15 Ways Freelancing Can Be A Part-Time Job And Not A Full-time Job

One of the best things about freelancing is that it gives you the flexibility to choose how much work you want to take up. You can always make freelance your full-time job if that’s what you want, but if you prefer doing something else along with it, this is also a possibility. Here are some ways where freelancing can be your part-time job:

Freelancing While Working Full-Time
Freelancing can be a viable part-time job option, offering flexibility and additional income.
By carefully managing your time and setting boundaries, you can balance freelancing with other commitments.
Specializing in niche skills can make you more marketable and allow you to charge higher rates.
Building a strong network and maintaining good client relationships can lead to consistent part-time freelance work.
Exploring alternative freelance platforms and diversifying your income sources can maximize your part-time freelancing opportunities.
Continuously upgrading your skills and staying updated with industry trends can help you stay competitive as a part-time freelancer.
Freelancing part-time allows you to explore different industries and gain diverse experience.
Proper financial planning and budgeting are essential to manage your part-time freelance income effectively.
Leveraging technology and productivity tools can streamline your workflow and enhance your part-time freelancing efficiency.
Freelancing part-time requires self-discipline, self-motivation, and effective time management skills.

1. You Could Take On A Part-Time Job And Do Freelance Work Around Your Office Hours

If you have an office job that is not too demanding and does not mind if you can’t be available for certain hours, then you can use those free time to do freelance work. For example:

Add up all your office hours in a week and divide by 7 (or whatever the number of days in a week). That’s how many hours are left for other activities such as freelancing.

In addition to the above, carve out some more time from bedtime or family time if need be. Remember that this is part-time after all!

Making a full-time income while freelancing part-time is not just a dream; it’s a reality. Discover the strategies and techniques in our article on making a full-time income freelancing part-time and start maximizing your earning potential.

2. Find A Side Hustle In A Field That You’re Not Interested In

You can also use freelancing to build up your skills. If you’re a writer, find a side hustle that will help you learn new types of writing or improve the ones that you already know. Like copy editing. Or technical writing. 

Or even blog content creation for local businesses that need help with their online marketing strategy but can’t afford full-time employees yet the kind of thing we do over at [company name].

3. You Must Learn How To Become A Goal-Setter And Stick To It No Matter What

Here is an example:

You are trying to make $1,000 per month by freelancing, so you write down your goal on paper and set a deadline for achieving this goal. You also write down the reward that will be given if you achieve your goals, but if not. Then you continue to work towards achieving your goal until it is reached or until it becomes clear that there isn’t enough time left in the month for this task.

4. Read Up Articles About People Who Are Successful In Their Careers

Read up articles about people who are successful in their careers. Use these articles to inspire you to work harder.

Read up on the success stories of people who are in the same field as you, and learn from them how they achieved success in their careers. Read up on the success stories of people who are in a different field but achieved success in their career, and see if there is anything that can apply to your own situation.

Generation Z is entering the freelance world with unique challenges and opportunities. If you’re part of this generation, our comprehensive guide on what Generation Z needs to know as they begin their freelance careers will provide valuable insights and tips to help you navigate this exciting path.

5. Remove All Forms Of Distractions Like Social Media Apps And Instant Messengers From Your Phone Or Laptop 

Always use the Pomodoro technique to focus on one task for a set amount of time. It helps you to avoid distractions and complete more tasks in less time.

When working remotely, try to spend at least two hours a day being productive so that you can feel proud about what you have achieved before taking a break for lunch or exercise. This will make it easier for you to stay focused on your goals when working from home full-time in the future!

6. Have An Accountability Partner Who Can Remind You Of Your Goals Whenever You Seem To Get Off Track

A good accountability partner is someone who can remind you of your goals whenever you seem to get off track. This person should also be able to motivate and help keep you on track by providing encouragement and advice, along with an ear when things aren’t going well.

It’s also important that this person has similar goals as yours so that they’re invested in helping you reach them as well. If they don’t share the same interests or ambitions, then they probably won’t be much use.

If possible, try to find someone who lives close enough that they can meet up with regularly at least once per week at first! The more often the better!

7. Try Working At Night When Everyone Is Fast Asleep

Working at night can be a great way to get more done without the distraction of daytime life. With fewer people around, and all of them likely fast asleep, you can get a lot more done in a shorter amount of time. 

Plus, if you’re working on something that requires your full concentration (like writing or coding), then the fact that there are fewer distractions will allow you to stay focused on the task at hand. 

You won’t have to worry about getting interrupted by someone asking for help or advice, either; this also means that if others need something from you during these hours whether it’s an emergency or just because they’re asking for advice you’ll have time set aside specifically for helping them out with their request(s).

8. Don’t Take Too Many Clients At Once As This Might Make You Lose Focus On The Goals That Have Set Out To Achieve Initially

Try to focus on the clients you already have and ensure that the work is done accordingly. Don’t be in a rush to get new clients as this may affect your performance negatively. Also, make sure that there is enough time for you to do your work and don’t take extra hours just because a client wants it so badly.

