I started writing every day in 2012 and haven’t missed a day since. It’s been one of the most important things I’ve ever done for myself. Writing every day has helped me turn my life around, get out of debt, and make progress on some of my biggest goals.
But you don’t have to be a writer to benefit from daily writing. Writing is about expressing yourself.
It’s about getting your thoughts out into the world and seeing them there on a page or screen so you can know what you really think and feel about something, which makes decision-making a little easier.
Takeaways |
1. Enhanced Writing Skills: Consistent daily writing improves your writing skills, helping you articulate thoughts more effectively. |
2. Boosted Creativity: Daily writing nurtures creativity, encouraging you to explore new ideas and approaches in your writing. |
3. Establishing Routine: Developing a daily writing habit establishes a routine that contributes to increased productivity and discipline. |
4. Overcoming Writer’s Block: Frequent writing reduces writer’s block by promoting a flow of ideas and overcoming creative hurdles. |
5. Long-Term Growth: Regular writing practice leads to long-term growth, making you a more proficient and confident writer. |
Write Like You’re Texting
Write like you’re texting. This may sound strange, but trust me: it will help you get more done faster and more consistently than any other approach.
That’s because writing in a conversational style that feels natural to you is easier to do when you don’t have time constraints.
You can write without worrying about grammar or spelling, without worrying about what other people will think of the way your words look on paper, and without obsessing over how long it takes to write something or how many words ultimately appear on the page.
Learning how to balance a full-time job and freelance writing is a journey worth taking. Discover my story of becoming a full-time freelance writer in my spare time and the strategies that helped me succeed.
You Don’t Have To Publish Everything You Write
One of the most common questions I get as a writer is, “How do you know when your writing is good?” The answer is that it doesn’t matter if your writing is any good.
There are many reasons for this, but one of them is that readers don’t care about how long you’ve been working on something or whether or not it’s perfect; they only care about whether or not they like what you have to say.
If you want to be a successful writer in the future, then write now. If you’re concerned with publishing everything you write immediately and having people read everything right off the bat, then maybe writing isn’t for you.
If all this pressure makes writing feel like work instead of fun or relaxing (which it should), then stop worrying so much about what other people think and just enjoy yourself!
Write Something That Will Do Good In The World
It’s time for you to get started on your writing habit. But why wait? You already have a story in mind or maybe many stories!
Write something that will do good in the world, whether it’s just making people feel something, think about their lives differently or laugh at themselves.
Write something that comes naturally to you and makes sense for what you want out of life. But don’t worry about getting it perfect at first; just write down whatever comes into your head and see where it takes you.
When it comes to generating demand for your B2B product, creativity and strategy go hand in hand. Explore these 12 effective ways to spark interest and engagement, driving growth for your business.
Think Of Writing As A Conversation
And when you think of it in these terms, writing is much more than just a means of self-expression. It’s a conversation with the reader, yourself, and the world.
When you write every day without exception, your words become like letters exchanged between friends or maybe even strangers in which you are telling them about your life and experiences.
At the same time, though, they are also sending messages back to you in the form of feedback, ideas, and critiques that will inform your future work.
That feedback might come from someone else or from within yourself; either way, it can help guide what happens next in your life as well as how effectively you communicate with others through your writing.
Reframe Your Idea Of What “Writing” Even Is
But before you get too excited about the prospect of writing every day, I want to make sure you know what it means to write.
The term “writing” is quite broad. It can encompass everything from text messages to blog posts and novels, just as easily as it encompasses poems and screenplays and other things that are written out in longhand on paper.
Writing is simply communicating thoughts through letters or words, no matter how they’re expressed or where they’re shared and that means there’s a lot of room for improvement!
So if you’re worried that your current level of skill isn’t up to snuff yet (or if you’re just starting), don’t worry: writing is something that can be learned and improved upon over time with practice.
Writing that captures the essence of natural conversation can connect with readers on a personal level. Learn how to write as you talk, guided by insights from one of the best in the field, and bring authenticity to your words.
Make It Part Of A Routine
Once you’ve decided to write every day, the next step is to make it a part of your routine. The first step to making this happen is to figure out what your daily schedule looks like and which days of the week are most conducive for writing.
For example, if you have an interview in the afternoon, then it might not be great for writing because you won’t be able to focus on both things at once.
Once you’ve figured out when best suits you as an author, make sure that your calendar reflects this if not, write it down and put a reminder in place so that you don’t forget! Now that there’s no excuse (except maybe being abducted by aliens), let’s get started!
Keep A Journal
Keep a journal. I know, you’re probably thinking that keeping a journal is something only teenage girls do and anyone who still writes in one after they reach the ripe old age of 18 should be sent to their rooms without supper.
But it isn’t just for teenagers. In fact, as a writer, you should be writing every day without exception, and keeping a journal will help with that goal.
Why keep a journal? It can help you remember important events; it can help you understand your feelings; it can help you understand your thoughts; it can help you understand your ideas; and yes, even dreams!
Pay Attention To How You Feel When You Finish Writing Something
You should always be aware of how you feel when you finish writing. When you are done with a piece, take a moment to reflect on the experience of writing it. What did it feel like?
How did your thoughts flow? What was your mood when writing this piece, and how has that changed since finishing?
When I’m in the middle of writing something, it can be hard to tell whether or not I’m enjoying myself or if I’m just powering through because there’s an end goal in sight.
However, once I’ve finished putting my thoughts on paper (or Word document), I immediately have a clearer picture of what went down while I was working on that piece and what kind of mood it left me in.
