So you’ve decided to hire a ghostwriter. Congratulations! I’m so happy to be able to work with you. But before we start the process, there are some questions that come up over and over again about what it means to hire a ghostwriter.
I want to answer some of those questions here so that as soon as possible after hiring me, we can get started on creating something wonderful together!
Takeaways |
1. Becoming a ghostwriter opens doors to a world of storytelling for others. |
2. Discover the allure behind ghostwriting as a rewarding business venture. |
3. Thrive as a ghostwriter by navigating challenges and celebrating triumphs. |
4. Gain insights into the unique world of ghostwriter bloggers. |
5. Consider hiring a ghostwriter for collaborative book-writing projects. |
6. Understand the key questions a skilled ghostwriter should ask. |
7. Explore common questions about ghostwriting answered by experts. |
8. Find the right ghostwriter by asking essential interview questions. |
How Do You Find Clients?
In the past, I’ve been lucky to get work through word of mouth. I know a lot of people who are either freelancers or freelance clients and they’ve recommended me to those in need. I also rely heavily on social media for connecting with my clients:
Twitter is great for finding new people and building relationships; Facebook groups let me meet potential clients who are interested in ghostwriting; LinkedIn helps with networking as well as job searching.
I also do a lot of online research about companies and authors before approaching them about working together.
This helps me tailor my pitch so that I can show why my services would be useful to them specifically (rather than just spamming everyone). If you’re looking for inspiration, check out some examples here!
Becoming a Ghostwriter: Embarking on the journey of becoming a ghostwriter opens doors to a world of storytelling for others, providing valuable services while honing your craft.
How Much Do You Charge?
The answer to this question depends on several factors, including the length of the project, the complexity of the project, and the type of writing you are doing. You should also consider experience levels: yours, your client’s, and your reputation in the market.
In addition to these factors, I charge by the word when ghostwriting in-depth pieces (like books and ebooks) or by the article when ghostwriting articles or blog posts.
Do You Work Online Or Offline?
Yes, I do work offline. But that’s not the only way to get ghostwriting jobs. There are plenty of other options as well:
Working online can be a great choice for you if you enjoy working from anywhere in the world even if it’s just your kitchen table! You’ll make sure that your projects are completed on time and under budget by using software like Skype and Google Docs instead of traveling to meet with clients face-to-face.
Working offline is another option, but don’t discount it just yet! While it does require some travel time, this method offers many benefits including being able to choose between working alone or with a team;
Doing project-based work or freelancing; signing a contract with one client or consulting on multiple projects at once (or both!).
The Allure of Ghostwriting: Discover the allure behind ghostwriting as a business venture with our article on why ghostwriting is the best business to be in, highlighting 17 compelling reasons to delve into this rewarding profession.
How Long Have You Been Ghostwriting?
It’s a fair question to ask someone who claims to have been ghostwriting for five years or more. You are, after all, entrusting them with your work and reputation.
So it’s worth it to find out if they’ve been around long enough to be good at what they do and trustworthy enough not to take advantage of their position as an outsider in your industry (and inside yours).
It’s also important that they have experience in the field where you want them to work on your behalf for instance if you’re looking for a book author but don’t know much about book publishing and suspect that might be an issue when choosing between experienced writers who specialize in different genres of books.
What Did You Do Before That?
You might be wondering what I did before I became a ghostwriter.
I’ve had plenty of jobs in my time: factory worker, restaurant server, warehouse packer, call center representative, and more.
Do you want to know the strangest one? Hotel maid! I was cleaning rooms for minimum wage and even less than minimum wage sometimes because it was only part-time. It’s hard work but it pays off in experience and connections when you need them most.
You don’t have to go through what I did and if we’re talking about making money from your writing (which is why you’re reading this article), it doesn’t make sense anyway.
But having worked at all kinds of jobs will help you appreciate how much more enjoyable writing can be.
Why Do People Hire Ghostwriters?
Ghostwriting is a great way to get your message out there without having to do the hard work of writing it yourself. When you hire a ghostwriter, they take on all responsibility for creating your book.
