Cover letters are one of the most important documents you will ever write for your job search. It is your first chance to impress the hiring manager and can be the difference between getting an interview and not getting one.
So, how do you write a cover letter that gets read or noticed? What should it contain? How long should it be? And what sort of information should you include on there??
By answering these questions, we’ll help you understand why this is such an important document and what makes it so different from other applications like resumes. We’ll also tell you how we can help make sure your cover letter stands out!
Takeaways |
Using contractions in your cover letter is a matter of personal preference and depends on the company culture and industry norms. |
Contractions can make your writing sound more conversational and friendly, but they can also be seen as informal or unprofessional in certain contexts. |
If you’re unsure whether to use contractions, it’s a good idea to do some research on the company and industry to see what’s expected. |
It’s also a good idea to proofread your cover letter carefully to ensure that it’s error-free and professional, regardless of whether or not you use contractions. |
Ultimately, the most important thing is to communicate your qualifications and enthusiasm for the job clearly and effectively. |
Can You Use Contractions In A Cover Letter?
You can use contractions in your cover letter, but it’s important to use them sparingly. Contractions are a great way to make your cover letter more personal and conversational. They also signal that you have a friendly tone and demeanor, which can help get you an interview if the hiring manager is concerned about whether you’ll fit the company culture.
But be careful: going overboard on contractions will cause readers to think that English isn’t your first language or that you’re uneducated, so use them with caution!
A well-written cover letter is your opportunity to make a great first impression with potential employers. As we discuss in our article on the importance of cover letters, taking the time to craft a strong cover letter can set you apart from other candidates and increase your chances of landing an interview.
How To Start A Cover Letter?
The first thing you want to do is start your cover letter with a compelling opening line. You can include an anecdote or a joke, but don’t be overly clever. You want the letter to catch the reader’s attention right away and make them want to keep reading.
Once you have an attention-grabbing opening in place, you need to make sure that it doesn’t leave the reader confused about who wrote the letter. One way of doing this is by including your contact information at the top of each page so that they know who they’re reading from (and they won’t think it’s some random person).
You should also address each person personally in case there are multiple people on their team who will be reviewing your application materials. This can be done by simply addressing them by name and title when introducing yourself in paragraph two: “Hi [Name], I’m writing because…,” rather than just “I’m writing because”
What Should A Cover Letter Include?
The cover letter is the first thing a hiring manager will see, so it should be well-written and concise. To ensure you’re sending an impressive resume, here’s what you need to know:
What Should A Cover Letter Include?
Include your contact information (name and phone number) at the top of the page. You can also include your email address if you’d like to receive responses electronically.
Then, write about your experience as it relates to this job opening and why you want it so badly that you would take time out of your busy schedule to apply for it in person or via email/fax/snail mail/etcetera! Now we’re on our way…
If there are specific details from their posting that are most relevant for this position (such as “must have experience with Excel spreadsheets”), mention those early on in your cover letter.
This will show that not only have they done their homework in researching candidates but also that they are eager enough about working with them specifically; otherwise there would be no reason not just send generic letters instead! Indeed this is true so let’s see how else we might go about improving our chances…
How To End A Cover Letter?
If you have followed the above instructions, then your cover letter should look like a professional piece of writing. If you decide to add more than two or three sentences after this section, chances are that your letter will look like a paragraph and not a cover letter.
The closing paragraph is not just important for its content but also for its style. There are many different ways to end a cover letter and it all depends on the situation and context of your application.
You can either ask for an interview or mention the next steps such as sending in resumes or any other documents relevant to this process. You can also tell them about how enthusiastic and motivated you are about working for their company (if true). Also remember: always thank them for their time, as this is an act of courtesy towards them as well as professionalism in general!
If you’re applying for a job, it’s important to know whether or not a cover letter is required. Our article on the necessity of cover letters can help you determine whether or not to include a cover letter with your application, and provide tips on how to write an effective one.
How Long Should A Cover Letter Be?
A good cover letter should be no longer than one page. If you’re a writer, that’s fine—you’ll be able to get your point across in fewer words. But if you’re not, I’d recommend keeping it short and sweet (like 500 words at most).
Why? Because recruiters and hiring managers have limited time and attention spans just like the rest of us. They don’t have time to read a multi-page novel about why you’re the perfect candidate for their open role and they don’t want to read something that long anyway!
As much as we all love reading good stories, there are plenty of them out there already on our bookshelves or Kindles.
If an employer wants more detail about how awesome your skills are after reading your cover letter
They can ask for an interview where they can find out all about them firsthand through conversation with you in person rather than reading another wordy document from someone who doesn’t know how well their writing resonates with potential employers yet (not everyone has written any other cover letters before).
