Technical writers work in a wide range of industries, from healthcare to manufacturing. Despite their varied interests and backgrounds, technical writers share some common experiences that shape the way they approach their jobs.
Some are just the result of being a writer, but there are also plenty that is specific to writing for an audience who doesn’t understand your subject matter or needs specific guidance on how to use your product correctly or safely. Here are six things all technical writers experience:
Takeaways |
1. Technical writers face challenges in simplifying complex concepts. |
2. Effective communication skills are crucial in technical writing. |
3. Collaboration with subject matter experts enhances content accuracy. |
4. Adapting writing style for different audiences is a key skill. |
5. Researching and staying updated on industry trends is essential. |
6. Documenting software processes requires attention to detail. |
7. Tools like version control systems aid in content management. |
8. Feedback from peers and editors improves content quality. |
9. Balancing technical accuracy and user-friendliness is a constant task. |
10. Technical writers often work under tight deadlines. |
11. Review and revision processes are integral to producing polished content. |
12. Developing a strong understanding of the target audience is crucial. |
13. Continuous learning is essential due to evolving technologies. |
Overwhelming Amounts Of Information
When you’re a technical writer, you need to absorb a lot of information quickly. You might have a client who has all their content in one place and is ready to go, or you could be working with someone who doesn’t know what they want until they see it.
Either way, there will be an insane amount of data coming your way and it can feel like there isn’t enough time or even space on Earth to store every detail. It’s up to you as the technical writer to figure out how best to organize that information so it’s easy for everyone else involved in the project yourself included to access it when needed.
There are two ways this happens: either something isn’t available (because we didn’t think about it) or something is available but not relevant (and probably shouldn’t be).
In both cases, knowing how to filter through unimportant details helps us make better decisions about what we need from our vendors/clients/co-workers, etc., which reduces confusion down the road and leaves us feeling more confident about our deliverables.
Looking to enhance your skills and find valuable resources as a technical writer? Explore these 16 Resources for Technical Writers: Agents, Publications, and More to navigate your way through the world of technical writing.
Unclear Requirements
Lack of communication: This is a big one. If your team can’t communicate their needs to you, then how are you supposed to be able to write content that meets those needs?
Lack of documentation: Not all projects will have comprehensive documentation that lays out everything the user needs and wants. Even if they do, it may not be easy for you as the writer (or anyone else working on the project) to find where each bit of information is located in these documents.
Lack of training: Some teams don’t know what they’re doing when it comes to technical writing or simply don’t have time for training sessions or workshops on how best to communicate their ideas with technical writers.
They may also not understand what kind of skills someone hiring as a technical writer should have in which case, when interviewing candidates for a job opening in this area, hiring managers should ask about previous experience with specific technologies (for example: “Have you ever used Python before?”).
In addition, some companies want someone versed in both business processes and technology who can advise them at every step along the way someone who knows how software development works but also understands why this product matters from both an operations perspective and an end-user’s perspective (e.g., “Why would anyone want this product?”).
Wrong Assumptions
One of the downsides of being a technical writer is that you have to deal with assumptions. As humans, we tend to make assumptions about things all the time this isn’t a bad thing in and of itself.
However, when someone makes an assumption about something, and then acts on it without verifying it first (and maybe even communicating that assumption), that can lead to problems.
For example, You are designing a product for someone who is going to work with your team, but they haven’t told you what their requirements or needs are yet. You assume they want something like other products they’ve worked with in the past; when actually what they need is completely different than those other products.
These kinds of assumptions can lead directly to bad design decisions which will negatively impact your project’s success rate overall and could even damage relationships between teammates!
Ever wondered about the potential of becoming a technical writer? Discover insights on how to Become a Technical Writer & Earn Six Figures in the Next 12 Months while honing your writing skills and reaping financial rewards.
Bad Language
Language is a barrier to communication, understanding, trust, and collaboration. It’s a barrier to learning and efficiency. Language also prevents people from innovating.
Language is a barrier because it’s often not clear or precise enough to convey ideas clearly or precisely enough for others to understand them well enough that they can act on the idea effectively (or even at all).
