I went freelance full-time in 2019, and it was the best decision I ever made. However, this journey was not without its challenges. So to help others who are considering leaping,
I’ve put together a list of things you should know about freelancing before taking that leap. After all, no job is easy if you don’t understand what to expect.
Takeaways |
Freelancing full-time presents unique challenges but offers rewarding benefits. |
Building a strong support system and finding a sense of community can help overcome challenges. |
Treating freelancing as a business and understanding contract clauses are essential for success. |
Balancing freelancing with other life commitments, such as maternity leave, requires careful planning and flexibility. |
Exploring alternative models like freelance agencies can open new opportunities for growth. |
Despite the challenges, freelancing provides freedom, flexibility, and the potential for long-term career satisfaction. |
You’re Responsible For Everything
You’re the boss, and you have to take responsibility for everything. It sounds obvious when I say it like that, but it’s one of the biggest challenges when you start your own business.
When you work for someone else, there are rules and procedures in place that protect both parties from certain things going wrong. For example: if an employee breaks a rule or makes a mistake at work, their employer may be held accountable.
However, if that same employee decides to sue their employer (because they think they should be paid more), they probably won’t win because the courts recognize that employers have rules in place to protect them from lawsuits like this one.
This is not true when working for yourself! If something goes wrong or someone gets hurt as a result of something you did as an independent contractor/freelancer/person taking on every challenge alone – then guess who pays? You do!
This is why it’s so important to get insurance coverage before starting on your journey towards financial independence through freelancing full-time…
Treating freelancing like a business is crucial for success. Explore our guide on why you should treat freelancing like a business to discover valuable insights and strategies for maximizing your freelance career.
It’s Expensive
If you’re going to be working from home, for example, you’ll need to keep your office set up and maintained. This includes a desk with good lighting, and ergonomic furniture that’s comfortable enough to sit in for long hours at a time (but not so soft that it makes it harder for you to get up out of).
And outlets for all of the gadgets that make your business run smoothly (computers and printers), storage space for documents and files, plenty of room around the office so there’s no clutter or messiness, and let’s not forget basic household expenses like utilities.
Your tools will also require upkeep: if they’re old school typewriters or computers running on Windows XP instead of Windows 7 or 8/8.1/10, they may require upgrades every few years so they don’t become obsolete as quickly as their owners do.
If they’re brand new MacBook Pros with Touch Bar screens instead of just plain old MacBooks without Touch Bars well then those things can get pretty expensive too!
You’ll also need money saved up just in case something goes wrong with one of these items (like when my laptop screen cracked after I dropped an iPhone onto the corner while trying to take selfies).
You’ll want some backup gear on hand just in case something breaks down unexpectedly during client meetings too this could include everything from extra laptops (which are relatively cheap nowadays).
Down through ballpoint pens and sticky notes because sometimes clients need visual aids more than anything else during presentations…and nobody wants them showing up empty-handed when potential customers come knocking!
Time Management Is Key For Success
This is key. If you can’t manage your time well, it will be difficult for you to be successful as a freelancer.
The first step to managing your time effectively is focusing on the task at hand and blocking out distractions. When you’re working on something, make sure it is the only thing occupying your mind. Don’t let yourself get sidetracked by other things that happen around you or online – stay focused!
Next, prioritize what needs to be done in order of importance so that it’s not all just piling up with no clear direction or objective in sight (which quickly happens if there are too many tasks). This helps keep everything organized and under control while still giving enough room for flexibility when needed (which there usually is).
Lastly, say no more frequently than yes when possible because saying yes leads to over-commitment which then leads nowhere good for anybody involved…and this includes clients who may want more from us than we can handle at once!
As a freelancer, understanding essential contract clauses is vital. Dive into our comprehensive article on design contract clauses every freelancer should know to ensure your contracts protect your rights and promote fair working relationships.
Work Anywhere
Working from home can be amazing, but it does have its challenges. The best way to work remotely is with a coworking space, which will help you connect with other freelancers and allow you to try different coffee shops in your area.