I find that finishing something gives me a sense of pride and accomplishment that feeling is hardwired into our brains from thousands upon thousands of years spent hunting for food so we wouldn’t die from starvation.
And this feeling usually translates into increased self-confidence and motivation for future projects and goals as well as making us more productive overall by giving us confidence that we can do whatever we set out to do!
Closing deals in the world of B2B sales requires finesse and strategic thinking. Check out these 16 practical tips tailored for B2B sales representatives to enhance their skills and achieve greater success in their endeavors.
Don’t Think About The Time It Takes To Write Something
You should not be thinking about the time that it takes to write something or the amount of writing you do, or whether your work is good or bad. You should only be thinking about the act of writing itself.
This is why I advise everyone who wants to become a writer to start a daily practice right now.
There’s no need for excuses: If you’re busy, just write in snatches of time throughout your day; if you don’t have enough money, use someone else’s computer at Starbucks every morning after they finish their latte;
If life keeps getting in the way and making it impossible for you to keep up with this daily practice…well then dammit just make sure no matter what happens whether good things happen or bad things happen.
You continue keeping that commitment made earlier today: “I will write here every day without exception.”
Create And Meet Deadlines For Yourself
I’m a big fan of deadlines. I feel like they can be one of the most powerful tools in an entrepreneur or writer’s toolkit.
You see, creating and meeting deadlines for yourself is one thing that will keep you focused on your goals and help you reach them more quickly than if you didn’t have any kind of deadline at all.
Of course, there are other ways to stay focused besides having a deadline (like setting a time limit for when you’ll begin writing), but it’s important to understand that without a specific due date in mind, it’s easy to lose sight of what needs to get done and when it needs to get done by.
Don’t Force Yourself To Write When You’re Not Feeling It
You can’t wait for inspiration to strike. You have to be ready any time inspiration is ready to visit you. This is why writing every day without exception is so important: if you write every day, no matter what, then when the moment comes for your muse or even God almighty himself to whisper in your ear and give you a brilliant idea.
You’ll be ready and not waiting around in vain for something that will never happen on its own accord.
There’s a saying about how it takes 21 days for something new to become a habit (think about how long it took before brushing your teeth became second nature). In other words, practice makes perfect!
If we want our writing skills or any skill at all to improve quickly over time and reach their highest potential, then we must constantly practice those skills daily until they feel like second nature.
Immerse Yourself In Things That Other Writers Are Creating
The second way to keep yourself inspired is by immersing yourself in the world of creativity. Look for inspiration wherever you can find it, whether it’s reading books by other writers or watching movies made by other writers.
Read the work of other writers online and listen to podcasts featuring interviews with authors. Look at art created by people who make their living writing (while also making sure that you’re paying your bills).
Find ways to support the creative community around you, and life will be easier for you as a result!
Overthinking can be a major obstacle to consistent writing, but breaking free from it is possible. Embrace the journey of writing an article every day by learning from experiences and discovering techniques that help overcome mental barriers.
There’s Always Room For Improvement
The best part about writing every day is that there’s always room for improvement. Even if you think you’ve written a perfect piece of work, there are still ways to make it better.
If you’re not finding any areas that need improving, then I’d say your standards are too high and should be lowered!
So don’t worry if your first draft doesn’t turn out the way you expected you can always do better next time.
Remember that even the most celebrated authors had to rewrite their books multiple times before they were published, so don’t be afraid to go back over what was already written as often as needed until everything feels right.
Remember That There Is No Perfect Time To Start Anything
You’ve had a busy day, and you’re tired. You want to go home and watch TV, but you know that if you sit down to write now, even though it will take several hours you’ll get more done than if you waited until tomorrow morning.
The same goes for getting up early: I used to think that waking up early was reserved for “more disciplined” people (which we all know is false).
But then I realized that if I made time for my writing first thing in the morning, then there was nothing else on my plate. Who doesn’t want an entire day free of distractions?
Writing is a great way to get your thoughts out onto paper and then organize them into something coherent. It’s also an incredibly valuable skill for many careers. No matter how old you are, it’s never too late to start writing something new!
Further Reading
Benefits of Writing: Why You Should Write All the Time Short Description: Explore the numerous benefits of incorporating writing into your daily routine, from improved communication skills to enhanced creativity.
The Power of Writing Daily Short Description: Discover how writing daily can positively impact your life and mindset, leading to personal growth and improved self-awareness.
Developing a Daily Writing Habit: Tips and Techniques Short Description: Learn valuable insights and techniques to establish and maintain a productive daily writing habit, no matter your level of experience.
How can writing regularly improve my skills?
Regular writing practice enhances your communication skills, vocabulary, and overall writing proficiency. By consistently expressing your thoughts on paper, you’ll refine your ability to convey ideas effectively.
Can daily writing boost my creativity?
Yes, daily writing can significantly boost your creativity. Engaging in the habit of writing regularly stimulates your imagination and encourages you to think outside the box, leading to innovative ideas and solutions.
What’s the best way to develop a daily writing routine?
Developing a daily writing routine involves setting aside dedicated time each day, minimizing distractions, and starting with manageable goals. Consistency is key to forming a successful habit.
How can I overcome writer’s block while writing daily?
Writer’s block can be addressed by adopting techniques such as freewriting, brainstorming, or changing your writing environment. The act of writing daily can also reduce the impact of writer’s block over time.
Will daily writing help me become a better writer in the long run?
Yes, consistent daily writing can lead to significant improvement in your writing skills over time. Just like any other skill, regular practice hones your abilities and allows you to refine your craft.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.