Want To Make Freelancing An Element Of Your Life? Try These Tips

I’ve been a freelancer for thirteen years, and though the life of a freelancer is good, it isn’t always easy. After all, you’re your own boss, so if you don’t get something done by your deadline or fulfill an obligation, it’s on you. 

And just because you work from home doesn’t mean that the world outside your home won’t intrude upon your ability to complete tasks. 

But if you want to give freelancing a try (and I do encourage everyone who has ever thought about freelancing to at least try it), then consider my advice for making a go of it:

10 Tips To Start Freelancing On Freelancer.com – YouTube
1. Start from your phone: Explore the convenience of freelancing on the go by leveraging mobile devices.
2. Acquire in-demand skills: Enhance your earning potential by acquiring skills that are highly sought after in the freelance market.
3. Embrace personal growth: Freelancing offers opportunities for personal development and self-improvement. Embrace the journey.
4. Craft an impressive profile: Create an outstanding Upwork profile to attract clients and stand out from the competition.
5. Level up your freelance career: Implement proven strategies and techniques to take your freelance career to new heights.

Make Sure Freelancing Is What You Want

You may be wondering if you’re cut out for freelancing. Before reading any further, ask yourself: 

Do I have the skills to do this job? If not, then it’s up to you to figure out what it will take to get them (unfortunately, there’s no other answer than “more time”). 

Do I have enough time and energy? The biggest hurdle with freelance work is that you have to pitch in when people need help or advice or at least be available on social media so people know they can reach out if they need something. 

You also need money for business expenses like supplies or equipment (if needed). 

Finally, does my motivation match what I’m offering? If my main goal is making money but customers don’t want that from me, then maybe working solo isn’t ideal for me yet.

Starting freelancing from your phone opens up a world of possibilities. Discover how to take your freelancing career on the go with our comprehensive guide on how to start freelancing from your phone, and embrace the freedom and flexibility that comes with it.

Treat Your New Endeavor Like A Real Job

Treat your new endeavor like a real job. Whether you’re working from home or at an office, having a designated workspace can help you stay focused and ensure that you’re productive throughout the day. 

If you plan to be in one place for an extended period, invest in some ergonomic accessories to keep your body comfortable.

If it’s not practical for you to work at home every day (i.e., if there are distractions), make sure that wherever else you decide to spend most of your time is conducive to productive work as well. 

Having all the tools necessary within reach will help keep things running smoothly and prevent stress when something goes wrong with technology or equipment

Do The Math And Consider Your Finances

Consider your finances. Will you have enough money to cover your expenses for the first few months? The first few years? The rest of your life? 

This is a big decision, so it’s important to make sure that you’re financially prepared before leaping to freelancing.

Set Your Prices Right Away

It’s important to set your prices right away. This is especially true if you’re new to freelancing, or if this is your first gig as a designer. 

Clients are unlikely to give you a high rate without giving it some thought and doing their research on what others in your area/profession typically charge for similar work.

So don’t be afraid to ask for more than what they offer; don’t be afraid to negotiate you may not get what you want. 

But at least the client knows that they can pay more (which will help them justify the budget).

Don’t say yes just because it feels good or because someone wants your services; say no when something doesn’t feel right, even if it might hurt someone else’s feelings or cause a bit of awkwardness.

Find A Quiet Place To Work

You’ll want to find a quiet place for your work. You could try working in the same room as everyone else, but chances are that will be too noisy and distracting.

If it’s not possible to work at home, try finding a café with free Wi-Fi and good seating options but don’t forget that you’ll have to pay for your coffee! 

Maybe go on days when there aren’t many people around so you can focus easily on your tasks.

If you need more privacy than this offers, consider looking into coworking spaces in your area (they usually have great amenities). 

Or if all else fails, try asking around town until someone who works from home has room for one more person!

Enhance your freelancing career by acquiring in-demand skills that can help you earn more. Our article on freelancing skills that will help you earn more provides valuable insights and tips on the key skills you should focus on to maximize your earning potential.

