10 Clues To Predict Customer Behavior For E-Mail Marketing

If you want to be successful in email marketing, you have to get good at predicting customer behavior. 

This is because the better you can predict how your customers will respond to particular emails and promotions, the more likely it is that your business will see an increase in sales. 

Some might think that predicting customer behavior is a talent that people either just have or don’t have, but we know this isn’t true it’s actually something anyone can learn how to do, with enough practice and attention. 

So if you’re looking for some clues on how to become good at predicting what customers will do next, read on! 

We’ll walk you through everything from the importance of having a solid welcome system set up for new customers all the way through running A/B tests (and why those are critical). 

By the time you finish this article, we think even beginners should have a decent grasp of what they need to know in order to make predictions about future customer behavior.

Email Marketing Secrets: The Ultimate Tips You Need To Know!
1. Understanding customer behavior is crucial for successful email marketing.
2. Analyzing past interactions can provide insights into future actions.
3. Segmenting your audience helps tailor content to individual preferences.
4. Personalized recommendations boost engagement and conversion rates.
5. Behavioral data can uncover patterns and trends for predictive insights.
6. Effective email campaigns anticipate customer needs and desires.
7. Utilizing customer feedback improves the accuracy of predictions.
8. Testing and refining strategies based on data leads to better results.
9. Monitoring open and click-through rates gauges subscriber engagement.
10. A data-driven approach enhances the ROI of your email marketing efforts.

1. Always Have A Welcome Email

Welcome emails are a great way to get customers to come back, but they’re also an opportunity for you to collect more information from them. If a customer has signed up for your newsletter, consider asking if they would like to download your app or give you their contact information.

This can be done with a simple checkbox and text that says, “Would you like to receive our monthly newsletter?” 

The customer will choose yes or no, which then allows the system to send the next email with further instructions on how they can unsubscribe if they change their minds later on.

Crafting push notifications that captivate your audience requires a blend of creativity and strategy. Discover the secrets behind creating irresistible push notifications with our guide on the 13 ingredients of every amazing push notification.

2. Take Personalization Seriously

Personalization is a powerful tool for increasing engagement, but it’s not just about using the recipient’s name and address. Personalization can be much deeper than that!

For example, if your target audience is made up of primary women between 30 and 40 years old who are in higher education and have children, you can use this information to craft personalized experiences for each individual. 

For instance, if you notice that your female customers who have children tend to shop at a certain time of day while those without kids tend to shop after work or on weekends (maybe because they’re looking for ways to spend “me” time).

Then perhaps an ad targeted toward mothers would appear during dinner hours while another ad targeted toward single women would show up later in the evening when people might be thinking about what else they can do with their free time.

3. Use Images From Time To Time

Use images from time to time. Images are important for engagement, sales, conversion and brand recognition. 

If you use images in your e-mail marketing campaign then it will help you attract more customers towards your business. And if you use the right kind of image or video then it can boost up all these things and increase your sales too!

Do not overdo it with content that is irrelevant or useless because people do not want to waste their time reading stuff they don’t care about so make sure that everything included is worth reading/watching before sending them out!

Harnessing the power of customer analytics can help you tailor your marketing efforts to better suit your audience’s preferences. Dive into the world of data-driven strategies with insights from our article on how to use customer analytics to desensitize your customers.

4. Sending The Same Email Repeatedly

Another thing you want to avoid is sending the same email repeatedly. We know, it’s tempting to send a customer something they requested or even better, something that they specifically asked you not to send them again but it won’t do either of you any favors. 

When people see a message from your company come in more than once, they start getting annoyed and wondering why they signed up for your email list in the first place (if they even did).

If a subscriber clicks on an unsubscribe button or sends you an email asking not to receive certain types of communications anymore, don’t take this as an opportunity to say “No problem!” 

Instead, employ some self-control and use those responses as teachable moments by thanking them for their feedback and trying again later with something else more relevant.

The same goes for people who have already downloaded your content: if someone has already seen what’s inside one particular campaign or product page on your website.

Or if it’s been only two days since their last interaction with one particular piece of content it’s probably best not send another email about that topic just yet since chances are high that person hasn’t had time process its value yet!

5. One-Size-Fits-All Email Content

If your company has a diverse customer base, chances are you have customers who fall into multiple segments. You also have customers who don’t fit neatly into any one segment. If this is the case, then one-size-fits-all email content may not be effective for your business.

Here are some examples of different customer segments and how to cater to them:

Customers with kids: These customers need information on products that support their children’s needs such as baby care items; parenting tips; educational toys; and food products that help kids grow healthy bodies and minds. 

These customers would appreciate emails with relevant articles about their specific areas of interest like “the 10 best educational apps for preteens.” 

Or “how to deal with toddler tantrums in public places” rather than generic marketing messages about your product line (e.g., “We carry some great toys for preschoolers! Check out these deals on our website today!”).

Customers without kids: This group may want promotions from brands they already like because they don’t have time to research new products every week and most likely won’t buy something just because it’s on sale (or even at full price!). 

They’re more interested in special offers than discounts too so expect less revenue per order but higher average spend per order compared with other groups.”

