Writing a book is hard. I’ve learned that there are so many things you don’t know until you’re knee-deep in the process. From dealing with publishing contracts to finding your voice and creating characters there’s so much to learn! As a writer myself, here are 32 things I wish I’d known before writing my first book:
Takeaways |
1. Gain insights into common challenges faced by new writers. |
2. Learn from the author’s personal experiences and mistakes. |
3. Understand the importance of effective time management. |
4. Discover strategies to overcome writer’s block and self-doubt. |
5. Get tips for staying motivated throughout the writing process. |
6. Learn about the value of seeking feedback and revisions. |
7. Understand the significance of setting realistic goals. |
8. Discover how to navigate the complexities of publishing. |
9. Gain insights into building a supportive writing community. |
10. Understand the role of patience and persistence in writing. |
11. Learn about marketing and promoting your book effectively. |
12. Get advice on handling the highs and lows of the writing journey. |
13. Discover how to balance writing with other commitments. |
14. Understand the importance of continuous learning and growth. |
15. Get inspired to start or continue your writing journey. |
Writing A Book Is Like Having A Baby
Writing a book is like having a baby. It’s long and hard, but it’s also really rewarding and amazing. You’re going to have to put in the time and energy required for both, but when you get that first glimpse of what your creation looks like as a whole, it’ll be worth every minute spent on it.
You can’t just write one sentence and call yourself done with it: every chapter needs an introduction, body paragraphs, transitions between each section…it takes at least five times as long as you think!
But I promise that once you’ve finished writing your masterpiece, there will be no better feeling than knowing that nobody else has ever read this story before now and that nobody else ever will again unless they buy their copy from Amazon (or however else people buy books these days).
Even if those words aren’t quite true yet since publishing hasn’t happened yet you’ll soon find out how true they are when all those sales come rolling in!
Sit down and write something every single day.
You need to sit down and write something every day.
As a writer, it’s easy to get bogged down in the technical aspects of writing and forget that the most important thing is putting pen (or keyboard) to paper (or screen).
So if you’re having trouble with your first draft and who doesn’t? then this can be an incredible help by forcing yourself into a new habit: sitting down and writing something every single day.
That way, when those inevitable moments of panic come around, you’ll know how bad they are by contrast with what came before them: You’ve already written 2 pages today! You can do another one tomorrow!
Writing press releases became more than just a skill for me – it became my ticket to financial independence. Discover how I quit my day job and made over $100k in 1 year by writing press releases and building a thriving career.
Plan Ahead. Take Pictures Of Your To-Do List And Post Them On Your Wall Or Monitor
Plan ahead. Take pictures of your to-do list and post them on your wall or monitor. In the same way, you might stick a photo of your dream wedding in a frame to remind yourself that this is the day you’ve been waiting for, seeing your tasks written out will help keep you motivated and focused on the big picture.
For example, if you need to write 3 paragraphs by the end of today but have no idea where to start, seeing an image with those words written out will give you a sense of accomplishment as well as clarity about what needs to be done next.
Also, try using a whiteboard it’s easier than ever before!
Every press release I crafted taught me valuable lessons that transcend writing alone. Dive into the insights I’ve gained as an experienced press release writer to enhance your understanding of effective communication strategies.
Set Up Your Laptop In A Comfortable Spot, Close Your Door, Pick It Up And Get Going
Set up your laptop in a comfortable spot, close your door, and get going. This might mean setting up your laptop on the kitchen table while you make dinner or putting it on the coffee table while you’re watching a movie with friends. Either way, do whatever you need to do so that you can focus solely on writing no interruptions!
Don’t worry about what other people think of what you’re writing; just write it down. When I wrote my first book, I was working as an attorney at a large law firm in Philadelphia where everyone around me was focused on being successful by making partners or making money (or both).
But even though they were all busy trying to achieve those goals, none of them cared about my passion for writing and creating stories so why should anyone else?
Create an outline for yourself that helps you think about the whole book before you start writing.
One of the biggest mistakes I made was not writing an outline for myself before I started writing my first book.
I had no idea how important this would be, and it’s a mistake I recommend avoiding if you want to write a great book!
When you create an outline for yourself, it helps you think about the whole book before you start writing. This will help you focus on the main points and see how they fit together into chapters and even sections within chapters.
It also helps with any further planning that needs to be done: do some research on topics that will be covered during each chapter or brainstorm ideas for new chapters based on feedback from early readers or reviewers who want more of something in particular.
Document every step along the way by taking notes as you go and by writing down what you’ve learned.
