A Day In The Life Of A Freelance Administrative Assistant

Do you ever wonder what the day-to-day life of a freelance administrative assistant looks like? Curious to know which services are in demand and which aren’t? Want to know how they got their start in freelancing and where they see their career going?

Here, we’ll answer all those questions. We’ll look at the work of a recent graduate who started her own freelance administrative assistant business right out of college. Her name is Anna, and she’s been working as a freelance administrative assistant for five years now. She lives in Chicago.

Day In The Life of an Administrative Assistant – YouTube
1. Gain insights into the typical daily routine of a freelance administrative assistant.
2. Understand the various tasks and responsibilities involved in freelance administrative support.
3. Learn about the challenges and rewards of working as a freelance administrative assistant.
4. Discover tips and strategies for maintaining productivity and efficiency in the role.
5. Get inspired by real-life experiences and stories of freelance administrative assistants.

Wake Up, Check The Clock

It’s 7:30 a.m. The alarm clock wakes you up, and after a few mumbled grumblings about why you have to wake up so early, you roll out of bed and stumble toward the kitchen. Time to get ready for the day ahead!

You usually wake up at 7:30 so you can eat breakfast before starting work at 8:00. You like having something in your stomach before taking on your first virtual assistant assignment of the day. 

If it’s not a Monday, Wednesday, or Friday, there’s an additional reason for waking up this early: those are the days when your personal trainer comes over! You spend some time with him each morning working on lifting weights and building strength.

First things first you check the status of your website by logging into its administration area and glancing at Google Analytics to see if there are any updates since yesterday afternoon. Then it’s time to check email, both personal and business (your inbox is also where all your assignments come through). 

After going through a list of tasks that came in overnight from clients around the world, you draft responses back to them as needed and schedule appointments where appropriate in Google Calendar, which syncs with all your devices automatically (no more double-booking yourself!)

If you’re interested in starting a career in freelance administrative support, our comprehensive guide on how to become a freelance administrative support will provide you with valuable insights and step-by-step instructions to get you started on the right path.

Coffee And Answering Emails

While it’s important to do your best work, even the most conscientious freelancer can get bogged down by the minutiae of their daily tasks. But there are a few simple changes you can make to help maximize productivity, from getting 8 hours of sleep the night before to taking a 30-minute break at lunch for some yoga or just stretching. Still, if you’re like me, you’ll wanna spend that half-hour with food and coffee.

Coffee is my lifeblood or at least one of them so I start each day with a good cup or two as I check emails and social media accounts for any major updates that need handling. This is also when I review my schedule for the day, so I know what lies ahead before I dive into specific projects.

Exercise…Or Don’t

You may choose to exercise during your lunch break, or at the end of the day. Or…you may not want to exercise at all and that’s entirely okay. Just know that getting a bit of physical activity is one way to reboot your brain and clear it of sticky clutter.

If you’re returning from a lunch break that includes time for exercise, you’ll likely feel more energized when you get back than if you’d spent that whole hour on the computer or staring at a phone screen.

In summary: if it’s not in the cards for you today, don’t stress about it! You can always do some jumping jacks tomorrow.

Lunchtime Brainstorming

With the repetitive nature of your work, you may find yourself needing a little refresher in the middle of the day. If you’re feeling stuck on a project or have trouble focusing on one thing for long, take advantage of this time to get up, stretch, and gather your thoughts.

A short walk also helps to clear your head. Try to go out at lunchtime and enjoy the fresh air and sunlight (or rain, if you’re in Seattle). Not only will it help you stay healthy and active, but it can also improve your productivity by helping you maintain a sense of focus when returning to work after lunch.

You can even use apps like Toggl or RescueTime to track how much time you spend on certain tasks throughout the day and set alerts when switching between tasks so that you don’t get lost in social media feeds or other distractions every time there’s a slight lull in the action.

Maintaining an organized workspace is crucial for productivity and efficiency. Discover practical tips and strategies in our article on 15 ways to keep your freelance desk organized to create a clutter-free environment that fosters focus and success.

Take A Break To Pre-Prep Dinner

Use A Slow Cooker

It’s easy to throw things in early in the day, and then you can go on with your pre-work tasks while dinner cooks itself.

Buy Pre-Chopped Vegetables And Other Ingredients

This may be the most expensive option but it will save you the time of cooking vegetables and then washing all the dishes. Again, it’s up to you, but I like to have my slow cooker ready to go in five minutes or less so that I can savor extra time for myself when I get home from work rather than using every spare minute for meal prep and cleanup.

Take Time To Plan Meals

Sure, spontaneity sounds wonderful but is it really? Some people thrive on last-minute decision-making; others feel frustrated by it. Keep this in mind as you’re setting up your freelance schedule: 

if you function better knowing what’s ahead of you, consider setting aside one or two hours once a week to plan meals for each day before the week begins and prepare food ahead of time if possible. If last-minute planning works best for you, do that instead! Find out what style works best with your personality type so that you don’t end up feeling overwhelmed as new projects come at you during the day (or night).

Make Contact With Another Assistant

Make Contact With Another Assistant

It’s important to stay in touch with other assistants, especially if you work from home. The work can be quite solitary, so it’s nice to have someone to bounce ideas off of or just talk with about the day-to-day challenges of the job. 

Connecting with other assistants will also give you inspiration for new ways to be more productive, as well as time-saving tips and tricks that will help you do your job more efficiently. Consider reaching out to a fellow assistant who is at a higher level of proficiency than you are and offering them the opportunity to mentor you.

When seeking freelance administrative support for your business, it’s essential to find the right fit. Learn how to navigate the selection process effectively with our guide on how to choose the right freelance administrative support, and ensure you find professionals who align with your goals and requirements.