Some people prefer working from home because they like having their family around while they’re working but if this sounds like something that would bore you or distract you from getting your work done, then it’s probably better to find an alternative location where there are no distractions (and hopefully good coffee).
If you’re someone who needs coffee shops as an atmosphere for creativity, consider taking a break during the day and going somewhere else instead of staying glued to your desk all day long.
Texting Can Be Your Best Friend And Worst Enemy
Texting can be your best friend and worst enemy. It’s fast, convenient, and allows you to communicate with anyone, anywhere at any time. But as a freelancer, there will be times when texting is not the best way to communicate with clients or other freelancers.
If you need an emergency response (like a client asking for work on a Saturday) and they don’t answer their phone number or reply immediately to your text message (because they’re probably busy), then it may take hours before you hear back from them if at all.
This happened to me once I had sent them an important email on Friday night that needed their attention by Monday morning because we were working together on some big projects over the weekend.
They didn’t reply until after 2 pm Monday saying they’d get back to me later in the day since they were “going out.” It left me feeling confused as well as frustrated because these people are supposed to be professionals?
Plan Your Vacations Carefully
You may be used to planning your vacation days at work, but when you’re freelancing full time, your vacations require even more careful attention. Don’t take too many days off in a row; make sure you schedule them out so that they don’t overlap with other plans.
Don’t take too many days off all in one place; if possible, mix it up between weekend getaways with friends and longer trips abroad.
If traveling near home is more appealing for financial reasons or just because of convenience (a good reason), then try not to have more than two consecutive weeks away from home at once (which will also help prevent burnout).
And finally: the most valuable advice I can give regarding this topic is to avoid scheduling any vacations during the summer months unless necessary if you can wait until wintertime, do so!
Traveling during the cold weather is much less stressful since there are fewer crowds on public transportation and everything outside looks prettier under snowfall or ice crystals glittering under the moonlight.
It Takes A Lot Of Commitment And Persistence To Succeed
Commitment to the project: To be successful as a freelancer, you need to be fully invested in what you’re doing. That means taking on projects that you believe in and being able to stay focused on them until they’re done.
Commitment to the client: Working with clients can be a challenge because they will expect more from you than just writing content for them. They’ll want constant communication, regular updates, and perhaps even feedback if they like or dislike your work.
The best way around this is by having open lines of communication so there are no surprises once all is said and done!
Commitment to your team: There’s nothing worse than having a team fall apart halfway through a project (or worse yet before it even begins).
This can happen for any number of reasons but usually boils down to a lack of commitment from some or all parties involved with making sure things go smoothly throughout every step along the way from planning sessions through final delivery.
Balancing freelancing with maternity leave can be challenging yet rewarding. Read about the personal experiences and lessons shared in how freelancing affected my life when I was on maternity leave to gain valuable insights and tips for navigating this unique journey.
Show Up Every Day
When you’re working for yourself, consistency is key to success. You have to be reliable and accountable and that means showing up every day, even if it’s not the most exciting thing in the world. It can be easy to get caught up in your head about what you want or need and forget that there are other people involved who are counting on you as well.
It doesn’t matter if there are some days when things don’t go as planned; just show up and do your best work when it comes down to it.
You Have To Do The Work Even When You Don’t Feel Like Doing It
There are going to be times when the only thing that keeps you from quitting is the fact that there’s no other job for you or even any other way for you to make a living. You have to push through those hard times and keep going.
There will be days where your motivation has run dry, but if you’re committed enough, then this will always be a temporary feeling and not something permanent that holds back your progress as an independent professional.
Testimonials, Testimonials, Testimonials
Testimonials are the best way to show your credibility as a freelancer. They’re also the best way to help you build trust with your clients and other business partners, especially if they’re new to working with you.
Testimonials give your brand a human face and personality that helps people understand what makes you different than other freelancers out there. It builds trust in both directions between you and your client, but also between the clients themselves who hear about each other through their experiences working with you.
