The 20 Best Inbound Marketing Articles On The Internet

Inbound marketing is a wildly popular term that has been the center of many conversations in the business community. 

You’ve probably heard it bandied about, but you may not be sure what it means or how to use it in your own marketing strategy. 

Inbound marketing is all about attracting customers through content and then retaining them with relevant and useful information. 

The foundation of any successful inbound marketing campaign is creating valuable content that engages potential customers as well as keeps them coming back for more high-quality information on your site. 

We’ve found 20 articles on the web that we think will help you get started on your inbound marketing campaigns today!

Top 10 Digital Marketing Trends for 2022! – YouTube
1. Explore a curated list of the top 20 inbound marketing articles on the Internet.
2. Gain insights into effective inbound marketing strategies, tactics, and best practices.
3. Learn from thought leaders and experts in the field of inbound marketing.
4. Discover tips and techniques to improve your content marketing, lead generation, and customer engagement.
5. Stay up-to-date with the latest trends and innovations in the dynamic world of inbound marketing.

20 Highly Shareable Content Marketing Articles

This list is a great place to start for anyone who wants to learn more about inbound marketing. 

Each of these highly shareable content marketing articles has been shared tens of thousands of times on social media, and they’re all worth your time if you’re looking to improve your content strategy.

Here are 20 content marketing articles that have been shared the most:

The Top 100 Articles Of All Time On Inbound Marketing: This post is from January 2014 and it covers inbound marketing across many verticals including SEO, PPC, email marketing, social media, and more. 

With over 50k shares it’s the most popular post on this list by far! It’s written by Neil Patel who is an expert in digital marketing with companies like Uber and Mint so he knows what he’s talking about when it comes to getting found online with search engines such as Google or Bing

How To Use Content Marketing To Attract Your Target Audience: This article was published back in May 2013 but has still managed over 45k shares across Facebook alone so far! 

It talks about how you can use content (both text-based posts as well as video) on your website/blog that would be relevant to people who might want something similar.

Like yours e.g., those interested in buying new cars should check out our new car guide here at A1 Auto Parts Warehouse where we offer excellent prices on everything from oil filters through windshield wipers all down through brakes pads & rotors too

Understanding how to measure and optimize your sales funnel is crucial for business success. Learn about the essential steps in our comprehensive guide on measuring and optimizing a winning sales funnel, and unlock the potential to drive more conversions and revenue.

20 Proven Landing Page Examples You Need To See

Landing pages are a key part of any inbound marketing strategy. Landing pages are where you convert visitors into leads, and the best landing pages convert leads into customers.

In this post, we’ve scoured the internet to find 20 examples of great landing page designs that will help you visualize what your page could look like and spark some ideas for how you can improve your pages.

Boost Conversions With These 13 Behavior-Based Ecommerce Campaigns

It’s no secret that eCommerce is a competitive space and that businesses are always looking for new ways to stand out from their competitors. 

But the truth is, you don’t have to take a high-risk approach when it comes to your marketing strategy. Instead, you can make small changes here and there and see big results as a result.

In this post we’ll dive into 13 tactics you can use right now (or in the future) to boost your conversion rates and create more sales. We’ll cover everything from product recommendations to social proof. So let’s get started!

Drive New Conversions Using 7 Key Retargeting Tactics

Retargeting can be a powerful tool for marketers, especially those who want to drive more conversions. Retargeting allows you to target your audience with ads that follow them around the web.

You may have seen retargeted ads before on other sites, like when you visit a shopping site and see product recommendations in other places on the web. 

This strategy is great because it helps marketers drive conversion rates over time by re-engaging with customers who’ve already expressed interest in their products or services.

Retargeting allows you to target new traffic from search engines and social media platforms such as Facebook or Twitter, which will bring additional people into your sales funnel and increase the number of leads coming through your website!

Embracing marketing automation can revolutionize your business operations. Discover the benefits and strategies in our article on why marketing automation is beneficial for you and your business, and pave the way for streamlined processes and improved customer engagement.

7 Expert Tips For Creating High-Converting Lead Magnets

If you want to create a high-converting lead magnet, these seven steps will help.

Use a landing page. The term is used to describe any web page that directs visitors directly to a particular action (like signing up for something). In this case, however, we’re talking about an inbound marketing landing page designed specifically for collecting leads from your new users.

