The internet is full of marketing tips and hacks. But what if you could learn from the science of human behavior? What if you could leverage neuroscience to create better campaigns and increase your ROI? That’s exactly what we’re going to cover today.
Takeaways |
1. Utilize insights from neuroscience to enhance marketing tactics. |
2. Create experiences that trigger emotional responses in customers. |
3. Understand the psychology of consumer decision-making for better results. |
4. Employ neuromarketing techniques to increase engagement and conversions. |
5. Craft compelling narratives that resonate with customers’ emotions. |
Create A Consistent Mental Image
If you want people to remember your message, create a consistent mental image.
What is a mental image? It’s the way your brain encodes information and experiences. It’s like an internal movie playing in your head, except that it’s usually based on something you have actually seen or experienced.
When trying to remember something, our brains often use visual cues and since we can process visuals faster than text or speech (thoughts), images are one of the most memorable ways for your audience to interact with content.
What does this mean for marketers? If you want people to remember what you want them to learn from reading or watching something (or even just hearing it).
Then create a story around what you’re saying that will stick with them long after they’ve left whatever medium they were reading/watching/listening through.”
Understanding the subtle ways our minds can lead us to spend money is crucial for marketers. Dive into the world of mind tricks employed by your brain to gain insights into consumer behavior.
Be Obvious
I’m sure you’ve had it happen in your business: You make a product that’s really great, but people just aren’t buying it. Maybe they’re not even trying.
Maybe they don’t even know about it! It could be because what you’re selling doesn’t sound as desirable as you think it does.
As a result of our neuroscience research on consumer behavior, we’ve discovered a way to make your products more appealing at the point of purchase: by using simple words and descriptions in the marketing materials that promote them.
You should also use straightforward language and avoid technical jargon whenever possible.
The reason for this is simple: People tend to perceive complexity as a sign of quality—even though there’s no evidence that complex products are better than simpler ones (or vice versa).
By using plain language instead of complicated terms or jargon, you’ll help remove barriers between potential customers and their actual purchases which will improve sales numbers in no time flat!
Be Useful
One of the most important things you can do as a marketer is to be useful. There are many ways to do this:
Use specific language that describes the outcome, not just what you’re offering. For example, say “I want to learn how to improve my memory” instead of “I want a new app.”
Make it personal by asking questions about the person’s life and preferences. Ask them if they like chocolate or vanilla ice cream (chocolate). Or ask them what their favorite color is (purple). Then use that information when creating content for them!
Be specific about outcomes and ask questions! This will help you get clear on what exactly they want so that you can give it to them in the most compelling way possible.
Explore the darker side of neuromarketing with these 15 terrifying examples of neuromarketing at work. Uncover how subconscious triggers can influence consumer decisions and shape marketing strategies.
Be Specific And Personalize Your Content
The next time you sit down to write an article or email, ask yourself: “What is this message saying about me?” If it’s a generic pitch for your product or service, you’re going to sound like every other marketer trying to get their hands on their prospects’ attention.
The best way to differentiate yourself from the crowd is by being specific and personalizing your content.
When someone reads something that feels targeted specifically at them and not just some anonymous person they’ve never met before it builds trust in what they’re reading.
And if they feel like someone has taken the time to get to know them personally, then they’re more likely to engage with that person in future interactions.
You don’t have to be a mind reader; just ask yourself what kind of information would be helpful for someone in your target audience (this could include: “What do I know about them? What do I want them to know about me?”).
Then get creative with how you share those insights and use them as inspiration for writing emails or creating webinars!
Offer Specificity In Your Descriptions Of Outcomes
When you’re crafting a description of your product or any kind of outcome, consider this: is the description specific enough that it will resonate with your target audience?
If it’s not, then you may want to use more specific words. For example, if you’re selling something as an aid for writing a resume and cover letter, rather than saying “you’ll improve your writing skills,” say “you’ll feel confident and proud when presenting yourself.”
If you sell something as an aid for reducing anxiety during interviews and job offers instead of saying simply that it will help people prepare better say instead that it will help them feel more confident in the face of the unknown.
