If you are currently working as a freelancer or thinking about starting your own business, then you have probably asked yourself: can I have a career in freelancing? It is not a simple question to answer.
In the past, careerists worked their way up the company ladder while they built up their experience and expertise. Then, one day, when they were older and more experienced than all of their coworkers (and secretly hated by them), they would reach the pinnacle status of being an executive in the company.
Freelancing is different from that kind of career path. Instead of climbing a corporate ladder, you must build your career step-by-step with every new project or client. And unlike many traditional careers, there is no single path to success.
You can freelance full-time or part-time; work on your own from home or rent an office; find clients through online portals or networking events; etc. The possibilities are nearly endless! But how do you know if freelance work fits into your grand plan for life?. Here are some things to consider before making any decisions:
Takeaways |
Freelancing can be turned into a successful career path with the right strategies and dedication. |
Millennials may face challenges in buying homes due to their freelancing careers. |
The rise of the modern contingent worker has reshaped the way people work. |
Freelancing offers a unique and extraordinary working experience. |
Writing compelling freelance proposals is crucial for winning clients and securing projects. |
Freelancing may not be suitable for everyone, and it’s important to consider potential drawbacks and challenges. |
Exploring additional resources and guides can provide valuable insights for freelancers. |
Understanding legal obligations and managing finances are essential aspects of freelancing. |
Maintaining work-life balance and setting boundaries is crucial for long-term success in freelancing. |
Pricing and finding clients are important factors to consider when starting a freelance career. |
Taking On Freelance Projects Requires Dedication And Requires Hustling
Being a freelancer requires you to be dedicated and self-motivated. You’ll need to be prepared to work long hours, and you may have to hustle if you want a project that pays well. For example, let’s say you have a client who wants something done by tomorrow morning. If they can pay more than the other projects on your plate right now, it makes sense for them to get priority.
This means that even though it might be late at night or early in the morning when they need their project completed, they will expect results immediately. If this isn’t something that works with your lifestyle or schedule (or if working under these kinds of deadlines is too stressful), then being a freelancer might not be for you yet!
Looking to take your freelance business to the next level? Learn how to turn your freelance business into a career and unlock new opportunities for growth and success.
It Is Important To Identify Your Niche As A Freelancer
Now that you know the ins and outs of freelancing, including its pros and cons, it’s time to identify your niche. This can be challenging because it requires a lot of self-reflection. If you don’t have an idea yet of what your niche is or what you’re passionate about, then I recommend asking yourself these questions:
- What are some things that I’m good at?
- What am I passionate about?
If this sounds like something out of an SAT prep book, let me assure you: identifying your niche is not as easy as plugging words into a sentence to get them right (if only). It will take time and effort but once done properly, it should yield fruitful results down the line!
As A Freelancer, Your Strongest Marketing Tool Will Be Your Portfolio
Your portfolio is your most important marketing tool as a freelancer. It’s not just a place to show off your work and prove that you’re qualified to do the job – it’s also how clients find you, so it should reflect all aspects of your business:
Your website – If you don’t have one yet, start by setting up a basic WordPress or Squarespace site with some good-quality photos in the portfolio section. You’ll want this site to showcase your work; any agency will be willing to point their prospective clients toward it if asked for references.
Your social media channels – Make sure these are all linked back to the same URL as above (and preferably hosted on the same platform). Post regularly so people know what’s going on with their favorite designer/developer/copywriter etc.
Your email signature – The footer text at the bottom of every email sent out should include links back up top where people can find out more about what you do, and where they can get in touch with you directly (if not via email). and any other relevant information such as pricing packages or anything else that might come up during conversation later down line.
Like new features available currently only through certain plans which might be useful for certain types of businesses but not others, etc.
Are you a millennial struggling to buy a home due to your freelancing career? Discover how freelancing is impacting millennials’ homeownership dreams in our article on how freelancing is keeping millennials from buying homes.
When You’re Starting, It’s Important To Have A Great Elevator Pitch
An elevator pitch is a short, compelling description of your business. It’s the perfect answer to “What do you do?” when someone asks you at a networking event.
There are two ways to create an elevator pitch: either write it out completely and memorize it or practice and refine using the S.T.A.R method (Situation/Task/Action/Result). Remember that your elevator pitch should be short and sweet most people won’t pay attention for long!
You should practice saying your elevator pitch out loud so that it flows naturally from your mouth and sounds natural instead of robotic or awkward. You can also read other articles about writing an effective elevator pitch if you want some more tips on how to improve yours!
