Why I Decided To Make Journalism A Career

My career in journalism has been a rollercoaster ride. And it’s never been boring, which is just one of the reasons why I love what I do. My day-to-day job may vary wildly from working on an investigative piece to writing obituaries, but one thing remains constant: that uncertainty is what keeps me going and makes life exciting!

A Day In The Life Of A Journalist – YouTube
1. Personal Passion: Pursuing journalism as a career allows individuals to follow their passion for storytelling and reporting.
2. Impactful Role: Journalism offers the opportunity to make a significant impact on society by informing and engaging the public on crucial issues.
3. Diverse Opportunities: The field of journalism provides various avenues, such as writing for magazines, newspapers, broadcast, or online media.
4. Continuous Learning: Journalists are continuously learning and adapting to new technologies and trends in the ever-evolving media landscape.
5. Uncovering Truth: As a journalist, one can play a crucial role in uncovering and sharing the truth, contributing to transparency and accountability.

I Make A Difference

As a journalist, you have the power to make a difference. It sounds super cliche, but it’s true! Journalists are often the eyes and ears of the public, reporting on what’s happening in their communities. They’re also the voice of people who don’t always have one. 

As journalists, we’re supposed to be watchdogs over our government and by extension over you. The power we hold as journalists shouldn’t be taken lightly; we must take great care in how we use our voices and actions so that they reflect well upon us as individuals and organizations alike

As an individual:

  • You get paid for writing about things that matter to you (and hopefully your readers).
  • You get paid for having opinions about those things

Embracing a magazine writing career is not just a job; it becomes a captivating lifestyle for those who are passionate about storytelling. Discover the allure of this path in our article on Magazine Writing Career: This Is Not a Job, It’s a Lifestyle, and embark on a journey of creativity and expression.

I Learn Every Day

When I first started writing for my local paper, I was still a junior in high school. I had no idea what to expect and didn’t know what to do with myself. But, over time, it became clear that journalism was for me, and one of the main reasons why is because it’s always learning.

I learned from my supervisor how to deal with sources and how to ask questions when doing interviews. I learned about the importance of fact-checking your work before submitting it for publication (which sounds obvious but is something many people don’t think about). 

And now that I’ve moved on from the small city newspaper where we used paper cutouts and glue sticks instead of computers or tablets, I’m learning even more about digital storytelling – how audiences consume news differently on a screen versus paper; 

Ways in which new tools like video can help tell stories in new ways; strategies for getting people’s attention through social media without sacrificing quality or integrity; skills like photography and video editing that weren’t part of my previous job description…the list goes on!

I Shape Opinions

As a journalist, you are shaping opinions. You’re telling stories that inform and influence the way people think about society and the world around them. That is a huge responsibility, and we need to be careful about how we do that.

There are many ways in which journalists can misrepresent people: by not giving them space to tell their own stories; by focusing too much on what it means for other people rather than what it means for themselves; or by representing facts in ways that distort reality (for example by implying causation where none exists).

But there’s another way of misrepresenting people: by misrepresenting yourself! It’s easy to slip into a role on screen or paper without really thinking about who you want to be or how your actions impact others.

Looking to start a fulfilling career in writing? Delve into the world of magazines and learn how to kickstart your journey. Our guide provides invaluable insights and tips for aspiring writers seeking opportunities in the dynamic realm of magazine publications.

It’s Never The Same Day Twice

What do you think of when you hear the word “journalism?” If your answer is a reporter with a microphone in front of a crowd, or a writer staring at their computer screen, ready to start typing, then you have the wrong idea.

Journalism isn’t about sitting down and writing an article that will be published later on. It’s not even about speaking into a microphone for hours on end. Journalism is about being ready for anything: any time, any place, anywhere! You never know what’s going to happen next because there are so many different ways to find stories and report them out there in our world today.

