A cover letter is a document that you send along with your resume when applying for a job. It’s supposed to introduce you as a person, but it also provides the employer with information about your qualifications and experience.
But what if your cover letter is too long? What if it contains all of the information that an employer needs right at their fingertips? Can it still be too long? In this article, we’ll talk about whether or not you should end up short on words rather than long-winded in your cover letter before submitting it to potential employers.
Takeaways |
A cover letter should ideally be one page or around 250-400 words. |
Focus on quality over quantity and tailor your cover letter to the specific job and company. |
Highlight your relevant skills and experiences, and provide concrete examples of how you can contribute to the organization’s success. |
Using a template can be a good starting point, but make sure to customize it to the position you’re applying for. |
A well-written cover letter can make a significant difference in your job search by helping you stand out, showcase your qualifications, and increase your chances of getting an interview. |
Can A Cover Letter Be Too Short?
You should be able to read your cover letter in under two minutes. And that’s not including the time it takes to read the job description, which is something you should probably do before writing anything else.
If you can’t write a cover letter that meets all these requirements, then don’t waste your time on it. A cover letter is too short if it doesn’t include key information about where and when the interview will take place, who will be interviewing them, and why they are being invited for an interview (and what specifically makes them qualified).
If there is no indication of how long ago this information was sent out then it’s safe to assume that this person may have received several other requests from companies looking for similar skills/experience etc…
Takeaways A cover letter should ideally be one page or around 250-400 words. Focus on quality over quantity and tailor your cover letter to the specific job and company. Highlight your relevant skills and experiences, and provide concrete examples of how you can contribute to the organization’s success. Using a template can be a good starting point, but make sure to customize it to the position you’re applying for. A well-written cover letter can make a significant difference in your job search by helping you stand out, showcase your qualifications, and increase your chances of getting an interview.
What Is A Cover Letter Supposed To Consist Of?
A cover letter is a letter of introduction. It should contain the same information as your resume but in a different format. Instead of using bullet points, you’ll be writing paragraphs. As long as your cover letter is effective and follows the guidelines below, it’s fine if it’s shorter than one page.
A good cover letter should:
Introduce yourself by name and explain why you’re applying for this job and what makes you qualified for it (i.e., experience).
Mention any other relevant skills or qualifications that don’t fit into your resume but could add value to the company if hired (for example, being bilingual).
Keep things professional and avoid sounding desperate or arrogant; remember that this person knows nothing about you yet!
While some job postings may not explicitly require a cover letter, it’s still a good idea to include one to showcase your skills and stand out from the competition. Check out our article on why cover letters are important to learn more about the value of cover letters in the job application process.
How Do You End A Cover Letter If It’s Too Long?
You can end a cover letter in a few different ways, but there are a few things you should avoid.
Don’t repeat the job description. If you’ve already included this information, it makes no sense to include it again at the end. The point of your cover letter is to convince an employer that you’re the best person for the job, so try to keep your words focused on why you’re uniquely qualified for this role and how you can help their company succeed in the future.
Don’t repeat the company history or mission statement. It’s tempting when to write a long-form opening paragraph that outlines everything from who founded your potential employer through today’s challenges and opportunities (this is usually called “the elevator pitch”),
But do not copy/paste any part of their website into your work even if they’ve written something similar themselves! Instead, focus on what makes YOU unique and why YOU would be interested in working with THEM specifically; only then will they see how well matched your skills are with theirs!
Can You Put A Cover Letter In The Body Of An Email?
While a cover letter can be attached to an email, doing so is not a good idea. If you attach your cover letter to an email message, it’s possible that the recipient won’t even see it. Some people may use spam filters and delete emails without even looking at them.
Others will open their mail on their phone or tablet and simply scroll past anything that doesn’t look interesting or urgent. Regardless of whether they see your cover letter as attachments or in the body of an email (or if they don’t see it at all), there are better ways to get your application noticed than by sending it through email alone.
A well-written cover letter can help you make a strong first impression on potential employers and demonstrate your enthusiasm for the job. If you’re wondering whether you need to include a cover letter with your job application, check out our article on why cover letters are necessary to learn more.
What Is A Well Written Cover Letter?
A cover letter is a document that should be well-written, organized, and concise. It should be easy to read and understand. The most important part of your cover letter is the introduction paragraph which states why you are writing and how it applies to the position you are applying for.
Make sure that this is written professionally so that your potential employer knows right away that they are reading something from someone who cares about their job application process.
Once you have written your introduction paragraph, then go on to explain exactly why you would be great for the job at hand with specific examples from past experiences or volunteer work (if applicable) relating to what was asked for in the ad or application form given out by their company or organization in question here today-now available online!
How Do You Start And End A Cover Letter?
You should always start your cover letter with a greeting. Don’t just jump into the body of your letter; first, address the reader by name, and then proceed to explain why you’re writing. That’s how you kick off a cover letter that will get attention.
In addition to starting strong, end your cover letter with some words of appreciation and gratitude for your time. You can also use this section as an opportunity to reiterate why you’re so excited about working for them and/or praising their company in general (without sounding like a suck-up).
The next step is adding contact information.* Depending on who exactly it is that’s reading through these kinds of applications (you’ll have to do some research), this could mean including all three: email address plus phone number(s) and mailing address(es).
If there are multiple people at different locations who might be reviewing these applications perhaps someone from HR will be handling them. then listing more than one email address would be advisable here too because sometimes only one person receives all emails sent when there are multiple people responsible for handling tasks related to hiring new employees.”
What Should Not Be Included In A Cover Letter?