Consider Your Work Space’s Energy

When you’re working from home, your space needs to be conducive to productivity. It’s not just about finding a quiet place; it’s about finding a place that makes you feel comfortable and relaxed. 

The more comfortable you are in your home office, the easier it will be for you to work there.

If possible, try out different rooms for your workspace until one feels right maybe it’s the kitchen table, or perhaps it’s the bedroom with its comfy bed. 

Try out different lighting scenarios as well: can you see better under a lamp or overhead light? 

Maybe all those shadows on your keyboard make it harder than normal for you to see what keys are being pressed in which order! 

Keep trying different ideas until something clicks and becomes second nature again (or first nature).

Communicate With Your Loved Ones About What You’re Doing

If you’re going to be working from home and making money on the side, there are a few things you should do before you dive into your new career. 

You need to tell your loved ones what kind of work it is that you intend to do and how they can help support you.

Talk with them about how they can help support your endeavors. 

For example, if someone else in the family has a job that requires travel, ask them if they would consider taking trips on their dime instead of asking for reimbursement from their company when traveling for work purposes. 

Or perhaps one person could take over household chores for an extended period so that everyone has more free time during which they can dedicate themselves fully to whatever task it is that needs attention at any given moment. 

By communicating with loved ones about how each person will contribute according to their abilities, everyone will feel like an integral part of this new adventure!

Get Up On Time Every Day

Getting up in the morning is about as pleasant as scraping your tongue with a rusty nail, but it’s worth it. 

Research shows that getting a good start on the day can improve your mood and make you more productive throughout the rest of it you’ll feel better about yourself, too! 

The key to success here is consistency: set an alarm clock or another type of alarm (like an app) so you won’t forget to get up at the same time every day. 

You may need some trial-and-error before finding what works best for you; setting alarms ahead of time will save you from oversleeping and missing important appointments or meetings.

Freelancing not only offers financial rewards but also contributes to personal growth. Explore the ways in which freelancing can benefit your personal development in our enlightening piece on how freelancing benefits your personal growth, and unlock new opportunities for self-improvement.

Get Enough Sleep Each Night And Be Consistent While Doing So (Again)

It’s tempting to stay up late into the evening working hard on something creative like writing an article for this website, but doing so could affect how well-rested and energized we are during our days at work or school. 

Make sure that when nighttime comes around each night, there aren’t any distractions preventing us from getting enough sleep for maximum effectiveness during daytime hours instead! 

We should aim for seven hours per night without interruption; If possible try going through this schedule every single weeknight without fail this might seem difficult initially but I’m sure we’ll all get used to it eventually 🙂

Create A Routine

Now that you’ve got a good idea of how to find clients and take on projects, it’s time to think about what it takes to run a successful freelancing business. One of the most important aspects is creating a routine and sticking with it.

If you’re used to working in an office, having a schedule can be challenging because you won’t have someone telling you when to start and stop work each day. 

However, setting up your hours can help keep yourself accountable and motivate you when things get tough!

To make sure this is effective, set aside specific times for working on particular tasks (e.g., brainstorming ideas or proofreading) so that nothing slips through the cracks. 

You could also use tools like Trello or Asana as systems for managing your workload throughout the week (or even month).

Find Something That Gets Your Blood Flowing In The Morning

You know that feeling you get when you wake up in the morning, and it’s time to start your day? You’re super excited because today is going to be awesome! 

You have so much energy and enthusiasm, and everything feels like an adventure. If this sounds familiar, then I’m going to let you in on a little secret: what you are experiencing right now is called “flow.” 

Flow happens when we’re so engaged in an activity that time flies by while we’re doing it.

Flow is one of the most important elements of happiness and it doesn’t have to be as complicated as some people think! 

All it takes is finding something that gets your blood flowing in the morning (and afternoons if possible!). 

For example: Do you enjoy exercising? Maybe getting up early for yoga would give you more energy throughout the day. 