Language has so many shades of meaning that it often leads us to misunderstandings; whether these misunderstandings are intentional or unintentional doesn’t matter the result is still bad communication between writers and readers alike.
The problem here isn’t with language itself; it’s how we use it in our writing that causes problems for technical writers like me who want our work read by as many people as possible so they can learn from each other’s experiences using technology solutions like ours!
Technical writers are often required to meet deadlines. To be fair, deadlines are a necessary evil of the profession. But it can be stressful for those who don’t like them! Deadlines can cause you to make mistakes and lose sleep in the process and even not have time to eat properly or exercise (see below).
You might think that these problems are easily solved by simply ignoring them. After all, if you’re working on your project and there’s no one telling you when it needs to be done, then why worry?
The problem is that any kind of publication has many moving parts: stakeholders need feedback so they can decide whether what they’ve written is good enough; editors want changes made before publication; printers need their jobs performed on time; etcetera ad nauseam forever amen until death do us part.”
Developers’ Time Is Very Precious
As a writer, you should know that developers are busy people. They have a lot of work to do and they often don’t get enough time to finish it. If you make them wait for your document longer than necessary, this will annoy them and they might not be happy about it.
Furthermore, developers are often overworked and underpaid because technology companies spend more money on marketing than on development teams (since marketing generates revenue). This means that there aren’t enough resources available for developers’ salaries or hiring new ones as needed (which also affects their quality of life).
Internal Conflicts Within The Team
It’s frustrating to be in a team with internal conflicts.
As a technical writer, you will be working with developers who see you as a waste of time. These are the people who create the software products and services that your company sells to customers.
They spend years learning their craft and developing complex code that brings their ideas to life. They have a difficult time understanding why anyone would write about them at all especially if they’re just documenting how it works!
Technical writers aren’t alone in feeling frustrated by this dynamic; developers often feel similarly about technical writers too! If a technical writer doesn’t understand what they do or how it works, there’s no way for them to build something good for customers or themselves as part of the team (or even worse: maybe their product could become obsolete).
The important thing here is finding ways where everyone on the team can express themselves clearly so there aren’t any misunderstandings between team members (and especially between technical writers).
This might mean meeting regularly so everyone has access to each others’ work spaces–this way they can ask questions directly instead of having only email conversations which often get lost over time because someone forgot an answer somewhere along the way.”
Curious about the experiences of technical writers in the field? Dive into the world of technical writing and explore the 13 Things Technical Writers Experience to gain insights into their challenges and triumphs.
Lack Of Influence On Design Decisions
The technical writer is the person who writes the documentation, but they’re not often consulted when it comes to design decisions. While this might be a good thing the team can make better decisions without the writer’s influence most writers feel disappointed when they’re left out of such discussions.
As a result, you’ll most likely need to provide feedback after you’ve seen the end product or service in action and have some experience using it yourself.
But remember that your role isn’t just about giving feedback; as a technical writer, you should also be involved with making sure that your company has effective processes and procedures in place for writing user guides and other documents.
Lack Of Feedback From Users And Customers (Unless It’s Bad)
Feedback is a critical part of the development process. The more input you get from customers, the better you can understand their needs, improve your products, and adapt to changing trends in technology.
But what do you do if no one is giving you feedback? The unfortunate truth is that technical writers often find themselves in this position, especially when working on internal documentation or with clients who are reluctant to provide criticism.
If your product has gone through all the testing phases and been released into the wild, but users aren’t reaching out for help or returning any questions (and nobody’s calling), then how do you know whether your tech writing is meeting its goals? How can you improve it if there are no user reviews?
Deep-Set Frustrations Simmering Beneath The Surface
In a team of writers and engineers, you’ll often find yourself frustrated by how your work is perceived.
Technical writers are often frustrated by their lack of influence on the project. They have to deal with problems that come up after development has begun when it’s harder for them to change things without affecting other parts of the product or making things more difficult for programmers.
Technical writers also often struggle with not receiving enough feedback from users: if people aren’t using your documentation or finding it helpful, there’s not much you can do about that without being able to talk directly with customers or conduct usability tests yourself.
And finally, technical writers are often frustrated by their lack of influence over design decisions the layout, and style choices that affect how easy or difficult it is for readers (and therefore themselves) to use documents effectively.
