I’ve been a freelancer for about 10 years now, and I’ve tried just about every different method for finding clients. One of the first methods that I turned to was freelance websites. These were the sites that would allow freelancers and clients to find each other without having to do too much work.
As a first-timer, this seemed like a great idea – it turns out it wasn’t a good idea at all. For those of you who are thinking of using freelance websites, let me tell you why they’re not as great as they may seem (and why you should try something else instead).
Takeaways |
Signing up for freelance sites can be beneficial if… |
1. You want access to a wide range of job opportunities. |
2. You’re looking to build your portfolio and gain experience. |
3. You prefer the flexibility and autonomy of freelancing. |
4. You want to expand your professional network. |
5. You’re willing to put in the effort to market yourself. |
You Can Learn About The Market
A lot of people don’t want to be bothered with applying for jobs on freelance sites. They figure they’ll just post their CV on job boards and hope for the best. Well, here’s the thing: you’re not learning anything about that market by doing this. You can learn a lot more by working through an application process, even if it doesn’t result in a paid job (which it likely won’t).
Firstly, it lets you see what types of projects are available and what skills are required. This means you may be able to identify gaps in your portfolio that need a filling or realize that certain skill sets aren’t very valuable in your chosen field.
You also get insight into how much clients will pay for freelancers with different skill levels which helps inform decisions about whether or not your rates are reasonable when pitching yourself as a potential freelance employee elsewhere!
When it comes to finding safe freelance sites to get paid, it’s crucial to do your research and choose platforms that prioritize security and reliability. Check out our comprehensive list of safe freelance sites to get paid to ensure a positive and secure freelancing experience.
You Can Choose Your Clients
You also get to choose your clients. This means you can pick and choose the projects or clients you want to work with while avoiding those that don’t fit your skillset. You can even reject a project without having to worry about being penalized by the site or its users.
If you’re worried that there won’t be anything available for you when starting, don’t be! There are plenty of different types of freelance jobs available.
For example, many companies will hire freelancers for short-term projects like copywriting or graphic design, but some also need more long-term help such as developers and programmers who can create custom software applications from scratch (or at least modify existing ones).
Some companies prefer hiring freelancers over full-time employees because they don’t have any overhead costs involved in paying benefits like health insurance or vacation days which means more profit for them!
And remember: just because someone isn’t an employee doesn’t mean they aren’t valuable; these independent contractors help businesses succeed by getting things done faster than they otherwise might have been able to do themselves without outside assistance.”
You Can Try Different Tasks
Another benefit of signing up for a freelance site is that you can try different tasks. If you’re new to the industry, it’s a good way to get your feet wet and see what sort of work is out there and if it’s not for you, then at least you know!
The sites also offer a gateway into new markets. Some platforms are geared toward certain types of projects, like writing or design work. By browsing through these sites, or even by creating your profile on each one (some allow anyone with an account to create their files), you can discover which market fits best with your skillset.
Your clients will be other freelancers who have signed up too; this means that they’ve likely been vetted by the site itself before being allowed access. This makes finding clients more secure than dealing directly with companies looking for freelancers online.
Tracking metrics is essential for freelancers looking to maintain consistency and improve their performance. Our article on The Consistent Freelancer: 20 Metrics You Need to Track offers valuable insights into key metrics that can help you measure and optimize your freelance work.
You Can Finish Tasks In Your Own Time
Another perk of freelancing is that you can take on as many or as few jobs as you want. If you have a busy personal schedule, this might be a big factor for you. While it may seem like a quick way to make money, being inundated with work that’s outside your skill set or comfort zone will likely just lead to frustration and stress.
One of the best parts about freelancing is that it gives the freedom for self-determination regarding your schedule.
You can set your deadlines and stick with them and don’t have to worry about getting fired if something comes up unexpectedly (like an emergency at home). That said, there are still some tasks that should probably be completed by their due date (like paying rent). In general though? You should never feel pressured into taking work outside of what makes sense and feels right for YOU!
