12 Simple Ways To Get A 100% Response On Social

Don’t you just love it when you post something on social media, and everyone immediately comments? Getting 100% of your audience to comment on one of your posts is a delicious dream, but the reality is that it’s possible. 

I’ve been running social media accounts for over 6 years now, and in that time I’ve learned a lot of tricks to get people engaged with my content. 

This list isn’t exhaustive I’m not sure if you’d ever talk about all 12 of these in one blog post but it’ll give you some great ideas for how to boost engagement on all your social media channels. 

And who knows? Maybe this very post will get 100% engagement! Let me know what you think in the comments section below 😉

9 Tips to Grow a New YouTube Channel
1. Use compelling visuals to capture attention.
2. Craft concise and impactful headlines for posts.
3. Ask thought-provoking questions to spark discussions.
4. Respond promptly to comments and messages.
5. Share user-generated content to build authenticity.
6. Host giveaways and contests to encourage participation.
7. Use storytelling to connect emotionally with your audience.
8. Incorporate humor to make your content memorable.
9. Collaborate with influencers for wider reach.
10. Post consistently to maintain engagement.
11. Leverage trending hashtags to join relevant conversations.
12. Analyze your metrics and adapt your strategy for improvement.

1. Create Unique Offers

It’s easy to run a post asking for shares, but the results won’t be as good if you don’t make your offer exclusive. A lot of businesses do this by offering discounts or giveaways. 

For example, if you sell t-shirts, posting “I need 10 shares to enter my t-shirt giveaway” will probably get some shares (if your shirt is cool enough), but it won’t get many fans to come back and buy more stuff from you in the future. 

Instead, try saying something like “The first 5 people who share this post on Facebook will receive 20% off their next purchase.” 

That gives people an incentive not only to share but also to visit your website again later down the line which means better exposure for both parties involved!

When it comes to managing your social media presence, finding the right balance can be challenging. Learn how hiring a virtual assistant to manage your social media can make a vital difference in your strategy.

2. Answer Questions With A Video On Facebook

Facebook’s algorithm prefers video over text, and it’s a great way to answer any questions your audience might have about your product or service. You can also use this opportunity to show off what you have to offer by showing off the product or service in action.

Create a poll that asks your followers an interesting question, then post it on social media platforms of their choice (Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc.). The results of these polls will be interesting and insightful!

3. Ask For Likes, Shares, Or Comments Instead Of Just Clicks

You can also ask for likes and shares on your posts. This is a good idea if you want to increase engagement with your content. There are many ways to do this, but one of the most effective methods is simply asking in a post: “Share with friends.”

When it comes time to set up a new message board or forum thread, always remember that more people will respond if they’re given ample opportunity to express their thoughts and opinions on the topic at hand. 

If there’s enough room for people to write down their ideas and share them with others in the group, chances are high that they’ll feel free enough to contribute freely themselves.

Asking users if they’d like more information can help increase response rates as well – just be careful not too much.

Because this could backfire in terms of negative feedback from customers who were looking forward instead of waiting patiently until later when everything was completed (which might not even happen).

Optimizing your Facebook business page is essential for engaging your audience effectively. Discover valuable insights and practical tips in our guide to optimizing your Facebook business page for better results.

4. Use The Word “You” As Much As Possible

What’s the best way to get people to listen to you? Use the word “you.” If you want your audience members to engage, interact and respond, it’s smart to focus on them. In this tip, we’ll show you how the word “you” can help you create better social media marketing campaigns.

Talk directly to your audience. When writing posts or sharing images on social media, use language that directly addresses your audience. You don’t have to be 100% personal with everyone who follows or likes your page; 

However, if certain types of posts are suitable for one type of follower over another (like inspirational quotes for an older crowd versus memes for young ones), then feel free!

Talk about what matters most: their goals and interests. Your followers want an active voice in what they’re seeing from brands they follow; 

o when creating content it’s important not just tell them what benefits they’ll receive but also why those benefits matter specifically in terms of how they live their lives right now.”

5. Use Power Words

Power words are powerful. You can use them to help people understand what your post is about, how to respond to your post, what they should do next, and even what they can do to help you. Here are a few power words that work well in social media posts:

You: A pronoun that makes the reader feel like you’re talking directly to them and not just posting something for everyone else’s benefit.

Now: Tells readers what happens immediately after reading the post—they’ll be able to take action right away or learn more about the topic at hand by reading more of your content (if you have any).

How: Questions with “how” in them invite people into a conversation with you because asking questions is one of the best ways for someone who doesn’t know much about something (like yourself) to learn more!

6. Ask Questions Before Your Big Reveal

A good way to make sure your content gets read and shared is by asking questions. This can be done before or after you reveal a big product, service, or announcement. The point of asking questions is to get people to engage with you and your brand. 

It’s also a great way to get people talking about what they think of the products/services offered by your company, whether they like it or not, how it works for them (or doesn’t) etc.

The best thing about using questions as a marketing tactic is that they don’t need an answer right away; people will likely come back later on when they have time to formulate something meaningful enough for social media sharing purposes. 

By doing this regularly (e.g., weekly), you’ll end up creating an active community around yourself that promotes goodwill towards both parties involved: fans for liking what we do so much that they want others to know too!

Responding to negative feedback on social media requires finesse and tact. Explore our tips on how to respond to negative social media feedback to recover gracefully and turn challenges into opportunities.

