A Complete Guide On How To Write PR

Writing a press release can be intimidating for some. The idea of making something sound interesting enough to catch the attention of journalists, who have seen hundreds of similar press releases before yours, can seem like an insurmountable task. But it doesn’t have to be! With these 13 rules, you’ll be well on your way to writing an effective press release in no time at all:

How To Write Them. A PR Lesson For Beginners. – YouTube
Key Takeaways
1. Master the art of crafting effective press releases.
2. Understand the components of a compelling press release.
3. Learn how to create attention-grabbing headlines.
4. Incorporate relevant quotes and key information.
5. Develop a clear and concise writing style.
6. Tailor press releases to your target audience.
7. Utilize storytelling techniques to engage readers.
8. Follow industry best practices for formatting and structure.
9. Leverage media contacts and distribution strategies.
10. Continuously refine your PR writing skills for success.

1. Know Your Audience

The first thing you need to do is figure out who your audience is. Who are they? What are their needs and wants? What do they care about? Who are they not interested in reading about? This is the most important step in writing PR because it can make or break your success. 

If you don’t know who your audience is and what they want, then how will you be able to write PR that appeals to them?

To get started thinking about who your audience might be, think about this question: “Who would benefit from reading my blog post?” Once you’ve answered that question, consider these points:

  • What kinds of things do they like to read?
  • Do they like long-form articles or short-form articles (e.g., news stories)?
  • Which social media platforms do they use most often (e.g., Facebook vs Twitter)?

Are you struggling with crafting press releases that are both effective and efficient? Learn how to save time and money with our comprehensive guide on how to write a press release, packed with practical tips and strategies.

2. Keep It Short And Sweet

Keep it short and sweet. It’s a common mistake for many marketers to write long, complicated sentences that don’t get the point across. If you have too much information in your draft, cut it down to something simple. You can always add details later once you know what works best for the editor or reporter.

A good rule of thumb is to make sure that each sentence has only one idea in it and that each paragraph has only three sentences (or less). This will help you keep your message clear and concise while still being able to explain how something works as well as why people should care about it!

Another tip is using shorter words instead of longer ones – like “donate” instead of “give money.” As a rule of thumb: try not using any more than two syllables per word if possible!

3. Be Clear And Concise

Write in short sentences and paragraphs. This is something that everyone should be doing, but it’s especially important for writers of PR content. Long sentences and paragraphs can make readers lose interest quickly. You don’t want to bore your audience!

If you’re not sure how short to go, try keeping your sentences under 50 words each. This is a great way to ensure that everything you write will be easy for readers to understand and follow along with-which is what we want!

Use simple language (and avoid jargon). If you’re used to writing in professional settings, chances are you have some experience using industry jargon such as “value add” or “synergistic opportunity.” 

While these phrases may seem natural when talking about business plans with colleagues or clients, they aren’t as effective when communicating with consumers who might not understand their meaning right away so avoid using them unless necessary!

Putting together a compelling press release requires attention to detail and strategic thinking. Discover our 17 essential tips for assembling a successful press release that grabs attention and delivers your message effectively.

4. Format It Properly So It Is Easy To Absorb

Use bullet points and subheadings. Make it easy for readers to get quickly through your post by using bullet points and subheadings.

Emphasize important information. Bold, italicize, and underline the words that need emphasis so that they stand out in the text effectively.

Use headings to break up text into bite-sized sections that are easy on the eye and make it easier for readers to digest your content without getting overwhelmed by too much information at once in one go. 

A good rule of thumb is to leave no more than 3-5 lines between headings so people can easily see where one section ends and another begins when scanning through your post (if you have more than 5 lines between sections then consider breaking it up into multiple posts).

You should also use headings throughout each paragraph for readers who may be skimming over certain parts of your article quickly can still get something out of reading through each paragraph even if they don’t read all of them thoroughly.