How To Address A Cover Letter?
When addressing a cover letter, it’s important to make sure that you are addressing it to the correct person. If you don’t know who will be reading the letter, then address it to the department or company as a whole.
For example Dear Human Resources Department-if you don’t have the actual name of someone specific in mind, make sure you use this term when addressing your cover letter so that nobody is left out!
What Is The Difference Between A Cover Letter And An Application Letter?
A cover letter is a letter that accompanies your resume when you apply for a job. A cover letter is usually one page, but on occasion, it can be two pages if the job requires more information about you or your experience.
Your cover letter should be tailored to the specific job you are applying for, so tailor it accordingly. Your goal with this letter is to get an interview with the hiring manager who will decide whether or not to hire you based on their belief in your skills and abilities based on how well they read this document.
The purpose of a cover letter is twofold: one to introduce yourself as someone worth interviewing; second to convince them that they should call or email back in response!
The point here is that while both letters are written by humans (you), they’re not the same kind of animal because they serve different purposes depending on whether they’re covering up nakedness or hiding weapons from authorities
How To Write A Cover Letter For An Internship?
A cover letter is your chance to show a potential employer why you’re the right fit for their open position. In other words, it’s an opportunity to sell yourself!
So how do you do that? First off, make sure that you have all of the information about the job and company available when writing your letter. This includes both general information (like salary range) and specific details like what type of content or projects you can expect from working there.
Once you have all this info handy, start brainstorming reasons why YOU are perfect for this role. What skills and experiences do YOU have that will help them succeed? Also, think about ways in which YOU could contribute new ideas or processes within their organization—this shows initiative on both parties’ parts!
Using bullet points in your cover letter can be an effective way to highlight your skills and accomplishments. Check out our article on using bullet points in cover letters for tips on how to use them effectively and make your cover letter stand out.
How To Write A Cover Letter For An Internal Position?
Use the position title in the salutation. If you are applying for an internal job, like the director of marketing or vice president of sales, use the position title in your salutation:
Dear Ms. Smith,
I am excited to apply for [name of position] at [company name].
Use the company name in the closing. The closing is where you thank and express interest in speaking with someone from their company about this opportunity further. Be sure to include their company name again here so that they know who you are referring to:
Thank you very much for your time and consideration! I look forward to taking this next step with [company name]
How To Write A Cover Letter For An Administrative Assistant Position?
Use a formal tone.
Include a cover letter with your resume and job application.
Use a professional email address that is free from typos and errors like [email protected] or [email protected]
Provide the name of the person to whom you are writing in the subject line so that they know who it’s from, as well as any other information they may need to know (like “Regarding: Position Title” if you’re following up on an interview).
Include a resume or CV with your application materials, even if it is attached electronically through online applications (job boards, etc.). Make sure it has been updated recently—the last thing you want to do is send out outdated documents!
Should You Include References On A Cover Letter?
You should include references on your cover letter, especially if you’re applying for a new position. You can list up to three references and use this section to explain why they would be good sources of information about you.
If your experience is limited or the job description asks for an explanation of why you are qualified for the role, then make sure it’s clear in this part of your application as well.
Many people wonder whether it’s appropriate to use personal pronouns in a cover letter. Our article on using personal pronouns in cover letters can help you understand when and how to use them to make your cover letter more engaging and effective.
What Is The Best Font For A Cover Letter? And Why Does It Matter So Much??
So, you want your cover letter to look professional and clean. Because a font can be the difference between getting the job or not, it’s important to choose one that is easy to read. The best fonts for your cover letter are:
Times New Roman
Arial (or Helvetica)
Can I Send My Resume Without A Cover Letter??
Your cover letter is the first thing the hiring manager reads. Use this opportunity to sell yourself and explain why you are a good fit for the job. It’s also an opportunity for you to address any gaps in your resume, demonstrate that you have relevant skills, and show how much research you did on the company or position before applying.
If possible, try to include some details from your resume in your cover letter so it doesn’t look like two separate documents instead of one cohesive application package. This is especially important if there are gaps between jobs on your resume (for example, if you were unemployed for several months).
If a potential employer sees that your most recent employment ended almost four years ago but then sees three other jobs listed on your CV right before that period, it looks like something is missing!
Should You Staple Your Cover Letter And Resume Together??
A staple is one of the best things you can do to make a great first impression.
