This Is How You Prevent Copywriting Writer’s Block

You were born to write. You’re a natural storyteller, and you have a way with words that makes readers want to keep reading your work. But as you sit down at your computer to write, the words just won’t come out. 

You try everything: re-reading what you’ve written so far, brainstorming new ideas on the back of an envelope, going for a walk, and getting inspired by the scenery outside your window but nothing works. 

Your mind goes blank and you have writer’s block like it’s going out of style! It’s frustrating because you know deep down that this is what you were meant to do; writing is supposed to be fun and not stressful like this!

5 Tips For Overcoming Writer’s Block – YouTube
1. Experiment with creative exercises to overcome mental blocks.
2. Embrace changes in your writing environment for fresh perspectives.
3. Seek inspiration from a diverse range of sources and experiences.
4. Allocate specific time slots for focused and uninterrupted writing.
5. Break down tasks into smaller, manageable steps to reduce overwhelm.
6. Keep a notebook for capturing ideas and potential copy snippets.
7. Take breaks to refresh your mind and prevent burnout.
8. Read widely to expand your knowledge and trigger new ideas.
9. Practice mind mapping to visually organize your thoughts and concepts.
10. Don’t hesitate to revisit successful past work for inspiration.

Don’t Be Afraid To Write

Write about what you know. You don’t have to write about the latest technology and trends if you don’t want to write about something that you’re passionate about, instead. This is where your knowledge comes in handy.

Write about what you care about. If something is happening in the world that makes your blood boil or heart sing, it’s a good bet that others feel the same way too! Don’t be afraid to express those feelings from within yourself through your writing.

Write about what you’re passionate about (and not just because of money). When it comes down to it, people are more likely going to want to buy products from someone who seems like they love their product than someone who doesn’t seem like they care at all (unless it’s an ad for an expiring sale…but even then).

Are you struggling to create content that truly stands out in the crowded digital space? Discover actionable strategies in our guide on How to Write Something That Really Stands Out and captivate your audience like never before.

You’re Probably Not A Writer

If you’re like me, when you read about writing the first thing that comes to mind is “I’m not a writer.”

And that’s fine! You don’t have to be a writer at all. Writing isn’t a talent, it’s an ability that can be learned and practiced just like any other skill. In fact, as with most skills, it’s possible for someone who has been practicing for years to get worse at writing because they stop practicing or fail to keep up with industry trends (or worse). But let’s back up: 

Why does anyone ever say “I’m not a writer?” The answer is simple: we’ve all heard this phrase before it’s something people say when they try their hand at something new and then realize they don’t have the aptitude or natural ability in that area of interest.

All Writers Face Fluency Issues

You know how when you’re writing, sometimes the words just won’t come out? You might be struggling with something as simple as a description of a character or a setting. 

Or maybe it’s more complicated than that you’re trying to write an article, but every time you sit down in front of the screen to start typing your mind goes blank and all you can think about is what to have for dinner.

What makes things worse is that some people tell us that our work isn’t good enough; they say we should just “keep trying.” But many writers are discouraged by such comments because they don’t understand where these problems come from.

The truth is there’s no one way for everyone to write fluently and easily—every writer has their way of doing things!

Elevate the impact of your content with insightful techniques! Explore our guide on 14 Ways to Make Your Content More Informative and master the art of delivering valuable and engaging information to your readers.

You Don’t Need To Start Out Writing Every Day

If you’re struggling to find the motivation to write, don’t force yourself.

You can start any time. There’s no rush! Don’t write when you’re not in the mood, or when you’re not inspired. This is a surefire way to get stuck and quit writing quickly. 

You should only sit down at your desk when you feel like it even if that means taking long breaks between sessions of writing (or even just writing). It’s better to take smaller steps than none at all, and if they are consistent enough over time then they will lead somewhere big by default.

Your Outline Won’t Turn Into A Story By Itself

Your outline isn’t a story. It’s not a destination, it’s a map. It’s not the result, it’s a tool to help you get there.

The outline is your blueprint for creating your story it won’t write itself! That doesn’t mean you have to be chained to your outline or feel obligated to stick perfectly with what’s on the page at all times; in fact, sticking too closely to an outline will often result in lifeless writing and boring stories. 

But if you don’t know where you’re going when writing something like an essay or article, it can be difficult (if not impossible) to build up any momentum or energy toward completing it.

You Won’t Learn How To Write A Masterpiece

You won’t learn how to write a masterpiece. This isn’t a class where you’ll be taught the secrets of writing fiction or poetry, and it’s not designed to teach you how to write non-fiction. 

Instead, this course will help you with your copywriting by showing you how to find your voice and create content that is effective in getting the results that matter most for your business (e.g., leads, sales).

If you want to improve as a writer, there are no shortcuts just hard work and practice!

Want to understand the essence of copywriting and its significance? Delve into our article on Why Copywriting Matters and Why You Should Learn to Do It to grasp the core concepts that can transform your writing journey.

Write With The Medium You Have Available To You

You can write on a computer, in a notebook, with a pen and paper on anything that has words on it. It doesn’t matter how you write as long as you do. If you have an iPhone or iPad, use the Notes app to jot down ideas while they’re fresh in your mind. If not, feel free to start typing away on this very website! 