You Can Set Your Rates
The first thing to consider is that you get to set your rates. This may not seem like a big deal, but it can be pretty appealing when you’re just starting and aren’t sure how much of a budget you’ll have or what kind of income expectations are reasonable. It’s also nice when you’ve been working on a project for months and then someone tells you they want it in three days instead of four weeks.
Not only do freelancers set their s, but they also decide how many hours they want each day (or week). They decide who their clients are going to be, which means no more “clients from hell.”
If there’s one thing I wish I could go back and tell myself when I first started freelancing, it would be this: never take on more work than you can handle! It’s okay if some projects don’t pan out you’ll still make money even if the client doesn’t pay up after all is said and done. However, if everything starts piling up until there’s no room left for your headspace… well then things could get ugly fast.
You Don’t Need To Invest In An Office
One of the benefits of being a freelancer is that you can work from anywhere. You don’t need an office or even a desk to get things done, and if you do decide to invest in some space, it doesn’t have to be expensive.
Work from home: If your computer is your office, then this is obvious. You can still invest in a nice chair or ergonomic keyboard for comfort, but there’s no need for overhead lights and flooring unless you want them (and if you do want those things, they shouldn’t break the bank).
It may be helpful to make sure your home environment is conducive to getting work done for example by keeping distractions like TV and pets out of the picture when possible but otherwise there are few expenses involved here.
Work from coffee ee shop: Working remotely means that coffee shops become viable options for finding some peace with free Wi-Fi access (or at least as near as possible). Bring headphones if necessary so that people around you won’t hear what sounds like typing on an old typewriter; otherwise enjoy the wireless internet connection while sipping on iced tea or coffee!
Discover the secrets and valuable lessons learned by experienced freelancers. In our article on Secrets I’ve Learned from Being a Freelancer, we share practical tips and advice that can empower you on your freelancing journey and help you overcome common challenges.
You Get To Work With Like-Minded People
One of the best things about working on a freelance site is that you get to work with like-minded people. These people can share their knowledge and experience with you, as well as their tips and tricks. They are also more than willing to help out when needed, so if you ever get stuck on something, they’ll be there to help.
This kind of collaboration can be especially beneficial if you’re new to freelancing or just starting in your field. The ability to learn from other pros who have been doing this for years can save you loads of time and money by avoiding common mistakes or learning from those who have already made them (and learned from them).
You Get To Meet And Connect With Other Freelancers
When you freelance, it’s easy to get stuck in a rut. You might be doing the same thing day after day and not making much progress. It’s hard to say whether this is because you’re not good at what you’re doing or whether your clients are just being difficult.
However, when you sign up for one of these sites and start chatting with other freelancers, it becomes much easier to get feedback on your work and find out why people aren’t hiring you.
You can find out who they use and what they like about them; then research these companies further so that when someone needs a similar service rendered by an agency or individual in the future, they will know exactly where to go.
This way, instead of working on something that isn’t going anywhere fast just because no one understands what it should look like or how long it should take (which may have been caused by lack of communication between the client/Fiverr), now there’s another set of eyes looking over everything beforehand so things run smoothly once they go live!
The Community Is Supportive
As a freelancer, you’ll get to meet and interact with tons of other freelancers and potential employers. There are several ways that people use these sites:
- As an open forum for questions and answers. If you want to learn more about your field, or if there’s something on your mind that you can’t figure out on your own, there are plenty of people who will be willing to help out.
- As a way to network with others in the industry who share common interests and experiences (and maybe even have some advice for making it through tough times).
- As an opportunity to mentor someone new in the industry (or just give back) by giving them advice when they’re first starting or taking time out of your busy schedule as a seasoned pro who has plenty of wisdom to share!
There Are Plenty Of Opportunities For Growth
The thing is, there are so many reasons to join a freelancer site that it’s hard to believe they’re all true. For example, you might be worried that you won’t get enough work or opportunities for growth. There’s plenty of both!
The best way to think about this is by comparing it to being an employee in a company: when you’re hired, there are certain things that you can expect.
You’ll be working with the same team of people who have similar skills to yours and know how everything works; everyone has been at their desks long enough to understand who does what and why; there are clear guidelines on what projects need doing at any given time; no one will be surprised if someone needs help with something because everyone knows the workflow well enough by now.