Remember why having this information handy is important:
- It allows you to spread awareness about who you are as a freelancer in all areas of life, including social events like parties where everyone talks about their jobs among other topics related only loosely connected with work itself
- Online communities where people often ask questions related specifically to getting started as self-employed individuals
- Even casual conversations on airplanes where both passengers aren’t necessarily familiar with what freelance means yet might still want answers anyway (and maybe even offer advice too)!
You Need To Have The Know-How To Run A Business
To run a business, you need to know the business. That means understanding how to market yourself, handle your finances, manage employees and projects and do it all while staying on top of the legal and accounting aspects of running a company.
It’s not as simple as just putting up some ads on Craigslist or Upwork or Fiverr and hoping for the best. You need to be able to plan out your marketing strategy and execute it well enough that people will want what you have to offer.
This takes time that could otherwise be spent working on more profitable projects with clients who already want what you have in stock (i.e., clients who don’t require much convincing).
You, Will, Need To Do The Books Or Hire An Accountant To Help You With Taxes And Financial Reporting
If you’re not doing the books yourself, then you need to hire someone else to do it for you. And that person is known as an accountant.
Although the term “accountant” might conjure images of a stern man or woman in a crisp suit holding your tax return hostage until all your numbers add up correctly, many accountants are very friendly and helpful people who will gladly explain what it means if one of your expenses looks larger than it should be or how much tax money you’ll owe on each paycheck.
It’s Important To Have A Trusted Network Of Professionals And Peers To Consult With
It’s important to have a trusted network of professionals and peers to consult with in case of uncertainty/unforeseen circumstances. You need to be able to rely on others in your network when you need help, and they need to trust you. You also need to be able to communicate clearly both what you’re looking for, and how much time/effort it’s going to take them.
Finally, if something goes wrong (and there will always be something) ask yourself: “What can I do?” or “How can I fix this?” before asking another person for help.
The rise of the modern contingent worker is transforming the way we work. Dive into the world of freelancing and the gig economy with our in-depth exploration of this freelance life: the rise of the modern contingent worker.
Having An Attorney In Your Corner
It’s also important to have a trusted network of professionals and peers to consult with in case of uncertainty. This can be especially helpful if you’re working on projects that are outside your field, or projects that require special attention because they are time-sensitive or involve other urgent matters.
An attorney is one such professional who can help protect you from disputes or damages that may arise from misunderstandings or complications during certain projects.
Freelancers Need To Be Familiar With Project Management Tools
You can use project management tools like Trello and Jira to manage your projects. You can use these tools to communicate with clients, teammates, and other freelancers on the same project. You can also use these tools to keep track of your workload so you don’t fall behind on any one project.
Project management software is a must-have for any freelancer who works efficiently or wants to work efficiently. By using managing software such as Trello and Jira, you’ll be able to stay on top of large projects without losing sight of what needs to be done next or when it needs to be done.
Writing compelling freelance proposals is essential for winning clients and securing projects. Level up your proposal game with our comprehensive freelance proposals template writing guide and increase your chances of success in the freelancing world.
Being A Freelancer Means Having The Ability To Negotiate Fees And Timelines
Being a freelancer means having the ability to negotiate fees and timelines by self-assessing capabilities, strengths, and weaknesses to meet employer expectations while still making coherent business decisions that are fair for you as well as your clients/employers (depending on who/where you work).
It’s important to know the value of your work. You need to know what kind of projects you’re good at so that when someone comes along with an offer, you can make sure they’re paying enough for what they want to be done.
It’s also important to be able to communicate effectively with clients. In any kind of freelance job, whether it’s writing or web design or coding or whatever else the most important thing is communication skills because this will determine whether or not your client keeps hiring you after the first project is complete.
Paying Attention To Market Trends Is Vital As A Freelancer
You need to be aware of trends and developments in your industry. You may want to consider which new technologies are emerging, or whether there are any new methods of working that your clients might want you to use. At the same time, you can monitor the competition; if they are doing something that works well for them, try to see how it could apply to your own business.
It is also important for freelancers to keep an eye on what is happening in their wider economy – for example by reading about developments on Bloomberg Markets if they are interested in global economies or business news stories from The Financial Times or The Economist if they have a more domestic focus.
Freelancing offers a unique and extraordinary working experience. Discover why freelancing is more than just a career choice in our article on how freelancing is the working definition of extraordinary.
Final Thoughts
You may think that it’s hard to make freelancing work as a career, but the truth is that it can be done. You just have to get creative with your approach and learn how to adapt to change. If you enjoy working independently without supervision then there are plenty of opportunities out there for you!
The key is finding something that excites you enough so that no amount of stress will deter you from doing what needs to be done to make ends meet financially.
