When you’re rejected, it can feel like the end of the world. You may be ready to give up on your dream and wonder what else you could do with your life. But that’s not how it goes! For example, someone who hasn’t been rejected once in their life might think this is what getting rejected feels like:
But that’s not even close to how it feels when you get rejected for a job or a promotion at work or something like that. It feels much worse than just one rejection! Take a look:
Takeaways |
Rejection can evoke strong emotional responses. |
Feelings of rejection are a common human experience. |
Coping with rejection involves building emotional resilience. |
It’s important to differentiate between perceived and actual rejection. |
Seeking social support can help mitigate the effects of rejection. |
Developing self-compassion can aid in dealing with rejection. |
Rejection is a natural part of personal and professional growth. |
Learning to manage rejection sensitivity is valuable for mental well-being. |
Perspective plays a significant role in how rejection is perceived. |
Rejection can offer opportunities for self-reflection and growth. |
Rejection Hurts
When you’re rejected, it’s natural to feel a variety of emotions. You might feel sad, angry, and disappointed. You might also feel scared that this rejection isn’t the last one. And then there’s that sinking feeling: maybe I’m not good enough after all? If this is your first time being rejected, consider yourself lucky you’ll get better at handling it as you go along.
If the rejection is something that happens often in your life or career (for example if you’re applying for jobs), then it could be worth looking into finding ways to cope with rejection more effectively so it doesn’t affect your work too much and cause burnout.
Low morale among teammates who see what’s happening but aren’t sure how to help because nobody wants to deal with their issues when they should be focused on their job at hand!
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You’re Not A Loser
When you’re rejected, it can be tempting to take it personally. After all, if someone has rejected your offer or your application or your request for a date, it may feel like a rejection of who you are as a person.
But rejection is not about you! It’s about the person rejecting you and their reasons for doing so and there might be nothing wrong with those reasons at all.
Rejection occurs when someone else perceives something that they don’t like in another person or thing and that thing could be anything: an idea (your proposal), an object (this car), a service (my haircut), or even another person (the guy across from me).
Rejection doesn’t mean we have done anything wrong; instead, it means someone else has decided that our idea isn’t good enough for them and if we think about it objectively, we realize this probably isn’t something we should take personally.
Rejection Doesn’t Mean You’re Any Less Capable
So first of all, it’s important to understand that rejection is not personal. It’s a reflection of the beliefs those who reject you hold. You may feel like you are being judged as a person who doesn’t deserve to be in the room or given a chance but that isn’t true.
People make decisions all the time through assumptions and quick judgments, but upholding those decisions can be difficult when they’re based on faulty information or stereotypes.
If someone turns down your proposal because they think it’s too expensive, for example, that doesn’t mean your idea wasn’t worth exploring further (or even at all).
Maybe it was just too expensive for them and their budget at this time; maybe they think it would be easier if someone else took over from here? Either way, perhaps there was another reason that had nothing to do with your idea itself!
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You’ll Never Get To The Answer “Why
It’s one of the most frustrating aspects of being rejected: you’ll never know why. You might get a vague answer, but there’s no way to know for sure. You won’t ever be able to ask them about it or find out what was going through their mind when they decided not to hire you or date you or whatever reason it is that made them reject you in the first place.
It can suck when this happens, especially if getting rejected is something that happens often (like with dating). It can make you feel like you’re constantly failing and not good enough at anything in life because every time someone rejects your offer be it a job offer or an invitation out they do not explain why they don’t want what’s being offered.
This can lead people who are used to a lot of rejection in their lives to feel like they have no control over their destiny an idea which makes many people feel powerless and helpless!
Don’t Compare Yourself To Other People With Similar Goals
If you’ve ever felt like your life is over and that you’ll never be good enough, let me reassure you: this is an illusion. It’s not real.
Your dreams are important, but they don’t define who you are as a person just because something doesn’t work out for them doesn’t mean it won’t work out for your other dreams.
And no matter how badly you feel right now, there isn’t anything that can make me think any less of you. You’re still my friend/family member/acquaintance/stranger-ish person on the subway who took off his shoes so we don’t have to sit next to him anymore (that last one applies only if I’m reading).