Is the freelance life as amazing as it seems? Explore the truth behind freelancing in our eye-opening article, “The Freelance Life: Is It Too Good to Be True? 14 Lessons.” Gain valuable insights from experienced freelancers and discover the pros and cons of this dynamic career choice.

9. Stop Comparing Yourself With Others Because You Will Never Know The Journey They Went Through Before Becoming Successful In Their Career

For example, let’s say you are a full-time employee and you want to start freelancing as well. You might think that it is easy for them to go from being an employee to a freelancer because they have been working for years, but what if their passion is writing? They could have started working at an office just because it was convenient for them. 

They may not like working as much as they like writing; therefore, they decided to become self-employed so that they can write articles or books without having any pressure from anyone else. 

This means that even though someone has been working for years, there are still ways he or she can change his or her career path without leaving everything behind him/herself or taking up another job first in order to get some experience before moving on toward something else!

On another note: If you do decide on becoming a freelancer instead of staying in a permanent employment position that requires more time commitment (ie school), try this tip out! 

For example: if someone works 8 hours per day Monday through Friday then choose only 5 hours per day Monday through Thursday but increase those remaining three days so your total workload is equal to 7 hours each weekend day including Saturdays too! 

It won’t compromise quality work output because most companies would rather hire someone who produces quality work over one who doesn’t have enough time available due to lack thereof commitment level required by position itself!”

Can freelancing be more than just a side gig? Find out in our thought-provoking article, “Can Freelancing Be a Full-Time Career?” Explore the factors to consider, success stories, and tips to transition from part-time to full-time freelancing and create the career you desire.

10. Keep In Mind That Without Persistence And Working Hard On Your Goals, You Might Never Reach Your Destination In Life

You need to keep in mind that without persistence and working hard on your goals, you might never reach your destination in life. The good news is that there are plenty of ways to make money that can be done part-time.

If you want to achieve something big in life, it’s important to set goals. You should set deadlines and create realistic schedules. If one day is not enough for you to finish a task or project, divide the task into multiple days or weeks so that it won’t take too long for completion.

It’s also essential to choose goals that are achievable and measurable as well as relevant because if they aren’t relevant then why would anyone care about them?

11. Freelancing Can Be A Part-Time Job If You Want It To Be But It Takes Persistence And A Lot Of Hard Work

You can approach your freelance work as a full-time job if you want to, but it takes persistence and hard work. There are no shortcuts to becoming successful at freelancing or in any career. You have to be patient, keep trying and be persistent if you want to achieve your goals.

If you take the approach of thinking that freelancing is just a part-time gig or hobby, then there’s no reason why it shouldn’t be manageable alongside another job. 

The key is not giving up after one or two attempts fail because that’s what most people do when they try something new for the first time! If nothing else works out during this period (which usually lasts between 3 months up to 6 months), then maybe try again later on with different tactics instead? Just remember: don’t give up!

Freelancing has the power to transform lives for the better. If you’re curious about how freelancing can positively impact your life, don’t miss our inspiring article on how freelancing changed my life for the better. Learn from personal stories and discover the possibilities that await you.


Freelancing can be a part-time job or a full-time job, depending on how much time and energy you want to spend on it. If you want to make money while working at another job then freelancing is the way to go because it allows you to work as many hours per week as you are able and still make enough money to pay your bills. 

There are many benefits of being self-employed such as being able to set your schedule, choose what type of work you do each day, and having more control over the projects that are assigned

Further Reading

How to Balance Freelance Work and Personal Life: Discover effective strategies for maintaining a healthy work-life balance as a freelancer.

How to Make Money Without a Job: Explore alternative ways to generate income outside of traditional employment.

Start Freelancing: How to Transition from a Full-Time Job: Learn practical tips and steps to smoothly transition from a full-time job to a freelance career.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Much Money Can I Make?

Freelancing can be a great way to supplement your income, but it’s important to remember that you’ll likely be making less than you would in a full-time job. You are your boss, so you can set your rates and choose the projects you work on.

How Much Do I Need To Invest Before Starting?

You don’t need to invest anything before starting your freelance business, but it’s always good to have some working capital on hand in case of emergencies or unexpected expenses.

Do I Need An Office Space?

It depends on what type of freelancer you are, but most people find they can get by without having office space. 

If you think it would help your business productivity, though, then go for it! Just make sure it’s somewhere quiet where clients won’t be bothered by other people’s conversations or phone calls or even worse, barking dogs!

I Have A Full-Time Job, But I Want To Make Extra Money On The Side. Is It Possible?

Yes! Freelancing is the perfect way to bring in extra income while maintaining your current full-time job, and even if you have a full-time job already, you can still be a freelancer! And if you’re thinking about quitting your full-time job to freelance full time, don’t worry you can still do that too! It’s all about being flexible and being able to work when it’s convenient for YOU.

How Much Money Can I Expect To Make?

That depends on how much time you dedicate to working on your freelancing business each week. The more time you put into it, the more money you’ll make!

Do I Need Special Skills Or Training?

No! The great thing about freelancing is that just about anyone can do it no matter what their background is or where they live. You don’t need any special skills or training because all of the work will be done online via email or phone calls with clients (and sometimes even video chats).

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