This is a very common question that I get asked on a weekly basis by both new and experienced designers. The answer to this question will vary based on the client, but there are some general rules that you can follow to make sure that you have the most successful project possible.
Takeaways |
1. Consider the impact of changes on project timeline. |
2. Balance prompt action with thorough assessment. |
3. Discuss proposed changes with the client first. |
4. Prioritize changes based on their urgency. |
5. Be mindful of the client’s expectations and goals. |
6. Assess the potential risks and benefits of changes. |
7. Communicate the reasons for proposed changes clearly. |
8. Evaluate the feasibility and resources required. |
9. Get buy-in from relevant stakeholders if needed. |
1. How Long Should I Wait To Make Changes To A Client’s Project?
When you’re working on a client project, one of the most common questions that come up is “how long should I wait to make changes to a client’s project?”
It’s important to have an answer for this question because it impacts multiple other parts of your business. Here are some things to consider when answering this question:
How long will it take for these changes to be implemented once they’ve been approved? What impact will they have on your other projects and projects with this same client, both past and future? How important is it that you make these changes or get feedback from this client right now?
Conducting surveys before making changes to a client’s project is essential. Get insights from 14 Tips Before Conducting a Survey to ensure a thorough approach.
2. How Long Should I Wait?
is a question that doesn’t have a one-size-fits-all answer. It depends on what you want to do, why you want to wait, who your client is, and what else they could be doing instead of waiting for you.
Perhaps the most important thing to consider when deciding how long to wait is whether or not it’s worth it in the first place. If the task at hand can’t realistically be completed within a certain timeframe without causing an inconvenience for everyone involved (or worse), then maybe it’s worth considering making some changes sooner rather than later.
In business, there are often multiple ways of getting things done and this applies equally well when considering how long you should take with any given project or task before moving on with something else.
For example: if someone asks me about my career path as an illustrator and editor why did I choose those particular fields? Well…it’s because I enjoy working with words!
3. When Is It Worth It?
We’re glad you asked! We have a few rules of thumb for deciding when to make changes to your clients’ work.
You should make changes if the client is profitable. If they aren’t profitable, then they’re not worth the extra time and effort that would go into making their project better. Let them go, or find ways to get them more profitable (for example, by looking at how long they take on projects and how many projects they take).
You should make changes if the client is a high-value client. High-value clients bring in good money either because they pay well or because they are big enough that their business continues to generate revenue even without ongoing work from you (such as when an agency has built up experience with a certain type of campaign).
You should make changes if the client is big. Bigger companies tend to have more money to spend on marketing than smaller ones and therefore more potential for generating revenue from future projects with you! So keep working with these guys until everyone’s had their fill of cake (or whatever food item best suits your tastes).
Enhance your project management skills with creative insights from 10 Creative Things to Know About Online Marketing Research. Learn how marketing research concepts can contribute to your projects.
4. What Do You Want To Do?
If you want to make changes, take a moment to think about what you want to do. Then, how are you going to do it? What will be the result of your actions? This is an important part of their business that needs a lot of thought and planning.
You should ask yourself: What am I going to do first? After that, what else am I going to do next? And after that, how am I going to continue doing these things until we finish this project or complete this task for our clients?
There are many different ways in which people approach making changes in their lives some people might try doing everything at once while others prefer small steps over time. If someone’s feeling overwhelmed by all the things they need to be accomplished today then maybe taking one thing at a time would be best!
But if there aren’t any deadlines looming over them then maybe having multiple projects running concurrently might be ideal so they don’t get bored while waiting between tasks being completed on each project’s timeline (or vice versa).
5. Why wait?
You’re working on a project and you know something needs to change, but you can’t decide when to make the change. You could make it right away, but then the whole team would have to re-work the project and it might take longer than anticipated.
Or maybe your client wants some more time before making those changes. In all instances, I suggest waiting until after your client has approved the final design. Why? Well if you are working for yourself or another designer, there is no reason to get ahead of yourself with making changes unless they are critical ones (e.g., spelling mistakes).
And if they are not critical nor urgent enough yet approved by your client which is often the case then other things need attention before starting this process:
The first step should be talking about who will implement these changes (i.e., developer or designer) and what else could be done instead of changing things now (if there’s nothing else pressing right now), which leads me to my next point…
Effective decision-making is crucial in project management. Learn how to leverage marketing research for informed choices in How to Make a Good Decision Using Marketing Research.
6. What’s The Point Of Making A Change?
You have to ask yourself: “What’s the point of making a change?” The answer could be any one of these.
To improve the project. You might want to make changes because you’re unhappy with how things are going or because you realize there’s something you can do better. Or maybe your client has expressed dissatisfaction with the work, so it’s worth considering whether your approach needs revision.
To improve the relationship with the client. Changes often help smooth over conflicts between clients and designers; they show that both sides are willing to listen and cooperate toward a common goal the quality and success of their collaboration.
To improve the quality of the work, if only by getting more comfortable working together through iterative revisions (see above).
To improve efficiency for example, if a certain task takes too long every time it appears on your schedule but never gets done at all when left unplanned (because no one wants to do it), then maybe it would make sense for someone else on your team or another freelancer altogether to take over that part instead!