Use Rejection As A Learning Experience, Not A Failure
Rejection is a learning experience. It’s not the end of the world, and it doesn’t mean that you’re not good at what you do or that somehow your work is lacking in quality. Rejection simply teaches us how to be better at what we do, how to approach our work in different ways, and how to find other outlets for our creativity.
The goal isn’t always to get accepted by everyone who has some kind of influence over your life it’s simply about doing something meaningful with your time on this planet. The more people who tell us “no” or don’t give us an opportunity because they don’t think we can handle it will only make us stronger as individuals and better at what we do in general!
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Leave Healthy Reinforcement At The Gym And In The Office Where It Belongs
Rejection is a part of life and it’s up to you to decide how you’re going to handle it.
Rejection isn’t a reflection of your self-worth, ability, or personality. It’s nothing personal, it’s just business (and often an indicator of someone else’s bad judgment). If a company doesn’t want to hire you for whatever reason, there are plenty more out there who will.
That’s why rejection shouldn’t be taken personally it doesn’t mean that something is wrong with you or that there won’t be another opportunity; in fact, sometimes by not taking the first job offer available, you may end up finding something much better suited for your interests and skillset down the road!
The Next Person Who Says That Rejects Are Inferior Can Go Pound Sand
In a world where we’re supposed to feel perfect and loved and accepted, rejection is the bane of our existence. It makes us feel bad about ourselves. It makes us feel like we don’t belong. And it can be hard not to internalize that feeling of rejection as if it’s a reflection on our self-worth or intelligence, talent, or worth as human beings.
The next time you get rejected whether it’s for a job opportunity or even an application for an apartment building remember: rejections aren’t about you; they’re about what other people want out of life (or how much they hate you).
If someone doesn’t want to hire you at their company, chances are that your skills are probably not going to be a good fit anyway. And if someone doesn’t let your dog live with them because they have allergies? Well then again…
Don’t Let Rejection Define Your Self-Worth For The Rest Of Time.
Don’t let rejection define your future. Your self-worth isn’t dependent on whether or not you get accepted into that program, or whether that girl says yes to your date request. The fact is, getting rejected doesn’t reflect the truth about who you are as a person; it only gives an opinion about one thing: how someone else feels about something at one specific moment in time.
The Sooner You Accept Rejection, The Sooner You Can Move Forward
Rejection is a part of life, and you need to accept it. The sooner you can do that, the better off you’ll be.
Rejections aren’t personal they’re not a reflection of your worth as an individual or your value as an employee. They aren’t an indication that you were completely unqualified for the job in question, or didn’t answer all of their questions correctly during the interview process (even if those things are true).
Rejections don’t mean that you’re not talented enough to get what it is that you want out of life; they just mean there’s something else out there calling out louder than this particular opportunity did at this particular moment in time.
If anything, rejections are proof that someone thought enough about what they were doing with their time and resources to think about hiring someone who might need some extra help to succeed at whatever job they have available right now!
That person spent time looking into who would be best qualified for this role and then realized after meeting with lots of potential candidates over several days/weeks/months.
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Rejection Can Make You Feel Like Your Future Is An Endless Cycle Of Disappointment
What’s interesting about the cycle of rejection is that it’s not just one thing. Even the most minor rejection can make you feel like your future is an endless cycle of disappointment, in which nothing will ever be good enough and no one will ever accept you.
And if you get rejected on a big goal or dream? It’s even worse you may start to question whether you’re able to achieve anything at all!
For example: imagine that you’re trying out for a sports team and get cut from the roster. You might think “Why didn’t they pick me?” It doesn’t take much for this tiny thought to lead to bigger ones:
- “Maybe I’m not good enough.”
- “Maybe I’ll never be good enough.”
- “Maybe I’ll never be accepted.”
You’ll Cry
I’ll admit that when I was younger, I took rejection pretty hard. There have been many times in my life when I’ve cried after getting rejected by someone whether it be a crush who didn’t return my feelings or a job offer that fell through. But these days, I’m much more resilient to the sting of being told “no.”