Specificity is key here. Instead of using broad terms like “confidence” or “anxiety,” be specific about what exactly those outcomes look like: how does confidence show itself?
Does it mean being able to speak freely without stumbling over words or pausing too long between sentences? Does anxiety appear as sweaty palms or shaking hands; heavy breathing or shallow breaths; cold chills down one’s spine; butterflies in one’s stomach?
Ask Questions
You can use questions to get the attention of your audience, get them thinking about your product or service, and even get them to think about their own needs and goals. Here’s how:
Ask “How” questions. These are open-ended questions that require more than a yes or no answer, such as “How long has it been since you had a vacation?”
The person will respond with an answer that gives you insight into what they need in terms of a solution or new product and if they don’t have one yet, this is the perfect time to introduce yours!
Ask “Which” questions next. These require respondents to make choices from among several options presented by you (or another questioner), such as “Which car out there do you think is faster?” which quickly reveals what motivates people when making purchasing decisions.
Delve into the psychology of marketing and discover techniques to captivate consumer interest. Learn the art of tricking consumers into wanting your products using psychological insights and persuasive strategies.
Motivate With Loss Aversion
Loss aversion is the psychological term for how we tend to view a loss as being more painful than an equivalent gain. For example, if you lose $10 and then find $10, you’re not going to feel as good about it compared to if you found $10 first and then lost it to balance things out.
There are several examples of loss aversion in marketing:
Have you ever been tempted by an offer that said something like “Buy 2 get 1 free?” That discount isn’t 50 percent off you’re just getting back what you paid for one item. But this phrasing still works because we tend toward loss aversion.
We know that if we buy two items at full price and then receive one item on sale, this new total will be less than buying all three items separately (and thus getting the discount).
We also know that once we’ve acquired something at full price, nothing is stopping us from keeping it so there’s no way around having spent money unnecessarily!
In politics, candidates often talk about how much progress they’ve made towards their goals to frame themselves as winners and make voters think twice about voting for someone else who might take away those gains (even though these gains may not exist).
This tactic has helped many politicians win elections through fear-mongering tactics rather than focusing on what they would add or change if elected into office.
Use Social Proof
Social proof is the tendency to follow the actions of other people.
In marketing, this means that you can use social proof to get your audience’s attention by showing that many others have already participated in your campaign.
Social proof can also help you convince them to engage with your content or products because they will see how popular they are.
Here are some examples:
Stores often put signs saying “People who bought this item also bought…” next to items on their shelves.
This way new customers know that other people like what’s being sold there! It even gives them ideas about what else they might want to buy if it’s similar or complementary somehow (like maybe a gift for someone else).
You could do something similar when promoting your business online just make sure not too many times though; otherwise, customers may think you’re spamming them and won’t want anything from you anymore!
When using Instagram Stories as part of an advertising campaign, try adding fun stickers at the end saying things like “Tag someone who would love this!”
Or even better yet: “Tag yourself!” These tactics encourage viewers into purchasing products after seeing how many fun others are having while using them already–and that means more sales for us 🙂
In the world of marketing, it’s essential to focus on creating memorable experiences. Explore why neuromarketing is about the experience, not just the product, and discover how emotional connections can drive consumer engagement.
Establish Your Authority
The first step in building authority is to establish credibility. This means that you need to prove that you know what you’re talking about and can back up your claims. In other words, people need to be able to trust you before they’ll listen to anything else you have to say.
The best way for someone without any prior knowledge of a subject matter (i.e., the audience for which your content is intended) is usually through an introduction from someone who doesn’t have any prior knowledge either:
A neutral third party who has no vested interest in the outcome of any particular argument or decision.
But does have some level of expertise on the topic at hand in this case neuroscience research on marketing strategies from previous studies done by Drs. Markman & Heath (both professors at Tulane University).
Use Action Verbs
Action verbs are a great way to get people talking. They’re the cornerstone of your customer’s decision-making process.
When you’re writing headlines, subheads, and descriptions for your content pieces, start thinking about how you can incorporate action verbs into them.
