15 Reasons Why You Need A Cover Letter For Your Upwork Profile

You’re reading this article because you want to learn how to write cover letters for Upwork. You probably already know what a cover letter is and how it can help you get more freelance writing jobs. But do you really know why your Upwork profile needs one?

The answer: Yes! Because when a hiring manager is looking through applications, they will be seeing dozens of similar profiles without any kind of personal touch that would make yours stand out from the crowd. A killer cover letter will help them remember who you are and why they should hire you over all those other applicants vying for their attention.

How to Write WINNING Cover Letters on UpWork (TOP 5 Tips)
1. A well-crafted cover letter can significantly enhance your Upwork profile.
2. It showcases your professionalism and attention to detail to potential clients.
3. A cover letter helps you stand out from other freelancers and increases your chances of getting hired.
4. It allows you to personalize your pitch and demonstrate your understanding of the client’s needs.
5. Including a cover letter shows that you are proactive and committed to delivering quality work.
6. It provides an opportunity to highlight relevant skills, experiences, and achievements.
7. A cover letter helps establish a connection with the client and build trust.
8. It allows you to address any potential concerns or gaps in your profile.
9. Including a cover letter shows that you value clear communication and professionalism.
10. It demonstrates your dedication to providing excellent customer service.
11. A well-written cover letter can help you negotiate better rates and secure higher-paying projects.
12. It allows you to showcase your writing skills and attention to grammar and formatting.
13. A cover letter can help you build a strong personal brand on Upwork.
14. It gives you an opportunity to express your enthusiasm and passion for the project.
15. Including a cover letter shows that you take your freelance career seriously and are committed to success.

Why Do You Need A Cover Letter For Your Upwork Profile?

You’re probably familiar with the old saying, “First impressions are everything.” This is especially true when it comes to your Upwork profile. The cover letter is the first thing a client will see and it sets the tone for what follows in terms of professionalism and expertise. For this reason alone, you need one!

The cover letter allows you to make a good impression from the start by showing potential clients that their needs are important to you. 

It also helps them decide if you’re right for their job by showing them how different or similar you are compared to other freelancers they may have already considered hiring and whether those differences might make all the difference in getting this job done correctly on time!

If all of these reasons aren’t enough for why every freelancer should have a cover letter on Upwork then let me add one more: It’s just plain good manners! A well-written cover letter can help set off an amazing working relationship between client & freelancer that leads to long-term success in both parties’ careers (and lives).

Building a successful freelance career on Upwork requires consistency and dedication. Check out our step-by-step guide on how to become a top rated freelancer on Upwork to learn the strategies and techniques that can help you stand out from the crowd.

Is Upwork Cover Letter Necessary?

Yes, it is. A cover letter is an important part of your profile on Upwork. It gives the client insight into what makes you stand out from other freelancers and helps them decide whether or not you are the best fit for their project.

Upwork cover letters contain three main elements: a summary of your skills and experience, how those skills will be relevant to the job; why you are qualified for the position; and how well you will fit with their company culture.

How To Create A Cover Letter For Upwork – A Step By Step Guide

Creating a cover letter for Upwork is not as complicated as you may think. A well-written cover letter can help you land more gigs and earn more money, so it’s worth taking the time to get it right.

In this guide, we’ll show you how to write a cover letter that will impress employers on Upwork and give you an edge over other freelancers. We’ll also teach you how to customize your cover letters for different jobs in order to boost your chances of landing them.

Let’s get started!

Step 1. Research Your Prospective Clients.

Before you begin writing your cover letter, it’s important to research the prospective client. That way, you can tailor your cover letter in a way that will impress them and convince them that they should hire you.

The first step is to find out more about the company and its clients by reading their profiles and reviewing their job posts. This will give you an idea of what type of work they do and how it aligns with yours so that when you write your cover letter, you can highlight why YOU are a good fit for these projects.

Step 2. Write A Meaningful Cover Letter

The second step to creating your Upwork profile is writing a cover letter. The cover letter is the first thing potential clients will see when viewing your profile, so it’s important that you take time to make it meaningful and reflect your professional skills and experience while also highlighting why they should choose you as their freelancer.

