10 Types Of Writing Desires Everyone Should Have

Looking back on the past few years of my life, I can see that my writing has been driven by several desires. I think it’s safe to say that we all have several writing desires, but you know what? 

That’s perfectly fine. The truth is, as writers we don’t do this work for just one reason we do it for a variety of them. And each desire pushes us forward toward our goals and inward to who we are as writers.

But let’s get started with the top ten types of writerly desires:

10 Best Pieces of Writing Advice – YouTube
1. Identifying your writing desires can give you a sense of purpose in your writing journey.
2. Writing desires can range from personal growth to professional development goals.
3. Embrace a variety of writing desires, such as storytelling, self-expression, and creative exploration.
4. Writing desires can motivate you to improve your writing skills and try new genres.
5. Pursue writing desires that resonate with your passions and interests.
6. Writing desires can lead to a fulfilling and meaningful writing experience.
7. Setting writing desires as goals can help you measure your progress and achievements.
8. Don’t be afraid to adjust your writing desires as your interests evolve.
9. Writing desires can inspire you to overcome writer’s block and stay motivated.
10. Celebrate each step towards fulfilling your writing desires and enjoy the creative process.

1. The Desire To Clarify

The desire to clarify is a desire for meaning, understanding, and explanations. 

It is a universal desire that can be applied to all aspects of life: from the personal, such as our own experiences, to the global, such as national conflicts. We all want to make sense of the world around us and our place within it.

Improving your writing skills is a journey that requires dedication and practice. To become a more skilled writer, consider adopting the 10 habits that will make you a better writer. These habits can lead you towards your writing desires and goals.

2. The Desire To Share

Sharing your writing with others can be scary, but it’s also a great way to get feedback. This is especially true if you’re looking for honest criticism so that you can improve your work. There are many ways to share your writing with others:

Share novels and short stories online in the form of Wattpad or Instagram Stories.

Submit poetry, lyrics, or short fiction pieces to literary journals or websites like Poets & Writers and The Emerging Writer’s Network.

Host live readings at bookstores, cafes, bars, and other public venues where people are likely to come out of curiosity rather than dedication (though there’s nothing wrong with dedicated readers!).

3. The Desire To Argue

Writing is a way to express your ideas, but it’s also a good way to argue for or against other people’s ideas. Sometimes when you write something, someone will come along and disagree with you. 

You can then argue back by using more words. This is called an “argument” in writing circles and it can be very fun.

Developing effective writing habits is essential for honing your craft. Explore the 12 writing habits that will make you a better writer and discover techniques that can elevate your writing journey and fulfill your creative desires.

4. The Desire To Inspire

The desire to inspire others is a good one. You can inspire others by writing about your experiences, your goals, and even your dreams.

You can also share some of the fears that you have overcome to reach these goals. This will help others see that they too can overcome their fears and achieve great things.

5. The Desire To Impress Others

Impressing others is good and bad. It can be a good thing if you want to get ahead in life and keep your friends, but it can also be really bad if you’re doing things that don’t make sense just so people will like you.

People often want to impress their bosses, teachers, or even their parents by doing well at school or getting a high-paying job, but sometimes these kinds of decisions are based on the person’s own needs rather than what they want out of life. 

If someone wants to become an author because they think it will impress his/her parents then this kind of choice could lead him/her down a path where he/she hates writing but has no way out except to quit writing altogether because he/she doesn’t have enough confidence in themselves as writers!

6. The Desire To Connect With Others

Another type of desire you should have is to connect with others. If you’re serious about your writing, chances are you’ll want to share it and get feedback from people who are also interested in writing. You may even want a community of like-minded writers around you.

However, connecting with other writers isn’t just about finding inspiration for your work. When we share our stories, we can find support for those who might be struggling or encourage those who need someone else’s encouragement. 

We may even find mentors who can help us grow as writers and editors who will give our work the attention it deserves!

Writing doesn’t have to be an arduous task. In fact, you can find ways to make it more manageable and enjoyable. Learn how to make writing more accessible by reading our article on how writing doesn’t have to be difficult, and embrace a positive perspective on your writing desires.

7. The Diy Desires, Aka Your Writing And Career Goals

The first step in achieving your writing dreams is to make them. It sounds simple, but it can be difficult to articulate what you want from your writing career and the role that writing plays in your life.

If you’re trying to figure out what kind of writer you want to be, try taking some time for yourself and write down all of your thoughts about the type of work that would make you happy. What makes a good book for you? What genres do you enjoy reading?

 Which authors inspire you? Write down everything on scratch paper or a word document so nothing gets lost and keep this list somewhere safe so it can serve as a reminder when things get tough or overwhelming at times!