It’s also important to use action verbs in your calls to action (CTAs). If you want someone to do something like purchase something or sign up for something make sure that the CTA reflects that desire with an active verb such as “buy now” or “sign up now.”
You’ll find similar benefits when using an email subject line with an active verb: instead of simply saying “Timing is Everything” or “Watch This Video First!” try something like “Here’s How Timing Can Make All The Difference For Your Business… Click Here!”
The word “click” here is an integral part of getting customers interested in what you have to say in the body copy below it because it communicates urgency and encourages them to take action right away rather than put it off until later when they might forget about it altogether.
Focus On The Benefits, Not The Features
If you want to sell something, whether it’s your brand or a product, you need to focus on the benefits of what you’re selling.
Features are simply what your item has. Benefits are how that thing will make the customer’s life better.
This isn’t just true for marketing it’s an important principle in life and business: when people buy things, they’re not buying features; they’re buying benefits. And as long as you know this and can position yourself in a way that appeals directly to them, then all else should follow suit
Explain Comprehensively, But Quickly
When you’re writing an article to explain a problem and its solution, it’s tempting to go straight into explaining the solution.
But when someone reads your content they will have been conditioned by years of consumerist advertising that if there is a problem, you should buy something to solve it.
Your article needs to break this association by showing them that no product or service can fix their problem and that these issues are endemic to modern life and we all need help in coping with them.
For this approach to work, however, you must first convince your audience that they have a real problem worth solving.
You do not want them running from your product pitch because they feel like they’ve been duped into thinking they needed something new; rather their reaction should be “I didn’t know how much I needed this!”
Nudge By Defaulting To Your Most Preferred Option (When Possible)
According to Dr. Dan Ariely’s book, “Predictably Irrational,” a default option guides the decision-making process in your favor. In other words, people will choose options that are presented as default selections when they have no reason not to do so.
For example, if you want someone to join your email list or download an ebook of yours but they haven’t yet decided whether or not they want it, send them an email with two buttons:
“Yes, subscribe” and “No thanks” will lead them down a path towards subscribing more often than if you had sent out an email with only one button: “Subscribe.”
This is because people don’t like taking action from inaction especially online where it’s easy for us all just to ignore emails without even reading them!
In addition to making the most preferred option more accessible than any other selection available (e.g., by shifting them closer together on a screen), there are two ways we can use this information about defaults to our advantage:
Show Social Approval Visually And Verbally
Social proof is a powerful marketing technique, and it’s one that you should be using in your business.
Social proof is a way to get people to do what you want them to do, but what you’re selling or trust that your product is the best option for them.
It can be used in all kinds of situations from sales copy on your website (like this article) to reviews on Amazon or Yelp, social media posts, and even customer service interactions.
Harness the power of neuromarketing to enhance your entrepreneurial skills. Dive into these 16 ways neuromarketing made me a better entrepreneur and uncover strategies to improve decision-making and customer interactions.
Know How To Use Scarcity And Exclusivity To Your Advantage (But Be Careful)
When you’re considering how to use scarcity and exclusivity to your advantage, keep in mind that:
Scarcity is a powerful tool for creating urgency. When people believe they have a limited time to act or there are fewer options available to them, they are more likely to buy something immediately.
It’s important not to abuse this fact, however, it can backfire if done too aggressively or without regard for whether the perceived scarcity is real or not!
In general, businesses shouldn’t create false impressions of scarcity.
If your product does sell out quickly every time it comes into stock and you don’t want customers waiting around for ages before getting their hands on it again (which isn’t always necessary), then go ahead and tell them what they need to know!
The most important thing is that people know what they need when they see it; if they already know about something before seeing it advertised as “limited stock available here only today.
Only right now at this one discounted price only before we run out once again never coming back ever forever after forevermore until forever never stops ever end times infinity squared cubed…
But don’t worry because we’ll restock soon enough anyway so no worries none whatsoever just make sure you’re tuned in close enough.
So when the next batch arrives it’s yours guaranteed 100% guaranteed promise promise promise no matter how many other people want the same item too because everyone else will either miss out entirely due tons supply shortages (or maybe just won’t care about buying)
Use Emotion To Focus Attention On What’s Important
As a marketer, you may be familiar with the term “emotion.” It’s something we talk about a lot in our field. But what exactly is it?