I can’t stress enough how important it is to realize that no one’s perfect and everyone gets rejected sometimes! If you’ve ever been told “no” by someone who doesn’t like your hair color or style, then you know what it feels like to get rejected for something superficial (i.e., not about your personality).
This can make you feel like what happened isn’t personal at all; instead of feeling hurt because somebody didn’t want to date or marry me as much as other people did before them, I realized that maybe we just weren’t compatible with each other after all and this realization helped me move on faster without taking things too personally.
Your Self-Esteem Might Take A Huge Hit
Self-esteem is more than just your self-image. It’s the overall sense of how you feel about yourself. Do you like who you are? Are your accomplishments important to you? How do others view your personality and values? Self-esteem is what helps us decide whether we’re good enough, smart enough, and so on and it’s a powerful thing to have in our lives.
When someone rejects us, they’re not just rejecting our appearance or skills or anything tangible they’re rejecting who we are as individuals too. That can be hard to swallow if someone doesn’t see all the things that make us wonderful people (or at least tolerable ones).
You Might Have To Hide From Everyone For A While.
This can be a tough time, and it’s okay to go into hiding. It may feel good to hide away in your room or wherever you usually go when you need to think.
You don’t have to hide from everyone, though. Being around your friends and family is helpful during this time of rejection. They’ll be able to empathize with what you’re going through or at least not judge you for how much time you spend alone in your room and they can send positive vibes over text messages until real life resumes again.
Plus, if there’s an opportunity for their own rejection stories (e.g., a breakup or job loss), maybe they’ll tell them instead!
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It Will Takes Time To Heal, And That’s Ok
After getting rejected, you might feel like the world is falling around you. It’s normal to go through a period of self-doubt and wonder if this is some sort of judgment on your character that will follow you for life. You may even feel like there’s no point in trying again because it’ll just end up in more rejection which is completely understandable.
But it’s important to remember that many people have experienced rejection at one time or another, and they’ve come out stronger than ever!
To help get over any feelings of self-doubt or insecurity, consider the following:
Realize that rejection isn’t personal there are other factors involved in why someone didn’t want to hire you or date you.
Maybe they had already hired someone else by the time they reached out to you; maybe they weren’t looking for anything serious right now; maybe they saw something in their past relationship that made them realize what type of person they needed (and it wasn’t YOU). There could be endless possibilities here!
Rejection doesn’t mean anything about who YOU are as a person it only means that there was something about how those people handled their search process (or whatever) which led them away from YOU (or maybe towards someone ELSE).
The point here is not thinking about yourself as being “worthless”; rather think about what qualities these potential employers may be looking for next time around so that when this opportunity arises again – which it surely will – YOU’LL BE READY FOR THEM!!
You’ll Need Your Support System More Than Ever
This is a time when you will need to lean on your friends and family. You can’t do it alone, and that’s okay you don’t have to.
You probably know this, but rejection is not just about you. It’s also about the people around you who care about you and want nothing more than for you to be happy. They will be there for you through this difficult time because they love and care about you. If they didn’t, they wouldn’t be such great people!
Embrace The Grieving Process, But Don’t Stay There Forever
The most important thing to remember about grief is that it is normal. We grieve when we lose someone or something important to us, and let your emotions run their course helps you process the loss.
However, it’s also important not to dwell on this emotion too much. People who are grieving can put themselves through so much emotional pain by becoming stuck in the “I can’t get over this” phase of processing their feelings but it’s counterproductive when they need to move forward with their lives and let go of their previous attachments or connections.
If you’re feeling unsure about how you feel right now (and uncertain about your future), remember: You’ll be okay! You may have had some painful experiences recently, but don’t let those keep you from being happy again someday soon!
There’s A Good Chance You Won’t Feel Motivated To Do Anything
You may feel unmotivated. You might be so unmotivated that you can’t concentrate on anything. You may not want to get out of bed, or if you do get up and move around, it’s hard for you to focus on anything because your brain is too caught up in what just happened.