There are plenty of ways that we can help ourselves achieve our goals from creating daily checklists for positive affirmations, making time for exercise every day (even if it’s just five minutes), and setting aside money each month for savings goals.

But having something tangible like this written down will help us remember why we’re doing all these things in the first place: so many other amazing things in life!

8. The Desire To Receive Feedback, Critique, And A Bit Of Editing

You should be open to receiving feedback from anyone willing to give it. Don’t be afraid of criticism; embrace it! It can help you improve your writing skills in the long run.

It’s also important that you seek out professional editors and critique partners who are experts in their field of expertise. 

If they’re good at what they do, then they will be able to provide constructive criticism based on their own experiences as well as any research they may have done on your genre or type of story (e.g., romance).

9. The Desire To Become Part Of A Larger Community

Being part of a community whether it’s a writing group or online writers’ forum, your local library, or the neighborhood book club is a great way to get feedback on your work and find inspiration. 

Writing can be an isolating profession; you spend so much time alone with only your characters for company. It’s important to remember that there are other people out there who share the same passion as you do. 

If you’re struggling with how to write a specific scene, talking it over with someone who has been where you’re at will help immensely.

Gaining insights from real-life experiences can impact your approach to writing. Discover the valuable lessons learned from a Hollywood executive’s encounter in 18 things I learned from my run-in with a Hollywood executive. Apply these lessons to your writing desires and aspirations.

10. The Desire To Be Set Free

The desire to be set free is the most important one. You don’t have to go through anything alone, and writing can help you get there. It can bring your deepest dreams, fears, and regrets into the light of day so that they can be examined. 

Writing is an act of self-love: you are permitting yourself to believe in what you want out of life and how much your heart deserves it.

If you’re having trouble getting started, start with something simple like a list of things that make up your identity things as “a daughter,” “a friend,” and “a writer.” Write down everything that comes to mind about each category until all the items on your list are exhausted (or at least something similar happens). 

Then go back through each category again and ask yourself what questions remain unanswered or unresolved within those categories? What needs further exploration? What do I need to know more about myself before I can move forward?

There’s nothing wrong with having several desires; our desires are what constrain us and set us free.

I think it’s great that you have several desires. I do, too! The more you desire, the more you’ll be able to achieve in your career as a writer.

But what are these desires? How can they help your writing life? Here are 10 types of writing desires everyone should have:

  • Desire to write
  • Desire to get published/paid for their work
  • Desire to belong somewhere – like an author community or publishing house or magazine (or whatever)
  • Desire to learn new things – whether through classes or internships

Desire for specific types of feedback from editors on their work; this could be anything from “the idea is interesting but needs more fleshing-out” down to “this needs major revision before we can consider it for publication” (and if we’re lucky enough not only will there be some actual feedback but also suggestions as well)

Overcoming writing challenges and enhancing your productivity are key aspects of realizing your writing desires. Uncover valuable tips for making your writing process more efficient in our guide on 11 tips to help you write more easily. Implement these strategies to navigate towards your writing goals with greater ease.


The writer’s life can be tough at times. But with the right desires, you’ll find yourself less frustrated and more fulfilled, regardless of what stage in your career you’re currently in.

Further Reading

Manifestation Methods: Learn about various manifestation techniques to help you achieve your goals and desires.

Manifestation Through Writing: Explore a step-by-step guide on manifesting your desires by writing them down.

Types of Essays for Career Development: Discover different types of essays that can contribute to your career development.

And here’s the “FAQs” section based on the semantic of the title:


How do manifestation methods work?

Manifestation methods involve using techniques and practices to focus your thoughts and intentions on achieving specific goals. These methods often incorporate visualization, positive affirmations, and mindfulness to align your energy with your desires.

Can writing down my desires help manifest them?

Yes, writing down your desires can be a powerful manifestation tool. When you write down your goals and intentions, you’re creating a tangible representation of what you want to achieve, which can help you stay focused and motivated.

What are the different types of essays for career development?

There are various types of essays that can contribute to your career development, such as persuasive essays, reflective essays, and professional development essays. Each type serves a different purpose and can help you improve your communication and critical thinking skills.

How can I effectively manifest my career goals?

To effectively manifest your career goals, it’s important to set clear and specific intentions, practice visualization, stay positive, and take inspired actions towards your goals. Consistency and belief in the process can also play a significant role in manifestation.

Are manifestation methods backed by science?

Manifestation methods often draw from principles of positive psychology and the power of the mind. While some aspects may not have scientific evidence, practices like visualization and positive thinking have been linked to improved well-being and goal attainment in certain studies.