Whether you’re a company looking to get your name out there or an individual hoping to get noticed, crafting the perfect press release can be a difficult task.
The good news is that it’s not as complicated as you might think! This article will walk you through everything you need to know about crafting an effective and compelling press release so that your story gets told and gets published too.
Takeaways |
1. Understanding the role of accurate information in press releases. |
2. Importance of presenting research findings in a compelling manner. |
3. Incorporating newsworthiness and relevance to capture media attention. |
4. Balancing scientific accuracy with accessible language. |
5. Utilizing storytelling techniques to engage and connect with readers. |
6. Including multimedia elements for visual enhancement. |
7. Following guidelines for formatting and structuring press releases. |
8. Leveraging expert quotes and credible sources. |
9. Addressing the needs of both scientific and general audiences. |
10. Verifying claims and information through fact-checking. |
Your Press Release Should Tell A Story
Good news stories are always captivating. But if you want your press release to get published, you need to make sure it’s interesting enough for journalists and editors to care about it.
You have to give the reader a reason to keep reading by telling them who, what, where, and why in the very first sentence and then go further into detail in subsequent paragraphs.
You also need to build up drama (by showing how the situation developed over time) so that readers don’t fall asleep while they digest the facts of your story.
And you should provide some sort of hook as well (such as “you won’t believe what happened next!”), because otherwise, people aren’t going to feel motivated enough after reading your opening paragraph or two.
Mastering different types of press releases is crucial for gaining media coverage. Learn about various types of press releases to enhance your PR strategy.
Create A Strong Hook
The hook is the first sentence in your press release, and it should be short, sweet, and to the point. It should be newsworthy and easy to understand.
It should also be unique and original! You want your hook to stand out from other hooks because that’s what will make journalists notice it more than others and remember it when they look at all of their emails later on.
That said, don’t just write something random or nonsensical as a hook; think about what you want people to know about this story before they even get into reading your full press release.
The best hooks are catchy ones that stick with readers like catchy tunes stay stuck in our heads for days on end but make sure those catchy tunes aren’t grammatically incorrect (which is never fun).
An Attention-Grabbing Title Is Crucial
The first thing you need to do is write a compelling title. An attention-grabbing title is crucial for getting your press release picked up by media outlets since it’s what grabs the editor’s attention and makes them want to read on.
Good titles are short, specific, and emphasize why your story is important. Bad titles include vague terms such as “breaking,” “top,” or “exclusive.”
If you’re trying to write a good headline but don’t know where to start, begin by thinking about what makes an article newsworthy (i.e., why would anyone be interested in it?) Then use keywords from that question in the title of whatever story you’re writing.
Finally, try more than one version of your headline before sending it off for publication this will give editors more options when deciding which version they’d like to share with readers online!
Press release writing isn’t just informative; it’s a powerful tool for business growth. Discover how press release writing can help build your business and attract a wider audience.
Your Press Release Should Never Be Boring Or Dry
Don’t be boring or dry.
You might think that the most important thing in your press release is the information you’re trying to get out there, but if you’ve written it in a way that’s boring and dry, no one will want to read it. If your press release sounds like something someone would get from their insurance company or credit card company, then you need to find another way of expressing yourself.
The best way to avoid this is by being creative with your language and using metaphors when possible.
You don’t want people reading through your material and wondering why they were sent something so bland; instead, you should make sure that anyone who reads what you’ve written will instantly recognize its value and not be able to put it down until they get all of their questions answered!
Use Short Paragraphs, White Space, And Proper Images
Use short paragraphs. Readers are busy, and they don’t have time to wade through long paragraphs. Break up your writing with white space and use subheads to help them navigate your piece quickly and easily.
Use proper images. Images can reinforce the story you’re trying to tell, but they also need to be high quality and easy-to-read/understand for them to be effective at doing so! Poor image quality will negatively impact the user experience, making it more likely that users won’t finish reading an article or share it with others (which is important for getting press coverage).