You Meet People From All Over The World

First of all, journalism is an international profession. It’s one of the few professions where people from all over the world come together to exchange ideas and perspectives. You get to meet people from all over the world and learn about their cultures, ways of life, and more.

The second reason for choosing journalism as a career is that it opens up new worlds for me: there are so many stories I could tell! For example: when I was younger my great-grandmother lived in Siberia during World War II. 

She was evacuated out with her family by train (they were 99% sure they were going to die) but luckily they made it out alive! And now she has a lot of stories to tell me about what happened during that time; it would be amazing if I could write some articles based on those experiences!

I Get Paid To Ask Questions And Talk To People

As a journalist, you get paid to ask questions and talk to people. You also get paid to find out what is happening in the world. When you write an article, it can make a difference in how people think about things and how they see things.

You might be wondering why it’s important for me (or any other journalist) to tell people about what is happening in our world. Well, there are two main reasons:

  • To help them understand what’s going on around them
  • To help them make better decisions based on that information

I Get To See How The World Works

I’ve been a journalist for about three and a half years now. I get to see how the world works and what it’s like on the inside of organizations and businesses.

I learned that there are so many different types of people in this world, each with their motivations, fears, and hopes. And if you want to do good work as a reporter (or writer), then you have to understand those motivations. You need to be able to look at something objectively but also put yourself in someone else’s shoes which is surprisingly hard sometimes!

Eager to see your work published in a magazine? Unlock the secrets of successful publication and get your first article in print. Our article shares practical advice on crafting captivating stories and making a remarkable debut in the world of magazine writing.

It Gives Me A Purpose

I love journalism because it gives me a purpose. When I get up in the morning, when I’m tired and tired of living in this world, journalism is what gives me a reason to keep going.

It’s a profession that makes sense of everything around us and helps people understand why things are happening the way they are. It’s an integral part of society; without journalists and their work, our lives would be even darker than they already are.

It Feeds My Curiosity

Curiosity is a powerful and important trait to have. As a journalist, curiosity motivates me to seek out the truth about what’s happening in my world. It also helps me learn new skills and gain knowledge that I can apply later on in life. Curiosity makes me want to get better at writing, interviewing people, or researching topics.

I think curiosity is an important characteristic because it allows us to grow as individuals and make a difference by helping other people understand their situations better through the articles we write or just by helping them ask questions they wouldn’t have thought of before.

It’s About Caring For Other People

Here’s the thing about journalism: it’s about caring for other people. Not in a showy, philanthropic way, but in the sense that your work helps people make informed decisions and understand their world.

Journalists are there, to tell the truth, and by extension, help you make informed decisions based on that truth. We may not always be able to do everything perfectly or even achieve all of our goals (which is why I’m still working toward my dream), but we do what we can every day. And when something big happens? That’s when we need your help more than ever before!

I Get To Write For A Living

Writing is a skill that you can use for the rest of your life, and not just in journalism. You could become a novelist or an editor or a copywriter or any number of other things that involve writing. 

And while it’s true that journalism doesn’t pay particularly well (yet), there are other ways to make money with your writing skills. Copywriting is one option that pays well and lets you use your natural storytelling abilities without having to worry about interviewing people every day.

Additionally, when done right, journalism makes a difference in the world by educating people on important topics or bringing attention to issues they might have missed otherwise.

Dreaming of a career as a magazine writer? Discover the path to success and explore how to become a magazine writer with freelance opportunities. Unleash your creativity and build a reputation as a skilled writer in the vibrant world of magazine journalism.

I Have An Awesome Job Security

Journalism is an exciting field to be in. There is always something new to learn, and there are always new opportunities. This can make your job security pretty good if you choose this career path. You may have a hard time getting a job right away, but it’s not impossible once you get your foot in the door at one of these places!

The first thing I learned about working at newspapers was that they aren’t as profitable as they used to be. Sometimes we don’t have enough money to pay all of our employees their full salary every month because our ad revenue isn’t high enough or maybe there weren’t any ads this month (advertising revenue). 