You also may have trouble eating or conversely, find that your appetite has returned with a vengeance (meaning lots of unhealthy food). If this happens, try to restrain yourself from binge eating and look forward to the day when healthy eating becomes more manageable again.
Finally, it’s common for rejected people to want nothing more than silence; but sometimes they can’t stand being alone with their thoughts when they’re experiencing rejection.
Other times they need human contact more than ever before and will seek out friendly faces even if this means venting about their situation over coffee with an old friend or colleague who doesn’t know much about what happened yet (but probably soon will).
Feelings Of Rage Are Normal And Ok
You are not alone. This is a normal and very common response to rejection. It’s important to remember this because it can help you feel less alone in your experience of rejection.
Feelings of rage are normal and OK! It’s okay to be angry about getting rejected for the thing you wanted so badly and worked hard for, even if no one else understands why they should care or want that thing too. It’s also okay if you feel like exploding with rage when someone else seems happy or content with their own lives (or lack thereof).
Crying is a healthy way of expressing emotion, whether those tears come from sadness or anger at the world around us being so unfair in its distribution of good things versus bad things (and maybe both!). Just make sure there aren’t any sharp objects nearby!
Do whatever makes sense for YOU in YOUR situation: If throwing up feels good on some level and will help relieve some stress/anger/frustration etc., then go for it!
But It’s Ok If You Don’t Want Someone Who Didn’t Want You Back In Your Life
You may not have been the right person for them, but that doesn’t mean you weren’t the right person for someone else.
You should never feel less worthy as a person because someone didn’t want to be your friend. Friendships are fluid and can change over time, so it’s not worth punishing yourself by being angry at yourself or others because they changed their mind about you.
It’s OK if you don’t want someone who didn’t want you back in your life.
Rejection Can Make You Feel Like Other People’s Happiness Comes At Your Expense
When you’re in recovery, it’s easy to feel like everyone else is more successful than you. After all, they’ve been able to get their lives together and can enjoy many of the things that were off-limits during your addiction. This can be very discouraging and make you feel even worse about yourself.
But this feeling isn’t just limited to people in recovery; anyone who has been rejected by others can relate to this experience. Rejection can make someone feel like they aren’t good enough or worthy of happiness and these feelings may lead them back into self-destructive behavior (such as drug use).
Rejection is a reality of life, and it doesn’t have to define who you are. Whether it’s someone breaking up with you, a job interview not going well, or even being fired from your favorite barista gig at Starbucks (don’t worry, this happens).
Rejection is something everyone experiences. We can’t control how other people feel about us and we don’t always know why they make their decisions either but we do know that getting rejected doesn’t mean anything about our value as human beings! If anything, it’s just another learning experience in life that will help us grow stronger through adversity.
Further Reading
Understanding and Coping with Rejection: Explore insights on how to understand and cope with feelings of rejection, especially during teenage years.
Dealing with Rejection: Strategies for Coping: Discover effective strategies to cope with feelings of rejection and build emotional resilience.
Rejection Sensitivity and Its Impact: Learn about rejection sensitivity, its effects on mental health, and ways to manage it.
What is rejection sensitivity?
Rejection sensitivity refers to the heightened emotional response to perceived or actual rejection. Individuals with high rejection sensitivity tend to react strongly to situations that may involve rejection, even if it’s not intended.
How can I manage feelings of rejection?
Managing feelings of rejection involves building emotional resilience and developing coping strategies. These may include practicing self-care, seeking social support, and challenging negative thought patterns.
Are feelings of rejection common among teenagers?
Yes, feelings of rejection are common among teenagers as they navigate social relationships and identity development. It’s a normal part of adolescence, but understanding how to cope is essential.
Can rejection sensitivity impact relationships?
Yes, rejection sensitivity can affect relationships by causing individuals to perceive rejection where it might not exist. This can lead to misunderstandings, conflict, and difficulty forming or maintaining connections.
What are some healthy ways to deal with rejection?
Healthy ways to deal with rejection include practicing self-compassion, reframing negative thoughts, engaging in activities that bring joy, and focusing on personal growth rather than external validation.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.