You Need To Be Newsworthy
Your press release needs to be newsworthy. In other words, your content needs to be relevant and useful for your audience.
Relevant to their interests: Are you writing about an industry that they are interested in? Are you giving them information that is going to help them with their jobs or businesses?
Relevant to their needs: Are you providing a solution or service that will benefit them? Will it save them time or money, create more efficiency for their business processes and operations, etc.?
Relevant to their problems: Do you offer a solution or service that can help solve a problem they have?
Relevant to their goals: Does what you are writing about align with one of the goals they have set as part of their company’s strategy or marketing plan (e.g., increase revenue by 10% this year)?
Small businesses can benefit greatly from well-crafted press releases. Get insights on writing press releases for small businesses to effectively showcase your offerings to the world.
Avoid Jargon And Long Sentences
Press releases are often written by non-writers and can be a challenge to read. As a writer, you’re likely familiar with the importance of keeping your prose interesting, but that doesn’t mean you need to write in a way that will only appeal to other writers.
Some journalists won’t even bother reading anything that looks too complicated or dense; they’ll simply move on if it’s not immediately clear how interesting the information is going to be.
As such, it’s important to keep your press release as simple and easy-to-read as possible while still being informative and expressive. The best way to do this is not just through word choice it also involves sentence structure and paragraph length (more on those below).
The Shorter The Better, But Not Too Short, Please
- Short and to the point
As a general rule, press releases should be short and to the point about 500 words are ideal. If you go over that limit, you risk losing your editor’s attention. But don’t worry! It’s not impossible to get a good story published in under 500 words: just keep your sentences short and your idea succinct.
This will allow them to cut down on their workload while still giving you enough space to convey all of your information clearly and effectively.
First paragraph: introduce yourself + company + topic/problem
The first paragraph should introduce who (or what) wrote this press release (name), where he or she works (company), and why it matters for readers interested in his or her particular field of expertise (topic).
Make sure it’s clear from this sentence that there’s something important coming up later on in this document; if readers aren’t intrigued by what they see here, then they won’t continue reading!
Quotes Are Your Friend
Quotes are powerful. They’re a good way to add credibility to your story, and they can be used in different ways. For example, you could use quotes from experts who support your argument or point of view, or from customers or clients who have had positive experiences with your company.
Or you may want to include one or two lines from yourself as the author of the press release this is especially useful if you have experience working in the field you’re writing about, as readers will appreciate being able to learn more about how someone with relevant expertise approaches a problem like yours.
Don’t forget that quotes don’t just need to come from people you might also choose quotes written by other employees at your company! This gives readers an insight into how others think about what they do professionally; it also helps build camaraderie within teams by showing their shared values through shared language (which can lead them down paths of collaboration).
Transform your writing into a lead generation source with these expert tips. Check out these 14 tips for converting your writing into a source of lead generation to boost engagement and conversions.
Always Include Links
To be sure, links are an integral part of the internet. But they’re also important for your press release.
Links increase click-through rates because they allow readers to see more information about the news you’ve shared. If a reader is interested in reading more, they can follow that link and explore the topic further and then hopefully share it with their networks.
Links show that you did your research before crafting your press release. This can help build trust between you and journalists who might have otherwise been skeptical of what you wrote if they didn’t see any research or citations included in it.
Links show that you’re credible by showing how much work went into creating a comprehensive story with supporting evidence to back up its claims (and not just one sentence).
A Good Press Release Needs Proper Formatting
When writing a press release, use a template. It’s easy to forget the most important details when you’re in the middle of writing. This is especially true if you’re not experienced with press releases, or if you’re working on multiple projects at once.
A template will help you keep track of all the necessary elements while keeping everything consistent and clear so that no one misses anything important.
Use a press release template that already has sample text included it’ll save time later on in the process when it comes time to make edits before submitting your final draft!
Start With The Most Important Info First
To ensure your press release gets published, you need to start with the most important information first. Many people think they can tell their whole story in one release, but that isn’t how it works. You need to figure out what’s most newsworthy about your company and then write a release around that topic.
