don’t get a second chance to make a first impression? This is especially true with your cover letter.
Your opening paragraph should be short and sweet, but descriptive enough to pique the hiring manager’s interest in reading more. The best way to do this is to use an attention-grabbing subject line that makes you sound like an ideal candidate for the position (for example: “Your New Marketing Manager”).
Background information. It’s important to include some information about yourself for the reader of your cover letter to understand why they should consider hiring you for their open position.
If there are any relevant skills or qualifications listed on their site, include those as well and highlight them!
Even if there aren’t any specific requirements listed, it can still be helpful to give a little background info on yourself so that they know where your professional experiences come from and what types of work environments and projects you have been involved with before applying for this job specifically (if applicable).
Why are YOU interested in this JOB? This section should include details about how/why YOU found out about this specific role at THEIR company and WHY would YOU want it.
A good way of doing this is by telling them exactly where THEY stand out among other companies that might offer similar positions or opportunities; basically, explain why THEIR company is different than others out there who might offer similar positions or opportunities.”
Addressing a cover letter correctly is essential to make a good first impression. Learn how to include the right address in our guide on whether cover letters need an address to ensure your application is taken seriously.
How Long Should My Cover Letter Be?
A cover letter should be no longer than two pages. You don’t want to overwhelm the hiring manager with information, so don’t go over two pages. If you do, you will likely lose their attention and have them move on to the next candidate in line.
If you are using a template, make sure that it is customized to reflect your experience and qualifications for this particular job.
If not, then consider writing your cover letter from scratch. Your cover letter should highlight how you can help grow the company while highlighting what makes you different than other applicants who did not get selected for an interview or call back.
Consider using bullet points instead of paragraphs when writing your cover letters; this will allow the reader to quickly scan through all of your accomplishments without having too much text on one page at once (which could cause them to glaze over).
Bullet points also allow for easier editing later down the road if needed! Once complete with all edits made!
What Else Can I Say In My Cover Letter?
When submitting your cover letter, be sure to include the following information:
A reference to the job title. If you know what position is being filled, mention it.
The company or organization that is hiring and its location. This helps ensure that your application gets into the right hands and doesn’t get sent to every place that has a similar name as the one in which you are applying for work.
The more specific you can be about who you’re applying for, the better chance your application will have at making it through the hiring process unscathed!
Do Recruiters Read My Cover Letter?
Cover letters are important. They’re the first impression you make on a company and can act as a gateway to the person who will be responsible for deciding whether or not you get hired.
They should be tailored to each job, so they should be tailored to the company, recruiter, and job description. If your cover letter is generic and doesn’t say much about why you would be an asset to their company then there’s no point in sending it off!
How Do I Send My Resume And Cover Letter Through Email When Applying For A Job?
Sending your resume and cover letter via email is the most common, convenient, efficient, and effective way to apply for a job.
When applying for a job by email you can save time by sending your resume and cover letter directly in one document that both documents will open at the same time. This can also save you money if your application is rejected because employers won’t need to print or fax anything back out to you.
Do cover letters really matter in the hiring process? Absolutely. Our article on whether cover letters matter breaks down why cover letters are important and offers tips on how to write one that will make you stand out to employers.
How Often Should I Update My Resume And Cover Letters?
You should update your resume and cover letter whenever you have a new job or internship.
You should also update them every 6 months to a year, if not more often. This is because employers often keep them on file for only a limited amount of time before they discard them,
So updating helps ensure that you’re always showing off the most relevant information about yourself.
Finally, if there’s anything about your skills or experience that has changed since you first submitted the document (such as having learned a new language), this is another reason why it’s important to update it regularly: prospective employers will appreciate knowing what progress you’ve made in the interim between applications!
How Do I Stand Out With My Cover Letter And Resume Design?
Be creative with your cover letter design. This can mean:
Using a unique design. If you’re applying for a job, make sure to use an eye-catching design that stands out from the crowd.
Using a unique font. You can download fonts online by searching “free font” or “free fonts.” Try using a font that was created in the last 10 years, as older fonts may not look as professional on your resume or cover letter as they once did!
Use a unique color scheme for each application you submit. This shows that you are committed to making sure your resume and cover letters are tailored specifically toward each position you apply for-which will show recruiters that you care about the company’s brand image, too!
Using different layouts in each application (for example: Laying out some sections vertically instead of horizontally). Recruiters appreciate creativity when it comes time for them to review applications so this is something worth doing if possible!
Can I Just Copy And Paste My Resume Onto The Top Of A Word Document And Consider It Done?
Is this okay to do for any job it’s not illegal, right?
You can copy and paste your resume onto any job application. While there is nothing wrong with this, it does not make for a strong cover letter. If you want to get creative and write something that will capture the attention of employers and hiring managers, then by all means use our tips in this article!
If you’re looking for a job right now and you want to make sure that your cover letter gets read, then there are a few things that you can do. First of all, make sure it looks professional. This means that it should be typed with no spelling mistakes or grammatical errors (even if you have one typo in your resume).
Also, make sure that it has a good introduction paragraph where you tell the employer why they should hire someone like yourself who fits their organization’s needs and culture so well.
Further Reading
Here are some additional resources on the topic of cover letters:
Do Employers Care About Cover Letters? – This Indeed article discusses the importance of cover letters and whether employers still consider them when evaluating job applicants.
Are Cover Letters Necessary? – This Zety article explores the value of cover letters and offers insights into when they may or may not be necessary.
Should You Include a Cover Letter if It’s Not Required? – This article from The Balance breaks down the pros and cons of including a cover letter when it’s not explicitly required by a job posting.
Q: Do all job applications require a cover letter?
A: No, not all job applications require a cover letter. However, it’s generally a good idea to include one to showcase your qualifications and interest in the position.
Q: How long should a cover letter be?
A: A cover letter should generally be one page or less. However, it’s more important to focus on quality over quantity and make sure your cover letter effectively communicates your skills and experience.
Q: What should I include in a cover letter?
A: A cover letter should include a brief introduction, a summary of your qualifications and experience, and a closing statement expressing your interest in the position.
Q: How should I format my cover letter?
A: Your cover letter should be formatted similarly to a professional business letter, with a header that includes your contact information and the recipient’s information, an introduction, body paragraphs, and a closing.
Q: How can I make my cover letter stand out?
A: To make your cover letter stand out, tailor it to the specific job and company you’re applying to, highlight your most relevant skills and experiences, and use clear and concise language to effectively communicate your qualifications.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.