I’m kidding. I mean, it’s a good thing if you want to give your resume and cover letter some extra flair by stapling them together! But seriously: don’t staple your resume and cover letter together. A hiring manager will likely just rip apart the document, which will be frustrating for both of you. Instead, consider folding or rolling the documents in an envelope (see below).
Is It Okay To Fold Your Cover Letter And Resume Together??
No, it is not okay to fold your cover letter and resume together. The reason for this is that most resumes are printed on one side of the page and cover letters on the other. If you fold them together, the text becomes illegible when you open it up again.
You should keep them separate because people who review your application will want to see both pieces of paper in their original form so they can thoroughly evaluate each part individually.
This is especially true if there is a discrepancy between what’s written on one piece of paper and another; if an employer sees that immediately in front of them instead of having to dig around for it later, he or she can better help you resolve any issues before moving forward with hiring decisions.
Cover letters can be attached to an application when possible; otherwise, they should be kept separate from resumes as well so reviewers won’t accidentally omit something important (like references)
While reviewing applications due to carelessness or ignorance about how these materials work together best when applying for jobs at places like Walmart (where only one person reviews every resume submitted).
Do Employers Read Cover Letters??
Well, the short answer is “no.” If you’re lucky, maybe your cover letter will be read by a secretary or intern. Usually, though, it won’t get past first base (that’s baseball lingo for “first base is a place in baseball where you hit with a stick and run around a lot until everyone gets tired of watching you do that so then they’ll send you back to home plate”).
So why go through all this trouble? You can ask yourself that question after reading this post. I’m just here to help!
Transitioning to a new career can be challenging, but a well-crafted cover letter can help you make a smooth transition. Our article on writing a cover letter when changing fields provides tips and strategies to help you make the most of your cover letter and highlight your transferable skills and experiences.
Should I Send My Cover Letter As An Attachment??
It is much better to simply copy and paste the cover letter into your email reply. You can also send a PDF of your resume if you prefer, but this isn’t necessary either, as most employers will accept either an attached document or a link to a downloadable version of the same file on their website.
Attachments can be ignored by hiring managers who don’t want to deal with extra work, so it’s not worth taking up their time by sending one.
Attachments may get lost in transit or deleted accidentally before they’re read by anyone important at the company you’re applying to. This would mean that you’d have to resend all of your applications again!
Attachments can cause problems with spam filters and email servers that aren’t properly configured for receiving them (and even some that are). This will result in unnecessary delays and frustration for everyone involved including yourself!
Should I Use Bullet Points In My Cover Letter??
The use of bullet points can be a great way to highlight your experience and draw attention to important information in a cover letter. However, it’s important not to overuse them.
Your cover letter should not look like a list, as this will make it difficult for the employer or recruiter to follow your points. Instead, make sure that each paragraph follows logically from the previous one and that you are pausing at appropriate points so that they can digest all the main ideas covered before moving on to another point.
It’s okay to use contractions in your cover letter. Using them makes your letter more relatable to employers and shows that you’re a friendly person. The only time it’s not okay is if you have a job where you’ll be communicating with clients daily and showing off your grammar skills
Further Reading
Here are some additional resources that can help you write an effective cover letter:
Even People Who Hate Writing Can Make Their Cover Letter Stand Out: This article from The Muse provides tips and strategies for writing a cover letter that stands out from the crowd, even if you don’t enjoy writing.
Quick Content Tips for Cover Letters: This resource from Purdue University’s Online Writing Lab (OWL) provides quick tips for writing the content of your cover letter, including what to include and what to avoid.
Contractions in Cover Letters: Yes, No, or Sometimes?: This discussion thread on Reddit explores the topic of whether or not to use contractions in a cover letter, and provides a variety of perspectives and opinions.
Can I use bullet points in my cover letter?
Yes, you can use bullet points in your cover letter to highlight key information and make it easier to read. However, be sure to use them sparingly and only for the most important information.
Is it necessary to include a cover letter with my job application?
While it’s not always required, including a cover letter with your job application can help you stand out from other candidates and provide additional information about your qualifications and experiences.
Can I use personal pronouns in my cover letter?
Yes, you can use personal pronouns such as “I” in your cover letter. In fact, using personal pronouns can help you come across as more personable and engaging to potential employers.
How long should my cover letter be?
Your cover letter should be concise and to the point, generally no longer than one page. However, it’s important to include all the necessary information to make a strong case for why you’re a good fit for the job.
What should I include in my cover letter?
Your cover letter should include an introduction that explains why you’re interested in the job and a brief summary of your qualifications and experiences. You should also highlight how your skills and experiences align with the job requirements, and include a closing statement that expresses your interest in the position and thanks the employer for considering your application.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.