Video marketing is a dynamic tool that can captivate and engage your B2C audience effectively. Learn 10 innovative techniques to produce captivating videos in our guide on 10 ways to make stunning B2C marketing videos.

6. Not Knowing Your Target Audience Well Enough

It’s crucial for you to know who you are talking to when creating an email campaign. You should have a clear picture of who your customers are, what their interests are, and how they spend their time online. 

You can do this by conducting surveys, studying social media behavior, or running A/B tests on-site visitors.

By knowing more about your audience, you will be able to write better emails that resonate with them more effectively than before.

7. Getting Carried Away With Personalization

You know the saying, “more is less?” Well, that’s not always true. When it comes to personalization, more is definitely not always better. 

You want your emails to read like they’re coming from a friend and not like a form letter or an automated sales pitch (and we’ve all gotten those emails).

If you personalize too much, customers may get confused or annoyed by it. 

Personalized messages are meant as a way for businesses to connect with customers in an authentic way but if you go overboard by adding too much information about their preferences and buying habits, then that could backfire on you.

8. Not Running A/B Tests

If you’re not running A/B tests on your site, you may be missing out on key insights into how people are using your website. A/B testing is a way to compare two versions of a webpage to see which one performs better. 

By comparing the results of different treatments, it’s possible to determine which features are most appealing to your customers and also find ways that might improve conversions.

A few examples include:

  • Variations in copy or layout (such as buttons placed near each other)
  • Changing the order or position of things like images and text
  • Different levels or prices for certain products

9. Going Beyond Data Collection 

As we mentioned earlier, negative feedback can be used as a tool for improvement. It’s important to remember that even though your customers aren’t always happy with you, they’re still saying something good about you: they took the time to let you know how they feel. 

If someone is willing to spend their time writing an email or leaving a voicemail message, they’re probably invested in your company enough to talk things over with someone who can help them out.

When someone leaves negative feedback on Google or Amazon or anywhere else where people can leave reviews and ratings, the best thing to do is listen and try not to get defensive or upset. 

As long as what they’re saying isn’t blatantly mean-spirited (and sometimes even if it is), take their concerns seriously and respond with genuine concern for their overall experience rather than just trying to defend your business practices even if those practices are very good!

Elevating your B2C sales requires strategic planning and a keen understanding of customer behavior. Explore effective strategies to boost your sales figures by 23.8% with our insights in the article on how to increase sales by 23.8% in your B2C business.

10. Not Using Negative Feedback As An Opportunity For Improvement

In a world where people are constantly sharing their thoughts and opinions on products, services, and experiences online, there’s an opportunity to learn from negative feedback. 

This is especially true in email marketing it allows you to listen to what your customers are saying about you so that you can improve your emails and grow your business.

The most important thing to remember when receiving negative feedback is: don’t take it personally. 

This is especially important if someone tells you they won’t be purchasing anymore because of an interaction with one of your representatives or the product itself not working as expected. 

Instead of taking this comment personally, use it as an opportunity for improvement! Remember that negative feedback can help improve the way people feel about their experience with your brand or product line; 

So long as it is getting out there so that other people know what NOT TO DO when interacting with them (or buying from them).

Launching a B2C marketing campaign that delivers impressive ROI involves a combination of smart tactics and careful planning. Unlock the secrets to a successful campaign with our guide on 15 tips to launch your B2C marketing campaign with impressive ROI.


Every brand/company wants to increase ROI and sales through email marketing, but not everyone knows how to do it right. 

If you want to improve your email marketing campaign, take a look at this list of reasons why customers may be ignoring your emails, and then find a way to fix them. The goal is always the same: improve open rates and click-through rates.

Further Reading

Explore more resources to enhance your understanding of customer behavior prediction and email marketing:

Predicting Customer Behavior Using Behavioral Data: Delve deeper into the world of customer behavior prediction and how behavioral data can drive insights.

Getting Started with Email Marketing: 10 Essential Steps: Learn the fundamental steps to kickstart your email marketing journey and engage with your audience effectively.

Email Marketing Dos and Don’ts: Infographic: Gain valuable insights into the best practices and pitfalls to avoid when it comes to email marketing through this informative infographic.


How does customer behavior prediction benefit marketing strategies?

Customer behavior prediction helps marketers anticipate customer needs and preferences, enabling them to tailor their strategies for better engagement and conversions.

What are the essential first steps in email marketing?

The essential first steps in email marketing include building a quality subscriber list, crafting compelling content, designing visually appealing emails, and ensuring deliverability.

What are some do’s and don’ts of email marketing?

Do personalize your emails, segment your audience, and optimize for mobile. Don’t send too frequently, use misleading subject lines, or neglect testing before sending.

How can behavioral data contribute to predicting customer behavior?

Behavioral data, such as past purchases and browsing history, provides insights into customer preferences, helping predict future actions and enabling targeted marketing efforts.

How can I engage subscribers effectively through email campaigns?

Engage subscribers by providing valuable content, sending relevant offers, and using personalized recommendations based on their previous interactions with your brand.