What The Millennial Generation Can Teach Us About Business

As a millennial, I’ve been ridiculed by my parents and grandparents as being lazy, entitled, and lacking in real-world skills. 

And as that has continued to be the narrative surrounding my generation, even though I’m a successful business owner who has built and sold multiple companies, it is easy to believe what they are saying. 

But if you look beyond all of the stereotypes you will find that millennials have quite a bit to teach us about business and how we can grow our businesses through their creative ideas and innovative approaches.

Millennials and business – 6 Minute English – YouTube
1. Embracing Innovation: Millennials’ approach to business emphasizes embracing innovation and new technologies to stay competitive in the modern market.
2. Importance of Purpose: Millennial entrepreneurs often prioritize purpose-driven businesses, showing the significance of making a positive impact beyond profits.
3. Adaptability and Flexibility: Learning from millennials, businesses can cultivate a culture of adaptability and flexibility to navigate rapidly changing landscapes.
4. Emphasis on Work-Life Balance: Millennials’ focus on work-life balance underscores the importance of employee well-being and productivity in business success.
5. Digital Marketing Strategies: Understanding millennial preferences, businesses can develop effective digital marketing strategies to engage with their target audience.

Millennials Are Highly Motivated

But what exactly is motivating millennials? The answer, as with many things, is that it depends on the individual. 

Some want to make a difference in the world through their work and are more likely to start their businesses; others may be motivated by the idea of making money or simply enjoy being able to set their hours.

But there are also some commonalities among millennials when it comes to their purchasing habits. For example, Millennials are more likely than older generations (Gen Xers and Baby Boomers) to purchase products that are environmentally friendly, socially responsible, or both.

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Millennials Are Passionate About What They Do

The millennial generation can teach us about business in many ways, but one of the most important is their passion for what they do.

Millennials have become known for their desire to be passionate about what they do and to be proud of the work that they put out into the world. 

They want their work to speak volumes about who they are as people. They don’t just want a paycheck; millennials want to know that their time and talent are being put towards something meaningful that makes a difference in people’s lives.

This mindset has ushered in an era of creativity, innovation, and challenge within companies large and small across industries big and small and it’s fueled by young people who aren’t afraid of risk-taking or failure.

Millennials Are Interested In Career Development And Are Willing To Work Hard To Get It

The millennial generation is the most educated and diverse in U.S. history, but their skills aren’t being properly utilized by employers. 

As a result, millennials are more likely to leave a job if the company doesn’t provide opportunities for career development or allow them to grow their skill set (43%).

Millennials want to learn, grow and develop their skills and they’re willing to put in the hard work necessary to make it happen. They’ll take on additional responsibilities at work if there is some flexibility in how they can do so (56%). 

58% of millennials say that taking on more responsibility would motivate them at work; only 39% say they would be motivated by a higher salary alone

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Millennials Want More Autonomy, Flexibility, And Less Restrictive Work Environments

People born between 1980 and 2000 are often called the “Millennial” generation. They are the most educated cohort in US history, and they have a strong desire to make their own rules while they learn on the job. 

In fact, according to Gallup, 51% of millennials would prefer to be self-employed rather than work for someone else.

This desire for independence and flexibility fits perfectly with how businesses are changing today and it’s why millennial workers can be such a huge asset to your company.

Millennials Are More Accepting Of Diversity Than Any Other Generation

You might think that the millennial generation is a homogeneous monoculture. But in fact, millennials are more accepting of diversity than any other generation. 

According to one study, they are more open-minded and accepting than earlier generations when it comes to race and ethnicity (78% vs 71%), sexual orientation (76% vs 61%), gender identity (64% vs 56%), and religious affiliation (60% vs 52%).

Millennials also embrace different points of view: according to a survey done by MIT Sloan Management Review, only 43% report agreeing with the statement.

“We want everyone on our team to think alike” compared with 56% of Gen Xers, 58% of Baby Boomers, and 69% of Traditionalists.

Millennials Embrace Differing Opinions

Millennials are not afraid of new ideas or new ways of doing things. They embrace it. They are open to hearing new ideas and willing to listen to new ways of doing things. 

This is a valuable lesson for everyone, but especially for business owners who may be stuck in their ways or unwilling to listen to others’ ideas on how something should be done differently.

Millennials will also help you realize that it’s important to recognize when your idea isn’t working out so that you can make changes before it becomes a major problem later on down the road.

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Millennials Seek And Value Feedback

It’s important to note that Millennials don’t just want feedback, they seek it out. 

They appreciate and value the opinions of their managers and coworkers because they know that these people have been through similar experiences and can provide valuable insight into how to become more successful. 

This isn’t just a passing trend it’s part of their identity as individuals who are eager to learn new things, improve their skills, and apply what they’ve learned to achieve success.

Research has shown that Millennials expect constant feedback from their managers for them to grow professionally (and personally!). 

This may seem like an unreasonable request when compared to previous generations’ ideas about how employees should be treated by management; however, it’s not surprising when you take into account all the changes happening within organizations today.

Millennials Like To Set Goals And Seek Out Ways To Achieve Them

Millennials are more goal-oriented than previous generations. They’re more likely to set goals for themselves, and they’re even more likely to set goals for their businesses.