Searching for tools to streamline your technical writing process? Uncover the benefits of the Top 16 Most Useful & Easy-to-Use Technical Writing Tools that can make your writing journey smoother and more efficient.
Slowly Building Up Resentment
The more you do something, the more you get used to it. The more you get used to something, the less you enjoy it. The less you enjoy something, the more it becomes a chore. The more it becomes a chore, the more you resent it.
Resentment is not an enjoyable feeling and can be hard on relationships with friends and family members if not addressed early enough.
Not Being Part Of The Team You Work In
As a technical writer, you are not considered part of the team. You are seen as a necessary evil; someone who needs to be there but can’t be trusted with anything important. This is problematic for several reasons:
Team members don’t trust you with their ideas, so they won’t tell to you. So even though your job is to write what the team wants, you never get any of the information that would help make it better.
Team members don’t include or invite technical writers into meetings (or even into email threads) where decisions are made about the design and implementation details because they feel like doing so would waste time and energy on something that doesn’t matter much anyway (because technical writers aren’t part of our team).
As a result, we’re always playing catch up and trying to figure out what happened while everyone else has moved on by then.
Team members don’t include or invite technical writers into brainstorming sessions or conference calls where new features might be discussed because those things happen outside our normal work hours (when we’re typically in bed sleeping).
This means that when these changes happen (and they always do), we often find ourselves getting blindsided by changes that could have been anticipated had we been involved earlier in the process – especially since most of us tend to work during normal business hours when these calls take place!
Being Considered A Non-Technical Person
Being considered a non-technical person is something technical writers experience more often than you think. It is the norm. We are not part of the team and it shows how we can’t play an active role in all aspects of product development.
Here are some examples of what I mean:
You’re not part of the design team because your job doesn’t require you to come up with layouts or wireframes for your documentation. Instead, you just need to interpret what others have designed and write about it.
You’re not part of the development team because there isn’t any coding involved in creating documentation (it’s all done through MS Word).
So while they’re coding something new, you’re writing docs on how to use its already available functionality not creating new functionality itself which means that if someone has questions about this existing functionality then they’ll likely come to ask YOU instead!
Want to become a more proficient technical writer? Delve into the secrets of successful technical writing and learn 15 Ways to Become a Better Technical Writer to enhance your skills and produce high-quality content.
It’s easy to think that technical writers are just people who type words into a computer and make them look pretty. But we’re so much more than that! We have so many things to juggle at once, it can be overwhelming especially when deadlines are looming and you don’t have enough information to complete your work successfully.
Further Reading
Here are some additional resources that you might find helpful in your journey as a technical writer:
13 Tips for New Technical Writers: Explore practical advice and insights to navigate the challenges of starting out in the field of technical writing.
Enhance Your Technical Writing Skills: Discover strategies and techniques to improve your technical writing abilities, ensuring your content is clear, concise, and effective.
From Technical Writer to Developer Evangelist: Learn about the unique journey of a technical writer transitioning into a developer evangelist role and gain insights into bridging technical communication and advocacy.
How can I improve my technical writing skills?
Enhancing your technical writing skills involves practicing clarity, conciseness, and effective communication. Focus on simplifying complex concepts and using appropriate terminology for your target audience.
What are some essential skills for a technical writer?
Key skills for a technical writer include excellent writing abilities, a strong understanding of technology, the capacity to translate complex information for non-experts, and the ability to adapt writing style for different audiences.
What role does a developer evangelist play?
A developer evangelist is a technical advocate who builds relationships with developers, promotes a company’s products or services, and helps developers succeed by providing technical resources and support.
How can I transition from technical writing to a developer evangelist role?
Transitioning to a developer evangelist role involves combining your technical writing skills with advocacy and community-building. Focus on developing a deep understanding of your company’s offerings and fostering connections within the developer community.
What are some effective tips for new technical writers?
For newcomers, it’s important to seek mentorship, embrace continuous learning, practice clear and concise writing, and develop a solid grasp of the subject matter you’re writing about. Additionally, cultivating a growth mindset can contribute to your success in the field.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.