Testimonials also serve as an excellent marketing tool! You can use them on social media or in advertisements for free (or almost free).
Keep Learning New Things Everyday
One of the most important things that you can do as a freelancer is learn and grow every day. The nature of the business is such that there is always something new to learn, so you should be open to it.
It’s important to not only learn from your own mistakes, but also those of other freelancers who have been doing this longer than you have. You’ll save yourself a lot of time and heartache if you can avoid making some of the same mistakes they did when they first started in the industry.
Always remember that learning new skills and improving old ones will help make your business stronger over time, which means more opportunities down the road!
Adjusting Feels Odd At First, But It’s So Worth It
When you first start freelancing full-time, it can feel awkward and even uncomfortable at times. There are so many things that need to be adjusted to like becoming your boss, working from home, and working at your own pace and that takes some getting used to.
However, once you get used to these new ways of working (and being), it will all be worth it!
Set Goals And Reward Yourself For Achieving Them
So, you have set some goals, but what is the point of having them if you don’t reward yourself for achieving them?
Make sure to set realistic and achievable goals. As the saying goes: “If it’s too good to be true, then it probably isn’t true!” But also remember that your goals should be challenging enough so that you are never bored with them and always want to work towards achieving them but not so difficult that they cause frustration or discouragement.
Goals can be broken down into short term (1-3 months), medium-term (3-12 months), and long term (12 months+). You may even want to break those down further into quarterly or monthly goals as well!
Have you considered implementing the freelance agency model in your business? Discover the advantages and learn how to apply it effectively with our detailed guide on what is the freelance agency model and how to apply it in your business.
Build Up Your Network Of Contacts And Potential Clients From Day 1
It’s important to build up your network from day 1 because it can take time to find the perfect clients. You want to be able to have a whole bunch of people who are interested in working with you so that when one person isn’t available, there’s another person right around the corner who could fill their shoes.
When networking, try to be a good listener and communicator. It may seem like common sense but many people aren’t aware of how important these skills are when attempting to network effectively and they’re two traits that will put you miles ahead of your peers.
You also want to make sure that every one of your interactions at networking events is positive; this means being friendly and polite while maintaining composure during conversations even if someone doesn’t respond well (which will happen).
Cold Calling Is A Big Part Of Business Development When You’re Freelancing Full Time, And Often The Most-Dreaded
Cold calling is one of the most important parts of business development, and it can be a big challenge when you’re freelancing full-time.
But that doesn’t mean it’s not worth doing! You’ll want to prepare yourself and your materials before making cold calls so that you can have a strong start. Here are some tips:
- Be prepared with a list of people who may need your services or products. Make sure these potential clients have demonstrated interest in what you do by purchasing from similar businesses or signing up for an email list.
- Have your elevator pitch ready so that when someone answers the phone, they know immediately why they should give you time (and money). Your elevator pitch should also include references from past clients if possible.
The more confident and professional about what you do, the more likely others will be interested in working with you too…
Do Your Research And Prepare To Be Proactive About Finding Clients
When you’re freelancing full-time, you need to be proactive about finding clients. You can’t rely on someone knocking on your door and offering you work. You’ve got to be the one who goes out and looks for it.
To do this, take the time to research your market and understand what kinds of clients are looking for and what kind of services (or products).
It’s a good idea to know who your competitors are to stay up-to-date on their prices and offerings so that you can present yourself as an equal alternative or better option than them when pitching potential jobs or selling your services online via social media or other digital platforms.
You don’t want people looking at your website then thinking: “Wow…this person seems like they know what they’re doing!” If there isn’t enough information on there about why they should hire/hire again in the future because they were happy with their experience using us once before but now we’ve moved onto bigger things!”
Absolutely No Guarantees Of Pay
You have to invoice the client. You have to be paid by the client. You have to be paid on time, in full, and regularly.
That’s a lot of things that can go wrong! And if you’re new to freelancing? It might feel like there’s no way around it: If you don’t get paid, there’s not much your clients can do about it until they decide they’ve had enough and stop paying their bills.