When you’re writing a book, it’s easy to lose track of where you are and how far along you’ve come. If this happens, it can make the whole project feel overwhelming and if you feel overwhelmed by your book, then it will be much harder to keep going.
To avoid getting stuck in these headwinds, document everything that happens as a part of your book. Write down any new information or insights that come up along the way.
And make sure that when those times come along where everything seems overwhelming and hopeless (and they will), having all of your notes on hand will help keep things in perspective and remind you why it’s worth doing this thing at all!
Before sending out my first press release, there were things I wish I had known to ensure its success. Explore my journey and the insights in my article about what I wish I had known before writing my first press release, and save yourself from potential pitfalls.
Formulate A Plan For How To Revise After The First Draft Is Done
You’ve heard this before, but it bears repeating: writing is a process. You need to go through the steps for your writing to be its best.
Revising is just as important as writing. A well-written book that hasn’t been revised will never be published.
And if you’re hoping to publish traditionally and make money from your book, then you need an editor at some point along the way and possibly more than one editor if they don’t see eye-to-eye on what should change or stay the same in your manuscript (which happens more often than not).
So formulating a plan for how to revise after the first draft is done is crucial if you want your book to stand out among other self-published books out there (and even books traditionally published).
Don’t be afraid to ask for help from others, but you don’t want others to take over the writing process for you.
When you’re writing a book, it’s important to be able to trust your voice and your ideas. This can seem like a given, but sometimes it’s hard for writers to know when they’re being influenced by others too much.
Your book is an extension of yourself, so if anyone else is involved in the process, there needs to be a clear understanding of whose vision is driving the project forward.
For example, I had one editor who would email me back with suggestions on how she thought my story would be better if she changed this or that line here; but then I’d read her suggestions and think “No! That’s not what I meant at all!”
It was frustrating because she was trying her best and she did make some good points but ultimately we realized that our visions weren’t aligned enough for us to work together well on this project (or any other). If we’d been able to get past this bump in the road though… ah well. That’s life!
The path to becoming a published author involves more than just writing; it’s about navigating the publishing world. Learn the steps and strategies to write and become published in the literary world with confidence and purpose.
Don’t Let Fear Stop You From Writing New Things!
Don’t let fear stop you from writing new things! Don’t let fear stop you from doing anything! Don’t let fear stop you from being your best self, and don’t let it keep you from being the best version of yourself.
I was terrified of people judging my first book before it even came out—and if they had, I would’ve been devastated. But now that the book is finished and published, I’m so thankful that I took the risk and wrote it anyway.
Time is a critical factor in the creation of any book. If you’re wondering how long does it take to write a book, gain insights into the process and factors that influence the timeline of bringing your literary masterpiece to life.
Now that you know these tips, it’s time to get out there and start writing! Don’t let fear stop you from exploring new things or learning new skills. You’re going to look back at this time in your life with nostalgia and fondness, so go ahead: leap.
Start a blog post, write a poem (or even just finish one!), or just take some notes today on something that inspires you. The great thing about being an author is that there are no limits on what kinds of books you can write—no matter how weird or unusual they may seem at first glance!
Further Reading
Vivien Reis: 15 Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Writing Short Description: Gain insights from Vivien Reis as she shares 15 valuable lessons learned during her writing journey, offering guidance for aspiring authors.
Writer Unboxed: 5 Things I Wished I Knew Before I Published My First Book Short Description: Explore the lessons and experiences of a seasoned author who reflects on five important insights they wish they had before publishing their debut book.
Authors Publish: 10 Things I Wish I Knew as a Beginning Writer Short Description: Discover essential advice for novice writers, as an experienced author shares ten key insights that would have been invaluable at the beginning of their writing journey.
What are the key takeaways from Vivien Reis’ article about starting writing?
In Vivien Reis’ article, she discusses 15 important lessons she wishes she had known when she embarked on her writing journey.
What insights can I find in the Writer Unboxed post about publishing a first book?
The Writer Unboxed post highlights five things an author wishes they had known before publishing their initial book, offering valuable insights for aspiring authors.
How can Authors Publish’s article help beginning writers?
The Authors Publish article provides ten valuable pieces of advice that would have benefited novice writers when they were starting out.
Where can I find practical advice for writers looking to publish their first book?
The Writer Unboxed post shares reflections from an author’s experiences, offering insights for those about to publish their debut book.
What can I learn from Vivien Reis’ writing journey?
Vivien Reis shares her personal experiences and lessons, providing aspiring writers with insights to navigate their own writing endeavors.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.