The Biggest Freelancing Mistake That Gen Z Make

In the next 20 years, Gen Z will make up 40% of the workforce. As a result, there will be an increasing demand for freelancers in the marketplace. And that’s exactly what this generation wants.

According to a study by Upwork and Freelancers Union, nearly two-thirds of Gen Z are interested in working independently as freelancers. That’s compared to only 53% of baby boomers and millennials who also say they’re interested in freelance work.

But we all know that freelancing is not always smooth sailing there are many challenges along the way, especially at first (myself included). 

And it can sometimes feel like a shot in the dark with no guarantee of steady income or financial security. So I want to share my top piece of advice for those starting out on their freelancing journey or anyone curious about how they can improve their freelance business:

1. The biggest freelancing mistake for Gen Z: Identifying the primary mistake that Gen Z freelancers commonly make is crucial for their success and growth in the freelancing world.
2. Understanding the impact: Understanding the consequences of this mistake will help Gen Z freelancers avoid potential pitfalls and navigate their careers more effectively.
3. Learning from others: Reading about common freelancing mistakes made by others can provide valuable insights and prevent repeating those errors.
4. Embracing continuous improvement: Gen Z freelancers should embrace a mindset of continuous learning and improvement to refine their freelancing skills and offerings.
5. Leveraging resources: Utilizing available resources, guides, and advice can empower Gen Z freelancers to make informed decisions and build successful freelancing careers.

Not Creating A Website

One of the biggest mistakes you can make as a freelancer is not having a website.

This can be confusing to young people who are just starting in the workforce because they think that having a website is only for established businesses or people who are already well known in their field, but that’s not true!

Having your site has many benefits:

You can include all of your work on it. This will give potential clients an idea of what you’re capable of and show them what kind of work you’ve done in the past. 

It also makes it easier for them when they need something specific done because they have all the information right there with them.

Instead of having to search through dozens (or even hundreds) of portfolios like some other sites do which makes it hard for me sometimes so I try not to look too much at those types

Avoid the freelancing mistakes that keep you broke! Learn how to overcome common pitfalls and boost your earnings by checking out our comprehensive guide on 10 Freelancing Mistakes That Are Keeping You Broke. Empower yourself with knowledge and financial success!

Being Afraid To Charge What They’re Worth

The biggest mistake that Gen Z freelancers make is being afraid to charge what they’re worth.

Whether you’re a fresh college grad or a seasoned vet, all freelancers need to remember that you are worth more than $15 an hour. You’re worth more than the minimum wage and you need to charge like one. 

If your client is paying you less than minimum wage for their business, then they aren’t looking at your skill set in the same way as someone who pays at least minimum wage plus benefits. 

That doesn’t mean there isn’t room in your budget for lower-paying gigs; just be clear on what you’re getting out of each project before agreeing on terms with your client.

So there aren’t any surprises later on down the line when they ask for additional work without paying any additional fees (hint: if this happens often with one particular client, end that relationship immediately).

Forgetting To Market Themselves

Marketing is not just about getting new clients. It’s also about keeping the ones you have. 

“It’s a mistake to think that marketing ends when you land the client,” says Lisa Barone, a principal at PeopleResults, who has been in the recruiting industry for more than 10 years. “You should be marketing your services every day.”

As Barone puts it: “Don’t just sit back and expect business to come to you.” That attitude will only help so much; eventually, you’ll need to put yourself out there as well and there are lots of ways to do this without spending money on advertising or other forms of traditional promotion.

For example, You can network through social media (which shouldn’t cost anything other than time) or create an online presence that gets noticed by potential employers who may not know about the career opportunities available at your company.

The future of work is changing rapidly, and you can be a part of it! Discover how to adapt and thrive in the evolving job market by reading our insightful article on How the Future of Work Is Changing and How to Get a Piece of It. Embrace the new opportunities that lie ahead!

Not Building A Strong Client Base

The biggest mistake that Gen Z make is not building a strong client base.

When you first start freelancing, getting clients to trust you will be one of your biggest hurdles. It’s important to find ways to build your credibility and show that you know what you are doing. 

One way is by working with more experienced people whether it’s in person or online to learn from them and get good feedback. You can also try offering discounts for referrals, which has been proven effective in getting new customers interested in your work!

Not Taking The Time To Learn About Their Clients’ Business

While you need to understand the clients’ needs, the client should also know about you. As a freelancer, your skills and experience are ultimately what will sell them on your proposals. 

It’s not just about having an impressive portfolio; it’s also about being able to make valuable contributions to each project.

That’s why both parties must take some time to get acquainted before they commit to any type of business relationship.

Waiting For People To Find Them

If you’re a Gen Z freelancer, you’ve probably been told that the key to success is to “build your brand.” In other words: focus on marketing yourself.

But what exactly does that mean? It means creating a personal brand identity (or personal brand) and then using it in all of your marketing efforts. 

You want people to recognize you wherever they see or hear about you and the best way to do this is by making sure that everything from your logo and business card design down through every social media post shows off the same style, tone, and language in an integrated way.