Or maybe lifting weights at home would leave enough time for breakfast before heading to work. 

Exercising is also one way that many freelancers make sure they stay healthy while spending long hours at their computers without breaking away from work too often; 

Another great option would be swimming laps at a local pool during lunchtime breaks instead!

Crafting an impressive Upwork profile is essential for attracting clients and securing freelance projects. Learn how to create an exceptional profile with our step-by-step guide, How to Make an Amazing Upwork Profile in 10 Easy Steps, and stand out from the competition in the freelancing marketplace.

Take Small Breaks Throughout The Day To Keep Yourself Energized And Happy

Take a walk around the block and breathe deeply. You don’t have to go far or fast just move your body for a few minutes, which can help ease stress and improve focus.

Take a short nap during your lunch break, or even just for 10-15 minutes after lunch if you’re feeling especially sleepy. 

Naps are great because they give you energy without making you feel overly tired when it’s time to start working again!

Go on an energizing run in the middle of the day; this is especially nice if you work from home so that no one will see how sweaty and gross you look after exercising (unless you want them to!). 

Running outside can be invigorating, but running on an indoor treadmill or elliptical machine works too and either way, it’ll still make all those endorphins flow through your body! 

If running isn’t for you, try out some other exercises such as yoga or Pilates instead!

Watch a funny video online: Try not to laugh too hard though because then everyone will know what kind of videos they shouldn’t show at work 😉

Plan Out Your Meals For The Week, So You Don’t Have To Think About It

Plan out your meals for the week, so you don’t have to think about it. You’re going to be busy, so prepare ahead of time and get some food ready to go. 

If you plan on eating out a lot, make sure you have money saved up for that purpose.

While planning your meals, keep in mind that leftovers are king when it comes to saving time and money in the kitchen! 

If you can cook something big enough so that there are leftovers on purpose (like stir fry with rice), then all the better! 

Leftover rice is great on its own or as burrito filling; leftover stir fry makes an amazing salad; leftover soup can be used as soup again or as a stew; cold pizza slices can be turned into delicious sandwiches…you get the idea!

Make Sure You Have Good Posture At All Times, And Listen To Your Body If It Needs A Break From Sitting Or Standing For Too Long

A good posture is important not only to how you look but also to how you feel. If your back and neck are hunched over all day, it’ll cause pain or even injury over time. To help prevent this, try these tips:

Sit up straight with your shoulders back and relaxed. Do the same when standing. This will help keep the spine in alignment.

Stretch every so often by reaching for the sky and arching your back until it feels like a weight has been removed from it (think of a cat stretching). 

This should be done each time before sitting down again as part of proper body maintenance!

Don’t Forget To Eat Lunch!

The most important thing in freelancing is to remember to eat lunch! It’s easy to forget when you’re so focused on a project, but your body needs nourishment, too. 

If you don’t make time for it, your productivity will suffer and it might even lead to health issues like high blood pressure or diabetes.

Also, make sure that you drink plenty of water throughout the day you don’t want dehydration setting in while working. 

When you’re thirsty and hungry, those are signs that something’s off-kilter with your body’s processes and needs attention immediately.

Take breaks when possible; get up from your desk every hour or so (or every 20 minutes if possible!) and stretch out those muscles that have been sitting uncomfortably for hours at a time this can help prevent back pain later on down the road as well! 

And also try taking some outdoor time: walking around during lunch breaks helps clear one’s mind in addition to giving them an opportunity for vitamin D production (which would otherwise be lacking without sunlight exposure).

Don’t procrastinate!  Always finish what you need to be doing as soon as possible, so you can give yourself plenty of time to do other things later in the day.

Don’t Procrastinate!

Always finish what you need to be doing as soon as possible, so you can give yourself plenty of time to do other things later in the day.

Set a schedule for yourself. If you’re going to be working on something, plan and organize your day accordingly. 

This is important because it helps keep your mindset organized as well. 