This means that you can focus on what’s important in your life and let someone else write the book for you.
This is especially important if you have other priorities in your life, like running a business or spending time with family members and friends. Ghostwriters allow clients like this to spend more time on other aspects of their lives than writing their books!
When hiring a ghostwriter, make sure that they understand what kind of topics interest them so they can write about those topics more effectively. This will ensure that readers find value from reading their stories and want to share them with others too!
Thriving as a Ghostwriter: Navigate the challenges and triumphs of a long-term career in ghostwriting, as shared in the insightful piece on how I survived as a ghostwriter for 7 years and counting, offering valuable tips and inspiration.
Do People Know They Are Working With A Ghostwriter?
It depends. I’ve worked with clients who wanted the writer to be known, and others who preferred to keep their relationship with me confidential.
I know some writers who like being acknowledged as the author of a book; they’re proud of their work and want credit for it.
Others are more comfortable keeping their role in the project under wraps since they don’t want personal relationships with family members or colleagues in jeopardy because of it.
This can also depend on what type of publication you’re writing for some magazines are happy to publicize work done by freelancers, but many academic journals require that writers remain anonymous lest they lose professional credibility within the field.
Some writers have an easier time accepting payment than others do (or vice versa!), so those differences may come into play when deciding whether your name should appear on a finished product or not.
For example: If someone is working on an autobiography about their life story, does that mean they need money badly enough that accepting payment will compromise some other aspect of their identity?
Or maybe this person happens not to care at all about financial compensation they just want someone else’s take on events experienced during his/her lifetime…and maybe he/she wants readers to recognize this particular voice behind those words!
Can I See Some Of Your Work?
Yes, you can see some of the work I’ve done. Sometimes people are more comfortable getting a feel for my style and approach by seeing a few samples.
If you’re interested in seeing some samples, email me and let me know what sort of writing you’d like to see (a sample chapter? or a blog post?) and I’ll send over anything relevant to the project we’re discussing.
If there’s anything else about my work or services that you’d like to know more about, please do not hesitate to ask!
Can I Have Your Contact Details So I Can Speak To Someone About Working With A Ghostwriter For My Project?
You can contact me at [my email]. I’ll be happy to schedule a call with you so we can discuss the details of your project.
While there are many things that I do as a ghostwriter, there are also some things that I will not do. For example:
I won’t write your book for you.* I don’t want anyone to feel like they’ve gotten stuck with a bill from me even though they aren’t getting anything in return.
If someone hires me and then doesn’t pay up, that person will never work with us again, and rightfully so! We take our business seriously and keep our clients happy by treating them fairly at all times.
I won’t give up personal information about other writers in our network.* Some people have asked if it’s okay for them to send their queries directly through my account because they don’t want any emails from other writers popping up in their inboxes (this is something we recommend against doing!).
While I understand this concern, we have rules in place regarding how emails are addressed so it shouldn’t happen unless we’re told otherwise ahead of time; please let us know your preferences when contacting us about working together on something like this!
Insights into Ghostwriter Bloggers: For a closer look at the world of ghostwriting bloggers, explore our article on what you need to know about ghostwriter bloggers, offering valuable insights into this unique niche of writing.
My Client Wants To Interview Me For The Project. Is That Okay?
Whether or not it’s okay for your client to interview you depends on the project.
If it’s something that is not confidential, and I am comfortable with sharing information about myself publicly (such as a book about my travels around the world), then I am happy to be interviewed by my client.
However, if it’s a job where confidentiality is important (such as ghostwriting someone’s memoir).
Then I would not want them interviewing me because they could potentially figure out who they were working with. In this case, I would ask them to sign a confidentiality agreement before moving forward with our work together.
What’s A Typical Day Like For You As A Writer?
A typical day for me is different from one writer to the next. Some freelance writers are only working on one project at a time, while others juggle multiple projects at once.
I’ve been known to take on five or six projects in a single week. I also have my blog writing and marketing business (that’s how I make my living), which means that I am constantly creating new content and promoting it online.