The definition of emotion is a state of feeling that arises spontaneously; more simply put, emotions are feelings based on personal experience rather than logical reasoning.
Emotions are powerful motivators that can drive action. Therefore, they’re an important tool for marketers to use when communicating with their audience.
It’s important to note that your audience’s emotions don’t necessarily have to align with your business goals; viewers who feel strongly during a commercial break might not act on those feelings immediately or ever (depending on the type).
You’ll want them focused on what’s important so that you can retain their attention long enough for them to act upon it later and then come back for more!
Use Words That People Can Say Easily And Mentally Process Quickly, When Possible
The way we talk affects the way people think, feel, and act. When you’re trying to get someone to do something for your business, whether it’s buying a product or signing up for a service, you want to use words that people can say easily and mentally process quickly.
What does this mean? Use words that are familiar and comfortable. Use words that are simple and easy to understand.
Capitalize On People’s Tendency To Engage In Self-Referential Thinking When You’re Trying To Get Them To Make Choices Or Take Actions That Are In Their Best Interest
Self-referential thinking is the tendency to think about yourself, your actions, and your thoughts. It’s a normal, natural cognitive process that you use every day.
You can capitalize on people’s tendency to engage in self-referential thinking when you’re trying to get them to make choices or take actions that are in their best interest.
For example: If you want someone to buy something from you, show them how buying it will help them solve one of their problems (e.g., “This will save you money.”) But don’t just tell them to show them with an infographic!
Get others involved in the decision-making process through choice architecture and defaults, but do it subtly and carefully so as not to compromise their free choice or self-efficacy (if possible).
Because people tend to drift back toward the status quo, it’s important to design defaults in a way that is consistent with their preferences.
If you’re trying to get people to choose something other than their default option, then you should design your choice architecture subtly and carefully so as not to compromise their free choice or self-efficacy (if possible).
For example, if most people are currently opting for cash rewards over gift cards at a certain store, then offering them an easy way to choose a gift card may hurt sales by making it seem like there’s no reason why they would want cash instead of a nice present from the store.
Consider Adding Trust Marks (Security Marks, Privacy Policies) When Selling Online, Especially Before Asking For Personal Information Or Credit Card Numbers
Adding trust marks to your website can help build trust with visitors. It also saves you from having to explain yourself.
A good example of this is the Verisign seal, which can be added to your email signature block and other places on your website.
This will help build trust with customers when they see the Verisign logo in emails that they receive from you, or when they visit your website and see it there too (or both).
As marketers, we have to be flexible and ready for change. But that doesn’t mean we should throw out the scientific research that’s been done in the past decade. Instead, we should use this knowledge to improve our marketing strategies today.
Further Reading
Sex, Food, and Social Media: Surprising Commonalities in Marketing Discover unexpected connections between human behavior, food, sex, and effective social media marketing strategies in this intriguing article.
MRI Study Challenges Our Understanding of the Human Brain Explore the findings of an MRI study that questions existing knowledge about the functioning of the human brain.
Exploring Success Stories in Pure Sciences Research Dive into success stories from the world of pure sciences research, highlighting innovative projects and breakthroughs.
And here’s the “FAQs” section with 5 questions and answers:
What are the surprising commonalities between sex, food, and social media marketing?
The article discusses how human behaviors related to sex and food can offer insights into effective strategies for social media marketing.
How does the MRI study challenge our understanding of the human brain?
The study’s MRI findings question established knowledge about brain functioning, inviting a reconsideration of existing theories.
What can I learn from success stories in pure sciences research?
Exploring these success stories provides valuable insights into innovative projects and breakthroughs across various areas of pure sciences.
How does neuromarketing relate to the psychology of consumer behavior?
Neuromarketing utilizes insights from psychology and neuroscience to better understand and influence consumer decision-making.
What role does emotional engagement play in content marketing?
Emotional engagement is a key factor in content marketing, as it helps create a strong connection between brands and their audience, fostering loyalty and engagement.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.