If you’ve ever written a cover letter, then you know that it’s not an easy thing to do. Your resume and cover letter should be tailored to the employer and position you’re applying for, but that doesn’t mean they have to be difficult or boring! In this article, we’ll go over how to write a cover letter that stands out from the crowd and gets read by hiring managers.
Key Takeaways |
Keep your cover letter brief and to the point, ideally one page or less. |
Tailor your cover letter to the specific job and company you’re applying to. |
Highlight your relevant skills and experience, and explain how they make you a good fit for the role. |
Use a professional tone and avoid overly casual language or slang. |
Make sure to proofread your cover letter carefully for spelling and grammar errors. |
Cover Letter Explaining Why You Are A Good Match
In a cover letter, you want to explain why you are a good fit for the job. You want to show that you’re interested in more than just the money (which is never a good reason) and that you appreciate the company’s mission and values.
You can do this by mentioning why you are interested in the company itself: what products or services does it provide? What kind of customers does it serve? What does its website say about its corporate culture and values?
If these things align with yours, then there’s a good chance they’ll align with those of the hiring manager as well! Your cover letter should also mention how your experience aligns with some aspect of what they do: whether it be technical skills like C++ programming experience or leadership skills like managing teams across multiple global locations.
If possible, offer evidence for example by linking directly from your resume to projects on GitHub where any relevant code samples are publicly available so that anyone who reads through them can see first-hand what kind of work product would result if hired!
Crafting a cover letter that will impress hiring managers can be a challenge, but with the right tips and tricks, you can increase your chances of landing an interview. Our guide on writing a cover letter that will land you the interview can help you stand out from the competition and make a great impression on potential employers.
Ways To Make Your Cover Letter Stand Out
Here are some ways to make your cover letter stand out:
Use a unique opening line. If you use the same phrase as someone else, it stands out and will be remembered by the hiring manager.
Use a unique closing line. Make sure that the closing lines of all of your applications match so that they look like they belong together. If one application has a different closing than another, then you will look like you didn’t even read each one before submitting them (and who would want to hire someone who doesn’t care about doing their job well?).
Use a unique format. You can use tables or bullet points in place of paragraphs (or at least have some paragraph text mixed in with tables/bullets), which makes things easier for busy recruiters to read through quickly and helps make sure they don’t miss something important about how awesomely qualified you are!
Use a unique font size/typeface combination so that when someone sees it on their screen at first glance, they’re immediately impressed by how professional-looking your documents seem without having even read anything yet!
Also, remember not all fonts work equally well with certain colors so try different combinations until you find something everyone agrees looks great!”
What Do I Say In A Cover Letter?
Don’t worry about being overly formal, but do be sure to write professionally.
Highlight your relevant experience and qualifications.
Explain how you learned about the job opening, why you’re interested, and what makes you the best person for it.
How to Address a Cover Letter When the Name Is Unknown
When you don’t know the name of the hiring manager, it’s important to address your cover letter directly to them. This will help ensure that your letter gets read, as well as increase your chances of standing out from other applicants who have not addressed their letters properly.
When you don’t know the name of the person who will be reading or making a decision on your application, address it directly to them. For example:
When applying for a job, it’s important to demonstrate why you’re a good fit for the company and the position. Our guide on explaining why you want to work for a specific company can help you craft a compelling argument for why you’re the ideal candidate for the job.
Dear Hiring Manager Or Dear Decision Maker
In this case, you can also include “To Whom It May Concern” at the top of your cover letter before addressing it directly to whoever reads it. This can make things more clear when there are multiple people involved in making hiring decisions.
How To Write A Formal Letter
There are many different types of formal letters, but they all follow the same basic format. The first and most important part of writing a formal letter is to make sure that you use the correct format. If you don’t do this correctly, your reader won’t take you seriously and might not read on.
The next important thing to remember when writing a formal letter is how to address your reader.
This can be tricky because there are so many different people who may be reading it from coworkers to supervisors or even clients! But there’s one rule that applies universally: always address someone by their last name (or as Mr., Mrs., Ms., or Dr.) unless otherwise specified by them or their company policy.
After addressing your reader, it’s time for the body of the letter itself! Here we’ll give some examples of what goes into each paragraph type.*
How to Write a Rejection Letter Notifying Applicants That They Did Not Get the Job
If you have not been selected for the position, please use this letter template to inform applicants that they have not been hired. The letter should be sent out within two weeks of the interview date or as soon as possible after that date.
How To Tell If Your Job Interview Went Well
Interviews are all about impressions. How you make a positive impression on the interviewer will be critical to your success in getting hired, so it’s important to do everything you can to earn their confidence.
There are three main ways that interviewers gauge how well you did
What they say about you after the interview: If they take the time to call or write back and say they’d like another meeting with you, this is an indication that they were favorably impressed by your performance.
