Cover letters are a great way to introduce yourself to potential employers, but they can be tricky to write. With this guide, we’ll help you understand the importance of cover letters and how to craft them so that they attract attention and convince hiring managers that you’re the right candidate for the job.
Takeaways |
Writing a strong cover letter or email can help you stand out from other job applicants. |
Cover letters should be tailored to the specific job you are applying for and highlight your relevant experience and skills. |
Use a professional tone and format, and proofread your cover letter carefully for errors. |
Research the company and job description before writing your cover letter or email. |
Be sure to follow application instructions carefully, including whether to send your cover letter as a separate document or in the body of an email. |
Does Every Job Application Require A Cover Letter?
Yes, every job application requires a cover letter. A cover letter is a formal, professional letter that introduces you to the employer and explains why you are qualified for the job. A cover letter can help make an impression on an employer, especially if they have hundreds of applications to go through.
Cover letters can be sent as attachments with your resume, or as part of an online application (but it’s best to send both). For example: “Please find attached my resume and enclosed please find my signed employment contract.”
A well-crafted cover letter can be the difference between getting a job interview and being overlooked. As our guide on cover letter importance explains, taking the time to write a compelling cover letter can showcase your skills and qualifications and demonstrate your enthusiasm for the position.
What Three Things Should A Cover Letter Express?
A cover letter is an opportunity to express your interest in the position and the company. You should write a cover letter if you are applying for a specific job, not just to “send resumes” or get work experience.
Cover letters should
Show that you’ve done some research about the company and know what they do (or what they sell). This shows that you care enough about this particular job to take the time to find out more about them.
It also gives you something interesting to say when doing so: “I saw that [company] has been [doing great / having problems], which makes me think I could help by [listing something that would be relevant].”
Show why they should hire you instead of someone else who isn’t writing a cover letter at all (since there usually will be someone else). What is special about YOU? Do tell!
Are you wondering what makes a good cover letter? Our expert advice on writing cover letters provides helpful tips on crafting a personalized and compelling letter that highlights your strengths and grabs the attention of recruiters and hiring managers.
What Is The Best Way To Address A Cover Letter?
When addressing your cover letter, it’s important to make sure you have the hiring manager’s name. If you don’t know their name, address it to the company’s human resources department instead.
What Should You Include In A Cover Letter Header?
If you’re sending a cover letter as an email, it’s important to include the following information at the top:
Your name, address, phone number, and email address.
The name and contact information of the person who referred you (if applicable).
How Do You Write A Great First Sentence In A Cover Letter?
The first sentence of your cover letter is an opportunity to make a great first impression. It should be clear and concise, relevant to the position, and professional, brief, interesting, and unique. If you want to attract attention, it should also be persuasive with a strong call to action that indicates how you can help solve the company’s problems.
The good news: you don’t have to write anything new or original; just copy what works best for others in similar situations.
The following are examples of some of the best opening sentences from successful cover letters:
Should My Email Subject Line Match The Contents Of My Application?
The subject line of your email should be in the form of a question. For example, if you’re applying for a job at Google and one of their job listings asks for designers who are seeking to “improve the world through technology,” your subject line would read “How can I improve the world through technology?”
The content of your email should also be relevant to what’s asked in the posting. The idea here is that it should give them enough information about who you are and why they should hire you so they don’t have to scroll down on their phones while they’re waiting at home or in line at Starbucks.
If all else fails, remember: short is good! Keep it under 100 characters if possible (or even 75).
If I’m Submitting Multiple Applications, Can I Use The Same Cover Letter For Each One?
You can use the same cover letter for multiple applications. However, you should tailor it to the specific job description.
For example, if you are applying for a job as a programmer and your cover letter mention that you are a programmer and that you want to work as part of a team of programmers, then it would be important to mention in your cover letter that this specific position would allow you to work with other programmers on projects.
A well-written cover letter can make a great first impression, but what if you forget to sign it? Our career advice on sending a cover letter without a signature explains how to avoid common mistakes when sending job applications via email and how to make a positive impression on potential employers.
Where Do I Write My Name And Contact Info On A Cover Letter?
When it comes to writing your contact info on a cover letter, there are a few different places you can do it. The first is at the top left of your document.
This area is typically used for headings and subheadings, but if you don’t want to write anything in there, feel free to use it as an additional space for any information you think will help your reader understand who they’re reading.
The top right corner of your cover letter works well too! Just like with address labels or envelopes, people often write their name on the right side and then their contact information below that (or vice versa).
If you’re not comfortable with doing this full-on, try finding another place in your document where nothing else is written down yet and add some simple text like “My name is” followed by whatever title applies here (e.g., “John Doe”) or even just “Contact Info:”
You can also put your contact info at the bottom middle of each page; this area serves as both an easy reminder for writers who might lose track otherwise and a way for readers who have limited time available during meetings/interviews etcetera not to worry about skimming through too much content before getting back into action again
After reading something important enough to stop them from finishing their tasks immediately afterward!
Do I Need To Put My Home And Cell Phone Number As Contact Information On A Cover Letter?
You can include your home and cell phone numbers on a cover letter. However, you should only do so if the position you are applying to requires that level of contact. If this is not the case, then it would be best to leave them off or use an alternative method of contacts such as an email address or number where they can reach you via text message.