But even though it’s not making much money anymore, news organizations still need people who know how to write well so they can keep running their business effectively even though they might not be making enough from advertising revenue alone anymore

There Is Always Room For Growth

There is always room for growth, no matter what field you are in. If you want to be a journalist, learn new skills like interviewing techniques and speech writing. If you want to be an artist, learn how to paint or sculpt. If you want to be a graphic designer, learn how to use new technology such as Adobe Illustrator or InDesign.

If journalism doesn’t work out for me in five years I can still find myself doing what I love by learning new things every single day!

The Skills You Learn In Journalism Are Some Of The Most Transferable In Life

Journalism is an amazing career path because it teaches you a wide range of skills that are applicable in the real world. Some of those skills include:

Being a good listener. In any interview or conversation, listening is probably the most important skill to have. It’s also one of the most difficult things to do, especially when you’re excited about your ideas and stories! 

However, being an active listener can help you understand more about what someone else is saying and make sure they feel heard by you as well as by others who read your work later on down the road (or even right now).

Writing clearly and concisely to get your point across quickly, whether it’s through writing articles for readership or communicating with friends via text message (or both). The way something looks on paper matters too – making sure there aren’t misspellings or grammar mistakes will only take away from what you’re trying to say!

Researching topics thoroughly before putting fingers onto the keyboard; finding sources relevant enough so as not to overwhelm readers but still have enough information within them so readers don’t walk away feeling cheated out of their money (or time spent reading). 

Knowing how often people search certain keywords helps determine what information needs to be added to certain articles versus others 🙂

Journalism Is As Much About Having A Passion For What You Do As Anything Else

“Journalism is about having a passion for what you do as much as anything else,” she said. “It also helps to be curious and ask questions.”

I found this comment inspiring because it helped me realize that journalism is not only about the work you do, but also how you do it. It’s important to ask yourself why you’re doing what you are doing, not just what you are doing or who’s paying your bills at the end of the day. 

You can have a great career in journalism without working with celebrities or writing books or even reporting on global issues as long as your job allows you to share something interesting with people who will appreciate it (and hopefully pay attention).

Curious about a career in magazine writing? Uncover the reasons that make this field so appealing and exciting. Learn why you should consider starting your journey as a magazine writer and immerse yourself in a world of storytelling and exploration.


As a journalist, I get to make a difference. Through my writing, I can tell stories that need to be told and shed light on issues that matter. As a human being, I am always looking for ways to help others in need and make their lives better. 

Journalism has the potential to do both of these things and more which is why it’s such an important field for me to pursue as an undergraduate student at UC Berkeley!

Further Reading

Reasons to Pursue a Career in Journalism: Explore the compelling factors that make journalism an appealing and rewarding career choice.

Advantages of Being a Journalist: Discover the perks and benefits of working in the field of journalism and how it can enrich your professional life.

Is Journalism a Good Career?: Gain insights into the viability and potential of a career in journalism, and find out if it aligns with your aspirations.


What are the essential skills needed for a successful journalism career?

Journalism demands a diverse skill set, including excellent writing and communication skills, critical thinking, research abilities, adaptability, and ethical reporting practices.

How can I get started in the field of journalism?

Begin by pursuing a journalism degree or relevant education, gaining practical experience through internships or freelancing, and building a strong portfolio of your work.

What are the challenges journalists face in their profession?

Journalists may encounter challenges like tight deadlines, handling sensitive or controversial topics, ethical dilemmas, and the need to maintain objectivity in reporting.

What job opportunities are available for journalists?

Journalists can explore various job opportunities, including reporting for newspapers, magazines, broadcast media, online publications, or even working as freelance writers or content creators.

How does journalism contribute to society?

Journalism plays a vital role in informing the public, uncovering truth, holding power accountable, and facilitating discussions on critical issues, thus serving as a cornerstone of democratic societies.