10 Creative Writing Prompts Nobody’s Tried

When you ask a writer for writing advice, the most common answer is to just write. But that’s not always enough. Many writers need inspiration, and in today’s world of creative writing prompts, it can be hard to find new ideas. 

That’s why I decided to take a look at some of the online sources for new writing prompts and see if there were any that could help us all out in our times of need!

10 Fun Writing Activities for Kids – YouTube
1. Explore unconventional writing prompts to spark unique ideas.
2. Embrace challenges to enhance your creativity and writing skills.
3. Break free from writer’s block by trying fresh and original prompts.
4. Experiment with different genres and perspectives for diverse content.
5. Use these prompts to infuse innovation into your storytelling approach.
6. Push the boundaries of your comfort zone for more engaging writing.
7. Cultivate your individuality as a writer with these novel prompts.
8. Transform limitations into opportunities for creative growth.
9. Foster a sense of curiosity and exploration in your writing process.
10. Allow these prompts to guide you toward unexpected creative paths.

Outline Of The Post

Write a story that is three acts long.

A three-act story is an excellent way to introduce students to the concept of dramatic structure. It works especially well for writers who are new to storytelling because it forces them to think about how their characters will change throughout the story. You can use this prompt in a few different ways:

Ask your students to write a short story or poem that has three distinct parts. The beginning, middle, and end should all be clearly defined within those three acts.

Ask them to write a song that has three distinct sections a prelude, exposition, and climax, and then have them perform their songs (or record them) as homework assignments.

Have each student write an outline of a play based on this prompt, then assign roles and hold rehearsals with one another so they can see how well they work together as actors on stage!

Enhancing your creative writing skills involves deliberate practice and a willingness to learn. Discover 17 practical ways to improve your creative writing skills and take your writing to the next level. Check out our guide on 17 Things I Can Do to Improve My Creative Writing Skills for valuable insights and techniques.

Write A Poem About Sunlight

Sunlight is a source of energy

The sun, the star at the center of our solar system, gives off heat and light. These are two forms of energy. The sun heats our planet and lights up the sky at night so we can see each other and all our beautiful things. In winter, sunlight warms us but doesn’t burn us as it does in summer (because there’s less atmosphere). 

We use sunlight to power our homes with solar panels made from silicon that absorbs photons and turns them into electricity.

Sunlight is also a source of vitamin D, which we need for healthy bones and teeth; vitamin C, which helps fight infection; B12 (also called cobalamin), which keeps your blood cells healthy

B9 (also called folic acid), which prevents birth defects if taken before pregnancy; calcium for strong bones; magnesium for nerve function the list goes on!

Write A Song Or Poem That Has No Words

Writing a song or poem that has no words might seem like a difficult task, but it’s quite simple. For example, you could use sounds and music to convey meaning, which will help your poem stand out from others. 

You can also use rhythm and repetition to create more of an impact on the reader. Another option would be imagery (or figurative language), which includes metaphors and similes. Alliteration is another useful technique that helps writers create interest as they read through their work. Lastly (and most importantly), it’s important not to forget about onomatopoeia!

Algorithms are everywhere, but your writing can still stand out. Learn how to create content that captures attention and resonates with readers. Discover real-world writing tips that beat the algorithms and enhance your online presence. Explore our article on Real-World Writing Tips That Beat the Algorithms for practical strategies and advice.

Write A Letter To Your Future Self

Write a letter to your future self.

Something is appealing about writing letters, especially ones that you will never send—they can be a way to get things off your chest, work through ideas and emotions, or just say the things you wish someone had told you when you were younger.

The best part is that there are no rules: it can be as short or as long as you want it to be; it can be written in the third person or first person; it doesn’t have to be about anything particular—just write whatever comes into your mind!

Create Two Characters One Of Which Is Yourself At 25, And The Other At 75

This is a great prompt to get you thinking about how you’ll act and feel when you’re older. It also helps you develop your character development skills, as well as helps improve your writing.

What do you think will happen to yourself in 25 years? How will your life change? What will be different? Will you move somewhere else? Will the people around you change or stay the same?

You’ll want to make sure that both characters are well-written so that it’s easy for the reader to understand who each person is and what their relationship with each other is like.

If You Could Ask Your Future Self One Question, What Would It Be?

Imagine you’re looking at yourself, but you’re not you. You’re in your future, and the person looking back is older and wiser than the one right now. What would you ask them? Would they have advice for you? Would they be able to tell you what life has in store for your present self?