The following are some tips on how to write a great cover letter:

Include relevant keywords from the job description at the beginning of your cover letter. This will help potential employers find you more easily when searching for freelancers with relevant skills and experience who can meet their needs. 

For example, if the client wrote “must know CSS3” in their job description then add this information into your opening paragraph (or at least include “CSS3” somewhere). If possible, use this section as an opportunity for self-marketing since clients often hire based on price point first (before considering the quality). 

In other words: do not be afraid of mentioning anything that makes you stand out from other applicants!

Highlight specific skills or experiences related to what they’re looking for in this project.

As a freelancer, having a compelling cover letter for your Upwork profile is essential to attract clients. Discover the 15 reasons why you need a cover letter for your Upwork profile and learn how it can significantly enhance your chances of landing quality projects.

Step 3. Customize The Cover Letter For Each Job Post You Apply For.

Once you have found a job listing that interests you, it is time to customize the cover letter for each one.

You should include your name and contact information in the top left corner of the page. You can also add a short paragraph about yourself and why you are applying for this particular job, as well as any relevant experience or qualifications that would make you an excellent candidate for it.

  • Make sure to customize all of these components:
  • The opening salutation (Dear Sir/Madam)
  • Your first sentence (“I am writing to express my interest in…”)

Step 4. Send The Cover Letter As Soon As You Can.

The sooner you send a cover letter, the better. You should not wait too long to send your application and cover letter. The reason is this: when jobs are posted on Upwork, they often get many applications within an hour of being posted. 

Many of these applicants will be highly qualified freelancers who can get started right away if hired by their clients. If you wait until later in the day or even tomorrow morning to apply for a job, then you may have missed out on that chance because there have been so many applications already submitted!

So don’t delay sending your application and cover letter! Send them as soon as possible, preferably within minutes or hours of finding a job that interests you and makes sense for your skillset.

Can I Use The Same Cover Letter For Different Job Posts?

If you’ve read the previous section, you know that a cover letter is essential for your Upwork profile.

However, can I use the same cover letter for different job posts? The short answer is yes, but if you want to maximize your chances of getting hired, then no.

The reason why this doesn’t work well is that it makes it difficult for employers to understand what makes you qualified for their job post when they receive dozens of applications from other freelancers with very similar experience and qualifications.

Instead of using the same cover letter for each job post (and ending up sending out generic messages), try customizing your message so that it directly addresses each opportunity as well as highlights how your skills and expertise align with their needs. 

This will help differentiate yourself from other applicants who just copy-pasted something generic into their application without thinking through how they would tackle specific tasks related to the role they’re applying for.

It may take more time than using a pre-written template or sending out one generic email but spending some extra effort now on creating a tailored message will pay off later by helping land more interviews!

Are you considering canceling your Upwork account? Hold on! We’ve compiled a list of 13 reasons you shouldn’t cancel your Upwork account today that will help you understand the benefits and opportunities that the platform offers to freelancers.

Will Using A Cover Letter Affect My Chances Of Getting Hired?

The answer is yes! If you have a cover letter attached to your profile, you give yourself an advantage over candidates who don’t. Here’s why:

A cover letter gives you more chance of getting hired because it makes your profile more attractive. As we’ve mentioned above, written communication skills are vital for the freelancer community and Upwork clients love working with writers who communicate well both on paper and via video chat. 

Thus, if you can demonstrate these skills by writing a great cover letter that highlights your strengths and highlights how they would benefit your project, then there’s no doubt that this would increase the likelihood of getting hired by them.

A cover letter helps save time for Upwork clients when they hire freelancers through it (because they don’t have to sift through countless profiles). 

This saves both parties money; the client doesn’t have to keep paying people hourly rates until they find someone suitable while also guaranteeing quality assurance since all candidates must provide work samples before being considered further. 

Meanwhile, those applying won’t waste any time on applications that didn’t meet requirements in terms of skill level or budget restrictions given by clients beforehand (which may also lead them back into unemployment).

Building a successful career as a freelance translator requires more than just language skills. Check out our article on 15 secrets to becoming a successful freelance translator to discover valuable insights and strategies that can help you thrive in this competitive field.

Why Do You Need To Study The Job Post Before Writing A Cover Letter?

Every job post has a cover letter requirement, so it’s important to know why you should write one.