Is It Ok To Use Bullet Points In A Cover Letter?
It’s fine to use bullets in your cover letter. They’re a way to highlight key points, list skills, and accomplishments, and provide references quickly. For example:
I am a fast learner who works well on teams
I have worked at [job title] for [amount of time]
My skills include [list specific skills]
Are Hobbies Worth Mentioning In A Cover Letter?
Yes, hobbies are worth mentioning in a cover letter. A hobby is a great way to show off some of the personality traits that make you the best candidate for an open position.
For example, if you’re applying for a job as a graphic designer and have experience making videos on YouTube something you do in your spare time mention it! It shows that not only are you creative and capable of leading projects but also that you have experience following through on ideas and seeing them through to completion.
Hobbies can also be used as examples of skills that translate well into professional settings.
If writing is one of your hobbies, explain how it has helped develop valuable characteristics like attention to detail; ability to work under pressure; composure under stress; persistence when faced with obstacles; ability to connect with people from different backgrounds or circumstances
Are you wondering how to make your cover letter stand out from the crowd? Consider using bullet points to highlight your achievements and qualifications. Our career advice on using bullet points in a cover letter explains how to effectively use this formatting technique to make your cover letter more readable and engaging.
Do I Need To Write About My Education Level In A Cover Letter?
You don’t need to mention your education level in a cover letter. If you are applying for a job that requires specific skills, then it makes sense to include them. For example, if you were applying for an engineering job and you hold a degree in engineering, then mentioning this would be helpful.
However, if you don’t have any specific skill or experience required by the employer and are just looking for entry-level work anywhere, mentioning your educational background is not required at all. It may even give off the impression that you’re overqualified for the position because most applicants aren’t going to have been educated on what they’re applying for!
Can Skills Be Mentioned In A Cover Letter Urgently?
Yes, skills can be mentioned in a cover letter. However, it’s important to remember that you need to be specific about the skills you mention in your cover letter this means listing them only if they are relevant for the job and ordering them based on how important they are.
Additionally, don’t forget to list them in the bulleted form at the end of your cover letter so that your reader doesn’t have to hunt for every skill you’ve listed out.
When writing about your qualifications (and including relevant information about yourself), make sure that you have thought through exactly what skills best describe who you are and why employers should hire you over any other candidate who applied for the same position.
Why Is It Important To Have An Objective In Your Career Goals When Writing Your Resume And/Or Cv?
An objective is a statement that you make at the beginning of your resume or CV to let the reader know what you are looking for in terms of a career. It’s a way to set yourself apart from other applicants and highlight why you would be an asset to the company. For example:
“An experienced, personable individual seeking employment in marketing and sales”
“A recent graduate with a passion for technology who wants to contribute her talents as soon as possible” (This could lead to more detail about why she’s qualified.)
The benefits of having an objective include making sure that your resume/CV is complete, showing how your education, skillset, and experience meet the requirements of a job posting, and making it easier for recruiters or hiring managers who receive hundreds of applications every day to quickly decide whether or not yours meets their needs.
The drawbacks include having an objective when not needed (i.e., if there aren’t any specific requirements for your desired position), potentially sounding generic (which would be fine if many companies were looking for someone just like you), or coming across as too aggressive if they don’t need someone with such specific qualifications at all
If you’re thinking about changing fields, writing a cover letter can be a daunting task. Our guide on writing a cover letter for changing fields offers helpful tips on how to address potential employers’ concerns and explain your motivation for making a career change.
There you go! A quick rundown of what to include in your cover letter, and a few tips on how to make it shine. If you’re looking for more information on how to write a good cover letter, check out our post “How To Write A Great Cover Letter (And Get The Job).”
Further Reading
Here are some additional resources on writing effective cover letters and email applications:
The Difference Between a Cover Letter and the Email You Send With Your Application – This article from The Muse explains the differences between a cover letter and an email application, and offers tips on how to craft a compelling email message that grabs the attention of potential employers.
How to Write an Email Cover Letter: Tips and Examples – This guide from Zety provides practical advice on writing an email cover letter that showcases your skills and experience, and helps you stand out from other applicants.
Cover Letters – This comprehensive guide from Prospects offers tips on writing effective cover letters, including how to structure your letter, what to include, and how to tailor your letter to specific job applications.
What is a cover letter?
A cover letter is a document that accompanies your resume or job application and provides additional information about your qualifications, skills, and experience. It is an opportunity to introduce yourself to potential employers and explain why you are the best candidate for the job.
How do I write a cover letter?
To write an effective cover letter, start by researching the company and job you are applying for. Then, tailor your letter to the job description and highlight your relevant experience and skills. Use a professional tone and format, and be sure to proofread your letter for errors.
Should I send my cover letter as an email or a separate document?
It depends on the application instructions. Some employers prefer to receive cover letters as separate documents, while others ask for them to be included in the body of an email. Be sure to read the application instructions carefully and follow them closely.
What should I include in my email cover letter?
Your email cover letter should introduce yourself and explain why you are interested in the job. It should also highlight your relevant experience and skills, and include a call to action encouraging the employer to contact you for an interview.
How long should my cover letter be?
Your cover letter should be concise and to the point. Aim for one page or less, and use bullet points and concise sentences to convey your qualifications and skills.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.