I’ve spent the past 10 years studying how people communicate through words. I started out by figuring out how different types of people use language in their daily lives.
And then I discovered that certain patterns emerge when you look at these patterns across large groups of people.
The more I studied this phenomenon, the more it became clear to me that there’s a hidden world of personality traits that can only be found by looking at how someone uses language online!
Key Takeaways |
1. Online word of mouth provides insights into consumer preferences and trends. |
2. User-generated content reflects authentic opinions and influences purchasing decisions. |
3. Social media interactions reveal interests and behaviors of individuals. |
4. Sentiment analysis helps understand how people feel about products and brands. |
5. Word of mouth conversations can indicate emerging topics and discussions. |
6. Influence of influencers and advocates on opinions and choices. |
7. Online reviews offer valuable feedback and highlight pain points. |
8. Negative word of mouth can impact brand reputation and sales. |
9. Understanding online communities aids in targeting specific demographics. |
10. Word of mouth can lead to the discovery of new products and services. |
11. Trust plays a pivotal role in the effectiveness of word of mouth. |
12. Analyzing the reach and engagement of conversations provides insights. |
13. Leveraging word of mouth requires a strategic and ethical approach. |
#1 – They’re Motivated By Their Results, Rather Than Other’s Opinions
They’re motivated by their results, rather than others’ opinions.
This is something that you can see if you look at an individual’s word-of-mouth activity over time.
Because no one else has any influence on how much someone talks about a brand or product, their word-of-mouth volume is almost entirely driven by the quality of experience they have with it.
So if they experience more bad experiences than good ones or at least more average ones than remarkable ones you’ll see them talking less about your brand over time.
In contrast, people who are motivated by other people’s opinions tend to talk less often because they’re afraid of being judged as boring or uncool if they do so (we all have those friends who post everything on Facebook).
Exploring the realm of online word of mouth activity can uncover valuable insights about consumer behavior. Learn about generating traffic through Facebook to harness the power of social interactions in boosting your company’s online presence.
#2 – They’ve Worked Out A System That Works For Them
If you’re looking for a way to boost your self-esteem, take a look at the online word-of-mouth activity on social media.
If you see that people have been talking about how much they like your product or service, their comments are likely genuine and they’ve had good experiences with you.
This means that they’ve found a system (aka: a way of doing things) that works for them. They’ve figured out what works when dealing with you and now they want others to benefit from it too!
If someone’s sharing positive information about your business, perhaps it’s because they know how important their opinion is in helping others decide if they should do business with you or not.
They might even be willing to share more information than just their positive experience because they want other people who are interested in doing business with them to feel better informed before making any decisions themselves.
You should let this person know how much his/her contribution means by thanking them publicly on social media so that everyone can see how grateful you are for being part of such an amazing community!
Conducting effective marketing research is essential for understanding trends like online word of mouth activity. Check out our tips for saving time during marketing research to efficiently gather insights and stay ahead in the digital landscape.
#3 – They’re Great At Understanding How Other People Feel
This person is great at understanding how other people feel.
You can tell they’re good at reading people by how they use words like “happy” and “sad” frequently in their posts.
You can also see how they’re good at communicating with others because they write posts that are all about what other people say or do (not just about themselves).
They always seem to know exactly what someone else wants, even if it’s something as seemingly simple as knowing when you need some new clothes or a hug from your mom.
Finally, this person understands that being able to empathize with others is one of the most important skills there is and we applaud them for using those skills!
#4 – They See Things From Different Angles
If you’re not sure what I mean by this, then let me explain. When someone takes the time to read a review, they can see things from other people’s perspectives and understand more about their experiences with the product or service.
They can also see things from different angles depending on how many reviews were written by customers who have had different experiences with it.
This means that someone with a lot of online word-of-mouth activity may be able to better understand how other people feel about something than someone who has little or no online word-of-mouth activity.
#5 – Their Focus Exists In The Moment Rather Than The Future Or Past
When you see someone engaging in social media activities, like commenting or liking posts, you can see how they engage with the world.
If they are good at focusing on the present moment and the present situation, then they may have an easier time viewing things as they are rather than how they were or how they might be.
It’s important to understand that when people think about something as true, it becomes hard for them to change their minds about it. If there are negative thoughts in your head about yourself or other people, try thinking positively instead of negatively!
If the concept of market research seems overwhelming, don’t worry! You can master the art of understanding trends, including online word of mouth, without feeling overwhelmed. Discover how to do market research without feeling dumb and gain confidence in your analytical skills.
#6 – They’re Able To Communicate With Others In Person, Too (I.E. They Aren’t Robots)
You can determine if they can communicate with others in person, too (i.e., they aren’t robots).
If someone is a social media master and has built an incredible following on multiple platforms, there’s a good chance that person also knows how to connect with others in person as well.
While social media is just one channel for communicating with people, it’s still important that your target market be able to communicate in all channels so they can effectively build their network and reach more people across different channels of communication.
When you know who your customers are online, it will help you decide where else they hang out so you can reach them through those forums as well
#7 – They Take Action, Even On Days When They Don’t Feel Like It
When you’re feeling motivated and energized, it can be easy to take action. You might have an idea or goal in mind that seems important enough to follow through on right away, and you may even feel excited about the prospect of pushing forward.
But as anyone who has ever put off doing something they knew they should do knows too well, sometimes motivation doesn’t come at your beck and call.
Sometimes your brain just says “no way” when you try to get out of bed in the morning or make yourself read one more page before bedtime (or any other self-improvement task).
That’s why it’s so impressive when someone succeeds despite not feeling like it, it means that person wants what they’re working toward!