Read only certain sentences within each paragraph which would otherwise have been missed if there weren’t any headings separating them from one another.*

5. Create A Clear Hierarchy Of Information

Now that you’ve got the basics down, it’s time to move on to more advanced strategies for creating a clear hierarchy of information.

Use headings, subheadings, and bulleted lists to break up text into easily digestible chunks.

Use short paragraphs so that readers can scan your content.

Use white space for emphasis: pick one or two key points per paragraph and make them stand out with line breaks or white space around them (this is why most magazines have those big gaps between paragraphs).

Use lists: they’re an easy way to provide a quick overview of important information without making the reader feel overwhelmed by block text walls.

Add images: they break up text and improve readability by encouraging readers’ eyes to move around the page instead of getting stuck in one place at a time where there might be lots of long sentences without much punctuation like “I love writing PR because…” I love writing PR because…etc.”

Want your press releases to gain viral traction and reach a broader audience? Our guide on creating press releases that go viral unveils the strategies and techniques that can make your press releases share-worthy and impactful.

6. Make Sure The First Paragraph Is Brilliant

One of the first things your reader will see is the lead paragraph, which should be a concise summary of what you’re writing about. It also needs to be engaging, relevant, and readable.

Here are some important tips:

Don’t make it too long keep it short and to the point. This will help ensure that readers who aren’t interested in reading any further don’t feel overwhelmed by text.

Don’t put all your best jokes in this section, because once you’ve lost them in a sea of words you’ll lose their attention forever! Instead, save them for later on when they can shine through like stars on nights.

Don’t write something boring! If you don’t have anything interesting or funny then just leave it out altogether as people won’t want to read it anyway.

7. Don’t Use Jargon Or Buzzwords

It’s a good idea to avoid using jargon or buzzwords when writing your PR. By using simple language, you’ll ensure that your audience understands what you’re saying.

Avoiding jargon means that you should avoid the use of words or phrases that are specific to a certain industry, field, or group and which may be unfamiliar or difficult for other people to understand (even if they’re in your industry). 

Instead, try using plain language: “I want this car because it has air conditioning” instead of “the Ford Motor Company’s new model.” If possible, try replacing jargon with an everyday synonym (to get a feel for what we mean by an everyday synonym look at this list; there are thousands more on the internet).

Avoid buzzwords as well; these include words like ‘innovative’ and ‘unique’ since they don’t tell us anything about what we should expect from our product/service/expertise. 

Instead of using them within copywriting content might sound better if you say something like “our products are high quality” instead of just calling them innovative products.”

8. Use A Call To Action If Needed

If you have a call to action, use it. Calls to action are very important because they are the final step of your PR piece and can be used as a means to get your readers either more information or to take an action. 

If you have an email address or landing page, include it in the content so people who read it can click on that link. You can also add phone numbers if you want people to call or text you with any questions.

The only thing that should not be included in PR is links that go straight back into your blog post (like this one). However, if there is anything else that could help guide readers onto another page on your website or send them somewhere else entirely (i.e., Amazon affiliate links), then by all means include them!

Writing press releases can be a tricky task, but understanding the do’s and don’ts can set you on the right track. Learn from our experience with our list of favorite do’s and don’ts for writing press releases that resonate with your audience and media outlets.

9. Quote Real People And Not Made Up Case Studies

The final point on our list of how to write a PR is to quote real people and not made-up case studies.

Made-up case studies are not credible, which means that your readers will find them less engaging. They also tend to be more boring, something that will cause your audience to lose interest quickly.

In contrast, quoting real people is more engaging because it provides an opportunity for your reader to have an emotional connection with the brand or product you’re promoting. As such, it makes sense for businesses that want their content to be entertaining and memorable when they take this approach when writing PR materials today!

10. Be Factual, Not Fluffy!

When writing a press release, it’s tempting to dress up the content with fancy words and phrases that make your company sound great. But don’t do it. Stay away from fluff like “innovative” or “cutting-edge” if you can’t back up your claims with cold hard facts and figures.