Saying “Yes” To Everything That Comes Their Way

It’s easy to feel like you should say “yes” to everything that comes your way. After all, it means more money and more work experience, right? But it also means a lot more stress and a lot less sleep!

Before taking on any new clients or projects, ask yourself these questions:

  • Can I complete this project in the amount of time requested?
  • Do I know how to do what they want? If not, can I learn quickly enough? (Time spent learning new skills is just as valuable as time spent completing the project.)
  • What do my current clients think about me agreeing to this new client/project? If they are happy with my work for them now, don’t take any risk by agreeing too quickly.

Struggling to manage your time as a freelancer? Don’t worry; we’ve got you covered! Unlock the secrets to effective time management with our helpful tips in Time Management Tips for Freelancers. Maximize your productivity and achieve your freelancing goals!

Underestimating How Much Time It Takes To Be A Freelancer

The most important lesson I learned is that you need to manage your time. As a freelancer, you will never know when the next client is going to come in. 

And while they are great at paying sometimes, it’s not always like that. This means that you have to be ready for anything and everything all the time!

I would suggest setting goals for yourself as well as having some kind of routine every day so that it becomes easier for you to manage your time effectively. 

If possible, try making an appointment with yourself every morning or evening when all your other commitments are set aside so that no matter what happens during the day, at least one thing has been accomplished without fail (or else there would be hell). 

Organizations like Habitica can help keep track of what needs doing and when deadlines fall due; something similar might work well for this purpose too!

Not Making Themselves Available When Clients Need Them Most

If you want to succeed as a freelancer and avoid the pitfalls of your generation, make sure that you are available when your clients need you most.

You can do this by making sure that you have a good work-life balance. You also need to have a backup plan in case something goes wrong with your business or if the market changes suddenly and affects what type of work is available for freelancers like yourself.

It’s also important that you have a support network around you so that when things get tough or stressful.

They will be there to help pick up the slack while advising on how best to deal with whatever situation has arisen (this may include family members or friends who will be willing to lend financial support).

Upwork is a double-edged sword in the freelancing world. Discover the best and worst aspects of this popular platform in our article on Top 21 Best and Worst Things About Upwork. Make informed decisions and make the most out of your freelancing journey!

Focusing On Getting Paid, Instead Of Building Relationships With Their Clients

You want to get paid and they want to get work done. If you find yourself working with a difficult client, don’t be afraid to walk away. You have plenty of other options out there, and even if it’s an easy task, it might not be worth your time.

But this isn’t just a question of whether or not the work is worth your time it’s also about whether or not people will hire you again in the future. 

Many freelance writers never make enough money or have enough clients because they are rude and unhelpful when they’re talking with potential customers

Freelancing Is Hard, But If You Keep These Things In Mind, You’ll Have A Better Chance At Succeeding

Know what you’re doing. You should know how to do your job. If you don’t know anything about it, that’s going to be much harder for the client to trust that they can rely on your services.

Know how to market yourself and promote yourself as a freelancer. This means being proactive about finding clients and being able to communicate well with them about what exactly it is that you do for them and why they need your help with this task/project/etc.

Be able to manage time effectively on both ends: yours (how much work should I take on?) and theirs (when will I get this thing done?). Having clear communication channels with clients helps tremendously with this! 

Make sure everyone knows their role in the process so nobody feels lost or confused when something goes wrong later down the road because someone didn’t fulfill their duties properly beforehand…

Your health matters! As a freelancer, it’s essential to prioritize your well-being. Learn about the 11 reasons why you should focus on your health in our guide on 11 Reasons Why as a Freelancer You Should Worry About Your Health. Take care of yourself to excel in your freelancing career!


As you can see, there are many mistakes that Gen Z freelancers make. Some of them are common to all freelancers, but some are unique to our age group. 

However, by focusing on these top 10 mistakes and their solutions, you will be able to ensure that they don’t happen with your career. And if they do, you’ll know exactly how to fix them!

Further Reading

Common Freelance Mistakes and How to Avoid Them: Learn about the most common mistakes freelancers make and discover strategies to steer clear of them.

The Gen Z Freelance Movement: Explore the growing trend of Gen Z embracing freelancing as a viable career choice and its impact on the workforce.

Common Career Mistakes Freelancers Make: Uncover the typical career missteps made by freelancers and find valuable insights to navigate your freelancing journey successfully.


What are the key freelancing mistakes to avoid?

Avoid common freelancing mistakes like poor time management, underpricing your services, and neglecting health and well-being.

How can Gen Z contribute to the freelance movement?

Gen Z can contribute to the freelance movement by leveraging their tech-savviness, adaptability, and willingness to embrace new opportunities.

What are some career mistakes specific to freelancers?

Freelancers should be cautious of overlooking self-promotion, failing to set clear boundaries with clients, and neglecting financial planning.

How can freelancers achieve a work-life balance?

Freelancers can achieve work-life balance by setting realistic work hours, prioritizing self-care, and maintaining a clear separation between work and personal life.

Is freelancing a suitable career option for Gen Z?

Yes, freelancing can be a suitable career option for Gen Z, offering flexibility, autonomy, and opportunities to explore diverse projects.