Doing this exercise forces us to consider our mortality, which can give us some perspective on how we’ll deal with change as we get older (and hopefully wiser). It also allows us to think about what’s important today because we might find that those things become less important over time and vice versa.

Overcoming writer’s block requires a unique approach. Embrace the challenges and turn them into opportunities for creative growth. Learn how to use writer’s block as a chance to improvise and fuel your creativity.

Dive into our post about How to Take a Writer’s Block and Use It as an Opportunity to Improvise for valuable insights and techniques.

Write A Story That Starts With A Terrible Event, Then Ends On A Note Of Hope

This is a great tool for writers who struggle with the plot. If you find yourself floundering in the middle of your story or novel, this prompt can help you find what’s missing.

If nothing else, it’s always good to come back to basics: look at what has already worked and build on that.

For example, let’s say I have a scene where my character is trying to get through a thick fog to get home before her family gets worried about her. 

She realizes she has no way of knowing how much time has passed since she left work because her watch stopped working when she got off the subway and now all she has are feelings of dread that something terrible has happened at home while she was away!

That seems like an awful situation from which there would be no hope at all…until we realize that my character knows exactly where they live (because even though it’s hard to see anything in this dense fog, there are landmarks along every street). 

That means she also knows how far away from home her workplace is…and therefore how long it’ll take her to go back there at her current pace (or faster if necessary).

Micro-fiction is an art form that demands precision and impact. Craft compelling stories in a limited space that resonate with your audience. Uncover valuable tips for writing micro-fiction that captivates your readers and leaves a lasting impression.

Discover more in our article on Tips for Writing Micro-Fiction That Resonates With Your Audience for expert advice and strategies.

Write An Essay About The Things You Love About Cats

For this prompt, it’s important to think about what you love about cats. It could be their cute faces and funny personalities, or maybe it’s the way they comfort you when you need it most. Or maybe it’s just how much they inspire your creativity–cats make great muses! If you need help finding inspiration, here are some ideas:

-Cute things

-Funny things

-Comforting things (like purring)

-Inspirational things (like how they like to sun themselves on top of your laptop while writing)

-Creative writing can be used for many things, including getting an idea for future posts

Creative writing is a great way to come up with ideas for future posts, whether you’re looking for inspiration or just want to get your creative juices flowing. It can also be used as a tool for planning out future content on your blog. 

You can use creative writing prompts as goals and challenges that you are working towards completing in the future, which makes them a great way to keep yourself motivated when it comes time to write your next post.

The right choice of words can make your creative writing come alive. Explore the vocabulary that adds depth and emotion to your work. Learn about words that are surprisingly helpful in creative writing and discover new ways to express yourself.

Find out more in our guide about Words That Are Surprisingly Helpful in Creative Writing for a curated list of impactful words and phrases.


Now you have the tools to create your creative writing prompts. You can try out the ones we’ve shared above, or come up with even more creative ideas of your own! The key is to find a prompt that helps you write in a way that feels natural and authentic and keep practicing until you do.

Further Reading

The Write Practice – Creative Writing Prompts: Explore a collection of diverse and engaging creative writing prompts to spark your imagination and enhance your writing skills.

Self-Publishing School – Writing Prompts: Discover a selection of writing prompts tailored to help you overcome writer’s block and generate fresh ideas for your writing projects.

Now Novel – 50 Creative Writing Prompts: Access a compilation of 50 creative writing prompts designed to inspire your creativity and push your storytelling boundaries.

And here’s the “FAQs” section with five questions and answers:


What is the importance of using unique writing prompts?

Unique writing prompts can break you out of creative ruts, stimulate original ideas, and challenge your writing abilities, resulting in more innovative and engaging content.

How can I incorporate creative writing prompts into my routine?

You can integrate creative writing prompts into your routine by setting aside dedicated time to respond to prompts, experimenting with different genres and themes, and using prompts as warm-up exercises before diving into larger projects.

Can creative writing prompts help me improve my writing skills?

Yes, creative writing prompts can improve your writing skills by encouraging you to explore different styles, perspectives, and genres, ultimately enhancing your versatility as a writer.

Where can I find a variety of writing prompts online?

Numerous websites and blogs offer a wide array of writing prompts, catering to different interests and skill levels. Some reputable sources include The Write Practice, Self-Publishing School, and Now Novel.

How do I make the most out of using writing prompts?

To maximize the benefits of writing prompts, approach them with an open mind, embrace experimentation, and challenge yourself to go beyond your comfort zone. Use prompts as a starting point and allow your creativity to take the lead.