Use a lead magnet. A lead magnet is any piece of content that’s designed to attract new users and cultivate their trust and ultimately, their business. 

It could be something like an ebook or white paper, but it could also be something more unusual: free food samples.

Or early access passes are popular choices among marketers looking for creative ways to incentivize people into giving them their contact information first.

So they can start building rapport with them over time before asking directly for money later on down the road after establishing trust first through regular communication via email newsletters etc…

9 Compelling Content Formats That Will Help You Generate Leads

Blog Posts

Blog posts are a great way to share helpful content with your audience. You can use them to create evergreen blog posts that stay on the top of Google’s search results or opt for more timely content that gets shared across social media platforms.


Infographics are a visual version of the blog post, but they often have more personality and take less time to read than an article. 

They’re also great at sharing information with your audiences and allowing them to interact with it in a way that helps solidify what they just learned into their memory banks.

Unveil the power of inbound marketing and its connection to email marketing in our step-by-step guide on explaining inbound marketing and email marketing in 16 steps. Learn how these techniques work together to attract, engage, and convert leads effectively.


Podcasts are another fantastic option if you want something easy to digest while still being informative and entertaining at the same time (if done well). 

They require some additional investment from you as far as equipment and hosting goes, but if you can manage those costs then podcasts can be very rewarding for both parties involved you get leads through downloads.

Plus exposure for yourself; people listening will learn about what services/products exist out there that might interest them and help them solve their problems!

7 Exceptional Ways Your Small Business Can Use Inbound Marketing

Inbound marketing is not only for big companies. Small businesses can reap the benefits of inbound marketing too. 

I’ve seen many small businesses with websites that are better than the sites of their competitors who have larger budgets and more resources at their disposal.

The internet is a big place and there’s no one way to do things. Don’t get caught up in “what works” or “what doesn’t work.” 

Instead, focus on creating great content that solves problems and speaks to your audience by understanding what they want – not by trying to please everyone else.

9 Quick And Easy Tips For Writing Copy That Converts

You can use some of these techniques to write copy that converts.

Write a compelling headline: Make sure your headline is clear and concise. You want it to be immediately understandable, so it should explain what someone will get from reading the article. Here are some examples:

Write a compelling subheadline: This should be an extension of your main headline, but it needs to be compelling enough for people to continue reading after they’ve seen the first line of text in their browser tab or email inbox (or wherever else they’re viewing it). 

For example, “How To Be More Productive In Your Organization,” would make a great subheading if your headline was “9 Quick And Easy Tips For Writing Copy That Converts.”

Write a compelling opening paragraph: People will probably just glance at the first few words of your first paragraph before deciding whether or not they want to read more so make sure those words are good ones! 

Try starting each one with an action word that gets people thinking about what you’re going to say next and keep them there by dropping tidbits like this throughout the rest of your content too!

5 Simple Steps To Conducting Market Research For Your Business

Conducting market research is a critical step in the development of any business. It helps you understand your target audience, competitors, market, and product better. 

Market research will also help you define your goals and resources making it easier to set up tactics that will bring results.

To conduct proper marketing research, it’s important to understand who you are as a brand and how others perceive your brand by asking them directly or through surveys. 

If you don’t know how others perceive your brand yet, start by identifying what makes up a good company: its strengths and weaknesses; its mission statement; the products/services it offers; its target audiences; etc.

In the realm of marketing, inbound triumphs over outbound in numerous ways. Dive into our insightful article discussing 8 compelling reasons why inbound marketing outperforms outbound, and discover why the shift towards inbound strategies is reshaping the marketing landscape.

How To Write A Mission Statement And Sample Statements

The mission statement is your company’s reason for being. It describes the fundamental reason why your business exists. 

The vision statement describes where you want your company to go. It should be written in the present tense and focused on long-term goals, but it doesn’t have to be as specific as your mission statement.

A values statement lists what you believe to be important qualities that make up a good person or organization. This is often expressed by stating one or two words such as “integrity,” “respect,” “trustworthiness,” etc., or using adjectives like “caring” or “honest.” 

A purpose statement outlines what drives an organization forward into the future; it should include both short-term objectives and long-term aspirations.

What makes something truly valuable? What makes something worth paying for? These questions can help determine what people value about their experiences with your brand, which will help shape how you position yourself about those experiences.