Seek Advice From Another Assistant

Working from home in isolation can make it easy for fear and doubt about your abilities to creep up on you. Reaching out for advice from an experienced assistant about a project that is stressing you out, or having someone listen when things aren’t going well, can keep those fears at bay. An experienced assistant may even be able to offer some suggestions on how best to approach challenges like this in the future.

Check-In Again

Now it’s time for another check-in with your client! Sometimes this will be brief, but other times there will be more to do.

  • Respond to any emails or messages you have received from your client since you last checked in.
  • Check on the status of any projects that you are working on for them. Have they completed any parts that they needed to do? Are there more instructions or information that they sent you?
  • Check whether your client needs anything else from you before you head off for dinner.
  • Let them know when you will be back in touch the next day, and give yourself a virtual pat on the back—you just completed your first official workday as an administrative assistant!

Are you searching for freelance administrative support jobs? Save time and energy by exploring our curated list of the best places to look for freelance administrative support jobs. We’ve compiled reputable platforms and resources where you can find rewarding opportunities in the field.

Shower And Change Into Comfy Clothes

Remember that you’re a person who needs rest, not just a cog in the machine. Take a break from work to relax and spend time with your family. Don’t feel guilty about taking breaks at regular intervals during the day, or even just getting up to stretch once in a while. You can really help yourself avoid burnout by building these small breaks into your schedule.

Go to bed early (or late!). Working on a flexible schedule allows me to sleep more than I would if I had a 9-5 job with an hour-long commute each way. This is actually great for my productivity since I’m less tired when I start my day there’s no better cure for writer’s block than good sleep!

Dinner With The Family, Then Time For Bed

Once you’ve put the finishing touches on your work, it’s time to eat with your family or friends. You can take a breather from being on the computer and enjoy some quality time with those that matter most to you.

If you like, you can spend some time working after dinner as well. There are plenty of opportunities for that! However, this is an ideal spot in the day to stop and really rest up so that you can be productive tomorrow morning when it is time for work again. 

Don’t burn out! It’s important to have a good work-life balance so that you don’t get sick of working at home all day long without any human interaction besides emailing clients back and forth every once in a while. 

This job sounds great because it gives me flexibility with my schedule but I also know how easy it would be for me not to leave my house for days at a time if I let myself get too wrapped up in my work.

Being a successful freelance administrative support professional requires a unique set of skills and qualities. Discover the 15 crucial character traits in our article on 15 character traits you need to succeed as a freelance administrative support, and hone these attributes to thrive in your freelance career.


That’s all for now! Hopefully, you enjoyed reading this article and learned something. It was fun to put together and I’m glad you took the time to read it. If I could pick a takeaway from this, it’d be that even though the work of an administrative assistant is often underacknowledged by the general public, their contributions are important and valuable.

I hope you’ll come back next time when we take an inside look at another job!

Further Reading

A Day in the Life of a Virtual Assistant – MyVA360: Explore a detailed account of the daily routine and tasks involved in the life of a virtual assistant, providing insights into the profession.

A Day in the Life of a Virtual Assistant – The Tara Reid: Gain valuable perspective on the typical activities and responsibilities of a virtual assistant, along with useful tips and experiences shared by a seasoned professional.

A Day in the Life of a Virtual Assistant – Freedom Makers: Delve into the world of virtual assistance and discover firsthand accounts of the day-to-day tasks, challenges, and rewards experienced by virtual assistants.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some answers to frequently asked questions about what it’s like to be a freelance administrative assistant:

How Long Have You Been A Freelance Administrative Assistant?

I’ve been working as a freelance admin for about 5 years now after I was laid off from my full-time job. It’s been a great change! I really enjoy working from home and setting my own schedule.

What Is The Hardest Part Of Your Job?

It’s definitely remembering all the tasks that need to get done each week. I’m always making lists on sticky notes and adding reminders on my phone, just so I don’t forget everything. It gets overwhelming sometimes, but I know being organized is important if you want to be successful!

What Is The Best Part Of Your Job?

I love being able to take breaks whenever I want! Last week when it was sunny out, I took a quick walk around the block at 11 AM because it was such nice weather outside. That would never happen in an office building!

What qualifications do I need to become a virtual assistant?

To become a virtual assistant, specific qualifications vary depending on the nature of the work. However, having strong organizational skills, excellent communication abilities, proficiency in relevant software or tools, and a solid understanding of administrative tasks are generally beneficial.

How can I find clients as a virtual assistant?

Finding clients as a virtual assistant can be accomplished through various strategies, including networking within professional communities, creating an online presence through a website or social media platforms, joining freelancing platforms, reaching out to potential clients directly, and leveraging referrals from satisfied clients.

What services can I offer as a virtual assistant?

Virtual assistants can provide a wide range of services, including administrative support, email management, calendar scheduling, data entry, bookkeeping, social media management, content creation, customer support, and more. The services offered can be tailored to match the specific needs and expertise of the virtual assistant.

How can I manage my time effectively as a virtual assistant?

Effective time management is crucial for virtual assistants. It involves setting priorities, creating schedules or to-do lists, utilizing productivity tools, minimizing distractions, delegating tasks when necessary, and maintaining clear communication with clients to ensure efficient workflow and timely completion of projects.

How can I stay organized as a virtual assistant?

Staying organized is essential for virtual assistants to maximize productivity. Implementing strategies such as maintaining a well-structured digital filing system, using task management tools, utilizing project management software, setting up reminders and deadlines, and regularly decluttering and organizing workspaces can help in staying organized.

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