On top of those benefits (which are pretty great), there are also other ones related specifically to freelancing: growth opportunities include learning new skills from colleagues or clients; working with new technologies or tools; meeting different types of people than those who work at your company (and maybe getting some interesting ideas from them).
Recognizing the signs of progress and success in your freelancing career is important for motivation and growth. Explore our article on 15 Signs You’re on Your Way to a Successful Freelancing Career to identify key indicators of a thriving freelance business and gain confidence in your professional path.
Freelancing On Freelance Sites Is A Great Way To Learn And Make Money
Freelancing on freelance sites is a great way to learn and make money. You can learn new skills, make money and get experience. The more you do it, the better you’ll get at it. You can also make your name known by posting projects to get hired by others (this is what I did).
If you want to be a freelancer but don’t know where to start, going through these sites is an easy way of getting started without having to worry about finding clients yourself or setting up your website’s all done for you!
The best part? When someone hires me now they know what they’re getting into because I’ve been able to prove myself as a freelancer on these sites over time.
If you’re considering a transition from corporate work to becoming a consultant, our guide on How to Switching from Corporate to Consultant provides valuable insights and practical steps to navigate this career change successfully. Learn about the opportunities, challenges, and strategies involved in making this shift.
For some, it’s a great way to make a little extra money. For others, it’s an opportunity to gain some experience or build a portfolio so they can get higher-paying jobs later on. Many people successfully turn these projects into full-time freelance careers.
So ultimately, the answer to “should you sign up for freelance sites?” comes down to what your goals are and whether you have the time and energy to give it your best effort.
Further Reading
Here are some additional resources that you may find helpful:
How to Start a Freelance Business: This comprehensive guide provides step-by-step instructions and practical tips for starting your own freelance business.
Upwork Review: Learn more about Upwork, one of the leading freelance platforms, through this detailed review that covers its features, pros, and cons.
Freelance Prices Online: Explore this article to gain insights into setting freelance prices online and understanding the factors that can impact your pricing strategy.
Frequently Asked Questions
What Is The Best Freelance Site?
As you may have guessed, there’s no one answer to this question. It all depends on what kind of gigs you want, who your target client base is, and where you live. The best way to figure out which site would be best for you is simply by signing up and seeing what works for your needs. If it works out well, great! If not… well then that’s unfortunate but there are other options out there too so don’t worry 🙂
Do I Need To Be Good At English?
Nah! All of these sites have a filter system in place (and sometimes even human moderators) so it shouldn’t matter if your writing skills aren’t great yet. Just make sure that whatever content you submit is easy enough for anyone to understand without having them get lost along the way while reading through it 🙂
How Do I Get Paid? Are There Any Fees Involved?
The majority of sites will let companies send direct payment via Paypal or other similar platforms like Stripe or Square Cash depending on which country they fall under jurisdiction-wise (i.e., if USA based then maybe Stripe).
There are also some other ways such as sending checks through snail mail or even just directly depositing into bank accounts next time someone sends me cashier’s checks from their local banks here in Canada but those are less common though still possible depending on what sorta relationship we built up over time!
How do I get started?
1. Sign up for a freelance site. The first and most important step is to sign up for a freelance site such as Upwork, Freelancer, or Fiverr (which we’ll talk about in more detail later).
2. Ease yourself into it by taking on easy tasks that will help you build your portfolio, like editing photos or writing blog posts for local businesses looking to improve their SEO ranking. Once you’ve built up some experience and ratings from previous clients, the higher-paying jobs will come easier and faster!
How Do I Find Work?
You can post jobs on the marketplace yourself or wait until employers start contacting you directly with offers of employment (this will happen after they see how much money other workers have made under your name).
It’s also possible to connect with potential clients through social media platforms like LinkedIn if they’re seeking a particular type of service but are unsure where they should hire someone who can provide those services properly;
Many freelancers take advantage of these networks because they offer an easy way to introduce themselves without having any overhead costs associated with putting out ads or posting signage around town announcing what kind of work they do.”

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.