This will free up space for other tasks which may not be as urgent but might ultimately prove more beneficial overall over time if done well now instead later down line.”
7. Who Are You Working For?
It’s one thing to answer the question of how long you should wait before submitting a change request, but it’s another animal entirely to determine who you’re working for.
There are many factors at play here. For example: Are you working for the client? The project? The company? The employee doing the work? The client’s employee (or family member)? Well-meaning friends and family members of a said person who happen to be friends with others in their network…. and so on.
In addition, there are many nuances involved in answering this question. For example: How close is your relationship with each person or group of people? What information do they have about your project? How much experience do these individuals have when it comes to making such change requests themselves in similar situations like yours?
Is there any sort of politics at play within any given department or office where someone might be able to veto some change requests over another one just because they don’t like that particular person anymore?
Since they argued one time during lunch break back when they were still coworkers at another company three years ago when both companies merged under different leadership than what exists now due largely.
Because former CEO was fired after lawsuits were brought against him by third-party investors who didn’t trust his ability anymore due lack of direction caused by internal conflict between departments such as HR vs Legal vs Accounting vs Marketing vs Sales Prevention Team (aka SWAT team)?
Discover cost-effective strategies for project planning by exploring How to Conduct Market Research for Free. Insights from market research can guide your project’s direction.
8. What Else Could You Be Doing Instead Of Waiting?
If you’re waiting for a client to sign off on a project, don’t. Be proactive and ask them what they need to move forward, or even whether they want to move forward at all.
If your client has sent feedback but has not responded with their next steps or decision in any way, send them another email asking where they are at in terms of needing more time to think about it before making a decision (this is a great strategy for those of us who tend toward procrastination).
If this doesn’t work after several attempts, let the matter drop and wait until their next request comes in before bringing it up again.
Rather than just waiting around for something from the client (e-mails or meetings), be proactive about getting feedback from other people within your company so that when someone does finally get around to sending an e-mail about something important enough for them not be able to get back with you immediately.
Due to an urgent project deadline coming up that only needs one person’s attention before getting started on ASAP…which could delay everything else indefinitely if left unchecked until after said deadline passes due its short timeframe being dependent upon having everything ready beforehand so nothing gets missed because somebody wasn’t available when needed most urgently…
9. What If You Don’t Wait?
You could lose the client. They might be upset that you didn’t wait for their approval, or they might not like your changes, or they might think that you’re trying to pull a fast one on them because you know more than they do about design and branding.
If they don’t want to pay for the work, they won’t pay for it and there’s nothing you can do about it. You’ll also miss out on future opportunities with this client if your relationship is damaged by an incident like this.
You could lose money if a project takes longer than expected and/or costs more than expected due to mistakes made during development (and these mistakes are often caused by rushing). This means less profit per project, which means fewer chances of winning new business and growing as an agency/designer/developer/whatever-you-do-in-the-industry!
10. How Much Money Are You Losing By Not Making Changes To The Project Sooner?
I know what you’re thinking. You don’t want to make changes to a client’s project until it’s necessary, because then you’ll have to do the same work again which wastes your time.
But here’s the thing: if you wait until the last minute, which is an issue for many freelancers, then there’s a good chance that you’ll have lost money because of all the wasted time and energy spent on something that didn’t need to be done in the first place.
And developers aren’t cheap we usually charge between $75 – $150 per hour, depending on our experience level and certifications (and sometimes more).
So how much money are we losing by not making changes sooner?
11. How Much Time Will It Take For The Client To Decide On Their Next Steps And Make Their Changes?
It’s important to understand what your client needs from you, and how long it will take for them to make their next steps. As a contractor, you have a lot of other projects going on, so this is something that needs to be taken into consideration when planning out your schedule.
If one of these delays is going to impact your other clients’ projects in any way, then it’s even more important that you stay on top of these changes as soon as possible.
It may also be worth considering whether or not waiting will cost you any money; if there are no financial consequences associated with waiting too long before making adjustments based on feedback from the client (or anyone else), then it might not matter when the change happens relative to when it was requested by them either way.
However, if there is an opportunity cost involved with delaying making those changes (e.g., losing out on potential revenue due to being unable to fulfill customer orders) then waiting can become more costly over time while still being less expensive than implementing them earlier than necessary
12. How Will The Project Be Affected By Another Delay In Major Change Or Decision-Making At This Stage?
How will the project be affected by another delay in major change or decision-making at this stage?
This is a big consideration. How much time and money is being lost by the delay? This can vary widely depending on the project, but it’s worth considering. You also need to consider whether any other projects will be affected by this change (or lack of one) as well. If so, how will they be affected?
If a client wants something changed that would take several weeks to implement, what happens if they postpone their decision until after your next meeting? Is it worth waiting for them to make up their minds just so you can implement their changes immediately afterward?
It’s important not to get caught up in deadlines when making these kinds of decisions you don’t want someone else dictating how you operate!
But at the same time, always keep an eye on your timeline and goals so that your priorities aren’t derailed by outside forces like clients who can’t make up their minds about anything!