7. Share Behind-The-Scenes Content

If you want to show people that you’re a real business and not just some faceless corporation, share photos of your team working on projects. Showcase the products you’ve created and the clients who use them. 

You could also share photos of your office or workspace if you work from home; 

Local community events in which your company has participated, or any other fun moments happening at your company headquarters like celebrations with employees, or staff photo shoots!

8. Host A Contest

If you want people to engage with your posts and follow you, then hosting a contest is the way to go. It’s easy to do, and it’s a great way for your followers to show their support for your business or brand.

There are three things that every good contest should include:

Give away something that’s relevant to your business or brand (and make sure it’s something people will want). This could be anything from merchandise or gift cards, all the way up through trips and experiences the choice is yours! 

The important thing here is that whoever wins needs to be psyched about winning. Otherwise, they won’t share or enter again in the future; nobody likes feeling like they’ve wasted their time on something insignificant!

Make it easy for people to enter (via sharing links on social media), easy for people to win (via random number generation), and even easier still if they don’t end up winning (by following you). 

If someone can’t figure out how they can participate because there’s too much friction between them and entering/winning then why would they bother?

9. Invite People To Join Your Cause Or Help Others

A call to action is an invitation to join your cause. You might have a suggestion or question you’d like people to answer in the comments, or perhaps you’re looking for others who want to join your cause.

Think about the kinds of actions that would be helpful for the community and invite them to respond. For example:

  • Give people a call-to-action (CTA) like “Tell us how you feel about this topic.”
  • Share your CTA with everyone on social media or send it via email so that they can easily see it.

10. Tag Other Users In Your Posts

While it’s true that you can reach out to other users via direct message, tagging them in a post is an even better option.

By tagging someone else in your post, you’re giving them a call to action and asking them to engage with what you’ve written. If they choose not to respond, then the fault lies with them not on you for having asked for their input.

This can also lead to relationships being built between different users: some may enjoy sharing their thoughts on certain topics with each other or just getting together for a friendly chat about life in general (or both).

It’s also important that bloggers give credit where credit is due: there are so many amazing content creators out there creating great pieces of work every single day that we shouldn’t take away from their efforts by claiming it as something which was theirs first! 

This will ensure others feel comfortable enough sharing this content too; if they know they won’t get any credit for doing so, who would want to share?

Growing your following on Facebook and Twitter takes a strategic approach. Discover effective techniques in our guide on how to grow your following on Facebook and Twitter to enhance your social media presence.

11. Give Followers Or Fans Special Treatment Or Exclusive Access To Things Like Special Contests Or Previews Of New Products Or Services

Offer something exclusive (like an extra-special deal) that is only available to your social media followers. Give them the chance to win something valuable, like a free vacation, by getting their friends’ votes for them. 

Like in sales, a good way to get people excited about buying from you is by giving them some kind of special deal and letting them know about it through social media!

12. Be Consistent With Your Social Media Posting (And Always Keep Up Momentum) So People Are Always Looking Forward To And Interacting With New Content From You

Consistency is one of the most important aspects of social media marketing. When you post regularly, it keeps your audience engaged and gives them something to look forward to. 

Your followers will know when they can expect new content from you, which allows them to plan their day accordingly.

If you’re posting regularly, people will be expecting a new piece from you each week or so and that keeps things exciting! If someone sees that your last tweet was posted yesterday but today there’s nothing new on Twitter…well…that’s not very exciting at all!

It also helps build brand awareness and loyalty: if people know what’s coming down the pipe, they’ll be more likely to keep up with what’s happening with your brand over time than just one time in a quick burst of tweets or posts at once (them…social media marketing experts).

Harnessing the power of Pinterest for business and marketing can unlock new opportunities. Learn creative ways to utilize this platform in our guide to using Pinterest for business and personal marketing and amplify your online presence.


We know it can feel overwhelming to keep up with social media. It’s hard enough to remember what you’re supposed to post, let alone how often and where. 

But don’t worry! At the end of the day, it’s all about being genuine and enjoying every interaction you have when it comes time for your audience to respond.

Further Reading

Explore these additional resources for more insights on improving survey response rates, tools to increase response rates, and enhancing social media engagement:

The Ultimate Guide to Increasing Survey Response Rates Short Description: Discover 14 practical tips to boost your survey response rates effectively.

Tools to Increase Survey Response Rates Short Description: Learn about powerful tools and strategies to enhance your survey response rates and gather valuable insights.

Enhancing Social Media Engagement Short Description: Dive into strategies and tactics to increase engagement on your social media platforms, fostering meaningful interactions.


How can I improve the response rates of my surveys?

To improve survey response rates, consider offering incentives, using clear and concise language, and sending reminders to participants.

What are some effective tools to increase survey response rates?

Utilizing online survey platforms that offer features like personalized invitations and mobile optimization can significantly boost response rates.

How can I enhance engagement on my social media channels?

Engage with your audience through interactive content such as polls, contests, and live sessions. Respond promptly to comments and messages to foster a sense of community.

Are there specific strategies for increasing responses to online surveys?

Yes, you can optimize the timing of survey distribution, create visually appealing surveys, and personalize invitations to capture respondents’ attention.

What role does content relevance play in social media engagement?

Content that resonates with your target audience’s interests, pain points, and aspirations is more likely to spark engagement and encourage sharing across social platforms.