You may even be able to use Google Docs if you need more space than what’s available here. Or just keep everything offline by using Paper by FiftyThree (which is fantastic). The point is: don’t let the medium get in your way just pick up something and start writing!

The Outline Is Your First Draft

The outline is where you organize your thoughts and keep track of what you’ve already written. It’s also a tool for guiding what you’re going to write next, which can help prevent writer’s block because the outline provides a clear path forward. 

Write down bullet points of the main points or topics that need to be covered in this section of your copy. Make sure they’re ordered in an easy-to-follow sequence. Then use these main points as subheadings so that readers know what to expect from each paragraph below them.

When writing an outline, don’t worry about making it perfect get all your ideas onto paper so that when it comes time for actual writing (which will be soon!), things will flow naturally from there on out!

Write For Yourself, Not For An Audience

This is the most important tip of all. Write for yourself, not for an audience.

When you do this, you’ll find that your writing becomes more authentic and compelling. And ultimately, it will be easier to put your words on the page without having to worry about whether or not they are good enough or interesting enough, or useful enough to others (because let’s face it they won’t be). You just have to write what you want to write!

Embrace unconventional strategies to enhance your copywriting skills! Uncover unique insights in our post on Quirky Tips for the Average Copywriter That Might Surprise You and breathe fresh creativity into your writing process.

Write For The Language You Want To Use When Writing, Not For Your Target Market Or An Editor’s Taste In Language

Dealing with writer’s block is as much a mental game as anything else. The first step in overcoming it is to realize that you’re trying too hard. When you find yourself struggling to write, try to remember that writing is like any other skill: if you practice enough and get good at it, eventually it will become second nature and there won’t be any more ‘blocks’ when writing.

Even if this sounds like common sense, many people don’t know how to go about practicing their craft because they’re afraid of making mistakes or getting rejected for what they’ve written and those types of fears are exactly what causes writer’s block in the first place! 

So what should you do instead? You should write, regardless of whether or not anyone will ever read or edit your work.

Writing for yourself is not just about having fun and expressing yourself; it’s also about learning how language works so that when someone does want something specific from us (like an editor), we know how best to provide them with what they need without sacrificing quality or creativity along the way!

Copywriting Is Hard And Confusing At First, But It Can Be Fun Without That Many Rules And Formalities

The first thing you need to know about copywriting is that it’s hard. Like, hard. 

You might be thinking “I’m a writer! I can do this!” and that could well be true, but once you get down into the weeds of creating high-converting sales pages and landing pages and let me tell you, there are no weeds in digital marketing the rules of writing will seem almost nonexistent compared to what we have here.

This isn’t going to sound very encouraging at first: Copywriting isn’t like regular writing. It’s more complicated than just stringing words together and calling it a day; some specific things go into effective copywriting (otherwise known as persuasive content) that don’t play nice with other genres of writing such as journalism or fiction. 

We’ll cover these in more detail later on in this guide, but for now, just keep an open mind as we walk through each step together because there’s always room for improvement (even if it seems impossible).

Discover the persuasive power of copywriting secrets! Harness the techniques outlined in our guide on How to Convince Others: The Copywriter’s Secret Weapon to craft compelling content that resonates deeply with your audience.


Writing content for your target market is a great way to start making money as a copywriter. It’s also a way to learn how to write better and faster over time. 

However, it’s important not to forget that writing is hard work at first and that you may never get it right! If you’re willing to put in the time and effort now, though, then we promise there will be plenty more opportunities down the road.

Further Reading

Five Ways to Combat Copywriter’s Block: Discover effective strategies to overcome writer’s block and boost your copywriting creativity.

How to Beat Writer’s Block and Craft Persuasive Copy that Generates Sales: Explore actionable tips from Neil Patel on conquering writer’s block and creating persuasive copy that drives sales.

Writer’s Block Tips for Overcoming the Inevitable: Learn from Creative Copywriter about tackling the inevitable challenges of writer’s block in the realm of copywriting.


How can I overcome copywriter’s block effectively?

Copywriter’s block can be overcome by trying different creative exercises, changing your environment, seeking inspiration from various sources, setting a specific time for writing, and breaking down your tasks into manageable chunks.

What are some practical techniques to boost copywriting creativity?

Experiment with mind mapping, free writing, using prompts, reading widely, and taking breaks to stimulate your creativity and generate fresh ideas for your copywriting projects.

How do I maintain a consistent flow of ideas while writing copy?

Maintaining a consistent flow of ideas requires keeping a notebook for jotting down thoughts, researching extensively, brainstorming with others, and revisiting past successful copywriting pieces for inspiration.

How can I make my copy more persuasive?

Craft persuasive copy by understanding your target audience deeply, addressing their pain points, using strong and compelling language, incorporating social proof, and highlighting the benefits of your product or service.

What strategies can I use to improve my copywriting skills over time?

To improve your copywriting skills, practice regularly, seek feedback from peers or mentors, analyze successful copy, attend workshops or courses, and stay updated with the latest trends in the field.