You’ve probably heard that “marketing is a science.” It’s true. Marketing has been studied and analyzed in every possible way, from the ways people respond to marketing pitches to how they make purchasing decisions.
The goal of this article is to tell you what science has discovered about marketing – not just so you can copy it, but so that you can understand why it works when it does work.
Takeaways |
– Brain scans provide insights into consumer behavior. |
– Neuroscience helps understand decision-making processes. |
– Neuromarketing leverages cognitive biases for effective strategies. |
– Understanding human psychology enhances marketing effectiveness. |
– Consumer responses can be influenced by subconscious factors. |
1. The Customer Experience Is More Important Than The Product, Service, Or Sales Pitch
Studies have shown that customers are more likely to remember how they felt during the experience than the product itself. As a result, brands should focus on creating an emotionally engaging brand experience.
In fact, studies show that this type of engagement can boost both short- and long-term brand loyalty by up to 400%.
The same study also found that consumers who had a positive emotional connection with a company were willing to pay almost 20% more for its products compared with those who did not have such feelings toward it.
This means that your objective should be focused on creating an emotionally engaging customer journey rather than focusing solely on what’s in it for them or their bottom line or even yours (yours is definitely important!).
Building a successful marketing strategy involves understanding the intricate workings of consumer minds. Discover 15 Terrifying Examples of Neuromarketing at Work to delve into the tactics that wield subconscious influence.
2. People Are Drawn To What They Know And Feel Comfortable With
As a marketer, you want to get your customers’ attention. You want them to share your content and engage with it (and ultimately buy). But before they’ll do that, you have to get through their mental filters.
You see, our brains are constantly processing information we receive from the world around us – and deciding whether or not it’s important enough for us to pay attention to.
And according to new research from Stanford University, there are two primary ways we decide how important something is: if it’s novel or familiar; if it’s similar or different.
This means that when someone comes across something new or unfamiliar in their day-to-day life, they’re going to be more likely pay attention because it doesn’t fit into their existing worldviews.
On the other hand, if something feels familiar and comfortable – like an old friend – then they’ll be less likely pay attention because they already know what it’s going say before reading/watching/hearing anything else about it!
So how does this relate back specifically marketing? Well think about all those things on TV ads you don’t watch anymore even though everyone keeps telling me that my kids will love them…
Because after years of watching them over time I’ve learned what type of content each show delivers so now I only tune in when one specific character appears!
Or maybe why I only buy products from brands whose employees wear t-shirts with funny slogans on them…even though none of these shirts ever really make any sense!
The point here being that as humans beings we’re drawn towards familiarity and comfort; which means marketers need more than just great messaging – they also need engaging experiences
3. Give People A Reason To Remember You
The brain is a funny thing. It loves to categorize things, which means it’s all too easy for customers to forget who you are if you don’t make yourself memorable.
The best way to achieve this is by ensuring that your branding and messaging stay consistent across all of your marketing channels.
If one piece of marketing doesn’t match up with another, the customer will either think they’ve been tricked into clicking on something else or just ignore the rest because it doesn’t seem like part of the same brand anymore.
A quick test: What’s one thing that sticks out in your mind when someone says “Netflix”? Chances are, it’s their red logo and maybe even their tagline (“Save Time,” not “Watch TV”).
These are two examples of how Netflix has effectively branded itself as a company that makes watching TV feel like less work which is probably why so many people love using them!
Unlock the potential of neuroimaging research to refine your marketing approach. Dive into the insights of How Neuroimaging Research Can Help You Become a Better Marketer and harness the power of science in your campaigns.
4. Use Limited Time Offers, Because People Hate Losing Out On Things They Could Have Had
People have a deep-seated fear of missing out (FOMO), and will do just about anything to avoid it. Offerings that are exclusive or scarce can trigger this feeling of FOMO and be a huge motivator for people who would otherwise not care about your product or service.
5. Make Your Audience Laugh To Create Stronger Connections With Them
There’s a reason why companies like Comedy Central and the Daily Show are so successful. Not only do they make you laugh, but they also help you connect with the people around you.
When we laugh, our brain releases endorphins (the same chemicals that make us feel good when we exercise). This makes people feel more relaxed and happy, which can lead to more open conversations and deeper connections between people.
Laughter is also contagious when someone laughs it creates positive emotions for others nearby that can spread throughout an entire room or environment.