You’ll feel more comfortable with the work at hand if you know exactly what will be happening that day and when it’ll happen; 

This will help prevent any surprises from popping up in between tasks and make sure that everything gets done smoothly without any hiccups or stress-filled moments along the way!

Don’t let your work interfere with your life! You should always make sure that whatever project(s) are currently occupying your attention doesn’t become an obsession. 

This could lead to burnout territory very quickly if left unchecked.

Take your freelance career to the next level with proven strategies and techniques. Discover the secrets of success in our article on proven ways to level up your freelance career, and gain valuable insights on how to grow your client base, increase your income, and thrive as a freelancer.

Freelancing Is Awesome, But It Can Also Be Hard If You’re Not Prepared For It

So, you want to find a way to make a living by doing freelance work?

Awesome! Freelancing is an awesome way to be your boss and make money. It’s also a great option for people who want flexibility and the ability to work from home.

But freelancing isn’t easy. It can be hard, especially if you don’t know how or where to start, or even what kind of work might be available for freelancers in your fields like writing and design (more on those later).


But if you’re still not convinced, here’s one more reason why freelancing might be right for you: freedom! It can feel like such a drag to go into an office every day, especially if it’s for something that you don’t enjoy doing. 

When you’re working remotely from home, or even in a coffee shop with your laptop, there is no one telling you where to sit and what time of day is right for breaks or lunch (except yourself). 

Working on your terms gives people who might otherwise be stuck at boring desk jobs more opportunities to live happier lives while still making money now that’s sweet freedom indeed!

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources to further explore the topic of freelancing:

Tips on Freelancing: Indeed provides valuable tips and insights on freelancing, covering various aspects such as finding clients, setting rates, and managing your freelance career.

Wellness Tips for Freelancers: YouAligned offers wellness tips specifically tailored for freelancers, focusing on maintaining work-life balance, managing stress, and prioritizing self-care.

Guide to Part-Time Freelancing: XOLO’s blog provides a comprehensive guide to part-time freelancing, offering practical advice on balancing freelancing with other commitments and maximizing your productivity.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Are The Benefits Of Freelance Work?

The benefits of freelance work vary from person to person, but there are some common themes: flexibility, financial independence, and growth potential. 

When you’re on your terms, you can choose when (and how much) you work which means there’s no one pressuring you into taking on more than what’s comfortable for your schedule or skill level. 

What Is Freelancing?

Freelancing is a way of working that gives you the freedom to choose when and where you work, who you work with, and how much money you make. 

You can set up a business that runs without any employees and earn money from clients all over the world.

How Do I Get Started?

Do some research into what type of freelancing is best for you. Are you good at writing? Or do you prefer designing websites? 

Think about what your strengths are and what kind of work would suit them best.

Decide on your rates – this will depend on how much demand there is for your skills and how much competition there is in your field. You may find it useful to get some advice from an expert before deciding on a figure that’s right for you!

Make sure you have enough savings in case things don’t go as planned at first!

What Does It Mean To Be Self-Employed?

When you’re self-employed, it means that no one else is paying your salary you are responsible for paying yourself whatever hourly rate you choose (or whatever percentage of sales). 

This can be scary at first, but it’s also super empowering! As long as you set realistic expectations and stick to them, there’s no limit on what you can accomplish with freelancing.

How Do I Get Clients?

Clients are the lifeblood of freelancing. Without them, you’re just doing it for yourself. If you don’t have clients yet, start by making a list of people you know and love who might need your services. 

Think about what they need and how they might pay for it. Then reach out to them! Make it clear that you’re not trying to sell anything but rather provide a service they might want or need in the future.

What Should I Charge?

This is a tricky question because there’s no one right answer. The best way to determine what you should charge is to look at how much other people in your field are charging. 

You can also do some research on sites like Glassdoor or Payscale to see what other people with similar experiences are making in your field.

What Kind Of Work Am I Going To Be Doing?

Freelancing can be all over the place from writing blog posts for an online magazine one day to editing a feature film script the next day, from designing logos one week to building an app the next week so make sure that whatever

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