13 Simple Writing Tips To Start Your Day Right

We all have days when the blank page (or screen) fills us with dread. And we’ve all had days when writing comes easily and the words pour onto the page without interruption. 

But most of us experience something in between, as well days when writing is difficult but not impossible, days when we feel a bit rusty or even just discouraged. So for those in-between times, here are 13 simple tips that will help you start writing your way to better work:

My Top 12 Writing Tips! | Advice That Changed How I Write
1. Set aside dedicated time for writing.
2. Start with a positive and focused mindset.
3. Create a clutter-free writing environment.
4. Outline your writing goals for the day.
5. Warm up with freewriting or brainstorming.
6. Use prompts to kickstart your creativity.
7. Prioritize consistency over perfection.
8. Embrace breaks to recharge your creativity.
9. Experiment with different writing styles.
10. Practice self-editing after writing.

1. Your First Draft Isn’t For Editing

The first draft is not a time for editing. It’s a time to write as quickly and freely as possible, without worrying about spelling, grammar, or other details. 

You don’t have to worry about style, tone, voice, plot details or characters (although you may need to jot down some rough character sketches). And the ending? Well…you can worry about that later.

You’re going to need an outline of sorts just a simple list of ideas or scenes with no detail will do but beyond that it’s just five minutes at a time until you’ve written your entire book. Don’t think too much while writing either: just let the words come out in whatever order they want!

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2. Edit In Smaller Chunks

Editing in smaller chunks is a great way to keep your editing sessions from becoming overwhelming. 

It can also help you avoid the dreaded “Writer’s Block” where you’re stuck on one thing for too long and then find that all of your thoughts are jumbled and you can’t figure out how to proceed. 

If you edit in small chunks, this won’t happen, as once one part is done there will always be another chunk waiting for attention. This way all of your ideas stay fresh!

3. Write When You’re Inspired

This is the most obvious of the tips, but it’s also the one that many writers refuse to do because they think that if they don’t write when they are in the mood, then their words will be less inspired than if they had written when they were “in-the-mood.” 

And while there may be some truth to this, I would argue that writing on a regular basis is far more important than trying to time your writing sessions based on whether or not you feel like doing so.

Write when you’re not inspired. If inspiration doesn’t come knocking at your door every morning (or any other time), no problem! 

Just force yourself into your chair and start typing away anyway you’ll likely surprise yourself with what comes out of your fingers while under duress; sometimes even bad things can result in good things!

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4. Mark Up Your Book Before Reading

If you are reading a book and want to remember the main points, take notes in the book. Use a highlighter to mark up important passages.

Mark up your book with things that you don’t understand or need more information about (this will help you remember what was confusing).

If there is something in the text that stands out as interesting or relevant, write it down on a piece of paper so that later on when you are thinking about writing an essay, article or blog post about this topic, then at least one idea is already written down for you!

5. Use Your Library’s Audiobook Section

Do you want to read more, but don’t have the time? Try listening to audiobooks at home or on your commute. Listening to books is a great way to learn new skills and languages; you can also use them as an alternative way of learning about things like history or science. 

For example, if you enjoy watching documentaries, check out some historical ones that might interest you so that in addition to watching them on TV which is already good enough you can listen while doing other things like cooking dinner or exercising at home!

6. Make Yourself An Author’s Playlist

Use Music To Set The Mood

Music can help you get into a productive mindset throughout the day by setting the tone for your writing session, whether it’s calm and relaxed or upbeat and energetic. 

This includes using classical music like Mozart to help you focus on your work, as well as using upbeat pop or rock music to power through late nights of writing. 

If you want something even more specific for your writing session, consider making an author’s playlist that features songs that remind you of being an author.

For example, if I were working on a story about an ice-cream shop owner who has trouble connecting with people but finds love with someone special after moving away from home and returning years later as a successful business owner with their own ice cream shop (and yes this is based off my life).

I would include “Can’t Help Falling In Love” by Selena Gomez & The Scene because it reminds me of how happy I am now compared with how sad I used to be back when I lived in New York City without any friends except one friend.

Who lived across town and another friend who was too busy trying out new restaurants every night instead of hanging out with me (it really wasn’t fair).

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7. Spend More Time Developing Characters

Developing characters is an important part of writing. It gives you something to focus on, and it gives your reader someone to relate to. The more time you spend developing these characters, the better off your story will be in the long run.

Don’t rush this process! Don’t just create a character and move on with the rest of your story without taking time to think about what makes them tick. Make sure that every single character has a backstory that helps readers understand why they do what they do. 

This will make them feel real and not just like cardboard cutouts being shoved into scenes for convenience’s sake (which is something I see often in amateur novels).

If you don’t have time for all this development before getting started on your novel today (because maybe you’re already making progress toward that deadline).