We’ve all been in situations where things were awkward until someone said something funny, breaking the ice in a way that opens up communication between everyone there.
Laughter is such a powerful tool because it allows us to come together as humans who share similar experiences but live very different lives across many different cultures around the world!
While some may think this is an overly simplified view of humanity (it isn’t), we hope that by learning about how laughter affects others’ brains when they see us enjoying ourselves will inspire businesses everywhere – especially marketing teams.
To use humor as often as possible during presentations or other work functions where there might otherwise be tension among staff members working closely together on projects with tight deadlines…etc.,
6. Create A Sense Of Urgency In Your Marketing Messages
You can create a sense of urgency with your marketing messages by using time-limited offers to make your audience feel like they have to act now. For example, use phrases like “only 3 left in stock!” or “while stocks last.”
Alternatively, you can use psychological triggers such as scarcity and loss aversion to drive people into action. Try running promotions that offer discounts on products that are already on their way out of stock (i.e., the end is near).
Ever wished you could read your prospects’ minds? While that might not be possible, you can certainly gain valuable insights from How to Read the Minds of Your Prospects to tailor your marketing strategies effectively.
7. Ask For The Order
The next step is to ask for the order. And it’s important that you do this at the right time, in the right way, in the right place and with the right offer. Your message should be clear and compelling enough so that your prospect will take action when they’re ready to buy.
The final piece of this puzzle is your product or service itself: make sure it’s relevant to what they’re looking for (and how you pitch it). If not, you’ll likely lose them before they even get started!
8. Be Generous – Give People Something For Free And You Will Be Rewarded Many Times Over
To ensure you get the most out of your marketing, try giving things away. While some people might fear that giving stuff away for free will cost them in the long run, this is often not the case.
When you give something to someone for free and they love it, they are much more likely to want to purchase from you again.
Additionally, a brain scan study showed that when someone feels appreciated and grateful, dopamine levels in their brain increase dramatically (dopamine being “the reward hormone”).
Dopamine makes us feel good about ourselves and thus encourages us to keep doing what we’re doing so that we can continue getting those nice feelings!
This means if your customers feel appreciated by your company’s generosity or kind gesture and they encounter this feeling frequently because of how often they use or interact with your brand.
Then they’ll be more likely to buy from you again because subconsciously their mind will associate these positive feelings with being part of “your tribe.”
9. Tell Stories That Have An Emotional Impact And Make Powerful Connections With Your Audience
When it comes to storytelling, you don’t need a big budget or a big team to make an impact. Just tell your story in the form of an advertisement or testimonial video.
Tell Stories That Have an Emotional Impact and Make Powerful Connections with Your Audience
Stories can help explain your product or service, connect with your audience and create urgency around the need for what you have to offer. They also help make your product more memorable and relatable for consumers because people love stories!
10. Use Synonyms So You Appeal To More People
You might think that “car” and “automobile” are synonyms, but they’re not. If you’re selling cars and your website talks about automobiles, you could exclude people who are interested in trucks or motorcycles.
The same goes for targeting professions: You can’t use the word “doctor” when there’s a medical doctor, a psychiatrist and an optometrist on your sales team!
Using the exact same words can help you appeal to more people by making sure that nothing gets lost in translation.
Science isn’t limited to promoting perfect products; it can enhance your approach even with less-than-perfect offerings. Explore How Science Can Help You Sell a Lousy Product to see how leveraging psychology can make a difference.
11. Offer Value In Exchange For Information When It’s Not Being Used As A Pitch-Fest.
When you’re not using your website or landing page to sell something, it can be difficult to keep people engaged.
One way to do this is by giving away valuable content for free. For example, if you have a blog about cooking and nutrition, you could offer a free recipe book with 100 of the most popular recipes from your website.
Or if you run an online retail store selling baby clothes and accessories, you could share tips on how to choose the best clothing for newborns in exchange for their email address (and possibly their name and phone number).
This type of giveaway doesn’t have to cost much money either you just need enough content (or information) that’s interesting and valuable enough that people will want it enough that they’re willing to give up their email address.
12. Your Customers Already Have Mindsets – Don’t Try To Change Them Unnecessarily
You may have heard of the concept of “mindset” in relation to marketing before, but what does that really mean?
It’s the idea that how we see the world shapes our behavior. For example, if you’re an employee and your boss is always criticizing you and treating you like a child (in other words, being condescending), then chances are good that it will affect your performance at work.