Also avoid adjectives like “incredible,” “amazing,” or any other word that doesn’t support the rest of your sentence or paragraph. Instead of saying something is “incredible,” try using data to prove why this product is so amazing: It has x features, y benefits, and z awards so far!

11. Not Too Much Hyperbole!

Don’t exaggerate or oversell.

If you do, it will not only make you sound like a used car salesman but also give the impression that your product or service isn’t as good as it should be.

So don’t use superlatives like “the best”, “absolutely amazing”, “greatest” etc. They are just too much for people to believe in. Rather, focus on facts and figures about the features of your product/service and how they will objectively benefit the customer’s life.

Crafting press releases for startups requires a unique approach. Our 9 valuable tips provide insights into writing press releases that capture the essence of your startup’s story and effectively communicate its value proposition to the world.

12. Write For People, Not Search Engines

Write for people, not search engines. It’s a great idea to check your article for mistakes before publishing it. One of the easiest ways to do this is by asking someone else to read through it and give you their feedback on whether they understood what you were writing about and if there were any mistakes.

Remember that the reader is always more important than the writer when writing PR content. The reader needs a clear understanding of what they are reading; they want a clear structure and flow; they want information that helps them in some way (whether it be entertainment or education). 

If you can write good copy that gives readers what they want, then you will improve engagement levels as well as increase traffic from organic search results which means more people visiting your website!

13. Get Someone Else To Read It Through And Check For Mistakes

Now that you’ve written your piece, it’s time to get it checked. You should always have someone else read through your articles before sending them off this is a standard practice in the PR industry, and there are several good reasons behind it:

First of all, it makes sure that your work is readable and free of typos or grammatical errors. In other words, it makes sure that people can understand what you wrote! If they don’t understand what you mean .well, then there’s not much point in writing anything at all.

Secondly, when someone else reads over your article before the publication date comes around, they’ll be able to tell if anything needs changing or further explaining (and since everyone knows how hard it can be to see our own mistakes sometimes. This way everyone benefits from feedback loops!

Thirdly! Having another pair of eyes look over something for typos helps ensure quality control as well as accuracy especially if said “pair” happens to be employed at an agency with professional editing services available on demand (which ours does).


The main takeaway from all this is that writing a press release isn’t as simple as it may seem. The best way to make sure it is successful is by following these tips and keeping in mind that there are more than enough resources out there for you to get the job done right.

Further Reading

Beginner’s Guide to PR Learn the basics of public relations with this comprehensive guide, perfect for those new to the world of PR. Discover key strategies and techniques to effectively manage your PR efforts.

Press Release Template Looking for a handy template to structure your press releases? This resource provides a well-organized press release template that helps you convey your message clearly and concisely.

Definitive Guide to PR Writing Delve deep into the art of PR writing with this comprehensive guide. Explore advanced techniques, tips, and best practices to enhance your PR writing skills and create impactful content.


How can I effectively manage my PR efforts as a beginner?

Managing PR efforts as a beginner can be daunting. Start by understanding your target audience, crafting a compelling message, and building relationships with relevant media outlets. Gradually refine your approach based on feedback and results.

What should I include in a press release template?

A well-structured press release template typically includes a catchy headline, a concise summary of the news, relevant quotes, details about the company or individual, and contact information for media inquiries. These elements help convey your message effectively.

How can I enhance my PR writing skills?

To enhance your PR writing skills, focus on developing a clear and engaging writing style. Practice concise storytelling, use compelling language, and emphasize the most important information. Regularly review and refine your writing to improve over time.

Are there advanced techniques for PR writing?

Absolutely! Advanced PR writing techniques involve crafting narratives that resonate with your target audience, incorporating data-driven insights, and leveraging emotional storytelling. Utilize these techniques to create impactful and memorable PR content.

Where can I find more resources for PR professionals?

You can explore various platforms, including industry websites, blogs, and professional organizations, to find resources tailored to PR professionals. Look for courses, webinars, articles, and guides that can help you stay updated and improve your skills.