Research shows that people who have achieved their goals tend to report working harder than those who haven’t reached their objectives yet;
One study found that goal-focused people spent an average of nearly 14 hours per week working toward their targets while non-goal seekers only spent nine hours a week pursuing dreams.[1]
#8 – Their Language Is Often Surprisingly Easy To Understand
Have you ever noticed that many people will use simple language in their online reviews?
They don’t use jargon, big words, or complicated sentences. They don’t use difficult words or phrases.
Instead, they stick to the basics and make sure that their reviews are clear, concise, and easy to understand by anyone who comes across them (including Google!).
This is great news for anyone who wants to learn about people through their word-of-mouth activity. It means we can get an idea of how someone thinks just by reading their review of a product/service/event etc…
Google Trends offers a powerful way to analyze online conversations and identify emerging topics like online word of mouth activity. Learn how to leverage this tool with our guide on using Google Trends for market research and stay informed about the digital pulse.
#9 – They Get Easily Frustrated And Let Those Frustrations Dictate Their Mood
If you notice that your friend or family member is easily annoyed, angry, or upset by small things in life, then chances are they have a hard time controlling their emotions.
This can lead to big problems if someone is unable to control their anger and frustration when it comes to dealing with others.
At times like these, the best thing for you to do is just walk away from them until they calm down before discussing anything serious with them again.
#10 – They Have Little Tolerance For Other People’s Bad Behavior
This is the person who not only knows how to be critical but also has little tolerance for others’ bad behavior. Their sense of justice is strong and they can’t stand injustice. They are impatient with people who are rude, disrespectful, or inconsiderate.
They might even have a reputation for being impatient with themselves and they probably have no patience for delays, either.
Note: people who use a lot of swear words or other harsh language are often like this; e.g., “I hate my boss! That guy’s such an asshole.”
They may also be more likely to post negative comments about others’ posts on Facebook or Twitter if said comments sound like an attack on someone else’s character (e.g., “What kind of idiot would say something like that?”).
#11 – They Connect What They Do With What Makes Them Feel Good About Who They Are
One of the biggest insights you can get about another person is by looking at their online word-of-mouth activity.
They’re sharing with you what they do and how it makes them feel, so it’s easy to see that they connect what they do with what makes them feel good about who they are. They’re motivated by their results, rather than others’ opinions.
They’ve worked out a system that works for them and they’re great at understanding how other people feel.
#12 – They Care About How Other People Think Of Them
You may have heard that people who do good things for others are often the ones who care about what other people think of them.
This is because people who make a point of doing nice things for others usually want something from those people in return: be it admiration, respect, or praise.
This desire to be thought well of can also come in handy when trying to figure out if someone is worth your time:
If you see someone who seems intent on trying to impress everyone around them and win their approval, then chances are they’re not going to be much fun to hang out with.
If you decide that this person isn’t worth your time and there’s nothing wrong with being picky about whom you choose as friends then move on quickly.
To truly understand online word of mouth activity, you must recognize the importance of market segmentation. Delve into the significance of targeting specific consumer groups with our insights on market segmentation and enhance your understanding of online interactions.
#13 – Their Self-Esteem Is Where It Should Be, Especially Relative To What Happens In Their Lives
How does your online word-of-mouth (WoM) activity show that you have healthy self-esteem?
People with healthy self-esteem are typically confident in: their ability to handle challenges, their appearance and overall physical health, their relationships, and even some of the more basic aspects of life such as being able to pay bills or the ability to get up on time for work.
If you’re regularly expressing these kinds of sentiments online, it’s likely because your WoM activity is an accurate reflection of how you feel about yourself.
You’re not afraid to tell others what needs fixing because you know it doesn’t mean anything bad about who you are as a person.
Now that we’ve seen some of the common qualities these people have, let’s look at some ways this can help you. If you want to be successful in business or any other area of life, it’s important to know where your strengths lie.
And if certain things hold you back from reaching your full potential, they must be eliminated. But what if one of those weaknesses is a strength? Take a look at #2 above: “They’re great at understanding how other people feel.”
You may think that this person seems overly sensitive or emotional, but actually, it means he or she knows exactly how their audience feels and can speak directly to them to persuade them before presenting their argument (or selling something).
So next time someone says something negative about one of your strengths-turned-weaknesses, don’t worry; just keep doing what makes you feel good about yourself!
Further Reading
Expand your knowledge about online word of mouth activity and its impact with these additional resources:
Word of Mouth Marketing Strategies (Infographic): Explore a visual guide to effective strategies for leveraging word of mouth marketing.
What Is Word of Mouth Marketing?: Discover the essence of word of mouth marketing and its significance in today’s digital landscape.
The Role of Word of Mouth in Online Social Networks: Delve into an academic perspective on the role of word of mouth in online social networks and its implications.
What is online word of mouth activity?
Online word of mouth activity refers to the digital spread of information, opinions, and recommendations among individuals, often through social media and online platforms.
How does word of mouth impact consumer behavior?
Word of mouth can significantly influence consumer decisions as recommendations from peers are seen as trustworthy and authentic sources of information.
Are there specific strategies for effective word of mouth marketing?
Yes, strategies such as encouraging user-generated content, fostering customer loyalty, and leveraging influencer partnerships can enhance word of mouth marketing.
Can online word of mouth be measured?
Yes, online word of mouth can be measured using metrics like engagement rates, social shares, and sentiment analysis to gauge the impact of conversations.
What role does authenticity play in online word of mouth?
Authenticity is crucial in online word of mouth, as genuine recommendations and reviews have a stronger impact on influencing others compared to promotional content.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.