While a cover letter is an important part of the job application process, it’s also closely tied to another document: your resume. You’ll want to be careful not to include too much information from your resume in your cover letter. That way, you can avoid sending out a document that is too long or doesn’t give the hiring manager enough information about you.
Also, don’t include a list of references and qualifications on your cover letter the hiring manager will ask for these separately when they’re ready!
Even in the age of digital resumes and online job applications, cover letters are still an important part of the job search process. Want to learn more about the continued relevance of cover letters? Check out our article on are cover letters still relevant for expert insights and advice.
How Long Should A New Grad Nursing Cover Letter Be?
One page-One page is the shortest option for your cover letter. You’ll want to use this approach if you are applying for jobs that require little experience and/or have no room on their application forms for additional information.
Two pages-A two-page nursing cover letters will give you more room to talk about your professional experience and accomplishments as they relate to the job opportunity in question. This length is also great if there are specific skills or experiences you want to highlight but don’t have space in your one-page version of the document.
Three pages – If you have several years of experience working as a nurse, it might make sense to include an extra paragraph or two to explain why these experiences qualify you for the open position at hand (e.g., what makes them different from other nurses).
It may be helpful here not only to mention how many years worked as a nurse but also to provide details about any additional certifications or credentials that might be relevant; however, be careful not to get bogged down by all this extra filler material, which could distract from truly important points made earlier on in Cover Letter For A New Graduate Nurse page 1 & 2).
Who Are You Supposed To Address A Cover Letter To When There’s No Name?
But if you’re writing to a company, it’s better to be safe than sorry. You can always ask the person who hired you or someone in HR (human resources) for help finding out who your hiring manager was.
If that doesn’t work, address it to “To Whom It May Concern.” This may seem like an impersonal way to begin a letter that’s supposed to show how personal and unique you are but if there’s no name on the job listing, this is perfectly acceptable!
If you’ve been given enough information about the company and department where you’ll be working, it shouldn’t be hard for them to figure out whom they should contact at said company or department.
If they really can’t find out who their hiring manager is yet and still don’t have a name in mind when addressing their cover letter: address it instead as “Dear Sir or Madam” (if unsure whether they’re male or female).
While some job seekers may view cover letters as outdated or unnecessary, they can actually be a powerful tool for standing out in the job application process. To learn more about the benefits of cover letters and how to write them effectively, check out our article on are cover letters outdated
What Is Mentioned In The Conclusion Of A Cover Letter?
In the conclusion of your cover letter, you should let the hiring manager know why you are the best candidate for the job, and how you can bring value to the company.
In addition to reiterating that point, consider mentioning any other items that may have been left out earlier in your cover letter (if relevant). If any questions need answers or additional information that needs to be addressed, this is also a great place for them.
Finally, state when you plan on following up with actionable next steps, and then do it!
Should Your Cover Letter Be Short Or Long?
It depends on the job you’re applying for. The length of a cover letter depends on the type of job you’re applying for, and it can vary from 1 to 2 pages. If your cover letter is longer than 2 pages, it may be too long or seem unprofessional.
If you’re applying for a position in sales or marketing, your cover letter should be between 1-2 pages long but if you are applying for a job that requires extra details (such as engineering), then your cover letter should be longer than 2 pages.
While it’s important to provide enough detail in your cover letter to demonstrate your qualifications, it’s equally important to keep it concise and to the point. To learn more about finding the right balance between length and content in your cover letter, check out our article on can a cover letter be too long for helpful tips and strategies.
These are just some of the questions that you might have about cover letters. Depending on your situation and what type of job you’re applying for, there may be other factors to consider as well. For example, if there’s a specific format for how long a particular type of document should be then it would be best not to deviate from that at all costs!
However, if there aren’t any requirements like this involved then feel free to experiment with different lengths until finding one that feels comfortable for both parties involved in sending out resumes together with cover letters when needed.
Further Reading
Here are some additional resources on writing effective cover letters:
What’s the Ideal Cover Letter Length? from Indeed: This article offers insights into the ideal length for a cover letter and provides tips on how to make the most of the space you have.
How Long Should a Cover Letter Be? from G2: This resource explores the optimal length for a cover letter and offers advice on what to include (and what to leave out) to make a strong impression on potential employers.
Top Tips to Write a Winning Cover Letter from Monster: This article provides practical tips and examples to help job seekers write effective cover letters that stand out to employers.
What is the ideal length for a cover letter?
The ideal length for a cover letter is typically one page, or approximately 250 to 400 words. However, it’s important to focus on quality over quantity and ensure that your cover letter provides a clear and compelling argument for why you’re the right candidate for the job.
How can I make sure my cover letter stands out to employers?
To make your cover letter stand out to employers, focus on tailoring it to the specific job and company you’re applying to. Highlight your relevant skills and experiences, and provide concrete examples of how you can contribute to the organization’s success.
Should I include my entire work history in my cover letter?
No, you don’t need to include your entire work history in your cover letter. Instead, focus on highlighting the experiences and skills that are most relevant to the job you’re applying for, and provide specific examples of how you’ve demonstrated those skills in the past.
Is it okay to use a template for my cover letter?
Using a template can be a good starting point for your cover letter, but it’s important to customize it to the specific job and company you’re applying to. Make sure your cover letter is tailored to the position and showcases your unique qualifications and experiences.
Can a cover letter really make a difference in my job search?
Yes, a well-written cover letter can make a significant difference in your job search. A strong cover letter can help you stand out from the competition, showcase your qualifications and enthusiasm for the job, and increase your chances of getting an interview.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.