Millennials have spent their whole lives being told they can be whatever they want to be. And while this positive self-talk can be great motivation, millennials also need some outside input when it comes time to achieve those dreams.

Millennials Have A Strong Moral Compass

Millennials are more likely to stand up for what they believe in and take on a cause or idea as their own, making them ideal candidates for community involvement. 

They’re also the most optimistic that the future will be better than today, meaning they care about helping make the world a better place.

Millennials Place A High Value On Doing Well For The World Around Them

The millennial generation is a generation that places a high value on doing well for the world around them. 

They are more likely to donate to charity than any other generation, as well as volunteer their time, and be environmentally conscious. Many millennials also support social causes.

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Millennials Are Extremely Tech-Savvy And Can Create Entire Marketing Strategies

You know what? Millennials are tech-savvy. They can create entire marketing strategies. They can do it quicker than you. It’s true!

Millennials are not just using technology to get their work done faster and more efficiently, but also to learn how to do something new and in some cases, from people who are much older than them. 

Because of this ability to find information quickly and take advantage of free learning opportunities, millennials can develop skills that allow them to innovate faster than previous generations could ever dream possible.

Quickly And Take Advantage Of Free Opportunities To Learn New Things

A lot of people are willing to learn new things. However, not all of them take advantage of free opportunities to learn. The Millennial Generation is different from the rest because they do not shy away from new ideas, methods, or technologies. 

They are also willing to take advantage of any opportunity that comes their way without any hesitation whatsoever.

One way that you can use this trait in your business is by taking advantage of free online courses and other resources that can help you improve your skills and make more money through your company. 

There are many resources available online today; the only thing holding you back is yourself!

They Thrive In Mentoring Relationships

While mentoring relationships are often thought of as being one-way, with the more experienced mentor passing on valuable knowledge to a fledgling employee or student, it’s important to remember that both sides can benefit from these interactions. 

Mentors are often able to impart their perspective and help guide you toward success but they also benefit from having an opportunity to reflect on their own experiences while sharing them with someone else.

As millennials become an increasingly prominent force in the workplace, we need not only to understand the ways they approach business but also how we can incorporate millennial values into our own professional lives. 

The next time you find yourself struggling with a project or initiative at work, consider reaching out for some guidance you may be surprised at how much better off your company will be!

They Have A Strong Focus On Social Media And Online Tools

Millennials are more likely to use social media and other online tools to find information about a business, a product or service, or a company. 

Many companies have yet to realize this and are still using traditional marketing methods that rely on print advertising and billboards. If you want your business to appeal to Millennials, it’s time for an update.

On the other hand, some businesses have already caught on by creating marketing campaigns that involve new technology like augmented reality (AR) apps and virtual reality (VR) content. 

For example, one Australian fashion store uses AR technology in its retail store so customers can try on clothes virtually before purchasing them; 

Another hotel chain created VR content showing what it would be like if guests could travel around the world without leaving their beds at home!

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They Don’t Respond Well To Traditional Methods Of Business Etiquette

It’s undeniable that millennials are the most educated and diverse generation in history. They’re also more likely to work for themselves than any other generation before them. 

This combination of education, diversity, and independence creates a dynamic market of young talent that’s driving change across all industries.

To successfully attract this incredible pool of talent into your company, you’ll need a new approach. 

Instead of using old-fashioned business etiquette tactics like advertising jobs through traditional job boards or holding formal interviews with highly traditional interviewers, consider these millennial-friendly recruitment strategies:


Millennials are the future of business. They have a lot to offer and bring with them a fresh perspective on how we work, live, and play. They have been called lazy, entitled, and self-absorbed. But this is because they see things differently than previous generations did. 

The challenge for employers will be how to embrace their new way of thinking while making sure they don’t lose sight of what makes an organization successful: hard work, dedication, and commitment from all employees regardless of age or generation.

Further Reading

How Millennials Are Shaping the Business World: Discover the significant impact millennials are making in the business landscape and how their unique perspectives are driving innovation.

5 Things Millennial Entrepreneurs Can Teach Their Business: Learn valuable lessons from millennial entrepreneurs and how they are approaching business challenges with fresh ideas.

Millennials in the Workplace: Explore insights into the behavior and work habits of millennials in the workplace, providing valuable context for businesses and employers.


What are some key traits of millennial entrepreneurs?

Millennial entrepreneurs often exhibit adaptability, digital savviness, and a strong focus on purpose-driven business ventures.

How are millennials influencing the business world?

Millennials are driving changes in consumer preferences, technology adoption, and workplace dynamics, pushing businesses to adapt and evolve.

What challenges do millennial entrepreneurs face?

Millennial entrepreneurs may encounter obstacles such as student debt, competitive markets, and work-life balance issues while building their ventures.

How can businesses leverage millennial talent?

Businesses can attract and retain millennial talent by fostering a flexible and inclusive work culture that aligns with their values and offers growth opportunities.

What role does technology play in millennial entrepreneurship?

Technology plays a crucial role in millennial entrepreneurship, enabling digital marketing, remote work, and streamlined business operations.