If they don’t contact you again, however, it could mean any number of things from them simply having too many candidates to choose from, to their realizing later on that there was something about your candidacy that wasn’t quite right for them (and thus not wanting anything more than a first look).
How much effort was put into finding out what kind of company culture existed at your potential employer:
Employers want employees who fit into their existing teams; therefore if a candidate doesn’t seem interested enough in learning more about what makes his/her potential future team tick or isn’t able or willing when given opportunities during interviews then s/he may have blown one chance already before even knowing it exists!
Are cover letters really necessary? Do they actually make a difference in the hiring process? Our guide on whether cover letters help explores the pros and cons of including a cover letter with your job application and offers advice on when to use one.
What To Include In Your Resume And Cover Letter
Include a cover letter. The purpose of the cover letter is to introduce yourself and explain why you are a good match for the position.
Include a resume (or CV). Your resume should contain details about your education, experience, skills, and accomplishments relevant to the position. You should also include any other information that will help us see how well you fit our needs.
List references who can speak on your behalf if asked by our HR team; do not include these in your application materials or it may be considered an invasion of privacy!
List skills relevant to this job opening on LinkedIn or elsewhere so we can easily access them during our review process-these may include proficiency with specific software programs/programming languages/etc., technical skills like HTML coding or graphic design software proficiency, etc., administrative expertise /management experience, etc
What Do You Say In A Job Interview Follow-Up Email?
Now that you’ve got your first interview under your belt, it’s time to send a thank-you note. Thanking the interviewer for their time is always appreciated and shows that you’re interested in the position.
If you have any questions about the next steps or anything else related to the job, now is the time to ask them but don’t go overboard with follow-up emails! It’s not advisable (or necessary) to send more than one or two emails after an interview before they stop responding.
Instead, wait until they contact you directly and then reply accordingly with any additional information that may be helpful, such as a link to your portfolio or blog posts on similar topics.
How To Reply To An Employment Rejection Letter
If you’ve received a rejection letter, you may want to send a thank-you note. This can be short, but it should at least be polite and professional.
To: [name of hiring manager]
From: [your name]
Date: [date]
Dear [name of hiring manager],
Thank you for the opportunity to speak with you about the role of [title]. I enjoyed meeting with you and learning about your company’s mission. I hope that we have an opportunity to work together in the future! Thank you for considering me for this position and best wishes on your recruiting efforts.
Writing a cover letter can be daunting, but with a few key tips, you can create a letter that stands out from the crowd. Check out our guide on how to write a cover letter for expert advice on crafting a letter that showcases your skills and experience.
How To Make Sure Your Cover Letter Gets Read By The Hiring Manager
When you’re writing a cover letter, you want to make sure that the hiring manager reads it. That means your cover letter needs to be easy to read and understand.
It also needs to communicate what you can do for the company. What makes this tricky is that many hiring managers don’t have the time or inclination to read lengthy resumes or personal statements from applicants who have been selected as finalists in a job search process.
So how can you make sure they take the time? Here are five tips:
Some job seekers may wonder whether cover letters are really necessary, but the truth is that they can make a big difference in the hiring process. Our guide on whether cover letters make a difference explores the research on this topic and offers tips on how to write a cover letter that can help you land your dream job.
The goal of your cover letter should be to get the hiring manager’s attention so that he or she will read the rest of your application. You can do this with a strong opening statement and by addressing their specific needs. You also need to make sure that they find you an attractive candidate by highlighting relevant skills or experience on which they can base their decision.
Further Reading
Here are some additional resources that can help you improve your cover letter writing skills:
How to Write the Perfect Cover Letter: This comprehensive guide from Indeed covers everything from formatting and structure to tone and content, with plenty of examples to help you craft a strong cover letter.
12 Great Cover Letter Examples for 2021: HubSpot offers up a selection of top-notch cover letter examples that can help you get inspired and craft your own unique letter.
Cover Letter Guide: This guide from Western Michigan University’s Career and Student Employment Services covers the basics of cover letter writing, with tips on formatting, content, and tone.
What should I include in a cover letter?
Your cover letter should be tailored to the specific job you’re applying for and should include a brief introduction, a few paragraphs explaining why you’re a good fit for the role, and a strong conclusion that encourages the employer to take the next step.
How long should a cover letter be?
A cover letter should typically be no more than one page long, and should aim to be concise and to the point.
Should I use a template for my cover letter?
While it can be helpful to use a template as a starting point, it’s important to tailor your cover letter to the specific job you’re applying for and to make it your own.
Do I need to include my address in a cover letter?
Including your address is optional, but it can be a good idea if you’re applying for a local job or if the employer specifically requests it.
How should I close my cover letter?
Your cover letter should close with a strong statement that encourages the employer to take the next step, whether that’s scheduling an interview or simply getting in touch to learn more about your qualifications.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.