For me, writing has always been something of an escape from the stresses of life something that allows me to focus on what makes me happy while simultaneously earning money doing so!
Writing is more than just a job; it’s also something that allows me to connect with other people around the world who share similar interests as well as inspire them through stories about their struggles and triumphs over adversity.
My Client Is Asking For Lots Of Extra Revisions, What Should I Do?
When a client asks for extra revisions, it can be hard to know what to do. As a ghostwriter, you want your work to be as good as possible, and you want your client to be happy with the final product.
However, sometimes clients will request extra revisions just because they want more time or attention from you.
You should always communicate clearly with your clients about revisions. Make sure they understand that revisions are not free: if they request them, then they will have to pay for them.
If your client wants changes that aren’t within the scope of your original agreement (for example:
“I would like this article written in first person instead of third person”) then it might be best for both parties if you walk away from the project rather than do something that isn’t part of what was agreed upon at the start.
If your client is asking for more than two rounds of revisions or hasn’t paid all invoices by their due date, consider canceling the contract early so that he/she doesn’t get access to any future articles written on his/her behalf until he/she pays up!
My Client Has Missed The Deadline For Delivering Their Content, What Should I Do Now?
The first thing you should do is make sure that your contract has a clear definition of what “done” and “deliverable” mean. If there’s any confusion on either of these points, it can cause trouble later on.
You also need to make sure that the client has provided enough time for their project. If they’ve given themselves 4 weeks but haven’t started writing yet, then they’re probably going to miss the deadline and probably not the only one.
If your contract doesn’t have a timeline set in stone (and if it doesn’t have milestones), then this could land you in hot water if your client feels like he or she hasn’t been given enough time with which to complete his or her her her project. Make sure everyone knows what’s expected!
Book-Writing with a Ghostwriter: Unravel the reasons why authors opt for a ghostwriter to craft their books in the illuminating post on top reasons you should hire a ghostwriter to help write your book, providing a fresh perspective on collaborative writing endeavors.
What’s A Fair Fee For This Project, In Your View?
Several factors determine what is a fair fee for ghostwriting a book. The first thing you have to consider is the project itself: what kind of book? How many words? How much research and writing will be required?
Next, take into account how much experience the writer has in your industry. Is this their first book or do they have several under their belt?
A seasoned ghostwriter will likely charge more per page than someone who is just starting, but also know that they’re taking on less risk because they’ve already been paid by someone else before.
It’s always important when hiring any professional service provider that you get references so you can learn about their methodology and work history before signing any contracts with them! Remember: don’t be afraid to negotiate!
If you want to work with a ghostwriter, you can choose from the many options available on the market today. As a professional writer, I have been working in this field for over ten years and I am very proud of my work.
If you want me to work on your project, please contact me at [email protected] so that we can discuss pricing and other details about how this process works.
Further Reading
15 Questions Your Ghostwriter Should Be Asking You: Discover the key questions a skilled ghostwriter should ask to better understand and bring your vision to life.
Guest Post: 11 Questions About Ghostwriting Answered: Get insights into the world of ghostwriting with answers to 11 frequently asked questions.
Ghost Writer Interview Questions: Explore essential interview questions to help you find the right ghostwriter for your project.
What is the role of a ghostwriter?
A ghostwriter is a professional writer who pens content on behalf of another person, taking no public credit for the work.
How do ghostwriters ensure confidentiality?
Ghostwriters maintain confidentiality through non-disclosure agreements and ethical practices, safeguarding their clients’ identities.
What types of projects can a ghostwriter handle?
Ghostwriters can tackle a wide range of projects, including books, articles, blog posts, speeches, and more.
How is payment typically structured for ghostwriting services?
Payment for ghostwriting varies, but it often involves an upfront fee or a combination of upfront payment and royalties.
How involved should I be in the ghostwriting process?
The level of involvement depends on your preference. Some clients prefer a hands-on approach, while others entrust the entire writing process to the ghostwriter.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.