The next time someone gives them feedback on their performance they’ll hear it as criticism instead of helpful advice because they’ve already decided that people criticizing them is bad news no matter what kind of feedback they get.
This isn’t true just for employees; it applies to customers too! If a customer gets an email from your company saying something along the lines of “please don’t leave us if we make any mistakes.”
Or “we value your business highly, so please stay with us even though we make mistakes sometimes” then there’s a good chance this message will get ignored because whoever reads it has been conditioned to think negatively about messages from businesses who want him or her to stay around longer than necessary (or perhaps even at all).
13. People Buy From Other People – Use Case Studies And Testimonials (And Photos) In Every Marketing Piece You Can
Case studies and testimonials are great ways to show how a product or service has worked for someone else.
They’re also the quickest way to prove that you know what you’re talking about and they may be your best bet at convincing potential clients that they can trust your advice.
Keep it simple and focus on the benefits: people remember how their problems were solved, not who solved them or how they did it, so keep things concrete by using real-world examples (not abstract concepts) in your marketing materials.
And lastly, use metaphors and similes in your writing they make ideas easier to understand, especially when explaining complex concepts.
14. People Remember How Their Problems Were Solved, Not Who Solved Them Or How They Did It
That’s why you should use case studies and testimonials in every piece of your marketing and sales material. When someone asks, “How can I trust you?” and you say something like “because we’re the best,” they’re not going to buy from you.
Instead, give them a reason to do so by showing them what they’ll get out of working with you in other words, show them examples of people who did exactly that!
As another example: if someone wants to sell their product online but doesn’t know how much it costs or where those dollars are going after the sale is over, then prices have gotten too high for the average consumer’s budget (and thus for yours).
The solution is simple: lower prices until most people can afford them again!
Remember this always: People buy from other people because first impressions matter most when making purchasing decisions… so make sure yours stands out through consistent communication throughout every touch point in your customer journey.”
Neuromarketing isn’t confined to supermarket shelves—it’s a tool adaptable to various businesses. Learn how to utilize it beyond the ordinary in Neuromarketing Isn’t Just for the Supermarket, and You Can Use the Technique Too and tap into its potential.
15. Use Metaphors And Similes In Your Writing
The next time you write a blog post, give it a try. You’ll be surprised how much more people respond to your writing.
The reason for this is that metaphors and similes are often used in marketing copy to make the reader feel something when they read the words you write.
For example, if we say “your website is like a brand new house with no furniture in it” then we hope readers will get that picture of their website being empty (and therefore not very comfortable) while they read our message (which could be “you need some furniture on this site!”).
This helps them understand what we mean by “furniture”: maybe images or text links or forms?
So, there you have it. The power of neuroscience and brain scans in marketing. We hope we’ve helped you understand some of the ways that your customers think and feel, so that you can make better use of this information in your own marketing efforts.
Remember to be generous with your audience, and always ask them how they’re doing!
Further Reading
Here are some additional resources to deepen your understanding of neuromarketing and its implications:
Frontiers in Neuroscience – The Neuroscience of Consumer Choice
Explore a comprehensive article that delves into the intricate connection between neuroscience and consumer decision-making.
TechTarget – Neuromarketing
Discover the basics of neuromarketing and how it’s transforming the landscape of customer experience.
INSEAD Knowledge – Brain Imaging Triggers Marketing Breakthroughs
Uncover how brain imaging techniques are driving innovations in marketing strategies for enhanced results.
What is neuromarketing?
Neuromarketing is a field that applies principles from neuroscience to understand how consumers perceive, process, and respond to marketing stimuli.
How does brain imaging contribute to marketing insights?
Brain imaging techniques, such as fMRI, provide valuable insights into consumer behavior by revealing the neural processes associated with decision-making and emotional responses to marketing stimuli.
What are the key benefits of neuromarketing?
Neuromarketing offers a deeper understanding of consumer motivations, allowing businesses to tailor their marketing strategies to resonate with customers on a subconscious level.
Can neuromarketing be applied beyond traditional advertising?
Absolutely, neuromarketing principles can be applied to various aspects of business, including product design, packaging, pricing, and customer experience, to optimize engagement and conversion.
Are there ethical considerations in neuromarketing?
Yes, ethical concerns arise regarding consumer privacy and the potential manipulation of subconscious responses. Responsible and transparent practices are crucial in the field of neuromarketing.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.