13. How Long Will It Take For These Changes To Be Implemented Once They’ve Been Approved?
How long will it take for these changes to be implemented once they’ve been approved, and what impact will they have on your other projects and projects with this same client, both past and future?
How important is it that you make these changes or get feedback from this client right now, as opposed to waiting until your current projects are further along or completed before you make a move here? Is it worth moving forward without knowing exactly where they’re headed next, and making a big change down the line, or not?
What if you don’t wait?
- How much money are you losing by not making changes to the project sooner?
- How much time will it take for the client to decide on their next steps and make their changes?
- How will the project be affected by another delay in major project deliverables with this particular client (and why)?
14. How Important Is It That You Make These Changes Or Get Feedback From This Client Right Now?
How important is it that you make these changes or get feedback from this client right now, as opposed to waiting until your current projects are further along or completed before you make a move here?
Is it worth moving forward without knowing exactly where they’re headed next, and making a big change down the line, or would they prefer that you just finish what you’ve started already and work on something else from scratch with them in the meantime?
How much does this client know about design? Are they designers themselves, or do they just have an idea of what they want to be done but not how it should be done? If so, can they accept your expertise and let go of control over every little decision that needs to be made during the process (or even acknowledge when their input isn’t necessarily needed)?
This is especially important if the project has already started if not already finished as there’s no need for them to micromanage things at this point.
When making important career decisions, take inspiration from experiences like How I Decided to Become a Freelance Designer. Apply lessons learned in decision-making within project management.
15. Prioritize High-Value Clients Over Those With Lower Potential For Growth
High-value clients are those who have a lot of money and/or growth potential. Low-value clients are those with limited funds or growth potential. If your goal is to make more money, you’ll want to prioritize working with high-value clients over low-value ones it’s just good business sense!
High-Value Clients: They have more money than they know what to do with, so they’re willing to pay more for your services. Plus, they’re likely to refer their friends and family members who might need similar services as well (and since these referrals will be coming from someone whose opinion they trust, that’s another win for you).
Low-Value Clients: On the other hand, low-value clients don’t care about your service; they just need something done quickly because it’s an emergency or some other pressing matter that needs attention right away.
This can work out okay if all of this client’s needs fit into an hourly rate model (whereas those pesky emergencies would cost too much if converted into a flat fee project), but otherwise, it doesn’t usually bode well for either party involved because there isn’t much incentive here especially since low-value clients aren’t very likely referring anyone else over either!
Congratulations! Now that you’ve made it through this article, you have a better idea of how long you should wait before making changes to your client’s project. You also know why there is no single answer to this question and that many factors need to be considered when determining the right time for making changes.
We hope these tips have helped you make decisions about your projects so that they are successful and profitable for everyone involved.
Further Reading
Explore these additional resources to gain insights into effective project management and client satisfaction:
Managing Client Expectations: Tips for Successful Projects Short Description: Learn how to set and meet client expectations for successful project outcomes.
Maintaining Client Happiness Throughout a Project Short Description: Discover strategies to ensure client satisfaction and happiness during project execution.
Enhancing Customer Satisfaction: Practical Tips Short Description: Get practical tips for improving customer satisfaction and building strong client relationships.
How can I effectively manage client expectations in a project?
Managing client expectations involves clear communication, setting realistic goals, and providing regular updates on project progress. By maintaining transparency and addressing any concerns promptly, you can establish a foundation of trust.
What strategies can I use to keep clients happy throughout a project’s duration?
To keep clients happy, focus on proactive communication, delivering quality work on time, and addressing any issues promptly. Regular check-ins and updates ensure that clients are engaged and satisfied with the project’s progress.
How can I enhance customer satisfaction and build strong relationships with clients?
Customer satisfaction can be improved by actively listening to client feedback, tailoring your services to meet their needs, and consistently delivering value. Building strong relationships requires understanding their goals and providing personalized solutions.
What role does effective communication play in managing client relationships?
Effective communication is essential for managing client relationships. It helps in clarifying expectations, addressing concerns, and ensuring everyone is on the same page. Regular updates and open dialogue create a positive client experience.
How can I gather feedback to continuously improve client satisfaction?
Collecting feedback through surveys, interviews, and reviews can provide valuable insights into client satisfaction. Act on the feedback received to make necessary improvements, showcase your commitment, and enhance overall client experience.
How Long Should I Wait To Make Changes To A Client’s Project?
The answer is, that it depends. Sometimes you will have a client who wants something changed but doesn’t have time for you to start over from scratch.
Other times, the client may have given you free rein and simply wants it done now. In any case, it is important to be reasonable with your expectations of when and how often you should be allowed to make revisions or changes.
How Many Revisions Do I Need To Allow Before Charging Extra?
This is another question with no definitive answer because it depends entirely on your industry and individual client’s expectations of what they’re paying for.
For example, if you’re working on a website design project and they want something different every time they see it, then they’re probably not expecting that final product anytime soon (and thus not willing to pay more).
However, if you’re designing a logo or brochure and they can see their ideas represented each time you show them new work, then there’s no reason why they shouldn’t expect constant feedback until they are satisfied with their product.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.