The best way to do this is by getting feedback from others on what they think is most interesting about your business or product. Ask them questions like, “What do we want people to know about this new feature? What do we want them to think after reading our press release?
How would they describe us as a company when they finish reading it?” The answers will help you figure out which facts are critical for communicating with media outlets like newspapers, magazines, and blogs so they can share them with their readership or contribute directly toward generating more sales leads for your company.”
Stick To Active Voice Whenever Possible
When writing your press release, you should stick to the active voice whenever possible. This is the form of the verb that places the subject of a sentence before its object (e.g., “Bob gave me a book”). In contrast, the passive voice places an object before its subject (e.g., “A book was given to me by Bob”).
The difference between these two sentences may seem subtle at first glance, but there are important reasons why you should use an active voice in your press releases. First and foremost, it’s more engaging for readers because it allows them to focus on what someone did rather than what something was done to them or something else.
Active sentences also tend to be more powerful because they convey agency; using passive voices can make a writer sound uncertain about his or her message by hiding key players in a sentence’s structure (i.e., who exactly did what?).
Finally, active voices are usually shorter and more direct than their passive counterparts a major plus when crafting short-form content such as press releases!
Distributing your press release correctly is key to maximizing its impact. Follow our comprehensive 15-step guide to distribute your press release correctly and ensure your news reaches the right audience effectively.
Invest In Quality Pr Software And Tools
As you consider the option to pay for a program, it’s important to note that not all PR software is created equal. Some programs are better than others, and some are only available through paid subscriptions.
The best advice we can offer is this: do your research before committing to purchase because there are plenty of options out there, some of which have been proven time and again by journalists and sometimes even celebrities!
Here’s what I recommend:
Never Call Your Press Release A “Press Release” Or An “Article”
“Press release” is a term that makes people roll their eyes. And it’s not just because of the bad connotations associated with PR agencies and spammy marketing emails. It’s also because most press releases are written in a way that doesn’t grab the reader’s attention.
Instead, you should think of your press release as an article one that informs and engages, rather than one that sells or promotes something. You can call this document whatever you want (newspaper articles often have names like “Business Insider” or “Brand Marketing”), but be aware that some people might not know what to make of it if they’ve never read one before!
And there you have it, the science of crafting press releases that get published. We hope you found this post helpful and educational and will use some of these tips to improve the quality of your PR efforts! As always, feel free to contact us if there’s anything else we can do to help.
Further Reading
Here are some additional resources that can provide you with more insights on crafting effective press releases and accurate science journalism:
Guide: How to Craft Accurate Science Journalism out of Press Releases
Learn how to transform press releases into accurate and compelling science journalism with this informative guide.
How to Write a Great Press Release with Expert Advice & Real-Life Examples
Get expert advice and real-life examples to enhance your press release writing skills and make your announcements more impactful.
How to Publish Science: Press Release Guidelines
Discover guidelines and best practices for creating effective press releases in the context of scientific publishing.
How can I ensure the accuracy of science journalism derived from press releases?
Ensuring accuracy in science journalism requires cross-referencing information from press releases with credible sources and experts in the field. Fact-checking and verifying claims are essential steps.
What are some key elements of a well-written press release?
A well-written press release should include a concise and attention-grabbing headline, a clear and informative lead paragraph, relevant details, quotes from relevant parties, and contact information for further inquiries.
How can I make my press release stand out and capture media attention?
To make your press release stand out, focus on a newsworthy angle, use a compelling headline, and provide concise and relevant information. Incorporate multimedia elements like images or videos to enhance its visual appeal.
How do I adapt press release writing for the scientific community?
When writing press releases for scientific purposes, it’s important to maintain accuracy and clarity. Highlight the significance of research findings, use language accessible to both experts and the general public, and provide necessary technical details.
What role does storytelling play in press releases?
Storytelling in press releases can engage readers and make the content more relatable. By presenting information in a narrative format, you can evoke emotions and create a stronger connection with your audience.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.