That is, how others perceive you and whether they choose to buy from you instead of from someone else offering similar products or services

6 Tips For Writing An Executive Summary That Gets Read, Not Skimmed

An Executive Summary is a summary of the main points in a document. It’s often the first thing that people will read, so it should be designed to grab their attention and make them want to keep reading.

The purpose of an Executive Summary is to describe what you’re going to say in your document, give them some background on why you think it’s important and make sure they understand what you’re saying as well as why it matters. 

The best way to do this is by using shorter sentences, shorter paragraphs, and bullet points wherever possible (such as with numbers or “key” points).

How To Write A Letter Of Recommendation (With Examples)

A letter of recommendation is a document that describes someone’s skills, abilities, and qualifications for a position. It’s also important to know when to write one (and why).

When you’re applying for a job or trying to get into college, certain things will give you an edge over other applicants. One of these things is having a letter of recommendation from your previous boss or professor that speaks highly of your work ethic and character. 

A good letter can make all the difference between getting accepted into the program or getting rejected; it may even be the deciding factor between being hired by one company over another.

10 Things Achievers Do Before Breakfast That Can Make You More Successful Over Time

Get enough sleep. Getting enough sleep is essential for your health and well-being. Not only will you feel more energized.

But many studies show that people who get at least seven hours of sleep are less stressed, less anxious, and have a better attitude toward their work compared to those who don’t get enough sleep.

Eat a healthy breakfast. A healthy breakfast helps kickstart your metabolism for the day so you can burn calories more efficiently throughout the day. 

When breakfast is skipped or eaten in an unhealthy way (such as skipping protein), it can negatively impact your cognitive abilities and increase cravings later on in the day for sugar and carbs (which often leads to overeating).

Get organized before starting your day by doing any of these tasks: take out trash; make sure car is parked where it should be parked; gather items needed for school/workday ahead; 

Set up office space if applicable so everything has its place; put together lunchbox if applicable so there’s no last-minute rush when running out the door before heading off to work/school each morning

Creativity takes center stage in successful inbound marketing campaigns. Explore our curated collection of 17 inspiring and creative examples of inbound marketing, showcasing innovative approaches that captivate audiences and drive engagement for sustainable growth.


Inbound marketing is a powerful and effective way for you to get more people to visit your website, enjoy reading it and convert them into customers. By implementing these strategies, you will be able to build trust with potential clients and attract more traffic as well as conversions.

In Closing:

Inbound marketing is great because it allows businesses to focus on what they do best while also helping them market their products or services through content creation like blogs articles etcetera. 

Any company that wants success online needs content that offers value in the exchange between brands and consumers which would lead to higher sales leads conversion rates etcetera! 

In other words, if you’re not doing SEO then why bother having an online presence at all? 

It’s important that companies out there understand that if they want long-term success then being inbound should be part of their plan but don’t just take our word for it follow these links below and read some more about this topic!

Further Reading

Explore more insights and resources on inbound marketing:

25 Great Inbound Marketing Blogs: Discover a curated list of top-notch inbound marketing blogs that offer valuable industry insights, tips, and strategies.

Marketing Examples & Online Resources: Access a collection of online resources and marketing examples to enhance your understanding of effective marketing practices.

Top Inbound Marketing Strategies: Learn about some of the most effective inbound marketing strategies that can help you attract, engage, and convert your target audience.


Here are some frequently asked questions about inbound marketing:

What is inbound marketing, and how does it differ from outbound marketing?

Inbound marketing focuses on attracting and engaging customers through valuable content and experiences, while outbound marketing involves reaching out to potential customers through traditional advertising methods.

How can marketing automation enhance inbound marketing efforts?

Marketing automation streamlines repetitive tasks, nurtures leads, and delivers personalized content, enabling businesses to engage with their audience more effectively and efficiently.

What are some key elements of a successful inbound marketing strategy?

A successful inbound marketing strategy includes creating high-quality content, optimizing for search engines, leveraging social media, and providing exceptional user experiences.

How can I measure the effectiveness of my inbound marketing campaigns?

Measuring the effectiveness of inbound marketing can be done through metrics like website traffic, lead generation, conversion rates, and engagement levels on various digital platforms.

What role does content play in inbound marketing?

Content is at the core of inbound marketing. It educates, informs, and engages potential customers, helping to build trust and establish your brand as an authority in your industry.