In conclusion, freelancing has its challenges but also offers many rewards if someone knows how they want their business set up before starting on their journey as an entrepreneur or independent contractor.”
Further Reading
Here are some additional resources that you might find helpful for further exploration:
Reasons Why a Freelancer Career May Not Be for You: Discover the potential challenges and considerations of pursuing a career as a freelancer.
Working as a Freelancer: Pros, Cons, and Tips: Gain insights into the pros and cons of working as a freelancer, along with valuable tips for success in the freelance industry.
How to Start Your Freelancing Career: Learn practical steps and advice on getting started with your freelancing career, including tips for finding clients and managing finances.
People Also Ask
What Is A Freelancer?
A freelancer is a person who works for himself or herself and does that work from home or another location. Freelancers can work remotely, which means they do not have to be in the office to do their jobs. They are also self-employed, which means they make all of their own decisions about how to do their work and how much to charge for it.
What Does Freelance Mean?
Freelance means working for yourself as opposed to working for an employer, such as an agency or company where you would be an employee rather than an independent contractor. A lot of people think of freelancing as being part-time or temporary work but that’s not always true!
It’s possible to be a full-time freelancer who only works on the side while holding down another full-time job, or you could even be a full-time freelancer who earns more money than your other job would allow you to earn!
What Is The Difference Between A Freelancer And A Regular Employee?
A freelancer is someone who works on their own and has no boss. They have their own business and they can do whatever they want with it, whenever they want to. They are in control of their work schedule and their earnings.
How Much Money Do I Make As A Freelancer?
It depends on your skills, experience, expertise, and hard work. Some freelancers make more than $100k annually while others earn less than $1000 per month. The average annual income for a freelancer is around $30k-$50k depending upon how much time you put into your business each day.
Can I Make A Career Out Of Freelancing?
Yes! You can make a career out of freelancing, and it’s not just for people who don’t want to work in an office. While it might seem like an easy way to make money on the side, you can build your own business by taking on clients, working hard at what you do, and following through with the projects that you promise to complete.
How Do I Start?
First, think about what kind of freelance work you want to do. Do you want to be able to work from home or in an office? Do you want to be able to work with clients across the country or around the world? Do you have any special skills or talents that could help people? Then figure out how much money you need each month (or even per project) to make this dream job possible for yourself financially.
Once you know how much money is required for both basic living expenses and any additional extras (like travel or childcare), then set up a budget based on those numbers so that you’re prepared if something unexpected comes up during any given month (and believe me—it will).
How Do I Know If Freelancing Is Right For Me?
Before you can decide whether or not to become a freelance writer, there are several things that you should consider. Here’s what to think about:
- Do you have a passion for writing?
- Are you good at being organized?
- Can you work well with others, but also alone?
- Are you good at meeting deadlines?
- Do you like the idea of having a flexible schedule?
What Makes Freelance Work A Career?
Answer: A career is one that you can rely on for long-term income and security. Freelance work has all the benefits of a career but without commitment. You can take on as much or as little freelance work as you want, and it’s up to you how much time you want to put into it.
How Do I Know If I’m Making Enough Money To Support Myself As A Freelancer?
This is a great question because it can be hard to tell if you’re making enough to be able to sustain yourself. That said, there are a few things you can look at when considering this question. The first is your budget and expenses.
If you keep track of your expenses for even just one month, it will give you a good idea of what it costs you to live each month. Once you have that number, use it as an estimate for your expenses and use it as the base for how much money you’ll need per month to survive.
Another thing that can help is if your client(s) agree to pay you a certain amount per hour or day/week/month (depending on how often they want their project completed). If they agree on paying you a set amount per hour or day/week/month (depending on how often they want their project completed), then that helps give you an idea of what kind of money they expect from freelancers working for them.
If I’m Not Sure If I Want To Freelance As A Career, Should I Still Consider It?
Absolutely! Many people who are freelancing today started out doing it as part of their job or as a side gig but then found that they enjoyed what they were doing and wanted to keep doing it for longer periods.
It’s also true that many people don’t start out intending to be freelancers forever, but rather find themselves having such a great experience that they decide to stick with it for longer than expected (or at all).
What Types Of Stories Should I Write?
It’s important that before starting any writing project, whether it’s fiction or non-fiction content, you spend some time brainstorming ideas based on what type of content would appeal most to your audience members or clients.
For example, if they’re looking for personal stories then try asking yourself questions such as: “What was my favorite childhood memory?” Or “What was my favorite book when growing up?” This will help guide your thoughts towards topics that interest them most – which could lead to better results.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.