The reason is simple: the cover letter gives you an opportunity to showcase your best skills and experience for the job. It also allows you to see if this particular position is right for you, as well as what changes need to be made before applying (if any). 

This will ensure that every time someone hires through Upwork, they’re getting exactly what they need from freelancers like yourself!

What Should I Include In My Upwork Cover Letter?

Your cover letter should be a concise summary of the following:

  • An introduction that includes your name and where you’re from.
  • A short description of the project you’re applying for.
  • A short description of your skills and experience that are relevant to the project.
  • The reasons why you’re applying for this particular gig, including any prior experience with similar projects or companies if applicable.
  • Your availability and work terms any special requests or accommodations, like working remotely or on weekends, etc.
  • A brief conclusion thanking them for their time and attention, as well as reiterating why they should choose to work with you over other applicants (if applicable).
  • Finally, include a signature at the end so they know this is really coming from YOU!

Before accepting every freelance gig that comes your way, it’s crucial to evaluate its potential and fit for your skills. Our article on 16 questions to ask before you say yes to every gig provides a comprehensive list of considerations to help you make informed decisions and maximize your freelance opportunities.


There are many more reasons to have a cover letter on your Upwork profile. A cover letter can help you stand out in the crowd of freelancers and give you an edge over others. 

Writing a cover letter will take some time, but it’s worth the effort because it’s going to get you interviews and contracts. You’ll find that having a good cover letter increases your chance of success on Upwork.

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources for further reading on cover letters and freelancing:

Upwork Cover Letter Guide: Learn valuable tips and strategies for writing an effective cover letter specifically for Upwork freelancers.

How to Write a Cover Letter with No Experience: Discover insights and advice on crafting a compelling cover letter when you have limited or no professional experience.

How to Write a Cover Letter Template: This article provides a comprehensive guide to creating a cover letter template that can be customized for different job applications.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Should I Include In My Cover Letter?

Your cover letter is your opportunity to convince the hiring manager that you’re the best candidate for the job. So, it’s important to make sure that it highlights all of the following things:

A quick overview of yourself (e.g., name, location) and what position you are applying for.

Why you are interested in working with them specifically (e.g., “I was referred by someone who works at Upwork…”).

Why they will benefit from hiring you (e.g., “I am an experienced designer who can help take your projects to the next level without any extra cost or effort…”).

What Is A Cover Letter?

A cover letter is a document that you submit with your résumé and/or application to an employer. It should summarize any relevant information about you, including your skills and experience while explaining why you are the best fit for the position.

What Is The Purpose Of A Cover Letter?

The purpose of a cover letter is to give employers more information about who you are as an individual, giving them insight into who they might hire if they choose to go through with hiring someone at all.

How Do I Write One?

There are many different ways to write one; however, these instructions universally apply: include contact information (including email address), including opening paragraph(s) that introduce yourself and explain why you would be an ideal candidate for this position or company; include bullet points listing out some or all of your qualifications (and experiences); include closing paragraph(s) thanking employers for their time and consideration

How Many Words Should My Upwork Cover Letter Be?

A good rule of thumb is to write your Upwork cover letter to be around 500-600 words long. It’s best if you can keep it under 700 words, as this will help prevent any unnecessary fluff from creeping in and taking up space that could be better used for describing why you’re the right person for the job.

Is It Necessary To Write A Cover Letter For Upwork?

Yes! A lot of freelancers forget this step or don’t realize how important it is until they get rejected after submitting their application without one, which can be pretty disappointing (and expensive). 

There are plenty of reasons why hiring managers require applicants to submit one, including improving their chances of landing an interview by standing out from other candidates. 

Avoiding being passed over based solely on the skill set listed on their profile versus past experience working remotely; demonstrating professionalism while showing interest in working with them specifically (which leads us into our next question…).

How Do I Write A Good Cover Letter For Upwork?

First things first: don’t fret about getting your content perfect before submitting! As long as everything checks out within range (no typos/errors), then there’s nothing wrong with having something less than perfect because we all start somewhere :). 

The second thing about having some fun with it! This may seem silly but incorporating some creativity into what could otherwise be seen as just another formality helps differentiate yourself from others applying who might not think outside box like this.”

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