Then at least make sure each character has personality traits and goals outlined so that when you start writing about them later on down the line there won’t be any surprises for readers who weren’t expecting some major changes from how things were at first introduced in chapter one or two.

8. Read Fiction And Nonfiction About Writing

Reading fiction and nonfiction about writing has always been one of my favorite things to do. I love the flow of a good story, and the insights into characters’ lives can be so helpful in developing my own characters.

Reading is also a great way to get inspired to write! If you need some motivation, pick up a book or two on your favorite genre or topic (I recommend How To Write A Novel In 30 Days by James Scott Bell). 

Reading these types of books can help remind you why it’s so important to write in the first place: because it makes people happy!

9. Experiment With Free Writing On Medium

One of the best ways to get in the habit of writing is by experimenting with free writing on Medium. 

This is when you write about anything that interests you, without holding back or editing yourself. You can write about your day, write about your thoughts, or just ramble on about whatever pops into your head.

One great way to start doing this is by setting a timer for 10 minutes and writing down everything that comes to mind during those 10 minutes (don’t worry about punctuation). 

Then pick an article from our blog and read it out loud as if it were an audiobook (this will help prevent any tendency toward self-editing). Lastly, set a timer for another 10 minutes and use those ten minutes exclusively for free writing no editing allowed!

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10. Write Daily Even If It’s Just A Little

Even if you only write for a few minutes each day, that’s better than not writing at all.

A great way to get started with daily writing is to add it onto your nightly routine by writing in your journal before bed. 

You may also want to try adding 5-10 minutes of journal time on the weekends as well. This can help you establish the habit of daily writing and then hopefully build upon that once you’ve gotten used to it!

11. Keep A Journal Of Observations For Inspiration Later On

Whether you’re a writer or not, keeping a journal of your observations and thoughts can be helpful. If you’re struggling to start writing a blog post or book, look back at your previous entries to see if anything catches your eye as inspiration. 

You might also find that some of the things you wrote about are relevant to what you’re working on now and vice versa.

Journaling is also useful if you want to write poetry or short stories later on, because it gives you material with which to work when inspiration strikes!

12. Record Yourself Talking Out Your Problems Instead Of Writing

One of the best ways to get your thoughts out and get feedback on your ideas is by recording yourself talking about them.

This can be done in a few different ways:

You can speak directly into your phone or computer while writing, so that you’re not only hearing yourself, but also seeing what you’ve written as it comes up on screen. This helps with editing because it allows us to see where we need more work and how our writing flows.

You can make podcasts or videos explaining what you want to say in greater detail than a written piece would allow. 

This is especially useful if you are trying to explain something complicated and technical, like how to fix a broken car engine or build a birdhouse from scratch (both examples taken from my life).

13. Learn How To Format To EPUB And MOBI So You Can Publish On Your Own Easily

Formatting your ebook is a skill that you can learn, and it’s one of the most useful ones to have. You can format your book by hand on a computer, or you can pay someone to do it for you. 

Out of all of the formatting options available, EPUB and MOBI are the most common formats for ebooks. 

The good news is that both formats are relatively easy to create yourself—or even pay someone else to create for you.

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Now that you have some of our tried-and-true writing tips, it’s time to put them into action. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different methods and approaches as you work your way through this list. 

You may only need one tip to find success, but experimenting with more than one will help you find what works best for your needs. 

Dismiss the ones that don’t resonate with you and continue on until you’ve found a few that do! If there’s anything we can say about our process here at Poptopics-it’s a lot of trial and error.

Further Reading

Amy Tan’s Top 13 Writing Tips: Explore valuable insights from acclaimed author Amy Tan as she shares her top 13 writing tips.

Effective Writing Tips: Enhance your writing skills with these effective tips covering various aspects of the writing process.

Content Writing Tips for Beginners: If you’re new to content writing, these beginner-friendly tips will help you get started on the right track.


What are some effective strategies for improving writing skills?

Improving writing skills involves consistent practice, reading diverse content, and seeking constructive feedback from peers or mentors.

How can I make my content more engaging for readers?

To create engaging content, consider using storytelling techniques, incorporating visuals, and addressing your audience’s needs and interests.

Are there any recommended writing resources for beginners?

Absolutely! You can explore online writing communities, writing workshops, and reputable writing blogs for valuable tips and guidance.

What role does grammar and spelling play in effective writing?

Proper grammar and spelling are crucial for clear communication. They ensure that your ideas are conveyed accurately and professionally.

How can I overcome writer’s block and maintain a consistent writing routine?

To overcome writer’s block, try freewriting, changing your environment, or breaking your writing tasks into smaller, manageable chunks. Establishing a consistent writing routine can also help maintain your momentum.