But as with any business (and especially one where money is involved), you must be as organized as possible before accepting work so that nothing slips through any cracks along the way!
Not Getting Paid On Time
As a freelancer, you must be paid on time, in full, and on the agreed terms. If not, the client is at risk of failing to pay you if they don’t have enough money coming in or they simply can’t afford to pay you.
On top of this, if they’re not paying their bills (like rent), then they won’t be able to hire you again because there’s no way for them to do so as long as they aren’t paying their debts first.
You should always insist on getting paid before sending out any work done by both parties involved in each project so that everyone involved knows exactly where they stand at all times when negotiating new projects together over email or Skype chats during work hours with clients who are looking for full-time employees instead of freelance workers like myself!
Freelancer moms often seek alternatives to traditional maternity leave. Explore our informative article on maternity leave alternatives for freelancer moms to discover flexible options that allow you to balance your freelance work and motherhood effectively.
Final Thoughts
So you want to start freelancing full-time but are worried about the challenges? Don’t be. There’s nothing wrong with being prepared for them. I recommend it.
Again, this isn’t an exhaustive list of the challenges that come with freelancing full-time, but hopefully, it will give you some peace of mind and help you get ready for this amazing journey. As I like to say, the only things standing between us and our dreams are fear and doubt…but we can overcome those! You can do this!
Further Reading
Here are some additional resources to explore for further reading on freelancing challenges and pros and cons:
5 Common Challenges for Freelancers: Discover the common challenges faced by freelancers and learn effective strategies to overcome them.
Pros and Cons of Freelancing: Dive into the pros and cons of freelancing to gain a comprehensive understanding of the freelance lifestyle and make informed decisions.
Major Challenges Survey: What Are the Major Challenges Freelancers Face?: Explore the results of a survey highlighting the major challenges faced by freelancers and gain insights into how others navigate these challenges.
People Also Ask
What Are The Challenges Of Freelancing Full-Time?
The main challenge is that you have to be your boss. This means making sure you’re working enough hours, making sure that you’re billing correctly, and keeping track of everything so that when tax time comes around it’s all squared away.
You also have to make sure that your clients are happy with your work, or else they might not come back for more in the future.
How Do I Handle My Taxes?
One of the most important things when it comes to taxes as a freelancer is keeping track of everything! If something looks fishy on paper like an address doesn’t match up between what was written down on a form and what exists where said form originated from.
Something probably isn’t kosher here! It’s important to stay organized during this process so no one gets confused and potentially audited down the line.
How do I handle my finances?
This is one of the most important parts of being a business owner because it allows you to keep track of where all the money is going, which allows you to plan and make smart decisions about where money should be spent next year or five years from now when it comes time again (I’m looking at my financial adviser right now).
There’s no better tool available than Personal Capital which offers free tools like comprehensive budgeting guidance as well as investment planning advice specifically geared towards millennials who may not have much experience with investing yet but still need help figuring out where they’re going wrong in terms of saving enough money each month
What Are Some Awesome Tools Or Resources That Help Make Freelancing Easier?
Websites like Freelancer.com, Upwork, and Fiverr are great for finding clients quickly. You can also get leads from social media by posting about what you’re looking for with hashtags like #freelancejobs or #hireme or by joining groups on Facebook where people post about their needs (like “looking for someone who does X”).
What Are Some Things You Wish Someone Had Told You Before You Started Freelancing Full-Time?
That it’s going to be hard! And not just because of all the work, there will be days when everything goes wrong, and then you have to figure out how to deal with those problems on your own (without an office boss).
But if you stick with it, freelancing can be rewarding. It allows you to be creative and innovative in ways that wouldn’t happen in an office environment.
What Are Some Tips For Managing Your Time As A Freelancer?
First, create a schedule and stick to it! You’ll probably get interrupted multiple times throughout the day by clients or coworkers, so try setting aside specific blocks of time to work on specific projects.
This will help keep things organized and prevent you from getting distracted by new work when you’re supposed to be finishing something else.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.